ASP.Net MVC2 Validate two ViewModels of the same class differently using DataAnnotations -

I'm using DataAnnotations for validation of a custom class (LINQ to SQL auto generated) using the MetadataType tag on top of the class. I'm loving DataAnnotations and it works well in simple, common scenarios. E.g.
public class Person
But what if you need to have two different sets of validation rules applied to the class in different scenarios???
My situation: Some fields are mandatory on the www public-facing site, but not mandatory on the internal admin site. But both sites have a View which "Creates New" of the same object/class.
This is where it becomes DataAnnotations HELL surfaces..
I've tried using two different ViewModels with different validation applied to each of them, two classes that inherit from Person with different validation applied to each of them. But all roads seem to conflict with DRY principals and you end up somewhere along the line having the totally respecify all properties for the underlying class structure. You don't have to do this when you just have one validation rule set. So it very quickly becomes hell and not practical for complex objects.
Is this possible using DataAnnotations and what is the best DRY architecture?

Not sure what you mean by 'virtually duplicate and manually set each and every property manually in the original underlying class'. I've never liked the idea of buddy classes, and would personally recommend different view models for Admin and Public site (with appropriate validation set on each), and then mapping between the models using AutoMapper.
Regading Automapper, the basic usage is something like this:
First you have to define your mappings. This lets automapper figure out in advance how to map objects. You only need to do this once in the application, so a good place to do this in an ASP.NET app is in Application_Start() in Global.asax. For each pair of classes you want to map between, call: Mapper.CreateMap<SourceType, DestinationType>();
Then, in your application code to do the map you just use:
var destinationObject = Mapper.Map<SourceType, DestinationType>(sourceOjbect);


3-Tier Architecture MVC 4 Project

I am working on a Web Application using ASP.Net MVC 4 3-Tier Architecture and I am stuck at certain points. I know here exist similar threads but none were clear enough. I have already created the needed layers which are UI(MVC4 project), BLL- Business Logic Layer(library class), BOL- Business Object Layer(library class that contains and DAL- Data Access Layer (library class).
Layer dependencies are as follows:
UI depends on BOL and BLL
BLL depends on BOL and DAL
DAL depends on BOL
I want you to correct me if I am wrong in the following. The BOL is the master reference layer which exchanges raw dB records with DAL then sends them to BLL which is responsible for any logical computations then gets the updated records and sends them to the controller in the UI.
Knowing the above,
Where should we place the CRUD functions?
Where and why should we create a class for declaring (plus set and get) the useful database fields?
What exactly should we put in the ViewModel folder; in other words since we have already defined the variables in the previous step and in the Entity then does it add any value to keep the Model folder?
Thank you in advance.
Can't be unambiguously correct answers on these issues, so any answer should be evaluated simply as an opinion. Here are my answers:
Where should we place the CRUD functions? CRUD is a frequent pattern at different levels. Hi-level Repository provides similar methods, as a low-level Table Gateway.
Where and why should we create a class for declaring (plus set and get) the useful database fields? These classes are usually simple Data Transfer Objects (DTO) or slightly more complicated Active Records. In accordance with the Dependency Inversion Principle the interface for these classes should provide the Business Logic Layer, and implementation should provide the Data Access Layer. Since DTO is very simple classes, they can be provided "as is" without interface/implementation separation.
What exactly should we put in the ViewModel folder; in other words since we have already defined the variables in the previous step and in the Entity then does it add any value to keep the Model folder? In theory entities should be our models; but in practice it's often not the case. F.e. in ASP.NET MVC models should provide not only the value of drop-down field, but also all possible values; so it requires the separate model class.
The result may be that you have three or four very similar classes at different levels of the application. Of course, it's not very good, so Aspect Programming may be applied in this case.

