Facebook API error 191 - facebook

I'm trying to integrate my project with Facebook. I'm taking baby steps at first and just trying to login, get a Facebook session, and get some user data. I'm developing it locally so my Facebook application settings are:
site URL:
The canvas URL is the same as above. I haven't specified a site domain.
However, when I click on the login button, I get an error:
API Error Code: 191
API Error Description: The specified URL is not owned by the application
Error Message: redirect_uri is not owned by the application.
At the moment I haven't written any server-side code to deal with redirects, etc. All I've done is add the JavaScript SDK based on the tutorial in Facebook for Websites.
What have I done wrong? It's obviously something to do with my Facebook application settings, but I can't see what!

To answer the API Error Code: 191
The redirect_uri should be equal (or relative) to the Site URL.
Tip: Use base URLs instead of full URLs pointing to specific pages.
NOT RECOMMENDED: For example, if you use www.mydomain.com/fb/test.html as your Site URL and having www.mydomain.com/fb/secondPage.html as redirect_uri this will give you the 191 error.
RECOMMENDED: So instead have your Site URL set to a base URL like: www.mydomain.com/ OR www.mydomain.com/fb/.
I went through the Facebook Python sample application today, and I was shocked it was stating clearly that you can use http://localhost:8080/ as Site URL if you are developing locally:
Configure the Site URL, and point it
to your Web Server. If you're
developing locally, you can use
While I was sure you can't do that, based on my own experience (very old test though) it seems that you actually CAN test your Facebook application locally!
So I picked up an old application of mine and edited its name, Site URL and Canvas URL:
Site URL: http://localhost:80/fblocal/
I downloaded the latest Facebook PHP-SDK and threw it in my xampp/htdocs/fblocal/ folder.
But I got the same error as yours! I noticed that XAMPP is doing an automatic redirection to http://localhost/fblocal/ so I changed the setting to simply http://localhost/fblocal/ and the error was gone BUT I had to remove the application (from privacy settings) and re-install my application and here are the results:
After that, asked for the publish_stream permission, and I was able to publish to my profile (using the PHP-SDK):
$user = $facebook->getUser();
if ($user) {
try {
$post = $facebook->api('/me/feed', 'post', array('message'=>'Hello World, from localhost!'));
} catch (FacebookApiException $e) {
$user = null;

For me, it was a missing app domain. Go into the app, and make sure that you have the root of your site set up as an app domain. See screenshot.

This is just because of a URL mistake.
Whatever website URL is specified should be correct.
I mentioned website URL as http://localhost:3000/
and domain as localhost, but in my browser I was running
When I ran server as localhost:3000 it solved the problem.
As I mentioned, the site URL as localhost Facebook will redirect to the same, if we are running, it will rise error that "Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration".

I was also facing the same problem when I am using the facebook authentication method.
But I rectify that issue with following changes in Facebook api (Apps >> My App >> Basic).
I removed the url which i have given in
===> App on Facebook (Canvas URLs)
I gave site url only in
===> Website with Facebook Login option
Then i gave that AppId and App Secret in my webpage.
So by clicking on login button, It ask for access permissions then it redirect it to give url (Website with Facebook Login ).

I fixed this by passing the redirect url to the FacebookRedirectLoginHelper::getAccessToken() in my callback function:
Changing from
try {
$accessToken = $helper->getAccessToken();
try {
$accessToken = $helper->getAccessToken($fbRedirectUrl);
I am developing on a vagrant box, and it seems FacebookRedirectLoginHelper::getCurrentUrl() had issues generating a valid url.

Had the same problem:
$params = array('redirect_uri' => 'facebook.com/pages/foobar-dev');
When I changed the redirect_uri from the devloper page to the live page, 191 Error came up.
So I deleted the $params:
After the app-request now FB redirects to the app url itself f.e.: my.domain.com
What I do now is checking in index.php of my app if I'm inside FB iframe or not. If not I redirect to the live FB page f.e.:
$app = 'facebook.com/pages/foobar-live';
$rd = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) ? parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], PHP_URL_HOST) : false;
if ($rd == 'apps.facebook.com' || (!isset($_REQUEST['signed_request']))) {
echo '<script>window.parent.location = "'.$app.'";</script>';

I have noticed also that even if you specify your website under secion - Website With Facebook Login -> Site url as e.g. http://example.com, but if your App Domains section is empty, and you open website as www.example.com you will get this error, too. To avoid it in "App Domains" section write example.com, that will allow subdomains, like www.example.com, something.example.com etc

in the facebook App Page, goto the basic tab. find "Website with Facebook Login" Option.
you will find Site URL: input there put the full URL ( for example http://Mywebsite.com/MyLogin.aspx ). this is the URL you can use with the call like If the APP ID is 123456789

Something I'd like to add, since this is error 191 first question on google:
When redirecting to facebook instead of your own site for a signed request, you might experience this error if the user has secure browsing on and your app does redirect to facebook without SSL.

