How to timeout PowerShell function call - powershell

I wrote a little powershell function that executes Get-EventLog against remote servers. On some servers this seems to just hang and never times out. Can I timeout a powershell function call? I see how to do this against a different process, but i want to do this for a power shell function.
function Get-Alert4
$ret = Get-EventLog application -after (get-date).addHours(-2) -computer $computer | select-string -inputobject{$_.message} -pattern "Some Error String" | select-object List
return $ret
} #

You can implement timeouts by using a background job like so:
function Get-Alert4($computer, $timeout = 30)
$time = (Get-Date).AddHours(-2)
$job = Start-Job { param($c) Get-EventLog Application -CN $c -After $time |
Select-String "Some err string" -inputobject{$_.message} |
Select-Object List } -ArgumentList $computer
Wait-Job $job -Timeout $timeout
Stop-Job $job
Receive-Job $job
Remove-Job $job

FYI - your argumentlist is only good for one parameter.
If you want to pass more than one argument to the job, you have to pass them as an array:
$job = Start-Job { param($c, $t) Get-EventLog Application -CN $c -After $t |
Select-String "Some err string" -inputobject{$_.message} |
Select-Object List } -ArgumentList #($computer, $time)

This is a one liner (due to semi-colons) that will display a count down while pausing similar (but not the same) as the timeout cmd command
$NumOfSecs = 15; $n = $NumOfSecs; write-host "Starting in " -NoNewLine; do {if($n -lt $NumOfSecs) {write-host ", " -NoNewLine}; write-host $n -NoNewLine; $n = $n - 1; Start-Sleep 1} while ($n -gt 0)


Add a timeout within a foreach loop and write to host - Powershell

I have a small script that runs through all share paths within a csv file and invokes a quick Get-ChildItem to count the number of files within the folder/subfolders etc. This is working but it is taking an age, especially if a folder have more than 500k files.
I would like to add a timeout within the loop, so that it will just write-host and then output into another column 'TIMED OUT' but i can't seem to get it to work.
I have tried a few different ways but somehow my loop breaks and runs the top line in my csv over and over.
This is the code i have so far:
#Import middle to filter unique
$sharesMiddle = Import-Csv -Path './middle.csv' | Sort-Object NFTSPath -Unique
$result = foreach ($share in $sharesMiddle) {
#Replace the colon for $ within the path
$nftsPath = join-path \\ $share.AssetName $share.Path.Replace(':', '$')
$path = $share.Path
$count = Invoke-Command -computername $share.AssetName -ScriptBlock { param($path) (Get-ChildItem $path -File -Recurse).count } -Credential $Cred -Verbose -ArgumentList $path
Write-Host $nftsPath : $count
$share | Select-Object *, #{n = "Files"; e = { $count } }
$result | Export-CSV '.\newcsvfile.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Any help on this would be super!
I tested the following which should be suitable for you:
# define the time limit in seconds
$TimeoutLimitSeconds = 2
# Define the job, start job
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {420+69 ; start-sleep -Seconds 3}
# Await job
$job | Wait-Job -Timeout ( $TimeoutLimitSeconds ) | Out-Null
# If job doesn't finish before the time limit is reached
if ($job.state -eq 'Running') {
# Job timed out
$job | Stop-Job | Remove-Job
$job = $null
$output = "TIMED OUT"
# If job managed to finalize in time
# Finished on time
$job | Stop-Job
$output = Receive-Job $job
$job | Remove-Job
# Write the output to host
Write-Host "output is: $output"
output is: TIMED OUT
# define the time limit in seconds
$TimeoutLimitSeconds = 4
# Define the job, start job
$job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock {420+69 ; start-sleep -Seconds 3}
# Await job
$job | Wait-Job -Timeout ( $TimeoutLimitSeconds ) | Out-Null
# If job doesn't finish before the time limit is reached
if ($job.state -eq 'Running') {
# Job timed out
$job | Stop-Job | Remove-Job
$job = $null
$output = "TIMED OUT"
# If job managed to finalize in time
# Finished on time
$job | Stop-Job
$output = Receive-Job $job
$job | Remove-Job
# Write the output to host
Write-Host "output is: $output"
output is: 489