Entity Framework, Link tables and mapping multiple tables to a single entity

I have an Entity called "Product", this entity, through table mapping, merges 6 tables that have a 1 to 1..0 relationship with "Products". This all works wonderfully. There is another property I want to add to "Products", which is sBBR_rate, this value is not in a table that has a direct 1 to 1..0 relationship, it is related through a link table as below:
When I import the two tables into the EDM, I can't see a way in the "Mapping Details" of
"Product" to reference the sBBR_rate. I can reference RatesLink and link that to the "Products" primary key, however, I cannot reference the BBR table.
The methods I can think of to work "around" this is are as follows:
Create a view, reference the view in the EDM.
Create an SP and use a function import to retrieve the BBR when it is required.
Create a "Rates" entity in the EDM that can then draw down the sBBR_rate into it. Navigate to the Products BBR through Product.Rates.sBBR_rate.
Is there a better way I can do this that doesn't feel so much like a fudge? Perhaps by directly editing the XML of the Mapping or Conceptual layers of the EDM?
Thanks for your input.
Because the multiplicities on the Product -> RatesLink and RatesLink -> BBR relationships are 0 to 1, you should be able to access the sBBR_rate from a Product instance like this:
I can see on the EDM screenshot that RatesLink has a Product and BBR property, which would indicate this should be available - is it?
On a side note, if it makes sense for the sBBR_rate property to commonly be accessed directly from Product, you might want to follow the law of demeter and create a property on Product which returns it directly.
The model we are using is to extend entities by using partial classes which we've found useful so we can get additional properties in the autogenerated classes (we are using a POCO T4 template to autogen but I believe this would work just as well with the default entity object generation).
So we would have
//.. this one is from the T4 template
public partial class Product
//.. all the autogenerated methods
and in a separate file that isn't autogened
//.. now in a separate file created by me
public partial class Product
//.. my custom properties and methods to make the entities more usable
public string BBRRate
get {return this.RatesLink.BBR.sBBR_rate; }
This means that I can just do
I know there are other ways to do this by amending the edmx file but this one we found easy to implement. You just need to watch performance because you are potentially loading extra data. Also we did this with LazyLoading turned on but with more work you wouldn't have to
We also experimented with hooking into the ObjectMaterialized event in the ObjectContext class to preload some of these properties. Using a custom interface i.e. IMaterialisable we could check if the object was of that type then call a method (Materialise) to prepopulate some of the properties. This seems like a good idea but we didn't widely use it - it was easy to load up too much stuff. If you do the load on the properties in the partial classes then it becomes more efficient. Just my experience.
Anyway - as always an interesting question and good luck again with your dev.
There is a rule that everything in the store layer must be represented some way in your conceptual layer. Therefore removing the tables from the conceptual layer but bring through some of the properties I don't think will work in it's gross form. Therefore I can think of two further options
Create a View on the database and bring that in as you have already mentioned. TBH this is what I would do.
Use the DefiningQuery element directly in your xml (the store layer) and map the query through to a custom entity of your exact design. Julie Lerman describes this as the ultimate escape hatch for Entity Framework.
Remember though - if you manual amend the XML in point 2 then you lose the ability to automatically update the module through the IDE
I ended up creating a view and then linking this view in the EDM, this worked a treat.

Conditional Validation on MVC3 Model Class

I'm using Entity Framework and a Model class, DonationForm, wrapped by a view model class "CreateDonationForm".
In keeping with the DRY principle, I have added the validation annotations on the Model class (not the just the view model), so that they will be reusable. However, not all of the properties on the class will always be used (some are in fact mutually exclusive). For example when a particular phone number property is relevant, I want to make it conform to a Regex annotation and be Required. But in a different situation I want to be able to get away with submitting (and persiting to the database) a null value.
Following this post: How do I use IValidatableObject?
I made the model class implement IValidatableObject and implemented custom validation to selectiely remove validation errors from the ValidationResult object (when the field was part of a group of fields that were not relevant given the user's other choice(s) on the form). It worked and I was able to get back List of ValidationResults where those errors had been expunged.
However, when I called SaveChanges() I get validation errors which prevent the save. The validation is still happening at the database/model class level. (The database was generated from the Model class using EF 4.1 Code First.)
How is it possible to acheive conditional formatting rules and still use Annotations on the Model class? This is essentially saying - apply these validation rules IF otherwise do not apply these validation rules. Please coach me here. I'm new-ish to MVC and I'm trying to do things the proper way. It seems like putting the validation on the view model and then mapping values onto the underlying model class might work; however, it doesn't feel right. I see big value in having the validation attributes on the Model class itself and lots of wasted, repetivitive work in placing the same annotations on both the create and update view models. It feels like I'm fighting MVC Fw here on something that ought to be easier. Any insights that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
There is a lot of cool principles but sometimes small violation makes your life easier. Get rid of data annotations from your EF model and place them on your view model where they belong. You can still use IValidatableObject in view model and compose the validation from multiple reusable helper methods used by multiple view models (so you can still achieve DRY principle).
If you stubborn and really want to have validation in EF model turn off validation in EF and handle it in upper layer as you already do:
dbContext.Configuration.ValidateOnSaveEnabled = false;
EF level validation is for simple scenarios where your validation rules do not change among operations.