Working locally...
I couldn't get the feeds api to work, but the share api worked pretty much straight away with no problems.

For me it's the Valid OAuth Redirect URIs in Facebook Login Settings. The 191 error is gone once I updated the correct redirect URI.


Facebook Login error: Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains

Users on my site can login with Facebook from this page: https://www.wonderweddings.com/login
However, I'm getting the error
Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains. To be able to load this URL, add all domains and subdomains of your app to the App Domains field in your app settings.
I checked these posts to see what I could do:
How to turn off "Use Strict Mode for Redirect URIs" in facebook app
Facebook OAuth "The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domain"
So I added what I thought were all possible URLs, but I keep getting the same error. Whether I disable or enable "Enforce HTTPS" does not matter. I also tried with "Embedded Browser OAuth Login" enabled and disabled.
I also tested if appId or app secret was changed due to saving, but that is not the case either.
I have a copy of this site running on another domain. This domain connects to another app, but other than that has similar settings, only this other app still has the setting "Use Strict Mode for Redirect URIs" disabled. There my code works perfectly. So I'm sure it's something I'm missing on Facebook with these settings.
My settings:
What else can I try?
The login button on your site is currently loading this URL:
Facebook receives these query parameters:
client_id = 143381855734017
redirect_uri = https://www.wonderweddings.com/login.aspx?loggedin=true
scope = email
So the callback they are expecting is probably: https://www.wonderweddings.com/login.aspx?loggedin=true
Note that to be safe, the callback parameter should be URL encoded so that special characters are handled correctly (: / ? = all mean something in URLs)
You should change your site so that the link it opens is:
There has been Facebook update in October 2017. Use Strict Mode for Redirect URIs is now always enabled in Facebook App dashboard.
Solution in my case was related to that update: make sure that Valid Oauth redirect URIs input contains the same URI as provided in redirect_uri param.

How to get the site url for Facebook API on device? [Cordova Project]

I'm using facebook API in my cordova project for the first time, I'm trying to get only name and picture from user's facebook, so what I but in settings -> Site URL http://localhost:4400/ and everything works well. The problem is when I test my application on Device showing me a message "Can't Load URL: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domain"
in PC window.location returns (http://localhost:4400/)
in Device window.location returns (file:///andriod_asset/www/sign.html) so I cant use it because URL must begin with http or https
any solutions or explains, please ?

Graph returned an error: Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration

Been to all the links on on Stack for this and can't figure it out for the life of me.
I have a auth procedure for facebook on the following urls
I have both in the Valid OAuth redirect URIs portion of the facebook app settings in advanced but I keep receiving the following error.
Graph returned an error: Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed by the Application configuration
This was working yesterday and just stopped working today with no changes.
if you using Facebook PHP SDK...
in callback script need change
$accessToken = $helper->getAccessToken();
$accessToken = $helper->getAccessToken('https://example.com/fb-callback.php');
where 'https://example.com/fb-callback.php' it's URI to your callback script
and add this URI to "Valid OAuth redirect URIs" to "Application configuration" on Facebook->My Apps-> Settings-> Advanced
Try configure your URLs with a trailing slash in both Facebook app settings and the redirect_uri in your code.

Getting this error after months of no problems - redirect_uri not owned by application

I had this problem initially when I started the Facebook integration of our site. After doing some searching, found the solution and fixed it.
Now, a few months later, it has just stopped working. Nothing was changed in either the javascript code or the app settings on the Facebook developers site. I once again set about searching, and found the same answers as before: Site URL must match redirect_uri etc.
I currently have the App Domain: "domain.com"
And the Site URL: "http://www.domain.com"
Error given:
API Error Code: 191 API Error Description: The specified URL is
not owned by the application Error Message: redirect_uri is not
owned by the application.
I'm at a loss as to what has happened. Has Facebook changed their API? (I did check their documentation, and it's still the same).
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Javascript code below:
var publish = {
method: 'feed',
redirect_uri: 'http://www.domain.com',
link: 'http://www.domain.com',
picture: 'http://pathtoimage/logo.png',
name: 'Name',
caption: 'Title',
description: 'Description, blah blah'
function fbcallback(response) {
// do stuff here
FB.ui(publish, fbcallback);
I checked the timestamp and the JS file hasn't been touched since the 16th of March, neither has the App Settings on Facebook, and my colleague tested this just a week ago (was still working then)
For others that are having the same problem, here's what worked for me.
It appears that FB have tightened their security, which is why it was originally working.
We were working on a new release, and were using the IP address instead of the domain to access the site. A new message I hadn't seen previously started appearing in the dev console:
When using FB.ui, you should not specify a redirect_uri.
Looks like the FB api now checks the URL domain in the address field of the browser (rather than the redirect_uri) against the Site URL in the Facebook App Settings. Tested this by temporarily pointing our domain to the IP address, and running the Facebook api code via the domain loaded site, and it worked. So while we're testing before the release, I'll use http://localhost:8080 as the Site URL, then update it to the site's domain when it goes live.
Thanks to the people who helped to point me in the right direction!
Try to check if in your app settings (on Facebook Developers) you have set:
'App domain' with the domain where you're using the app
Check the 'Website with Facebook Login' option and then set the domain there

