iPhone - Provisioning profiles and app store? - iphone

I decided to submit a new version of my app after about 5 months.
I went to provisioning profile and noticed that my certificate is missing.
Every app store provisioning profile is linked to my certificate, and since the certificate is missing i cannot download my provisioning profiles.
What is the solution here?
Is it possible to submit a new certificate and relate my provisioning profiles to the new certificate?

Yes, generate a new certificate,
then edit your provisioning profiles to select the new one in the Certificates section.
In your projects, make sure your new profiles are selected in the Code signing property.


Build submission to App Store

I had submitted an app to the App Store using a certificate and provisioning profile. After submitting the app, by mistake I revoked both the certificate and provisioning profile. I have the csr and profile file with me. Can I submit a new version of my app even though I revoked the certificate and profile?
How can I update the app in the App Store?
Once you revoked the certificate, you cannot use it or the provisioning file any more.
You would need to create a new certificate, a new provisioning file, and resubmit your app using the 2 new files.

Distribution Certificate in xCode Organizer

Can I have more than one Distribution Certificate? I am developing an app but the current certificate was not created by me and is for another app. That app and cert was done by someone else who is no longer here.
I downloaded the vert, but in the organizer it tells me, Valid signing identity not found.
What am I to do?
Thanks for the help.
The error is shown, because a valid Signing Identity is not found. The Apple Documentation clearly describes how to export/import it. You should ask the certificate's creator to export his own copy of the certificate (because it can't be re-downloaded from the iOS Dev Center), then you can import and use it.
There's a difference between certificates and provisioning profiles.
Certificates are associated per account while provisioning profiles are for individual apps under each account.
If you are working with multiple iTunes / Apple Developer accounts, then yes you should have a certificate for each of those accounts installed in your keychain.
And assuming your app has it's own application (bundle) ID, you need to have a provisioning profile for each of the apps you're developing under that account. There are different provisioning profiles for distributing ADHOC builds and the Store build that gets uploaded for review by Apple.
It sounds like you need to start with just getting the certificate for the account you want to work with, then the provisioning profile.

Provisioning Profile Issue

My Apple Certificate had expired. So i went in the Developer's Provisioning Area and Revoked My certificate. I deleted my old certificate, and old provisioning profiles.
Upon notification from my Team Lead. I downloaded the new Developer Certificate to my Mac and Dragged it into KeyChain Access. Now it shows my certificate as valid. I re-downloaded the provisioning profile for my App. and Dragged it into XCode4. The Organizer shows it to be valid but with a warning
XCode Could not find a valid private key/certificate pair for this profile in the keychain.
Have i done something wrong in my approach.
I am able to run my app on the iPAD and debug it too. But i somehow sense an issue in the above statement.
Please Help.
If you didn't recreate the provisioning profile with the new developer certificate (i.e. if you downloaded the old profile) then I think this is the problem - you will need to create a new profile with your new certificate.
You did to get the certificate key/pair from your team leader. Apple does this weird thing where it actually signs it's certificate with a "password" in order to use the certificate you have to have the "password". That's why you get XCode Could not find a valid private key/certificate pair for this profile in the keychain. I had the same thing, you can't just download the new certificate :(. If I can find the documentation of Apple that says how to do this I will post it in an edit.
Ok here is the docs: https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/Xcode/Conceptual/ios_development_workflow/10-Configuring_Development_and_Distribution_Assets/identities_and_devices.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007959-CH4-SW2
It is under "Provisioning a Device for Development", I Hope this helps!

Can there be only one Distribution Certificate per App Developer?

I experience big trouble with the iOS provisioning / certification.
Recently I submitted an app to App Store with a normal App Store Distribution Certificate. And then I wanted to create a AdHoc Beta Test for another app, and I am not sure what happened next but now the Provisioning Portal doesn't list my App Store Distribution Certificate anymore. Instead it only lists my AdHoc BetaTest Certificate.
Also, the Provisioning Portal has no way to create a new Certificate.
Recently I renewed my developer account so maybe everything expired causing the trouble?
My Keychain has an entry "iPhone Distribution: Mikhalo Ivanokov", with green checkmark "This certificate is valid", expiring in Nov 10, 2012.
But Provisioning Portal doesn't list this Distribution Certificate. Only the AdHoc BetaTest certificate.
How can I fix this? Does anyone know what might have happened? Did Xcode replace my App Store Distribution Certificate with my AdHoc Distribution Certificate? Can I have two, or must I somehow delete the AdHoc Distribution Certificate first?
You can only have one distribution and development certificate. However you can have multiple distribution profiles. So in your case, you can use the same distribution certificate to create an adhoc distribution profile and an app store distribution distribution profile. Remember that a profile is created by combining your certificate (either your dev or distribution one), an app id and optionally a list of devices.
It seems to me that you had a distribution certificate and by mistake modified it to an Ad Hoc certificate (it easily can be done in Distribution tab of Provisioning Portal). You just need to make one more distribution certificate and sign your application with it if you want to update it in App Store.
You don't need to delete your Ad Hoc certificate, you just can maintain both distribution and Ad Hoc certificates on your developer Mac. You just need sign your application with right kind of certificate for publishing in App Store and Ad Hoc distribution.
IOS distribution certificate personal account can only apply for three

iOS Provisioning membership is renewed, what next?

After my iOS membership is expired, certificate and all provisions are gets revoked. After few days I renewed my provisioning membership. Now I need to give request for development certificate, So my question is How is it going to affect my existing apps and existing provisioning profiles? Can I give request for development certificate from other machine?
Please help.
Many thanks in advance.
Revoking certificates has no effect on existing apps (AppStore/AdHoc/Dev).
Regenerate your provisioning profiles (make sure your new certificate is checked in the certificate list). Then you'll just have to code sign your updates with the new provisioning profile.
You can set up the new certificate on another machine if you want.