Neural Network Approximation Function - neural-network

I'm trying to test the efficiency of the Neural Networks as approximation functions.
The function I need to approximate has 5 inputs and 1 output, which structure should I use?
I have no idea on what criteria should be applied in order to decide the number of Hidden Layer and the number of Nodes for each layer.
Thank you in advance,

I always use a single hidden layer. Theoretically, there are no functions which can be approximated by 2 or more hidden layers that cannot be approximated with one. To make a single hidden layer more complex, add more hidden nodes.
Typically, the number of hidden nodes is varied to observe the effect on model performance (as measured by accuracy or whatever). Too few hidden nodes results in a worse fit due to underfitting (the neural network's output function is too simple, and misses important details in the data). Too many hidden nodes results in a worse fit due to overfitting (the neural network becomes so flexible that it chases every bit of noise in the data).

Note that for classification problems you need at least 2 hidden layers if you want to separate concave polygons.
I'm not sure how the number of hidden layers affects function approximation.


Neural networks: why does it work worse when you give it more neurons?

I just coded my first neural network and experimented a little with it... It's task is very simple: it should basically output the rounded number. It consists of one input neuron and one output neuron with 1 hidden layer consisting of 2 hidden neurons. At first I gave it about 2000 random generated training data sets.
When I gave it 3 hidden layers consisting of 10 hidden neurons. The results started to get worse and even after 10000 training sets it still output many wrong answers. The neural network with 2 hidden neurons worked way better.
Why does this happen? I thought the more neurons a neural network had, the better it would be...
So how do you find the best number of neurons and hiddenlayers?
If by "worse" you mean less accuracy on a test set, the problem is most likely overfitting.
In general, I can tell you this: More layers will fit more complicated functions on data. Maybe your data resembles a lot a straight line, so a simple linear function will do great. But imagine you try fitting a 6-th degree polynomial to the data. As you may know, high degree even functions go to infinity (+-) very fast, so this high degree model will predict too large values at the extremes.
In summary, your problem is most likely overfitting (high variance). You can check out several more intuitive explanations on the bias-variance tradeoff somewhere with graphs.
quick google search:

TensorFlow: Binary classification accuracy

In the context of a binary classification, I use a neural network with 1 hidden layer using a tanh activation function. The input is coming from a word2vect model and is normalized.
The classifier accuracy is between 49%-54%.
I used a confusion matrix to have a better understanding on what’s going on. I study the impact of feature number in input layer and the number of neurons in the hidden layer on the accuracy.
What I can observe from the confusion matrix is the fact that the model predict based on the parameters sometimes most of the lines as positives and sometimes most of the times as negatives.
Any suggestion why this issue happens? And which other points (other than input size and hidden layer size) might impact the accuracy of the classification?
It's a bit hard to guess given the information you provide.
Are the labels balanced (50% positives, 50% negatives)? So this would mean your network is not training at all as your performance corresponds to the random performance, roughly. Is there maybe a bug in the preprocessing? Or is the task too difficult? What is the training set size?
I don't believe that the number of neurons is the issue, as long as it's reasonable, i.e. hundreds or a few thousand.
Alternatively, you can try another loss function, namely cross entropy, which is standard for multi-class classification and can also be used for binary classification:
Hope this helps.
The data set is well balanced, 50% positive and negative.
The training set shape is (411426,X)
The training set shape is (68572,X)
X is the number of the feature coming from word2vec and I try with the values between [100,300]
I have 1 hidden layer, and the number of neurons that I test varied between [100,300]
I also test with mush smaller features/neurons size: 2-20 features and 10 neurons on the hidden layer.
I use also the cross entropy as cost fonction.

How is the number of hidden and output neurons calculated for a neural network?

I'm very new to neural networks but I am trying to create one for optical character recognition. I have 100 images of every number from 0-9 in the size of 24x14. The number of inputs for the neural network are 336 but I don't know how to get the number of hidden neurons and output neurons.
How do I calculate it?
While for the output neurons the number should be equal to the number of classes you want to discriminate, for the hidden layer, the size is not so straight forward to set and it is mainly dependent on the trade-off between complexity of the model and generalization capabilities (see
The answers to this question can help:
training feedforward neural network for OCR
The number of output neurons is simply your number of classes (unless you only have 2 classes and are not using the one-hot representation, in which case you can make do with just 2 output neuron).
The number of hidden layers, and subsequently number of hidden neurons is not as straightforward as you might think as a beginner. Every problem will have a different configuration that will work for it. You have to try multiple things out. Just keep this in mind though:
The more layers you add, the more complex your calculations become and hence, the slower your network will train.
One of the best and easiest practices is to keep the number of hidden neurons fixed in each layer.
Keep in mind what hidden neurons in each layer mean. The input layer is your starting features and each subsequent hidden layer is what you do with those features.
Think about your problem and the features you are using. If you are dealing with images, you might want a large number of neurons in your first hidden layer to break apart your features into smaller units.
Usually you results would not vary much when you increase the number of neurons to a certain extent. And you'll get used to this as you practice more. Just keep in mind the trade-offs you are making
Good luck :)

