How do I make a function that calculates the variance of a 2D matrix using loops i and j...where do I start?
You would not use loop variables in Matlab since this is inevitably much slower than using inbuilt (vectorized) functions.
The function var calculates the variance of a matrix column-wise. With (:) you convert a 2D matrix into a single column.
Or as Jonas pointed out, use:
var1 = var(double(twoDarray(:)));
You could use reshape in order to transform image as a vector. After that, you could calculate the variance using:
v1 = var(reshape(im2(:,:),[],1));
I am trying to rebin a matrix to a larger size in matlab. In IDL you can always use rebin(matrix,dimension) to generate the new matrix. Is there any equivalent function in matlab, or do I have to manipulate the interp() function in matlab?
It seems like imresize() does the job. It can resize a matrix to given dimension.
This might be simple and I apologize if it is so.
In matlab I have a double precision matrix which can theoretically have the range of +/- infinity.
I would to use the histogram function in matlab to change the values of the matrix.
For instance, if data elements fall within histogram bin 1 then I would like to assign the value of 1 to this and all of its instances.
Is there a quick and cheap way of doing this?
I have tried lookuptables etc but matlabs LUT is a pain.
Thank you for looking at my question
I think I just cracked it ...
Make a new function out of hist and after edges in the m file add this line:
[~,my_labels] = histc(y,edges,1);
and my_labels will contain your matrix with the histogram values instead of the actual values.
I attempted to use the solution from this post: Multiply a 3D matrix with a 2D matrix, to vectorize the multiplication of a one dimensional with a three dimensional, but to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
for s = 1: s_length
for a = 1: a_length
for g = g_length
two_dim(s,a) = two_dim(s,a) + one_dim(g) * three_dim(s,a,g);
I think this does what you want.
two_dim = reshape(three_dim, [], size(three_dim,3))*one_dim(:);
two_dim = reshape(two_dim, size(three_dim,1), size(three_dim,2));
This works as follows:
First line reshapes your 3D array into a matrix, collapsing the first two dimensions into one. That way the operation you want is standard multiplication of the resulting matrix times a column vector.
Second line reshapes the result into matrix shape.
mtimes does not work with inputs with dimension larger than 2, so you have to find a way to do the multiplication by yourself. The solution of Luis Mendo is a nice solution; here is another one using bsxfun:
two_dim = two_dim + squeeze(sum(bsxfun(#times, three_dim, reshape(one_dim,[1 1 g_length])),3));
Here is how it works:
reshape makes the vector one_dim looking like a 3D array. This must be done because the multiplication between the vector and the 3D array is performed along the 3rd dimension, so Matlab need a hint on sizes.
bsxfun perfoms the element-wise multiplcation, so the result must be sumed up along the 3rd dimension (and squeezed to be compliant with a 2D matrix format)
This should be a really simple question, but for some reason I'm getting unreasonably confused and the Matlab documentation isn't helping.
Given a uniform grid of coordinates (x_i,y_j,z_k), I want to make a 3-dimensional array F in Matlab such that F(i,j,k)=f(x_i,y_j,z_k). The following is obviously incorrect:
x=linspace(-1,1,100) % uniform mesh on [-1,1]^3
f=X.*Y.*sin(pi*Y.*Z) % for example
Do I need to use permute somewhere? I know that I could simply make a triple loop, but as we know that is slow.
Use ndgrid instead of meshgrid to avoid the unwanted permutation between first and second dimensions.
From the documentation (see also here):
MESHGRID is like NDGRID except that the order of the first two input
and output arguments are switched (i.e., [X,Y,Z] = MESHGRID(x,y,z)
produces the same result as [Y,X,Z] = NDGRID(y,x,z))
How to plot a 3D figure in MATLAB based on a function like f(x,y,z)=0?
And this complicated function can not be written as z = f(x,y).
where a is a known vector, sv is a known matrix, b is a known value. x,y,z are three variables. How to draw this surface in 3D way in matlab?
I just solve this question by this tool from the Matlab File Exchange:
Ezimplot3: implicit 3D functions plotter
your function only contains 1D vectors( I am assuming they are of equal lengths), if summed it will give you a constant; therefore, there is really nothing to plot.