Using Start-Job on script

Using a script in PowerShell to recursivly pass through all folders on multiple NAS boxes to display every folder with its full path in an Out-File.
Using the Get-FolderEntry script I found here.
Since I have multiple NAS boxes with more then 260 chars in the filename/pathlength I figured I'd use multithreading to speed the process up.
. C:\Users\mdevogea\Downloads\Get-FolderEntry.ps1
# list with the servers
$Computers = Get-Content C:\Users\mdevogea\Desktop\servers.txt
# scriptblock calling on get-FolderEntry
$sb = {
param ($Computer, $fname)
C:\Users\mdevogea\Downloads\Get-FolderEntry.ps1 -Path $Computer |
fl | Out-File -Append -Width 1000 -FilePath $fname
foreach($Computer in $Computers)
$name = $Computer.Replace("\", "")
$fname = $("C:\Users\mdevogea\Desktop\" + $name + ".txt")
#Get-FolderEntry -Path $Computer | fl | Out-File -Append -Width 1000 $fname
$res = Start-Job $sb -ArgumentList $Computer, $fname
# Wait for all jobs
while(Get-Job -State "Running")
Write-Host "Running..."
Start-Sleep 2
# Get all job results
Get-Job | Receive-Job | Out-GridView
So far:
I either get empty files with the correct naming of the file.
I get the correct named file with the code of Get-FolderEntry in it.
I get errors depend on what I pass along to the scriptblock.
In short, it's probably stupid but don't see it.
Found it eventually myself after some trial and error:
. C:\Users\mdevogea\Downloads\Get-FolderEntry.ps1
# list with the servers
$Computers = Get-Content C:\Users\mdevogea\Desktop\servers.txt
# scriptblock calling on get-FolderEntry
$sb = {
Param ($Computer, $fname)
. C:\Users\mdevogea\Downloads\Get-FolderEntry.ps1
(Get-FolderEntry -Path $Computer | fl | Out-File -Append -Width 1000 -FilePath $fname)
foreach ($Computer in $Computers)
$name = $Computer.Replace("\", "")
$fname = $("C:\Users\mdevogea\Desktop\" + $name + ".txt")
$res = Start-Job $sb -ArgumentList $Computer, $fname
# Wait for all jobs
while (Get-Job -State "Running")
Write-Host "Running..."
Start-Sleep 2
# Get all job results
Get-Job | Receive-Job | Out-GridView
Thanks a lot Ansgar for pointing my in the right direction!

Multi-threading with PowerShell

I have done lots of reading about multi-threading in PowwerShell with Get-Job and Wait-Job but still cant seem to work it out.
Eventually, I will have this as a GUI based script to run and don't want my GUI to freeze up while its doing its task.
The script is looking for Event Logs of my Domain Controllers and then getting the details I want, then outputting them, it works like I need it to.
I can start a job using Invoke-Command {#script goes here} -ComputerName ($_) -AsJob -JobName $_ and the jobs run.
Script below:
Get-Job | Remove-Job
(Get-ADDomainController -Filter *).Name | ForEach-Object {
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {
$StartTime = (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable #{logname='Security'; id=4740;StartTime=$StartTime} -ErrorAction Stop `
| Select-Object * | ForEach-Object {
$Username = $_.Properties[0].Value
$lockedFrom = $_.Properties[1].Value
$DC = $_.Properties[4].Value
$Time = $_.TimeCreated
Write-Host "---------------------------------------------"
Write-Host $Username
Write-Host $lockedFrom
Write-Host $DC
Write-Host $Time
Write-Host "---------------------------------------------"
}catch [Exception] {
If ($_.Exception -match "No events were found that match the specified selection criteria") {
Write-Host "No events for locked out accounts." -BackgroundColor Red
}#Try Catch
} -ComputerName ($_) -AsJob -JobName $_ | Out-Null # Invoke-Command
Currently I have a While loop to tell me its waiting then to show me the result:
(Get-ADDomainController -Filter *).Name | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host "Waiting for: $_."
While ($(Get-Job -Name $_).State -ne 'Completed') {
#no doing anything here
Receive-Job -Name $_ -Keep
#clean up the jobs
Get-Job | Remove-Job
Thinking of my GUI (to be created), I will have a column for each Domain Controller and showing results under each heading, how do make it not freeze my GUI and show the results when they arrive?
I know its been asked a few times, but the examples I cant work out.
I would avoid Start-Job for threading - for efficiency try a runspace factory.
This is a basic setup which could be useful (I also have PS 4.0), and open to suggestions/improvements.
$MaxThreads = 2
$ScriptBlock = {
Param ($ComputerName)
Write-Output $ComputerName
#your processing here...
$runspacePool = [RunspaceFactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $MaxThreads)
$jobs = #()
#queue up jobs:
$computers = (Get-ADDomainController -Filter *).Name
$computers | % {
$job = [Powershell]::Create().AddScript($ScriptBlock).AddParameter("ComputerName",$_)
$job.RunspacePool = $runspacePool
$jobs += New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Computer = $_
Pipe = $job
Result = $job.BeginInvoke()
# wait for jobs to finish:
While ((Get-Job -State Running).Count -gt 0) {
Get-Job | Wait-Job -Any | Out-Null
# get output of jobs
$jobs | % {