Replicator Neural Network for outlier detection, Step-wise function causing same prediction

In my project, one of my objectives is to find outliers in aeronautical engine data and chose to use the Replicator Neural Network to do so and read the following report on it ( and am having a slight understanding issue with the step-wise function (page 4, figure 3) and the prediction values due to it.
The explanation of a replicator neural network is best described in the above report but as a background the replicator neural network I have built works by having the same number of outputs as inputs and having 3 hidden layers with the following activation functions:
Hidden layer 1 = tanh sigmoid S1(θ) = tanh,
Hidden layer 2 = step-wise, S2(θ) = 1/2 + 1/(2(k − 1)) {summation each variable j} tanh[a3(θ −j/N)]
Hidden Layer 3 = tanh sigmoid S1(θ) = tanh,
Output Layer 4 = normal sigmoid S3(θ) = 1/1+e^-θ
I have implemented the algorithm and it seems to be training (since the mean squared error decreases steadily during training). The only thing I don't understand is how the predictions are made when the middle layer with the step-wise activation function is applied since it causes the 3 middle nodes' activations to be become specific discrete values (e.g. my last activations on the 3 middle were 1.0, -1.0, 2.0 ) , this causes these values to be forward propagated and me getting very similar or exactly the same predictions every time.
The section in the report on page 3-4 best describes the algorithm but i have no idea what i have to do to fix this, i don't have much time either :(
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
I'm facing the problem of implementing this algorithm and here is my insight into the problem that you might have had: The middle layer, by utilizing a step-wise function, is essentially performing clustering on the data. Each layer transforms the data into a discrete number which could be interpreted as a coordinate in a grid system. Imagine we use two neurons in the middle layer with step-wise values ranging from -2 to +2 in increments of 1. This way we define a 5x5 grid where each set of features will be placed. The more steps you allow, the more grids. The more grids, the more "clusters" you have.
This all sounds good and all. After all, we are compressing the data into a smaller (dimensional) representation which then is used to try to reconstruct into the original input.
This step-wise function, however, has a big problem on itself: back-propagation does not work (in theory) with step-wise functions. You can find more about this in this paper. In this last paper they suggest switching the step-wise function with a ramp-like function. That is, to have almost an infinite amount of clusters.
Your problem might be directly related to this. Try switching the step-wise function with a ramp-wise one and measure how the error changes throughout the learning phase.
By the way, do you have any of this code available anywhere for other researchers to use?

Issues with neural network

I am having some issues with using neural network. I am using a non linear activation function for the hidden layer and a linear function for the output layer. Adding more neurons in the hidden layer should have increased the capability of the NN and made it fit to the training data more/have less error on training data.
However, I am seeing a different phenomena. Adding more neurons is decreasing the accuracy of the neural network even on the training set.
Here is the graph of the mean absolute error with increasing number of neurons. The accuracy on the training data is decreasing. What could be the cause of this?
Is it that the nntool that I am using of matlab splits the data randomly into training,test and validation set for checking generalization instead of using cross validation.
Also I could see lots of -ve output values adding neurons while my targets are supposed to be positives. Could it be another issues?
I am not able to explain the behavior of NN here. Any suggestions? Here is the link to my data consisting of the covariates and targets
I am unfamiliar with nntool but I would suspect that your problem is related to the selection of your initial weights. Poor initial weight selection can lead to very slow convergence or failure to converge at all.
For instance, notice that as the number of neurons in the hidden layer increases, the number of inputs to each neuron in the visible layer also increases (one for each hidden unit). Say you are using a logit in your hidden layer (always positive) and pick your initial weights from the random uniform distribution between a fixed interval. Then as the number of hidden units increases, the inputs to each neuron in the visible layer will also increase because there are more incoming connections. With a very large number of hidden units, your initial solution may become very large and result in poor convergence.
Of course, how this all behaves depends on your activation functions and the distributio of the data and how it is normalized. I would recommend looking at Efficient Backprop by Yann LeCun for some excellent advice on normalizing your data and selecting initial weights and activation functions.