KRL using a bee sting inside extended quotes - krl

What are valid bee sting expressions within an extended quote?
rule set_persistents {
select when pageview ".*"
always {
ent:ecount += 1 from 1;
app:acount += 1 from 1;
rule test_bee_stings {
select when pageview ".*"
pre {
sum = ent:ecount + app:acount;
content = <<
sum is #{sum}<br/>
sum + 1 is #{sum+1}<br/>
ecount is #{ent:ecount}<br/>
acount is #{app:acount}
notify("Results", content) with sticky = true;
When I run this I get nothing (never see the notify box). If I remove the ecount and acount lines I get
sum is 2
sum + 1 is 21
What bee sting expressions are valid within an extended quote? Is it any different for a normal quoted string?

Variables used in beestings in extended quotes should already have an assigned value and not be an expression. This is because beestings in extended quotes are evaluated on the client side and not the server side. I would also, for the previously explained reason, advise against using 'sum+1' in a beesting even though it currently works for endpoints that understand JavaScript.
Here is how I would write what you are trying to do:
ruleset a60x546 {
meta {
name "extended-quotes-beesting"
description <<
author "Mike Grace"
logging on
rule test_bee_stings {
select when pageview ".*"
pre {
ecount = ent:ecount + 1;
acount = app:acount + 1;
sum = ecount + acount;
sumplus = sum + 1;
content = <<
sum is #{sum}<br/>
sum + 1 is #{sumplus}<br/>
ecount is #{ecount}<br/>
acount is #{acount}
notify("Results", content) with sticky = true;
always {
ent:ecount += 1 from 1;
app:acount += 1 from 1;
action shot of app run several times on using bookmarklet:
*I would also advise against using a previous rules postlude to modify app and entity variables that you then use in the next rule expecting it to be incremented. While what you did works it's semantically messy and would probably be a bit cleaner the way I have demonstrated.
**should be taken with a grain of salt since this is only one crazy guy's opinion. : )*


How to truncate a comma-separated value string with remainder count

I'm trying to achieve string truncate with "& more..." when string is truncated. I have this in picture:
Exact code minus text, in image:
func formatString() -> String {
let combinedLength = 30
// This array will never be empty
let strings = ["Update my profile", "Delete me", "Approve these letters"]
// In most cases, during a loop (no order of strings)
//let strings = ["Update", "Delete", "Another long word"]
let rangeNum = strings.count > 1 ? 2 : 1
let firstN = strings[0..<rangeNum]
// A sum of first 2 or 1
let actualLength = firstN.compactMap { $0.count }.reduce(0, +)
switch actualLength {
case let x where x <= combinedLength:
// It's safe to display all
return{String($0)}.joined(separator: ", ")
if rangeNum == 2 {
if actualLength <= combinedLength {
return strings.first! + ", " + strings[1] + ", & \(strings.count - 2) more..."
return strings.first! + ", & \(strings.count - 1) more..."
// There has to be at least one item in the array.
return strings.first!
While truncateMode looks like a match, it's missing the , & n more... where n is the remainder.
My code may not be perfect but was wondering how to refactor. I feel there's a bug in there somewhere. I've not taken into consideration for larger screens: iPad where I would want to display more comma-separated values, I only look for the max 2 then display "& n more" depending on the size of the array.
Is there a hidden modifier for this? I'm using XCode 13.4.1, targeting both iPhone and iPad.
The title is incorrect. I want to convert an array of strings into a comma-separated value string that's truncated using the function I have.

swift: about ternary operator Question. Why my code is error code??? Please tell me why I'm wrong

swift: about ternary operator Question. Why my code is error code??? Please tell me why I'm wrong.
var arr = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
var result = 0;
for a in 0..<arr.count{
for b in 1..<arr.count - 1{
for c in 2..<arr.count - 2 {
arr[a] + arr[b] + arr[c] <= input[1] ? result = arr[a] + arr[b] +arr[c] : continue
[this is my error]
In Swift, the ternary condition operator is an expression which takes the form
<condition> ? <expression if true> : <expression if false>
Expressions are part of larger statements, and the ternary specifically is one which evaluates to either the expression after the ?, or the one after the : depending on the truth of the condition.
continue, however, is not an expression but a statement on its own, which means that it cannot be on either side of the ternary.
Thinking about this another way: expressions evaluate to some value (e.g., can be put on the right-hand-side of an assignment, like x = <some expression>), while statements do not (e.g., it doesn't make sense to write x = continue).
You will need to express this in the form of a regular if-statement then:
if arr[a] + arr[b] + arr[c] <= input[1] {
result = arr[a] + arr[b] +arr[c]
} else {
Note that the above code might be grammatically correct (in that it will compile), but it is unlikely to be what you mean: the loop will automatically continue at the end of execution even if arr[a] + arr[b] + arr[c] <= input[1] by default, which means that your result may get overwritten later in the loop. It seems likely that you mean something like
outer_loop: for a in 0 ..< arr.count {
for b in 1 ..< arr.count - 1 {
for c in 2 ..< arr.count - 2 {
if arr[a] + arr[b] + arr[c] <= input[1] {
result = arr[a] + arr[b] + arr[c]
// `break` would only exit the `c` loop, but with this label
// we can exit all loops at once.
break outer_loop