Facebook canvas authentication: No signed_request parameter after redirect

In my canvas page, I try to authenticate the user the way it is described in http://developers.facebook.com/docs/guides/canvas/, by using essentially this code (example code from developers.facebook.com):
$app_id = "YOUR_APP_ID";
$canvas_page = "YOUR_CANVAS_PAGE_URL";
$auth_url = "http://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth?client_id="
. $app_id . "&redirect_uri=" . urlencode($canvas_page);
$signed_request = $_REQUEST["signed_request"];
list($encoded_sig, $payload) = explode('.', $signed_request, 2);
$data = json_decode(base64_decode(strtr($payload, '-_', '+/')), true);
if (empty($data["user_id"])) {
echo("<script> top.location.href='" . $auth_url . "'</script>");
} else {
echo ("Welcome User: " . $data["user_id"]);
The problem is, the first time the user authorizes my canvas application, Facebook doesn't pass a signed_request parameter when redirecting back (as described in the example code), but a code parameter. When accessing the application the second time (already having confirmed the rights), it passes a signed_request parameter as expected.
Why does it pass a code parameter the first time? The documentation doesn't explain when Facebook passes a code / signed_request parameter.
The problem was that for $canvas_page, I used the canvas URL (e.g. mysite.com/canvas) instead of the canvas page URL (e.g. apps.facebook.com/myapp).
I think you need to append "&response_type=token" to your authentication url:
Then you get back something that looks like:
And you can extract it with some Javascript:
if (window.location.hash.length == 1)
var accessToken = window.location.hash.substring(1);
Facebook uses the code parameter to authenticate your application. In the documentation, it states:
*If the user presses Allow, your app is authorized. The OAuth Dialog will redirect (via HTTP 302) the user's browser to the URL you passed in the redirect_uri parameter with an authorization code*
To complete the authorization, you must now take the code parameter and your app secret and pass it to the Graph API token endpoint (paraphrasing the documentation). This will grant you access to the access token. From this point onward, your application will not require the code parameter for this user because they are already authenticated.
Facebook uses the signed_request to share information with your application. The documentation states three scenarios in which it will pass the signed request. These are:
A signed_request is passed to Apps on Facebook.com when they are loaded into the Facebook environment
A signed_request is passed to any app that has registered an Deauthorized Callback in the Developer App whenever a given user removes the app using the App Dashboard
A signed_request is passed to apps that use the Registration Plugin whenever a user successfully registers with their app
So to conclude, the code parameter is only sent to authenticate the application, while the signed_request is utilized to pass information once the application has been authorized.
Saj-and is very correct.
I too struggeled with this alot.
When setting the redirect_uri to my domain name, I got an infinate redirect loop.
When setting the redirect_uri to the facebook app url, I got an error saying the url is not on my domain and so cannot be accessed.
It took the "/" at the end to solve this
I had the same problem with my canvas app, I fixed it by simply redirecting to my application's canvas url in the case that there is a code GET request parameter. After that Facebook sends me POST request that contains the signed_request parameter as expected. Here is the Python Django snippet:
if 'code' in request.GET.keys():
return HttpResponseRedirect(FACEBOOK_CANVAS_URL)
# ...rest of your canvas handling code here
I struggled with this issue (not getting oauth ID in the signed_request and instead get the "code" after user approves the app) for over a week, and this post (and few others posts) helped me get very close to resolving the issue (I was using my apps canvas URL instead of the canvas page url in the redirect URI, and I didn't specify the namespace in the settings).
After making these corrections, I faced a different issue where the app approval page won't show up for a new user and instead facebook throws the message" application has an error etc.. and finally I figured I was missing a / at the end of the canvas page url in my redirect url.. I had it as https://apps.facebook.com/myappname instead of https://apps.facebook.com/myappname/ in the redirect uri. Adding the / at the end resolved the issue and when a new user access my app using https://apps.facebook.com/myappname (if the user is already logged in ) facebook shows the approval page (upon receiving the response from my server) and once the user approves the app, facebook sends the signed-request with the required auth code to my application. Hope this will be useful for anyone else who might encounter the same issue.
Just to clear the confusion about the code parameter.. Facebook will always send this parameter when user allows the application.. however the signed_request parameter is sent using post or some other method.. it is not sent in the url.. You can access it using $_REQUEST['signed_request']
I had a similar problem that was solved when I assigned a namespace to my app, so it would look like apps.facebook.com/myapp and not apps.facebook.com/1234.
I was experiencing the problem you describe with firefox and with third-party cookies disabled.
I enabled third-party cookies and then the signed_request was suddenly available.