Validating SSN,Email and Phone number in Postgres - postgresql

Could anyone help me on how to perform validation on SSN, Email, phone through a stored procedure in Postgresql?

A stored procedure doesn't look like the right solution. Use a domain with a check constraint using pattern matching. There is an example on the CREATE DOMAIN reference page. For email address checking, consider


Return a value based on a function in placeholder in oracle Apex

Sorry if this is a "stupid" question, but I am new to Apex.
I made 2 processes on the create button: one is to insert into the department table and the other one to send an email with some info, among them the department too.
I made an email template and I want to display the department name, not the id which is inserted into the table. So I thought, that maybe I can do that with a function, like in the picture attached(get_department_by_id - returns the name of a department).
The help function in the builder usually gives enough info. Here is the help for "Placeholder values"
So only Application, Page Items and System Variables are allowed.
Note: There are multiple places in APEX where you can pass a number of arguments (links, branches, etc) but nowhere the use of functions is allowed.
This is how it worked for me.
I created a computation, with the computation of type "Expression" with source get_department_by_id(:P7_ID_DEPARTMENT) and Condition Type "Request = Expresion 1" with source the name of the button(ex.create).
Thank you Koen Lostrie for the guidance!

Attachments to a Purchase Requisition

I need to download attachments for over 300 purchase requisitions in the Oracle e-Business suite. Instead of opening the requisitions one-by-one and then going to the "Manage Attachments" section, I would like to do this through a query, where I would enter the PR numbers and then get the attachments. Does anybody know if this would be possible through a query in SQL developer (or Ms Access)? If yes, which tables should I consider to design the query?
Thank you in advance for any help you might be able to give me.
You can use this SQL as a basis and add a restriction to the req headers you need to see like this
fad.entity_name='REQ_HEADERS' and
fad.pk1_value in (select to_char(prha.requisition_header_id) from po_requisition_headers_all prha where ...) and
note that the to_char() is required to use the fnd_attached_documents_n1 index as fad.pk1_value is varchar2 whereas prha.requisition_header_id is a number
These are stored in the FND_DOCUMENTS and information about which application entity / key it is attached to is in FND_ATTACHED_DOCUMENTS - this blog article does a good job of describing the tables involved.

Laravel 5.1 Reset Password Function; user's email is in a different table

I have a question regarding Laravel's Reset Password function. I have thoroughly searched for a possible solution and could not find one. Moreover, I tried to scrutinize the code and manually implement it, but failed miserably because of the nesting. (I'm new to Laravel).
According to Laravel's documentation, the user's email must be in the table user in order to work and the error code confirms it.
*Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'email' in 'where clause' (SQL: select * from user where email = limit 1*
However, we do have the scenario that an user might have multiple email addresses, hence stored in a different table called user_email.
Does anybody have experience with this scenario and could take the time to enlighten me on this?
You have two Options:
Write your own password recovery system.
Let the user choose a primary e-mail and make a column on the users table which represents the primary e-mail adresse.

SugarCRM related Field

I have sugarCRM 6.5.20 OnDemand. I am in the Studio. I have a 1:1 relationship from Leads to Leads. I am trying to get the Primary Email address of the related Lead and display it in a calculated field.
It seems like the calculated field formula should look like:
When I do that I get the following error:
Invalid formula: related: Unknown Field : email1
The dropdown list doesn't list the email at all. How can I get the email? All of my web searches have proven ineffective.
I am willing to make the calculated field be the primary email address of the current lead. To do that I found 2 variables named $email_addresses and $email_addresses_primary and $emails. There is also a function called valueAt.
I tried to use valueAt(1,$emails) and valueAt(1,$email_addresses)
The validator accepted the syntax but the value was always empty.
Can I make a calculated field off of the leads primary email?
You won't get the Email field for the Studio's formula calculation. Email field is stored in a separate table and not in the module's table. It is just put in the Layout along with the other fields of the module, but it is not the same as other fields. All the Email Addresses irrespective of the modules are stored together in the email_addresses table and are related to respective module records in the email_addr_bean_rel.

How do I do conditional check, return error, or continue?

A user wants to invite a friend but I want to do a check first. For example:
SELECT friends_email from invites where friends_email = $1 limit 1;
If that finds one then I want to return a message such as "This friend already invited."
If that does not find one then I want to do an insert
INSERT INTO invites etc...
but then I need to return the primary user's region_id
SELECT region_id from users where user_id = $2
What's the best way to do this?
EDIT --------------------------------------------------------------
After many hours below is what I ended up with in 'plpgsql'.
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM invitations WHERE email = friends_email) THEN
return 'Already Invited';
INSERT INTO invitations (email) VALUES (friends_email);
return 'Invited';
I undestand that there are probably dozens of better ways but this worked for me.
Without writing the exact code snippet for you...
Consider solving this problem by shaping your data to conform to your business rules. If you can only invite someone once, then you should have an "invites" table that reflects this by a UNIQUE rule across whatever columns define a unique invite. If it is just an email address, then declare the "" as a unique column.
Then do an INSERT. Write the insert so that it takes advantage of Postgres' RETURNING clause to give an answer on success. If the INSERT fails (because you already have that email address -- which was the point of the check you wanted to do), then catch the failure in your application code, and return the appropriate response.
catch error.UniqueFail
return "He's already been invited"
# other stuff
(data fields + SELECT region thingy)
(some arrangement of data that includes "region_id")
RETURNING region_id
If that's hard to make work the first time you try it, phrasing the insert target as a CTE may be helpful. If all else fails, write it procedurally in plpgsql for the time being, making sure the external interface accepts a normal INSERT (so you don't have to change application code later) and sort it out once you know whether or not performance is an issue.
The basic idea here is to let the relational shape of your data obviate the need for any procedural checking wherever you can. That's at the heart of relational data modeling ...somewhat of a lost art these days.
You can create SQL stored procedure for implement functionality like described above.
But it is wrong form architecture point of view. See: Direct database manipulation an anti-pattern?
DB have scope of responsibility: store data.
You have to put business logic into your business layer.