Difficulty getting readLine() to work as desired on HackerRank

I'm attempting to submit the HackerRank Day 6 Challenge for 30 Days of Code.
I'm able to complete the task without issue in an Xcode Playground, however HackerRank's site says there is no output from my method. I encountered an issue yesterday due to browser flakiness, but cleaning caches, switching from Safari to Chrome, etc. don't seem to resolve the issue I'm encountering here. I think my problem lies in inputString.
Given a string, S, of length N that is indexed from 0 to N-1, print its even-indexed and odd-indexed characters as 2 space-separated strings on a single line (see the Sample below for more detail).
Input Format
The first line contains an integer, (the number of test cases).
Each line of the subsequent lines contain a String, .
1 <= T <= 10
2 <= length of S < 10,000
Output Format
For each String (where 0 <= j <= T-1), print S's even-indexed characters, followed by a space, followed by S's odd-indexed characters.
This is the code I'm submitting:
import Foundation
let inputString = readLine()!
func tweakString(string: String) {
// split string into an array of lines based on char set
var lineArray = string.components(separatedBy: .newlines)
// extract the number of test cases
let testCases = Int(lineArray[0])
// remove the first line containing the number of unit tests
lineArray.remove(at: 0)
Satisfy constraints specified in the task
guard lineArray.count >= 1 && lineArray.count <= 10 && testCases == lineArray.count else { return }
for line in lineArray {
switch line.characters.count {
// to match constraint specified in the task
case 2...10000:
let characterArray = Array(line.characters)
let evenCharacters = characterArray.enumerated().filter({$0.0 % 2 == 0}).map({$0.1})
let oddCharacters = characterArray.enumerated().filter({$0.0 % 2 == 1}).map({$0.1})
print(String(evenCharacters) + " " + String(oddCharacters))
tweakString(string: inputString)
I think my issue lies the inputString. I'm taking it "as-is" and formatting it within my method. I've found solutions for Day 6, but I can't seem to find any current ones in Swift.
Thank you for reading. I welcome thoughts on how to get this thing to pass.
readLine() reads a single line from standard input, which
means that your inputString contains only the first line from
the input data. You have to call readLine() in a loop to get
the remaining input data.
So your program could look like this:
func tweakString(string: String) -> String {
// For a single input string, compute the output string according to the challenge rules ...
return result
let N = Int(readLine()!)! // Number of test cases
// For each test case:
for _ in 1...N {
let input = readLine()!
let output = tweakString(string: input)
(The forced unwraps are acceptable here because the format of
the input data is documented in the challenge description.)
Hi Adrian you should call readLine()! every row . Here an example answer for that challenge;
import Foundation
func letsReview(str:String){
var evenCharacters = ""
var oddCharacters = ""
var index = 0
for char in str.characters{
if index % 2 == 0 {
evenCharacters += String(char)
oddCharacters += String(char)
index += 1
print (evenCharacters + " " + oddCharacters)
let rowCount = Int(readLine()!)!
for _ in 0..<rowCount {

Printing the values from the corresponding array

1 A
2 B
3 C
I need to print the value corresponding to 1-> A. I have put each in an array:
d1[1,2,3] and s1[A,B,C]. Now I need to print the value in the form shown in the above:
d1[0] s1[0]
1 A
How can I do this using UnityScript? In the program, I did id printing in this format:
1 A
1 B
1 C
2 A
2 B
2 C
What you have probably done, and I'm guessing without seeing the code is something along that you have a for loop within a for loop which means you're processing the first item in the first array and then all items in the second:
for (var i = 0; i < d1.Length; i++) {
for(var j = 0; j < s1.length; j++ {
Debug.log(d1[i] + " " + s1[j])
Your options depend on the array sizes and how you want to handle them. For example if you know they're the same size consistently then
for(var i = 0; i < d1.Length; i++) {
Debug.log(d1[i] + " " + s1[i])
should work. I would wonder if what you're trying to achieve could be done with a different data structure such as a dictionary, etc.

Trying to get Javascript to delete the end characters on a stored string further than the last character

So I'm reading characters into a string in Javascript. I want the user to be able to delete characters they have stored, much as one would do in word processing.
function Update() {
if (Input.GetKeyDown("return")) c+= "\n";
if (Input.GetKeyDown("tab")) c+= " ";
if (Input.GetKeyDown("backspace")) c = c.Substring(0, c.Length - 1);
if (Input.inputString.Length != 0)
c += Input.inputString;
guiText.text = c;
The issue I'm running into is that after hitting backspace once, it stops going further back- I can only delete one character. For example, were I to type "example", and then hit backspace twice, I would have "exampl", whereas I would want to have "examp".
I'd love some help on figuring out where I'm going wrong here :) Thanks!
Full code in your question would have been better, You are storing one character at a time right? Try
function Update() {
if (Input.GetKeyDown("return")) c+= "\n";
else if (Input.GetKeyDown("tab")) c+= " ";
else if (Input.GetKeyDown("backspace")) c = c.Substring(0, c.Length - 1);
else if (Input.inputString.Length != 0) c += Input.inputString;
guiText.text = c;