Scriptblock works as Invoke-Command, but not as Start-Job

I have written a ScriptBlock that POSTs file uploads to a custom http server and saves the response to disk. It is intended to be used for testing said server and in addition to checking the correct response I'd like to run it in parallel to load the server.
The code in the ScriptBlock was built as separate ps1 script and works. I have then transplanted it into a framework-script using Start-Job for managing the jobs and eventually presenting overall results.
Unfortunately it does not work after that transplantation.
The symptom is that using Start-Job the job never finishes. For testing I have switched to Invoke-Command. A simple Invoke-Command works, InvokeCommand -AsJob does not.
Invoke-Command -Scriptblock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $Name,"C:\Projects\DCA\CCIT\ServiceBroker4\Java\eclipse-workspace\XFAWorker\testdata","P7-T"
Do not work:
Invoke-Command -AsJob -Computer localhost -Scriptblock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $Name,"C:\Projects\DCA\CCIT\ServiceBroker4\Java\eclipse-workspace\XFAWorker\testdata","P7-T"
Start-Job -Name $Name -ScriptBlock $Scriptblock -ArgumentList $Name,"C:\Projects\DCA\CCIT\ServiceBroker4\Java\eclipse-workspace\XFAWorker\testdata","P7-T"
The ScriptBlock being used is rather longish. It starts off by declaring Parameters:
$Scriptblock = {
Param (
And further down uses HttpWebRequest and a few other .NET classes:
$url = "http://localhost:8081/fillandflatten"
[System.Net.HttpWebRequest] $req = [System.Net.WebRequest]::create($url)
$xfabuffer = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("$path\$BASEJOBNAME.xml")
$header = "--$boundary`r`nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=`"xfa`"; filename=`"xfa`"`r`nContent-Type: text/xml`r`n`r`n"
$buffer = [Text.Encoding]::ascii.getbytes($header)
[System.Net.httpWebResponse] $res = $req.getResponse()
As described when using Start-Job or Invoke-Command -AsJob the child job started simply remains in Running state forever.
What can cause this behaviour? What can be used to debug it? If there is some error can I force the child-job to terminate and tell me what it does not like?
I am using PowerShell 2.0 on Windows XP.
In the framework I came up with I do the Start-Job (currently just one of them, but I plan to ramp up that number for stress-testing). Then I have a loop waiting for them all to terminate:
do {
$Jobs = #(Get-Job | Where { $_.State -eq "Running" -and $_.Name.StartsWith($BASEJOBNAME) });
$n = $Jobs.Count
if ($n -gt 0)
Log -message "Waiting for $n jobs to finish..."
Get-Job | Where { $_.Name.StartsWith($BASEJOBNAME) } | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property Id,Name,State,HasMoreData,Location
start-Sleep -Seconds 3
} until ($n -eq 0)
This produces output of the form:
2014-08-01 18:58:52 - Waiting for 1 jobs to finish...
Id Name State HasMoreData Location
-- ---- ----- ----------- --------
2 XFA001 Running True localhost
A full minimal test-case is:
# Code for the Jobs:
$Scriptblock = {
[System.Net.HttpWebRequest] $req = [System.Net.WebRequest]::create("http://locahost/index.html")
return "done"
# Start a job. Three variants, The Job-based ones hang.
# Invoke-Command -Scriptblock $ScriptBlock
#Invoke-Command -AsJob -Computer localhost -Scriptblock $ScriptBlock
$Job = Start-Job -Name $Name -ScriptBlock $Scriptblock
## The rest of the code is only applicable for the Start-Job-Variant
# Wait for all Jobs to finish
do {
$Jobs = #(Get-Job | Where { $_.State -eq "Running" });
$n = $Jobs.Count
if ($n -gt 0)
Write-Host "Waiting for $n jobs to finish..."
Get-Job | Format-Table -AutoSize -Property Id,Name,State,HasMoreData
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
} until ($n -eq 0)
# Get output from all jobs
$Data = ForEach ($Job in (#(Get-Job | Where { $_.Name.StartsWith($BASEJOBNAME) } ))) {
Receive-Job $Job
# Clean out all jobs
ForEach ($Job in (#(Get-Job | Where { $_.Name.StartsWith($BASEJOBNAME) } ))) {
Remove-Job $Job
# Dump output
Write-Host "Output data:"
$Data | Format-Table
Write-Host ""
This hangs for me. If I comment out the line creating the WebRequest object it works.
Thank you.
When you run Get-Job , does the job's "HasMoreData" properties is "True" ?
If yes, check the output of the job :
Receive-Job <JobName or JobID> -Keep

