Subclipse throws error when opening AndroidManifest.xml file - eclipse

I just installed Subclipse for Eclipse. This is my first time using SVN, so any guidance or overview will be appreciated!
After installing Subclipse I was successfully able to open .java and other files, but a few, including the AndroidManifest.xml throw the following error when opening them:
org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException: Invalid Input: Must be IFileEditorInput
Any ideas on how to resolve?

I believe you are referencing opening files directly from repository browser (as opposed to first downloading them into a project). Some editors as you have found have not been written to work with that input.
Right click on the file and select Open With. Note which editor is listed. I would guess, it's something from ADK. Then select another available editor (such as XML Editor or Text Editor). You may not get all the features of an editor dedicated for that file type, but at least you will be able to view the source.
The final step is to report the issue on the forum of the project/product responsible for the malfunctioning editor.


Creating C/C++ source file in Eclipse

I am running Eclipse Mars.1 and a recent (latest?) Eclipse CDT on Fedora 23. I have a Java project and want to use C/C++ for media support. However, I can't get the IDE to create the first C file (or the second for that matter). I have created a new source folder under the Java src folder and verified that it has been created in the file system. When I R-click on that new folder and ultimately selected 'create C/C++ source file', I am presented with a 'New Source File' dialog with 2 edit fields. One is titled 'Source folder' and the other 'Source file'. No matter what I do in the 'Source folder' edit field, a status message displays that the folder doesn't exist. When I enter a file name the status field states that I haven't specified a directory. When I use the browse button to try to select a directory, nothing is displayed except a status message that says that there aren't any entries. I have enabled the C/C++ perspective, but that didn't make any difference.
I originally posted this message on the Eclipse CDT forum but didn't get an answer. I have also posted it on the Eclipse newcomers forum.
Any help or insight to resolve this difficulty would be greatly appreciated.
Java and C do mix well through the JNI. I will implement my backend media in GStreamer, so I don't really have any option. I want it to be portable to Windows, Linux and Android (iOS later). I know that the UI will be different on Android.
I did find the answer here ->
I had searched for the answer earlier but never found it. I think that the key was to highlight the actual Java project (not the destination directory) in the project explorer pane, then R-click/new/file. I was able to select my folder that I had created before for the C files under the project and did successfully create and have now edited a C file.

Open Files in Eclipse?

I'm using Eclipse Mars with the TFS plugin. I work with many files that don't have a file extension. Is there a setting to have those files open in Eclipse? Currently, I always get Windows "what do you want to do with this file" selection displays.
All of these non-extension files are plain text that would properly render in Eclipse.
We have a fix in TEE/Eclipse TFS plugin to handle opening files without any extensions from Source Control Explorer in Eclipse. It will be available with our next update.
Unfortunately, the way our Eclipse TFS plugin (i.e. TEE) is written today, you will not be able to do what you are asking (meaning, you will not be able to configure the system so that when you click on a file with no file extension in the source control explorer and have it open in Eclipse – you will always be promoted by Windows to choose the application). We will keep this use case in mind as we continue to support the plug-in and will add it to the backlog of options to be considered in the next release. We are sorry for any inconvenience this is causing you. Thank you for your question.

How do I make Javadoc files show in Eclipse Package Explorer?

I'm using the Android Developer Tools wrapper of Eclipse, and the EGit git plugin for Eclipse. I'm having a problem where I'm generating Javadoc, but I can't find it in the package explorer.
I go to Project->Generate Javadoc.
I'm using C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_51\bin\javadoc.exe as my Javadoc command, and I select the package I want to generate Javadoc for.
I select the standard doclet with the following destination, where ReverseSentence is my package.
I check "open generated index file in browser", and generate the javadoc. It generates the Javadoc with no errors, and the index shows up in the main section of eclipse. However, the files don't show up in the package explorer.
I searched in the workspace through opening up the folder, and inside workspace\ReverseSentence there is a folder doc, which contains the proper Javadoc. However it isn't showing up in the package explorer.
How do I make it show up in the package explorer? When I used the regular version of Eclipse in the past (not the android developer tools wrapper), the Javadocs showed up there automatically.
What I've tried:
refreshing the project
closing and restarting eclipse
generating the Javadoc with an older version of the Javadoc command, which was what I was using in the other version of eclipse last time it worked (jdk1.6.0_43)
deleting the doc folder, recreating it, then trying to generate the javadoc in it (it generated in it but did not show up)
unchecking the filters which hide some things in the package explorer, (as shown how to do here: How can I get Eclipse to show .* files?)
I think that the problem is the destination folder/directory for your Javadoc files once they are generated. I encountered this same problem and discovered (finally) that the Javadocs were getting sent to a different folder than my package files were in. They went to the workspace folder I thought held all of my code also, but the code was going into a different repository. Maybe try looking for your code's location and then seeing if the generated Javadocs are landing somewhere else when they are generated. If this is the case, then the fix is to regenerate and send to the code's directory. This way, Package Explorer should be able to find and display them. Hope this helps!
Did you try by refreshing the workspace or re-opening the eclipse !?
Check the filters in the settings of the explorer. If something does not show up, usually the filter hides it. The filter can be accessed in the drop down menu of Package Explorer.

