select li having images - jquery-selectors

I want to apply ifixpng function, for li having images , but i cannot select the below image and apply ifixpng function , how can i select
<li style="list-style-image: url("");"> abc </li>

Isn't better to have the style in css?
And it's easier to select it
list-style-image: url("")
$('li .image').some_func()
$('ul li[style*="list-style-image"]').foo()
and the html should be with normal ':
<li style='list-style-image: url("…; abc </li>


How to stop querying when it reaches a specific class with XPath?

Say I have the following:
<div class="data">
<h2 class="entry-contentH2">Preparation</h2>
<li><strong>3 large</strong> wings</li>
<li><strong>4</strong> doors</li>
<li><strong>1 cup</strong> holder</li>
<h2 class="stopHeader">Execution</h2>
<li>Easy to learn</li>
I'm trying to get query all of the <p></p> tags text after the <h2>Preparing</h2>, but I want it to stop at the last <p></p> before the stopHeader class.
This is the code that I came up with:
#and also
//h2[contains(.,"Preparation")]/following-sibling::h2/text()[not(preceding::h2[contains(., "Execution")])]
Try below XPath to get desired output:
This should return text content of each header (h2) between "Preparation" and "Execution"
Try this xpath.

How to find sibling element with behat/mink?

<div id="my-id">
<li class="list_element">
<div class="my_class"></div>
<li class="list_element">
<div class="another_class"></div>
<li class="list_element">
<div class="class3"></div>
What I want to do with behat/mink:
$page = $this->getSession()->getPage();
$selector = $page->find('css', "#my-id .my_class"); //here I need anchor element located near to .my_class div.
I don't know in which one .list_element .my_class div is. I know only anchor is next to .my_class element. Which selector should I use in the find() function?
Try one of these:
#my-id .my_class ~ a
#my-id .my_class + p
#my-id .list_element a
This is too basic question.Please see more here w3schools

jstree - node path has unexpected space characters

I need to get node path of jstree element ,I using this code :
$(function () {
// listen for event
.on('changed.jstree', function (e, data) {
if (data.action == "select_node") {
var node_path = data.instance.get_path(data.node, "/");
But I get unexpected space character (You can see in console.log() function)
I need a pretty path like this : Folder1/children 1
Please tell me what wrong .
Thank you
The problem actually with the HTML in your fiddle. It looks like this:
<div id="jstree">
<li>Folder 1
<li id="child_1">Child 1</li>
<li>Child 2</li>
<li>Folder 2</li>
The get_path function is doing exactly what it is supposed to - taking the text from the parent <li> followed by the text from the child <li>. What is happening is that the text from the parent Folder 1 is actually 'Folder/n ', which is causing your problem. I see why you have your HTML structured the way you do, since the example on jstree tells you to do it this way. A way around it would be to remove the line break after your Folder 1. It looks terrible, but it will make your get_path function work:
<div id="jstree">
<li>Folder 1<ul>
<li id="child_1">Child 1</li>
<li>Child 2</li>
<li>Folder 2</li>

In Tritium,how to select li which have the same class as other?

<ul class="parent">
<li class="abc">1</li>
<li class="abc">2</li>
How to select li which have the same class as other?
$('./ul[#class="parent"]/li[contains(text(),"1")]') This is a way you can select any li using text function
This will also work:
$('//ul[#class="parent"]/li[1]') #Targets the first "<li>".
$('//ul[#class="parent"]/li[2]') #Targets the second "<li>".

executing java/scala code in scala.html templates

Can I execute that line of code
nav = request().path().toString()
inside of scala template like index.scala.html
I would like to have that code to check on witch side is user and to mark it on menu
using code like this in main.scala.html:
<li class="#("active".when(nav == "contact"))">
I would recommend you different approach, create tag - resuable template, which takes Integer as an argument,
it will render menu and mark as an active different menuitem depends on value.
#(menuItem: Int)
<ul >
<li #if(menuItem==1){ class="active" } >
<li #if(menuItem==2){ class="active" }>
<li #if(menuItem==3){ class="active" }>
from your contact page and any other page, call this tag with corresponding value,
You can define variables like that if that is your question. If it is not your question than please try to explain your problem in more detail.
#nav = { #request().path().toString() }