How do I delay page display until JS is done? - dom

I've done the prerequisite searching of stackoverflow and looking on the internet. I suspect that the answer is ' This can't be done. ' but I'm hoping someone here might have a solution.
My page loads fine, but many of my YUI components don't fully load before being displayed. For example, my DataTable will resize itself when displaying or my buttons will appear in their native form and then get YUI-fied.
Is there a way to delay the displaying of the page until all the Javascript is finished (i.e. all my YUI components are finished rendering)? I don't know how this would happen, as a lot of the JS depends on the DOM being present to manipulate it.

Is there a way to delay the displaying
of the page
If I understand correctly you would like to hide it until it's done?
If that's the case I have an idea:
add a wrapper around the element you
want to hide (or use
position:absolute to cover it)
give that div a background which use
the color of the surrounding with a
positive z-index
when all your javascript has loaded remove the
z-index or change the color of the background to transparent
Your javascript code would look like this:
do 1. and 2.
load your js
do 3.
Of course it needs to be synchrone.
As an alternative you could use visibility:hidden / visible on the element itself but I dunno for sure if it's well supported.

Try putting your Javascript in the head section of the page, as if it's near the end of the page, it'll load later (making the first elements load faster). OR, better yet, serve up your Javascript compressed and via a CDN, such as Amazon CloudFront so that it loads quickly.


Div content shifts after page delay

I have an html file being served by Express, which also fetches data from an api. When I click a link in the navbar and switch routes (or the page is reloaded), the top navbar moves right, then left, and I can't figure out how to fix it.
If you look at the JSFiddle (link below), you'll notice that I have links to other pages, like /profile, /about, etc. Each time one of these pages loads, the navbar shifts (it's adjusting for the vertical scroll bar disappearing, then reappearing).
To mimic the api call, I added a setTimeout. To reproduce the issue and see what I'm talking about, you will probably need to run this code locally on your machine, and then refresh the page.
The strange thing is that this issue only occurs when there's some kind of delay (like an api call, or setTimeout). If I remove the delay and immediately load the content, everything works fine.
Some css code is commented out. The only key element I want to add later is position: fixed to fix the navbar to the top of the page.
How do I prevent the navbar from moving around?
The browser first renders the page without the scrollbar because it simply doesn't have to. Then you dynamically add few long paragraphs into the DOM, which makes the scrollbar to appear. This is what's causing your content 'shifting'.
The scrollbar is adding up to the width of your page. To prevent it from doing so, you need to do this:
overflow-y: scroll;
I finally found something that worked, although I'm not 100% sure it's the correct way to do things. I just changed the width under the navbar--site-header class to 100vw instead of 100%.
DVN-Anakin's answer helped me understand the problem (and one possible solution), and this answer provided some additional good solutions.

Angular UI Bootstrap typeahead does not extend past parent div border like a normal select dropdown

I'm using the Angular UI Bootstrap typeahead to display a customized list of suggestions as the user types into a text input form control. This form control exists inside a div using jQuery slimScroll in order to maintain a constant div size despite the size of its contents fluctuating. I really hoped the typeahead would display over everything like a regular html select dropdown, but unfortunately it does not, as can be seen in this plunker. I've tried futzing around with the z-index and adjusting the position and display properties; all fruitless endeavors.
Does anybody know how to get the typeahead popup to display over its parent border? If not, is there a way I could coerce the select tag to display HTML content so I can include glyphicons, emphasized text, etc. in the list of suggestions?
The problem is with the slim scroll - you are inside a div with relative position and overflow hidden (think of it as an iFrame). There is a small workaround...
You could, essentially set the position of the generated UL (.dropdown-menu) to fixed, set a height for it, then set an overflow:scroll...
It would work in some scenarios where the input field has a fixed position... otherwise you'd need to control where the input is and adjust the position of the auto-complete to follow, and a whole other bunch of nasty scripts.
Without looking at your application, I cannot understand why your have this particular architecture, but I can say that there must be cleaner options for handling autocomplete outside of slimscroll.
I just set typeahead-append-to-body="true" on the typeahead control and it worked. Not sure exactly why, but it's certainly a simple solution.

need to style input from a form with css in real time

Ok im struggling to find anything on this as im probably searching the wrong keywords.
I have a backed form thats use to display content on a page. When entering the details i want to be able to use a basic text editor to style the text, like bold, bullets, underline.
On top of that i would also like to allow them to wrap section in paragraph tabs, apply a certain style i.e style id="x".
Its more for backend so it doesnt have to be really user friendly but if there was an uncomplicated way of showing the styles in the form as i apply them, basically a WYSIWYG view. If not i will settle for applying the styles without having to see all the hmtl and css tags in the editor but when the information is passed via the INSERT query it will show pass all the relevant code like My Style and so on.
Now im quite happy to spend the time learning how to do this if you point me in the right direction but i have no idea what keywords to search. Ideally if there is a script out there i can just edit to my needs would be great too rather than starting from scratch.
Finally since im learning php and mysql still keeping it dumbed down will help and also since my values im passing is going to be full of characters the code wont like what functions should i look up to pass the code and content into the database to avoid breaking the code
I'm not entirely sure what you mean, but it seems you can achieve what you want using an editor like for example TinyMCE in combination with JQuery?
With JQuery you can show/hide items and ander your css like
$("p").mouseover(function () {

How to disable Tumblr Photosets

I'd like to disable the tumblr Photoset-function. That means I just want to have one picture on my tumblr-site instead of the "Layout" which is provided by Tumblr. But when the picture is clicked the Lightbox would still open. Thank you.
You can disable the normal photoset function by using the {block:Photos} {/block:Photos} block, which renders individually for each image in the set. It is also possible to select a single picture (plenty of themes do it), but I have no idea how you do it (I'm no developer, but I'll wager Javascript or undocumented code is involved), much less whether you can trigger the full lightbox without ever displaying the other images directly.

GWT text inputs with spell-check like behavior?

Does anyone know of a GWT widget that works like a spelling suggestor?
Ideally it would be similar to this:
I need a click-triggered popup on user generated text so that I can suggest replacements (I am not building a spell-checker, but something similar). I also really like the way the polishmywriting menu is set up (when you click on an underlined word).
Is there a widget that would allow me to make something similar?
Basically I'm trying to clone the little popups used by spellchecking in Gmail and polishmywriting.
If not, what would be my first step to make it?
Thanks for your time and answers,
Have you had any luck yet? I know it's been quite a lot of time, but found this just now.
It is a very specific widget, so maybe you won't be able to find exactly what you are looking for. In that case, making one from scratch might prove as a challenge.
The first thing you will notice is that a regular gwt TextArea won't do the job of holding the text. You will need something more flexible to dynamically put clickable labels in the text itself.
TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control, released as Open Source.
There is also a gwt wrapper available, so you might find that useful:
If you check the polishmywriting editor after the spell checking markup is displayed, you will notice it is not a TextArea. The text is a series of paragraphs and the labeled parts are span elements. This are the elements you can easily access with gwt and put some click handlers there to open the popup.
And for the popups, it shouldn't be difficult. Use a standard gwt PopupPanel. The popup panel can be displayed in a relative position to other elements displayed on the page:
If you did find something useful in the mean time, feel free to share.