pause viewmodel process for user input - mvvm

I've been looking at a view examples of the typical "raise dialog from viewmodel" problem, noting 3 main solutions:
use attached behaviors
use a mediator pattern
use a service
I'm getting a bit bogged down though and struggling to find a solution that easily fits into my problem space - which is a very simple file copy problem:
My viewmodel is processing a loop (copying a list of files)
When a file already exists at the destination I need to raise a modal dialog to get confirmation to replace
The vm needs to wait for and receive confirmation before continuing
The "modal dialog" is actually not a new window but a hidden overlay in my MainWindow, as per (thanks Ronald!)
I'm mostly there but the biggest struggles I have are:
- how to pause the loop in the viewmodel while it waits for input
- how to get input back to the viewmodel within the loop so it can carry on
So far I'm leaning towards the service solution because it seems a direct method call with a return that the vm must wait for. However, it does mean the service needs to tie directly to the view in order to make an element visible?
If anyone can post some simple code that deals directly with this problem I (and the net) would be very happy! Thanks!

For example, you have a service called IDialogService with the following interface:
public interface IDialogService
bool ConfirmAction(string title, string confirmationText);
As you mentioned, in order for the service to be able to show the actual dialog it needs to have a reference to the view that will show the actual overlay element. But instead of directly referencing the view I prefer to reference it via an interface. Lets call it ICanShowDialog and it will have the following members:
public interface ICanShowDialog
void ShowDialog(object dialogContent);
void HideDialog();
This interface will be implemented by your view that owns the dialog overlay (e.g. your main window).
Now the interesting part: suspending the code execution while the dialog is shown. First of all, I would recommend you not to use overlay elements but use usual windows if possible. Then you will not have that problem. You can style the dialog window so it will look just like the overlay element.
Anyway, if you still want to use overlay elements then you can do the following trick to suspend the code execution:
Here is pseudo code of the ConfirmAction method of the IDialogService inteface:
public bool ConfirmAction(string title, string confirmationText)
ConfirmationDialogView dialogView = new ConfirmationDialogView(title, confirmationText);
DialogShower.ShowDialog(dialogView); // DialogShower is of type ICanShowDialog
while (!dialogView.ResultAvailable)
return dialogView.Result;
Here is the code of DispatcherUtils.DoEvents() (that was taken from here:
public static class DispatcherUtils
public static void DoEvents()
DispatcherFrame f = new DispatcherFrame();
(SendOrPostCallback)delegate(object arg) {
DispatcherFrame fr = arg as DispatcherFrame;
}, f);
But I must warn you. Using DoEvents can result in some subtle bugs caused by inner dispatcher loops.
As an alternative to suspending the code execution while a dialog is shown you can use callbacks:
public interface IDialogService
void ConfirmAction(string title, string confirmationText, Action<bool> dialogResultCallback);
But it will not be so convenient to use.


Set OnAutomaticHitTest and OnInteractiveHitTest during runtime

I'm placing my Plane Stage and Plane Finder and setting the attributes at runtime, but there are two attributes I can't figure out how to set: OnAutomaticHitTest and OnInteractiveHitTest.
I saw that it expects something of the type HitTestEvent, but i can't figure out how to set my custom function here.
Can someone Help me?
You can find the documentation for the PlaneFinderBehaviour here
Essentially, you don't actually define these attribute but you use them to fire events.
For example:
public class CustomPlaneFinderBehaviour : PlaneFinderBehaviour
public void CustomIntPerformHitTest(Vector2 screenPosition)
//Triggered on interactive hit test
public void CustomAutoPerformHitTest(Vector2 screenPosition)
//Triggered on automatic hit test
Then in the inspector you are able to define the events, by pressing the plus button and choosing the current script in the box. It then gives you the option to change the function that is called.
Here on interactive hit test has been defined and automatic hit test has not:
You need to use Unity's AddListener call
void HandleHitTest(HitTestResult htr)
//Handle Test Here

MVVM, wait cursor while opening "slow" page

I have MVVM application with multiple pages. My all pages have ReadCommand() bound with:
<i:EventTrigger EventName="Loaded">
<i:InvokeCommandAction Command="{Binding ReadCommand}" CommandParameter="{Binding}"/>
This is my Read() command in ViewModel:
private void Read(object parameter)
HwDevice Device = new HwDevice();
this.Alarms = Device.Alarms; // this is slow (reading data from RS232 device)
One page has slow data source and my application is frozen when this page is being loaded (about 5 seconds).
I want to set wait cursor on whole window, but I don't know how to do it in MVVM (Im MVVM newbie). Do I have to pass window reference by command parameter and set Wait cursor in command? If I should - how can I do it in XAML?
The problem is that the thread where you are going to execute your operation, is the same where your UI live. It's here that the BackgroundWorker come in handy.
BackgroundWorker bw = new BackgroundWorker();
bw.RunWorkerAsync += bw_DoWork;
bw.ProgressChanged += bw_ProgressChanged;
bw.RunWorkerCompleted += bw_WorkDone
The previous part was the declaration. Now you need to implement the events, but first modify Read method
private void Read(object parameter)
// put your logic here
private void bw_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
object parameter = e.Argument;
Now that the logic is placed on another thread, you can use the progressChanged method to do various stuff. Like showing a progress bar to report the status, or simply enable or disable your wait cursor.
EDIT: You don't need to pass the bw to the UI. If you are using MVVM (like you should and you are doing) you can use bindings and event at your advantage, or implement an interface like this one. The point of the whole thing is that the UI is just "informed" that something on the background is going on, avoiding to freeze the main thread. You just need to decide how to display it. So it can be either using a wait cursor, or implementing a progress bar.

