Sound on the iPhone: Finch: Ensuring that sound actually plays - iphone

I am using Finch to play sound. Works great. One exception: I get an incoming call, answer the call, hang up. Go back to the app. Now sounds don't seem to play correctly anymore. What is the most resource-friendly way of ensuring they will? I guess the audio session is somehow closed...

Consider just using CocosDenshion sound library. we have found it solves all problems. not perfect but very reliable. hope it helps!
Note there is also the ObjectAL library, which, is possibly simply better than CocosDenshion.

You have to setup your own OpenAL audio interrupter.
An example of how to do this is found in Apple's SDK example called oalTouch.


How to play record the sound programmatically and how to play that recorded audio?

I am developing one application. In that I want to record the sounds and I want to play that recorded sound file. I know the frameworks for doing this. But how to develop programmatically by using that frameworks?
You can refer to this link:
I have implemented this code in one of my apps and it works completely fine.
How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?
For Playing the sound you have option to use AVAudioRecorder.
Hope this helps.
The best way to do it - and I am talking from painful experience here - is with the RemoteIO audio unit. You can also do it with AudioQueue, but it has a higher latency, and the queue type approach becomes very problematic.
So, I think that they are really different tools for different jobs. Note that you won't play a sound file as such. You will play the contents of a buffer held in memory. As long as the buffer is not too large, this should not be an issue.
So, going with RemoteIO, you will find this blog and tutorial very useful. It includes code samples.
Using RemoteIO audio unit By MICHAEL TYSON

AudioStreamer and AVAudioRecorder don't work together

I am currently using Matt Gallagher's AudioStreamer (which works great!) but when I try to stop the playback and completely remove the streamer, my recording fails. I am unable to get something to record in anyway after I start using the streamer the first time.
With the streamer no longer existing, I have no idea what could be causing it to completely ruin recording functionality. Is there anyway that I can get this working? Any input at all would be extremely valuable.
Thanks in advance!
You may have to initialize and configure an Audio Session, or reconfigure the Audio Session type when changing modes (ending the playback streamer, etc.)

Play MP3 audio data on iPhone

I need to play mp3 audio data in iPhone continuously. I am getting continuous mp3 data via server in iPhone. Now I need to play this data in iPhone. I cannot access url to play as it is of mms protocol. So, for playing this type of data which is the best method to use. Can anyone help me out with this thing.
Thanks in advance.
You have a few options sanctioned by or directly from Apple. You should look into:
Core Audio and the Audio Toolbox
The AVFoundation Framework
The OpenAL Framework
Also, you can try Matt Gallagher's AudioStreamer class. It should be able to do the job, or at least help you figure out how to do so, if you look at the code.
Between those four options, there should be something to help.
After writing this, I did a bit of Googling and I found this thread that discusses the possibility of streaming MMS media to iPhone. It appears that it is not possible, due to the cost of a license from Microsoft. In theory, the above-mentioned frameworks should do everything you need, but it seems that you cannot because of the licensing issue.
Good luck!
audioPlayer = [[AVAudioPlayer alloc]initWithData:<#(NSData )data#> error:<#(NSError *)outError#>];
try this else tell me more clear what you want to do

iphone - any way to manipulate recorded audio?

Specifically, I just want to record something, reverse it, and play it back. I've looked through the apple docs and couldn't find anything about editing audio. Is it possible?
Yes, it is definitely possible. Last I checked the Apple Core Audio docs were not very good, but it has been a few months since I've worked with it. Here are the steps that I would follow.
Record the audio sample.
Reverse the audio by looping through the first half of the array and swapping the value located there with one an equidistant from the end of the array.
Play the resulting audio clip.
Quite frankly, the first step is probably the hardest. Here is a decent article about doing audio on the iPhone including recording. Make sure you look at all of the different parts of the article. Here is another article about recording sound on the iPhone, but using a different framework. There are really several ways to go about recording on the iPhone though, last I checked, if you want to play audio while you are recording you have to use RemoteIO.
If you would like to use RemoteIO(which I preferred), then this site is pretty helpful for getting started with it. Also, the aurioTouch sample program that Apple provides is immensely helpful (though more than you want).
If you don't need RemoteIO (because it can be a major pain though it is more low-level and thus more flexible), then try the SpeakHere sample program. It is made just to record and play back. However, I just looked at it and it writes the recording to a file rather than a buffer which isn't what you want. I would recommend going with RemoteIO for that reason (unless you can find a way to have it write to a buffer instead).

Getting duration of video taken by camera iphone sdk

I am trying to get the duration of a video taken with the camera using UIImagePickerController on the iphone, has anyone found a solution to this?
You can now do this using AVFoundation you can make your movie into an AVAsset and then check the duration property
Oh, why, hello hopelessly obsolete answer. I'm afraid you're only left here as historical evidence that yes, before iOS 4 if you wanted to do anything remotely interesting on a recorded video (besides playing it) you had to implement the processing yourself.
I don't know of any framework function to do so, so I'm afraid you'll have to parse the video container yourself (which by the way, is QuickTime/.mov) to extract this info. It's not like it's not documented. Luckily since the provider is known, you can trust all info to be truthful, which you can't assume of random videos found on the web.