Failed to create the part's controls in Eclipse with Salesforce

I have Eclipse Juno and IDE. When I try to create new classes they always show: failed to create the part's controls. It worked for the first time, but now they always show this. Same happens if I create them inside the platform.
Error details:
org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailedException: assertion failed:
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Assert.isTrue(
etc ...
I would appreciate all help.
I had the same error. I fixed it by switching the eclipse workspace. Go to menu File->Switch Workspace->Other, and then select the same workspace you were working with. Eclipse will restart and you should not get the error.
I faced the same issue my default editor for JSP was Web page editor. Which I changed to JSP editor and everything is fine.
PS: To change to JSP editor
Right click on JSP page -->open with jsp .
I got the "failed to create the part's controls" error one day when I opened Eclipse and tried to view a java file I had been working on. When I opened the file I needed, it showed a red X and NullPointerException instead of the code. The error log mentioned "event loop exception" for some reason.
I restarted Eclipse, and the error was still there. I cleaned the project, updated the project, deleted and re-imported the project, deleted and re-imported the file, and the error still was there. As a last resort, I restarted Eclipse again and then the file was fine. So one of the clean/update/delete/import steps worked but I don't know which one.
Use eclipse -clean from command prompt to solve this problem.
I solved my problem like this:
This problem occur because of in eclipse default editor is not able to identify extension of that file. If you right click on file and open it with respective text editor ,problem will be solved
In ecllipse, every file types has some associated default formats and one of the default format set to the particular file type.
You can see this in General -> Editors -> File Associations-
This issue generally occurs when we open any file in the format which is not the default format of the particular types.
I got same issue when I opened one of the Java file in text format in ecllipse and then I started getting the same issue. After research, I observed that AspectJ/Java Editor was setting as default. After reset it to Java Editor, the problem got resolved.
Steps :
1. General -> Editors -> File Associations-
2. Select the content type and choose the default format for it.
3. Restart the ecllipse.
In general, it is some default file format that set in ecllipse causing the same issue.
in my case problem was that the server was resin and I didn't have the resin server extension installed
I solved the problem.
(1)Open the filed with TXT.
(2)Search and Delete the underline between number like:
int a = 10_000;
It works when i compile and run as others used, but it will fail if i save and open again.
I also had for the same problem and fixed it by updating eclipse. Help > Check for Updates.
This worked for me---->
Right click on pom.xml-->open with-->xml editor
Had a similar stacktrace on failed to create the part's controls while trying to open Git repositories view in Git perspective.
My case (cause) is different since I was migrating an Eclipse workspace from an Ubuntu VM to Windows.
Many thing were copied like projects, .git folders, or also .metadata Eclipse folder.
Tried with no success:
uninstall all egit component (installation details, then, install new software
restart eclipse -clean
reset Git repository perspective
I searched and found this invalid UNIX : separator in .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\org.eclipse.egit.core.prefs file.
Here, the : is invalid path separator on Windows.
I simply removed the value in this line, saved file, and restarted Eclipse:
(alternative: if needed, try to migrate those linux paths to their Windows equivalent too)
Git repositories view is back.

How can I format an entire source tree in Eclipse 3.4 (Ganymede)?

The obvious thing to do would be to:
Right-click on the folder that you wish to format.
Source > Format
Expected results:
- All java code in the directory and subdirectories are formatted (using the project specific formatting settings)
Actual results:
- None of the java is formatted.
While we're at it, how can we do a batch clean up operation in Eclipse?
From editor, I Right-click > Source > Clean Up, but I can only do one file at a time.
I faced the same issue. I had to switch to packaged Explorer to use the formatter. Under Navigator it does not work. Hope this help.
As mentioned in this thread, this (format all Java source files within a folder) should work since eclipse3.0.
Do you see some kind of error message in the "errors view" ?
I did exactly as you suggested you would like to do, and it did exactly what you suggested was expected. I selected Source | Format for a directory in my src tree and it reformatted all the units within.
EDIT: ...with 3.4.1 Ganymede.
If your code isn't checked out from source control or isn't writable, doing a group operation like this won't check them out or make them writable.
I have the same problem using SpringSource Tool Suite 2.5.1
I am using the package explorer
The project is in a SVN repository that is checked out
In the progress dialog I can see that only the XML files are modified
When I press Ctrl+Shift+F into a file, it gets reformatted (therefore is writable) but when after a reverse I do a right-click Source > Format on its folder nothing happens
I know it's been 2 years but I was wondering if #LES2 has found a workaround to correct this
Okay, despite I was really in the package explorer as written before, my java code was interpreted only as text files. I re-ran the full repository check-out of my project and a package-tree (squares for packages instead of folders) appeared giving me the ability to mass-format even Java files.