running mongoDB in a web hosting - mongodb

Is there any way to run the mongoDB in goddady or any other hosting websites except for mongoHQ and so on?
and if I use mongoHQ , is that safe for the data and fast ?
I'm right now using it in the localhost server as a windows service .

If you want to run software like MongoDB in a web environment, you'll need a Virtual Private Server (VPS). This is like having an entire machine that you can install anything on and do anything with. The downside is that you have to install and configure all the software on it, including backups and disaster recovery, which a shared host will usually do for you instead. The upside is that you have more system resources, so you can do more, and you can install any software you want, so you have more flexibility. My personal recommendation is Linode or Amazon EC2.
Shared hosting services generally don't allow you to install your own services, so you'll have to use what they provide for you. Most provide an RDBMS, like MySQL, but there aren't many providing MongoDB for you.

Just to chime in because I was wondering the same thing and came across this when I searched skynet, mLab. They have standard pricing for hosting a mongoDB setup and deployment as well as a free version for dev work.


Is it possible to install server software while I just have a hosting

I'm new to web back-end and about to deploy a website(with both backend and frontend). As far as I know, If you own a server, you can install whatever software you want. But how about when you have a free hosting, is it possible for you to install softwares like Tomcat, Mysql,etc yourself.
Ps: as far as I know, hosting is a folder inside a server, so in my opinion, you'll depend on the server which contains the hosting. Still I get confused.
I highly appreciate you all for spending time read this post.
Hosting is just deploying your applications and then serve them to the internet. If you are using free hosting, I suppose that they must be managed service which mean you cannot do anything except the functions the hosting provider provide. In my opinion, it is better to get your own vps if you want to control your server fully. You can just install software you want in ubuntu or other supported os, and then serve your port to public. If you would like to try, you can use some cheap vps provider first like Contabo VPS.

What is a good and secure way to host SQL and PHP open to the internet?

I'm using XAMPP locally, but this is only for local use, is there a package like XAMPP that works with public server hosting? Or do I have to install and configure everything manually?
Have a look at Azure, it integrates really well with SQL databases and depending on how much storage you need the cost of running is fairly cheap.

Setting up application server

I want to know sites which can allow me to deploy my jboss server and mysql. I am looking for very cheap rates. I also came across sites like which offer very cheap web hosting plans. But do they really allow you to host your jboss application server. if not where can I go.
You can also check Super Java Host at
They look pretty cheap...

How to setup a website with CMS on Amazon WS

Hi I was looking for a place to host my bigger projects with a philosophy "pay for what you use". I found Amazon WS. I want to set up a site with CMS (Modx) on Amazon WS. I basically need to setup a database (mysql?) and a webserver. Can someone provide me with some info on that or point to a tutorial or something?
Well, AWS gives you EC2 (CPU) and EBS (Hard Disk). You will need to choose an OS, setup Apache/Nginx and mysql.
In their basic form, the installation procedure is fairly simple.
sudo apt-get install apache2
sudo apt-get install mysql
Look around the web for more complete tutorials for the OS you choose. These are for ubuntu.
As for Modx, their instructions are available.
Good luck.
Also, you can also use a PaaS solution to assist you with the setup. Such as:
This will enable you to build a CMS on any Cloud provider: AWS, Azure, etc. and add a layer of support and management on top of it.
I have came across a tutorial available here:
The tutorial seems to be more than comprehensive.
Seems you just need to pick up the needed instances, upload the application and configure the database.

Shared Hosting with MongoDB installed

Are there any Shared Hosting that has MongoDB installed?
There are a variety of MongoDB as a service companies out there, and almost all have free instances. Checkout MongoHQ
Connecting to a shared hosting instance would be no more complicated than at a MongoDB service, and you'll get much better support and tools from a service.