Best Practices - Data Annotations vs OnChanging in Entity Framework 4

I was wondering what the general recommendation is for Entity Framework in terms of data validation. I am relatively new to EF, but it appears there are two main approaches to data validation.
The first is to create a partial class for the model, and then perform data validations and update a collection of rule violations. This is outlined at
The other is to use data annotations and then have the annotations perform data validation. Scott Guthrie explains this on his blog at
I was wondering what the benefits are of one over the other. It seems the data annotations would be the preferred mechanism, especially as you move to RIA Services, but I want to ensure I am not missing something. Of course, nothing precludes using both of them together.
I have been using DataAnnotations using MVC 2 and it works great. I have not tried the partial on an entity object for validation, but I see its uses. Basically if I create a partial class on an entity object I use it to default data such as a GUID identifier. or Create Date or modified Date. I guess it would be useful to add validations in the partial class perhaps for some complex validation that needs to happen in the entity layer but even then those validations could be accomplished in custom validator. If you are using an MVC website then I would personally use dataannotations.

Entity Framework and Encapsulation

I would like to experimentally apply an aspect of encapsulation that I read about once, where an entity object includes domains for its attributes, e.g. for its CostCentre property, it contains the list of valid cost centres. This way, when I open an edit form for an Extension, I only need pass the form one Extension object, where I normally access a CostCentre object when initialising the form.
This also applies where I have a list of Extensions bound to a grid (telerik RadGrid), and I handle an edit command on the grid. I want to create an edit form and pass it an Extension object, where now I pass the edit form an ExtensionID and create my object in the form.
What I'm actually asking here is for pointers to guidance on doing this this way, or the 'proper' way of achieving something similar to what I have described here.
It would depend on your data source. If you are retrieving the list of Cost Centers from a database, that would be one approach. If it's a short list of predetermined values (like Yes/No/Maybe So) then property attributes might do the trick. If it needs to be more configurable per-environment, then IoC or the Provider pattern would be the best choice.
I think your problem is similar to a custom ad-hoc search page we did on a previous project. We decorated our entity classes and properties with attributes that contained some predetermined 'pointers' to the lookup value methods, and their relationships. Then we created a single custom UI control (like your edit page described in your post) which used these attributes to generate the drop down and auto-completion text box lists by dynamically generating a LINQ expression, then executing it at run-time based on whatever the user was doing.
This was accomplished with basically three moving parts: A) the attributes on the data access objects B) the 'attribute facade' methods at the middle-tier compiling and generation dynamic LINQ expressions and C) the custom UI control that called our middle-tier service methods.
Sometimes plans like these backfire, but in our case it worked great. Decorating our objects with attributes, then creating a single path of logic gave us just enough power to do what we needed to do while minimizing the amount of code required, and completely eliminated any boilerplate. However, this approach was not very configurable. By compiling these attributes into the code, we tightly coupled our application to the datasource. On this particular project it wasn't a big deal because it was a clients internal system and it fit the project timeline. However, on a "real product" implementing the logic with the Provider pattern or using something like the Castle Projects IoC would have allowed us the same power with a great deal more configurability. The downside of this is there is more to manage, and more that can go wrong with deployments, etc.