Show view from non-view/viewmodel in mvvmcross

What is the correct way to open a View in mvvmcross from a non-view? From within a viewmodel we would use ShowViewModel<>(..).
Specifically we are responding to a push notification opening the app (with a custom payload) which dictates a view that should be loaded.
We have a hackety workaround just for proof of concept, just wanted to get an idea of the correct MVX approach
I don't think there is a 'correct way' - I think it depends on your app and what you need it to do.
For some specific cases - e.g. ViewModel->ViewModel and AppStart - MvvmCross provides some convenient methods:
you can call ShowViewModel in MvxViewModel
the app start can be overridden to use a hint object - see
But overall, any class can request a ShowViewModel by calling:
var viewDispatcher = Mvx.Resolve<IMvxViewDispatcher>();
viewDispatcher.ShowViewModel(new MvxViewModelRequest(
Further, there is a base class - MvxNavigatingObject.cs - which can help with this (it's a base class of MvxViewModel and MvxAppStart) - so you can easily provide one or more services like INavigateMyselfService who's implementations inherit from MvxNavigatingObject.
public interface INavigateMyselfService
void GoWild(string side);
public class NavigateMyselfService
: MvxNavigatingObject
, INavigateMyselfService
public void GoWild(string side)
ShowViewModel<WildViewModel>(new { side = side });
Check the above link and you will get idea
In my case,I want to launch the app from secondary tile.For this,I have to launch specific page for Secondary tile.
My Initial App Start view model is LoginViewModel and my custom app start view model is HomeViewModel.
I controlled this from App.cs (Core) to MyCustomAppStart class.
Refer the above link

Handle Window close event

I'm trying to handle the event when the close button of a Window is clicked:
// View Code
public void attachWindowListener(WindowListener listener) {
// Presenter code
view.attachWindowListener(new WindowListener(){
public void windowHide(WindowEvent we) {
GWT.log("Window Event - Processing fields");
However, the windowHide function seems to be not executed since I can't see the log I placed there.
How to properly handle that event?
How about
new CloseHandler<Window>()
public void onClose( CloseEvent<Window> windowCloseEvent )
// Do your worst here
} );
I usually put this in onModuleLoad() in my EntryPoint class.
Based on the information provided I would guess that either a.) the events you think are firing do not fire for the Window component (even if it seems like they should) or b.) the events are firing but in a different order than you expect.
For example, it's possible that a BrowserEvent or some other event is firing first as the window is being closed and the Window object's WindowEvent never fires. According to the API docs for GXT 2.x, the WindowEvent will fire on hide and deactivate but it does not specify that it fires on close. The GXT 3.0.x API doc is less clear on this point but I would assume the same behavior. Unfortunately Sencha does not provide good documentation on what events fire for a given component and in what order.
With that said, I have had some luck working through similar issues to this by using a debug class which outputs all the events on a component to which it is attached. This may shed some light on which events are firing and their order of execution, and you may find an optimal event to which you can attach your processFields() method.
For a good example of a debugger class, see this answer from a related post: It also includes an example of how to attach the debugger to your component.
API Doc for Window, GXT 2.x:
API Doc for Window, GXT 3.0.x:
This worked:
window.addListener(Events.Hide, new Listener<ComponentEvent>() {
public void handleEvent(ComponentEvent be) {
// Do stuff

silverstripe dopublish function for ModelAdmin managed Pages

in the silverstripe backend I´m managing certain PageTypes via a ModelAdmin. That works fine so far, the only thing i can´t figure out is how to make a Page being "Published" when saving it.
Thats my code:
class ProjectPage extends Page {
public function onAfterWrite() {
At the moment I can still see the ModelAdmin-created Pages in the Sitetree and I can see they are in Draft Mode. If I use the code above I get this error:
Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in
Many thx,
the reason why you get "Maximum execution time exceeded" is because $this->doPublish(); calls $this->write(); which then calls $this->onAfterWrite();. And there you have your endless loop.
So doing this in onAfterWrite() or write() doesn't really work
you should just display the save & publish button instead of the save button
But I guess its easier said than done.
Well adding a button is actually just a few lines, but we also need a provide the functions that do what the button says it does.
This sounds like the perfect call for creating a new Module that allows proper handling of Pages in model admin. I have done this in SS2.4, and I have a pretty good idea of how to do it in SS3, but no time this week, poke me on the silverstripe irc channel on the weekend, maybe I have time on the weekend.
I found the same need/lack and I built a workaround that seems to work for me, maybe it can be useful.
public function onAfterWrite()
if(!$this->isPublished() || $this->getIsModifiedOnStage())
$this->publish('Stage', 'Live');
Create a class that extends ModelAdmin and define an updateEditForm function to add a publish button to the actions in the GridFieldDetailForm component of the GridField.
public function updateEditForm($form) {
if ( ! singleton($this->owner->modelClass)->hasExtension('Versioned') ) return;
$gridField = $form->Fields()->fieldByName($this->owner->modelClass);
$gridField->getConfig()->getComponentByType('GridFieldDetailForm')->setItemEditFormCallback(function ($form) {
$form->Actions()->push(FormAction::create('doPublish', 'Save & Publish'));
Then create a class that extends GridFieldDetailForm_ItemRequest to provide an action handler for your publish button.
public function doPublish($data, $form) {
$return = $this->owner->doSave($data, $form);
$this->owner->record->publish('Stage', 'Live');
return $return;
Make sure the extensions are applied and you're done.
Or, you could just grab all the code you need from GitHub.