iphone / ipad VGA, External device Display - iphone

In my app it has lots of videos and animation to present a view. Am implemented External display by using TVOutManager sample app. Every thing works fine except video part.
inside my application videos are playing fine but in external window it not showing anything is simply shows "TV is connected, Video is playing in TV" in a small window.
So how to resolve this.. how to display inside app video to external window.
any idea or am i doing something wrong here..

Here am answering to my own question.
robterrell's TVOutManager will not play any video to external device by simply doing [[TvOutManager sharedinstance] startTvOut] and [[TvOutManager sharedinstance]s topTVOut];
here we have add the instance of player to tvoutWindow.
[tvoutWindow addSubview:player's instance];
but here thing is the video is not displayed in device,
but you can control external window player from device.


play audio with controls in iOS

I'm building an App that plays a mp3 file (hosted on http://<somewhere>/<audio>.mp3) while the user is watching some changing labels (think about a lyrics app, which write the lyrics synchronised with the song).
In the bottom side of the screen I'd like to show the audio controls (play/pause, ff, rew), and a bar for indicating the downloaded part of the file and the playing point.
How is the easiest way to do it? I've already tried with AVAudioPlayer, AVplayer and MPMoviePlayerController, but none of them solved my problem.
You can use MPVolumeView Class.Read the documentation here http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/mediaplayer/reference/MPVolumeView_Class/Reference/Reference.html

Tips on using webview to play an embedded Flash movie

I've tried (without success) to get a video to play within a webview. I can see the video thumbnail with the default play button overlaying the video.
When I click the play button - the entire video hi-lights in transparent yellowish/orange. Clicking play again causes the Play button to blink. The thumbnail always remains, but never plays. I can even see the timeline below the video with the play-head, etc. I can never touch the video controls, because every click treats the entire video like one big button - and hi-lights like mentioned above.
They are numerous videos to be played and they are not at YouTube, so launching the YT player with an intent isn't desired.
I'm using SDK 8 (2.2), runing on a 2.3.6 device, and Have the latest Flash Player 11.xxxxx installed.
Any suggestions?
Took another approach in the app.

Issue exiting video after playing(ios phonegap app)

I am currently using iwebkit and phonegap together. Once everything is compiled and tested on an idevice, I can click a video link and get it to play. It play full screen but it uses the ios web video player (the one that doesn't have the "done" button" and the top and has a bar that spans the bottom of the screen. I can then press the full screen button to have it use the regular ios media player but when i click done from that, it doesn't take me back to the part of the app before the video, it just takes me to the full screen video in the web player. I hope someone can help me solve this and I hope I was able to describe my problem in a clear way. I've spent 2 hours searching and have come up with nothing.
I'm having the same problem. iOS 4.3.x introduced this problem as far as I can tell. There's a few comments about it on Apple's developer site but so far I haven't found any solution. Part of the problem seems to be Phonegap because I experience the exact same thing you describe when running the compiled app. However, if I simply browse to the same HTML pages it seems to work fine. Note - I changed from directly linking to video files to using the HTML5 tag. Using the tag works better than direct linking in Phonegap -- the videos still open in the player but when you click the Done button it returns to where it was. Keep in mind that if you do this the video will be on the inline in the page and paused but when you click the play button it opens in the player. The only problem I've found with this solution is that it won't rotate when you change from portrait to landscape when running in the phonegap app but it does rotate when browsing to the video in mobile safari. Not sure if any of that helps. I would be interested in what you've been able to work out since you posted.

Playing video in a Customview like iPad feature

When we call MPMoviePlayerController.play method, the movie player is opened and the video is played in a separate full screen. is it possible to play a video in a custom view, that is I have an image added on a view, when this image is clicked, the image has to be removed and the video has to play there itself as the feature in iPad.
Non-full screen playback of video is possible in iPhone OS 3.2 for iPad.
If you are porting an application that uses the MPMoviePlayerController class of the Media Player framework, you must change your code if you want it to run in iPhone OS 3.2. The old version of this class supports only full-screen playback using a simplified interface. The new version supports both full- and partial-screen playback and offers you more control over various aspects of the playback.
On the full-screen question, see this section of the iPad Programming Guide for further information, and this property of MPMoviePlayerController specifically.
Bear in mind that you can still only play one video at a time, and that this is only currently possible for iPad.
Not using MPMoviePlayerController, no.
You might be able to achieve this using a custom movie player, but I haven't seen one in the wild yet, and I don't know how it would be done.

MPMoviePlayerController issue after playing back YouTube

I have a MPMoviePlayerController and it plays fine when I play .mov from a server. I can play multiple movies in a row and I am not encountering any issues.
However, I also need to be able to play back some YouTube videos, and have embedded a UIWebView with that allows me to play YouTube videos. Playing several YouTube videos in a row is no problem. The problem occurs if I play a .mov video, and then try to play a YouTube video. The screen shows up with a landscape status bar, but all the controls are still in portrait mode. Sound works, but no video; just a black screen.
Really sounds like a bug to me... you should consider reporting it to Apple, if you haven't already.
It sounds vaguely related to another bug I've run into (the player sometimes keeps playing the audio after the movie is closed, and acts up next time it's launched). The workaround I found was to set
player.initialPlaybackTime = -1.0;
when I unload the player. It's a long shot, but you can give it a try.
The movie player on the simulator has several known bugs, see also:
video playback problems in iphone
Have you tried it on the actual device? I don't bother testing playback on the simulator at all these days.
I've seen this too and it's definitely an Apple bug. Another one you might run into is that tapping on the status bar to scroll to the top of a table after playing a YouTube video doesn't seem to work.
I've seen this happening in one of my apps. The bottom line, is you need to make sure you only have one instance of the MPMoviePlayerController object in your app. If you have more than one all hell breaks loose in OS 3.x, including the symptoms you mention.