Equivalent for tail -f output\worker*.log in Powershell

I need to output several logfiles - while they are written - to the shell.
In the unix version of my script this is achieved by tail -f output\worker*.log. Note the wildcard.
In Powershell I tried Get-Content -Path "output\worker*.log" -Wait, but this only prints the first logfile it can find to the shell.
For completion, here is my code where i call my program:
foreach ($worker in $workers)
Write-Host " Start $worker in background"
$block = {& $args[0] $args[1] $args[2] $args[3] $args[4] $args[5] $args[6] 2> $args[7] > $args[8]}
start-job -name $worker -scriptblock $block -argumentlist `
"$strPath\worker\bin\win32\php.exe", `
"-q", `
"-c", `
"$strPath\worker\conf\php_win32.ini", `
"$strPath\worker\bin\os-independant\logfilefilter\logfilefilter.php", `
"-f", `
"$strPath\worker\$worker\conf\logfilefilter-$worker.xml", `
"$strPath\output\$worker-error.log", `
Get-Content -Path "output\worker*.log" -Wait
In my test case there are 8 workers and logfiles( output\worker01.log, output\worker02.log, output\worker03.log, output\worker04.log, output\worker05.log, output\worker06.log, output\worker07.log, output\worker08.log )
Is there a workaround to output all these logfiles? Or is it possible to duplicate the stdout stream from the background process to print it in the shell?
You can duplicate the the output streams by reading them directly from the output buffers of the child jobs.
Here's a demo script. Note that for the Verbose output, I'm removing output from the buffer as it's read, so that it doesn't get re-displayed on subsequent reads. This doesn't appear to have any affect on the Receive Job buffers for the job. If you do a Receive Job on it after the script completes, you'll still get the Verbose output all over again.
$sb = {
$VerbosePreference = 'Continue'
for ($i = 1; $i -le 100; $i++ )
start-sleep -Milliseconds 150
Write-Verbose "$(get-date)"
write-progress -activity "Search in Progress" -status "$i% Complete:" -percentcomplete $i;}
$job = start-job -ScriptBlock $sb
$verbose = ($job.ChildJobs[0].Verbose)
While ($job.State -ne 'Completed')
$job.ChildJobs |
foreach {
Start-Sleep -seconds 1
$Pct_Complete = $_.Progress | select -last 1 | select -ExpandProperty PercentComplete
Write-Host "`rBackground job $($_.ID) is $Pct_Complete percent completed." -ForegroundColor Cyan
While ($verbose.count){
Write-Host $verbose[0] -ForegroundColor Gray
write-host "`nDone!"