Facebook iframe canvas friend selector - facebook

I am in the process of converting my FBML application to iframe as per Facebook's new requirements:
No new FBML applications We will stop allowing new FBML applications, but will continue to support existing FBML tabs and applications. Instead, we recommend using IFrames.
--Facebook Roadmap http://developers.facebook.com/roadmap
Now my application allows you to post your creation to another users wall (or a fan/group page). My old application used the FBML fb:friend-selector to allow the user to pick a friend, and it would grab the id of them, and post on their wall using FBJS Facebook.streamPublish.
My question is, how do i go about doing the same thing in an iFrame? As far as i am aware, the only option i have is:
Use FBML in the iframe and have the js SDK turn it into an ugly, hard to access iframe (which also defies the point of sticking it all in a iframe in the 1st place, as it is going to be removed at somepoint?)
Create my own friend selector using graph api or something. Have yet to see a working example of that in action, makes me wonder if it is possible.
Are there any other options out there, or does anyone have a working custom friend selector in an iFrame?
Thanks in advance :)

You can accomplish this with XFBML in the iFrame (the same way you would handle this on an off-canvas FB Connect application). Here's a post with more details.


twitter and facebook app in a modal div inside an iframe

I need to link the user's twitter and facebook profiles in a website profile while the website is loaded inside other websites' through iframe.
Is it possible to do that using a modal div inside that iframe? I'm quite in trouble thinking about the return url and page reload.
Have some example?
btw i'm using php but think it's not important now
You can do what ever you want in your page even when it resides in an iframe. What you can do in it (visually) is only limited by the dimensions of the iframe (unless the hosting page has some kind of layer on top of your iframe).
I can't speak of the twitter way of doing things (you can always check their documentation) but with facebook it's pretty easy to integrate into the graph using the api.
You need to have a facebook app, and then in your page (even if it's in an iframe) you can use the javascript sdk to authenticate the user and then use the graph as you need (and have permissions to).

How do you display user name on Facebook tab without forcing user to allow

How do you display the user name / visitor name on a Facebook tab (Facebook app created in an Iframe) without requiring the user to accept additional permissions.
I have tried to use PHP and other examples that I have seen, however they all seem to be out of date or I am missing some type of code to implement.
This should not be in FBML as it will be depreciated very soon on Facebook.
Does anybody have an entire code example (since I must be missing something) of what it would take to implement how they have done it here: https://www.facebook.com/Greenwords - Notice that it does not require the user to click on anything in order to display the name.
Your help would be appreciated.
You used to be able to do this using facebooks FBML syntax. However, as you have stated, these methods are old/depricated.
Taken from the facebook FBML documentation :
We are deprecating FBML. On Jan 1, 2012: FBML will no longer be supported on Platform. June 1, 2012: FBML apps will no longer work. All FBML endpoints are removed. If you are building a new application on Facebook.com, please implement your application using HTML, JavaScript and CSS. You can use our JavaScript SDK and Social Plugins to embedded many of the same social features available in FBML.
So.. to answer your question - you'll have to build your own application and request basic information about the user. Using old and deprecated methods are not a good idea. Facebook has publicly stated that they will no longer support it.
I basically used to take a live stream or comments box and iframe that showing the users name or photo, then position it where I wanted.

How to create an interactive Facebook page?

I've been asked to code a Facebook page, and I have no idea where to start. A bit of googling around has lead me FBML (Facebook markup language) but I can't find anything definitive in the help or any good tutorials on how to code a custom facebook page.
Anyone have any great links on how to create a Facebook page? Beyond actually just making the page on Facebook. Things such as embedding video, adding backgrounds, forms, animation and fully featured web page type functionality.
The design we have has all these elements, along with pulling RSS feeds and such.
Any help, or direction would be great!
You should not use FBML anymore!
We are in the process of deprecating FBML. If you are building a new
application on Facebook.com, please implement your application using
HTML, JavaScript and CSS.
A facebook app/page is a simple html site where you connect to facebook via the Facebook API. In the meantime the facebook documentation has become quite readable. Have a look at:
SDK tools (JS and PHP)
Authentication (how to know who the user is)
Permissions (the user has to approve that you may gather information)
The Graph API (how to get informations)
Dialogs (how to interact on the clientside)

FBJS, FBML, and Dialogs

Okay since I have little experience with this stuff and the Facebook documentation is very scattered, I figured I would ask StackOverflow.
I am making an iFrame Canvas Facebook application using FBJS and some PHP. I would like to make a Dialog box that displays a form for the user to enter some information to then be sent on to a database. I know how to program a good chunk of it but the main problem arises in just getting the dialog WITH the form up on the page. What would be the best way of doing so?
Thanks in advance!
I've been developing Facebook apps since almost the beginning, and yes, the current documentation is very scattered! First, you should be using FBJS in an iframe app. FBJS was designed for use in FBML apps (non-iframe based). The only place you have to use it is in a Page tab. Unless you mean the Facebook javascript API.
You didn't mention what dialog you were trying to create. Here is a link to Facebook's "dialogs". http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/dialogs/
But I don't think that is what you are looking for. If you are trying to post to someone's wall, then this is the link you want. Scroll down to the "Dialog" section. http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/javascript/
But if you are just trying to prompt for information and save it, you can use plain javascript and html. You can even use libs like jquery, prototype, etc.

How should I customize my Facebook page?

Okey, so I have a business Facebook Page like many others. And I want to customize it like many others have. But Facebook (henceforth FB) documentation is really bad.
So I go and edit my page and there I find Facebook Static FBML application. So far, great, and I can even use standard HTML to edit it. And then there is also FBML which I can use to make more advanced customization, like show something for people who "Like" and something else for others. Pretty straightforward. But then i notice that Facebook is deprecating FBML and recommend me to use JavaScript SDK and Social Plugins.
So what does this mean for me? Can I customize my site this way or not?
The documentation for JavaScript SDK and Social Plugins is worthless and very general, how do these apply for my Page customization?
But Facebook Static FBML application it self is an application i guess. Will it work in the future?
What is the best way to customize my FB Page and add tabs and so on?
What should I do?
ANSWER (for lazy people):
While Facebook Static FBML application might be working in the near future, it seems like building applications yourself is the right way to go.
Build an application: http://www.facebook.com/developers/createapp.php
Also you do not need the FBML since you can do all that is needed with the graph-api.
Graph-API doc: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/api
Also, by using the iframe canvas when building apps this allows you to host your page tabs where ever you want allowing you do use any coding language you want.