Automatic Compile and upload to theAppstore - iphone

Im trying to set up a system similar to this web site
My problem is the uploading to the appstore. does anyone has an idea about how to make this process automatic? the only way i can think of is mimicking the web requests and the application loader but is there an interface for that ?
Thanks in advance.

All web request boil down to simple PUT/POST/GET/DELETE etc… calls. Mimicking a user through code is possible and the only way to do this as there is no API. Get an app like HTTPScoop to determine how to form the requests yourself, then use curl or some other net tool to emulate the requests in code, with the appropriate delay.


Graceful Degradation with REST in CakePHP

Alright, so a better title here may have been "Progressive Enhancement with REST in CakePHP", but at least now I'll know you didn't read the question if your answer just refers to the difference between the two ;)
I'm pretty familiar with REST and how to integrate it with CakePHP, but I'm not 100% on board with how to still maintain a conventionally functioning website. Using Router::mapResources sounds like a great idea, but this creates a problem with maintaining the "gracefully degradation" version of the site, because both POST requests to /resource/ AND GET requests for /resource/add will route to the same action (add). Clearly I'll want this action to return a JSON object if they're using the REST api, but if they're using the degraded version of the site (no JS perhaps), it should be a add form, right?
What's the best way to deal with this. Do you route your REST requests to other action names using Router::resourceMap()? Do you do that crazy hack I saw to have the /api/ prefix part of the resourceMap so you can use api_action functions? Do you have the actions handle both REST and conventional requests via checking isAjax()? If so, how do you ensure that you can rely on the browser to properly support the other two request types?
I've searched around quite a bit but haven't found anything about how to keep conventional requests available in Cake along side REST, so if anyone has any advice or experience, I'd love to hear it!
CakePHP uses extension routing as well, via Router::parseExtension() so;
/test/action will render views/test/action.ctp
/test/action.html also
/test/action.json will render views/test/json/action.ctp
/test/action.xml will render views/test/xml/action.ctp
If all views are designed to handle the same data as set by your controller, you'll be able to show a regular HTML form and handle the posted data the same way as you'd handle the AJAX request.
You'll probably might have to add checks if any data is posted/submitted inside the /add, /edit, /delete actions to prevent items being deleted without a form being posted (haven't tested that though, it might be that cake blocks these urls if mapresources is set for the controller)
REST in CakePHP:
(Extension) Routing

Mini server implementation in Objective C

I'm trying to implement a little server service in order to upload files via web browser to my iOS app. An example of this feature is implemented in the following app:
seems to be very simple, but don't know where to start.
I've been also looking for clues or some sample codes about this kind of implementation with no success, but maybe just don't know how to google the problem correctly.
Any clues, guides, links, etc...?
Thanks in advance
Here is a wrapper to embed the moongoose http server in your iphone application. Another simple http server is here. The latter one is the one I used in my application, recently.
There's at least a third one, too.

iPhone app and server communication

We have a web-based BI reporting product. We have exposed certain webservices which mainly return html content and do authentication.
We are in a initial process of developing an iPhone App, which will interact with these services and get data on iPhone.
There are couple of things we need to make sure before we start with the actual development process...
1) Should we use SOAP or REST (Will have to write the server part in Java) for the communication between iPhone and our web-application?
2) If we use SOAP, Can you suggest something, which will effectively create web services stubs in Objective-C.
3) In either case (SOAP or REST), what security mechanism is suggested by Apple?
We want to know your thoughts on the best and effective way communication could be done between iPhone app and backend servers (mostly written in Java)
Thanks in advance.
If it is an option, I'd use REST
Never did it, but may this will help:
I'd do any HTTP-Communication using ASIHttpRequest. It is SSL-capable
In my apps I use simple URL requests returning XML / Cocoa-touch plists over https. I guess that's called "REST" -- it's simple and quick to implement. There are long flame-fests over SOAP vs. REST -- I just use this technique and get my apps done :)

Using NSStream to communicate with PHP?

I'm working on an iPhone project that needs to receive data from a PHP script during execution. My first thought was to use sockets/streams on either end to connect the two, but I am having trouble finding information on how to do this from the iPhone side.
Has anyone been down this path that could point me towards some useful resources or offer some advice? The official documentation seems to be geared more towards desktop apps and uses code that doesn't seem to be supported on the iPhone (namely NSHost).
Update: The intended use of this app is to receive log messages from an executing script, so I can't use a simple HTTP request with JSON or XML. Many cases will involve the page being loaded by another client, where the script would relay/push log messages to the iPhone.
Polling is evil. You'll chew through batteries doing that.
You might consider running an HTTP server on the iPhone. Check out this blog post; it has an implementation of an HTTP server in Cocoa as well as example code for using it for two-way communication.
The PHP CURL library (can't link it because the site doesn't trust me yet, just search for it) is a (relatively) simple, easy way to make http requests with a PHP script.
Why don't you just use HTTP? Create an ad-hoc protocol with XML or JSON, use POST for upstream data transmission. I'm a fan of JSON for this sort of thing, personally. The PHP, instead of returning a webpage in HTML for rendering, should just return your data in a JSON format.

How to use a proxy with Google Web Toolkit

I am writing an application using GWT on Windows that needs to do some network calls.
I know that if these aren't to the same machine I'm developing on I need to setup a proxy, right?
I was just wondering if anyone could help with what my GWT code would look like?
What proxy should I use on Windows?
If you're simply requesting data from a RESTful service from a different domain, you can use JSONP (
If you're trying to post data, you'd have to perform the network calls on the server side. (There are some hackish ways to try to submit via a hidden iframe, but they're non-standard). What this means is that you simply invoke a method on your server which does the network call (see
If you mean Google Web Toolkit, and you're trying to evade cross-domain scripting restrictions, check out Yahoo's how-to guide. There's even PHP sample code.
Why not perform the network calls in server side? That way you are not restricted to cross domain restrictions.
I think this is what you are looking for: