Why I should NOT use Facebook Connect or OpenId for logging in users? - facebook

Jeff Atwood argues that we should stop asking users to register on our websites because we should rather use their "internet driver's license -- that is, [their] existing Twitter, Facebook, Google, or OpenID credentials" for authenticating them.
While I am beginning to think that he may be right, I could not yet decide and I am looking for arguments against letting foreign sites gain control over personal web pages.
Do you see any dangers of authenticating users like this?

if you want a more in depth response based from someone who has dealt with this technology before, you should listen to the recent .NET Rocks with Rob Connery which was precisely about this topic.
After listening to it I decided to NOT use OpenID on my site.
Here is the link to Rob's blog post on the subject:

Here are a number of reasons why not, although each comes with caveats:
If you only authenticate with one external service, anyone who doesn't use that service cannot use yours.
If your external authentication service goes down, users won't be able to use yours until theirs comes back up; similarly, slowdowns in their authentication server will also affect you.
Requiring users to authenticate with another service requires them to accept that service's EULA, which may be a turnoff for some; similarly, it ties you morally to whatever decisions your authenticating service makes. In particular it can make you appear to be a satellite, spinoff or affiliate of the auth site, since users have to see their logo every time they try to use your service.
The external auth domain gets a perfect snapshot of your viewership, giving them a lot of insight into what your company is doing. Since their analytical tools and staff are generally top-notch, they may conceivably know more about your user base than you do.
The major way to avoid this problem is to allow people to use the service of their choice, instead of a single service. If you are limited to developing one, for development time constraints, using OpenID is the best bet because many other authentication domains also qualify as OpenIDs, and therefore ameliorates most of the above problems.

I think using IDs from any of these big names are ok as long as you don't provide service that needs an endpoint like email, IM etc.
However, OpenID is just not trust-worthy. If you have any doubts, try this OpenID
This is a disposable ID that doesn't require a password to login.


Is there a way to secure a public endpoint?

Am I correct in thinking that a public REST api, such as a registration endpoint can't authenticate a user. For example our endpoints should only accept requests coming from our mobile applications and future web apps.
I am pretty sure it's not logically possible. I think apple and google offer a way (acting like a ca) for the server to identify a request is coming from a registered device however that changes the API to a private one. As authentication is essentially moved to the app store so only owners of app store accounts can use it.
So keeping it completely public the only way to prevent bots attacking it is to use email confirmation with auto deletion if not confirmed in x amount of time, and IP rate limiting.
A contractor suggested we use a unique secret key hard coded in to each app however, that to me sounds illogical and completely wrong. A secret between the app and server is compromised the second a user downloads the application on their device.
So am I correct about the secret key, are there any other ways to secure the endpoint from bots? The only other thing I can think of is using a captcha.
There are 2 separate things here.
Securing Public REST APIs
You are correct that a secret, even an asymmetric one, would be compromised if the attacker downloads and reverse-engineers the application. Attackers can use debuggers, Chrome developer tools, and tools like Wireshark to reverse engineer and find the secret.
In general, an attacker can mimic the behavior of the app or user, i.e. same the same requests in very similar patterns.
The approach to this in today's industry is to filter out as many of those attackers as possible using tools like Web Application Firewalls, and increasingly, Bot Management solutions, which work for web, mobile, and APIs.
The better the tool, the more work the attacker has to do, ergo fewer are attackers willing to do it, ergo smaller chance of being attacked.
Secure Authentication
Authentication is a specific case of the above, however this problem is currently (one of) the biggest problem faced by web applications.
The main solutions employed today is are bot filtering techniques e.g. CAPTCHA (which resourceful attackers can overcome), and Multi-Factor Authentication.
It's quite uncommon these days to be able to register without email, however services such as 10 Minute Mail can be used to overcome this. It's actually not very difficult to set up your own mail server as well.
Login is more difficult because you can't expect people to go through email, and even other MFA methods get quite annoying. You'd be OK with MFA for your bank account, but not with MFA to your Domino's Pizza account.
Because of that, the latest fad in web attacks is Account Takeover.
All those security vendors which offer WAF and bot management also try to protect APIs such as registration & login, with various degrees of success. There are even dedicated products are starting to emerge.

User management and Commenting system for website

I am working on a news media website, and I am looking to add feature to allow users to register, login and make comments.
For example (New York Times login/register screen)
May I know what options are available, what are the common approaches publishers would choose ?
So far I have been looking at:
AWS Cognito: Allows to create own user directory, and authenticate.
Disquss SSO: also implemented commenting.
In house development: Code a new microservice to manage user directory and store/serve comments, alternatively using AWS Lambda. I am very keen to go down that path, example, but this might costs a lot to develop + maintain.
User data security is my top consideration, I would prefer to use a separate system to store user data. Either a robust third party service or complete in house development of a new system.
Any suggestions?
Thank you.
These are web-standards for single sign on:
OpenID Connect
Companies like Google and Facebook provide authentication using Google-/Facebook-accounts. As far as I know, Google uses OpenID Connect which is based on OAuth. However, I don't know if you don't have to store user data any more at all when using this.
I believe it's worth checking again if authentication and commenting should be combined, especially when using a third-party-solution. It makes it harder to change one of the two.
This could give you some more ideas: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_single_sign-on_implementations.

OpenID Connect RP and OP on the Same Domain?

I'm trying to find if a RP(Relay Party) and OP(OpenID Provider) can be on the same domain. We have a use case to implement internal SSO in the future and have being asked to implement authorize on the same domain for each client.
We have a total of 3 domains and the ask is to implement authorize for each. This means each RP will be it's own OP. Apparently this solves an issue with two of the 3 clients, something to do with sessions.
I think this is a bad approach, but I can't find any doc's or case studies to strengthen my argument.
This seems like a misuse of the spec. My reasons for thinking this are:
I can't find any example online where somebody else has called authorize on the same domain
I can't find any reference in the doc's to say you can or can't
Within the FAQ it says:
It lets app and site developers authenticate users without taking on the responsibility of storing and managing passwords in the face of an Internet that is well-populated with people trying to compromise your users’ accounts for their own gain.
Given we are calling authorize on the same system we still have the responsibility of storing and managing passwords.
Is there any doc's to support or reject this use case of OpenId Connect?Do you know of any examples where it's being done?
Many thanks!
It's not the typical use case for OIDC but I don't think it's a terrible idea. There's nothing in the spec that says you can't use OIDC on the same domain.
From what I can tell, Google has implemented their own OIDC-like flow for all of their products and they all run under the google subdomain.

Host my own user authentication service on my own server?

I have tried Google with queries similar to the title of this question, but haven't found anything useful.
Background: I am building a web app and would like to add a user authentication level to it. I cannot imagine anything worse than building a user authentication system from the ground up, so I want a quick solution.
I'm looking for open source software I can host on my server that provides an auth layer I can connect to, with multiple user accounts
I want to host the software on my own server
Provide a log in screen that works with multiple sign in strategies - twitter, facebook, vanilla email, etc.
Persists users to a database (preferably postgres) and persists session data
Preferably lets me store a minimal amount of data per user, like key value store
Has a client-side (Javascript) API, like Facebook's JS, so I can use this auth service on multiple sites. Namely, I want to use it on localhost or my own file system (when allowing file cookies). Client side JS API exposes methods like log in / log out
Has a server side API (such as exposes local RESTful endpoints) so that when I do build out my server side app for other data storage outside of the user, my app can query the auth service for log in status.
I want to run this stack completely independently of my own app - in fact I want to run this auth service and purely communicate to it from my local dev environment without building any server side app of my own.
I have used Firebase and they do many of the things that I want, including log in strategies and the client / server side APIs, but I want to be able to host my own version of this.
I can't imagine anyone takes pleasure out of building user authentication of any kind, so I'm surprised I haven't found anything in research.
I also know this is an open-ended question, but as far as I can tell I haven't found anything satisfying my requirements.
I like Devise (https://github.com/plataformatec/devise), which is for Rails. It has an active community with a boatloads of plugins available that can fulfill many of your requirements.
I didn't see a language specified; most languages and frameworks have their own implementations. Can you provide more information?
Example: I use the Flask framework on python. In addition, I use the Authomatic library which provides Oauth access for twitter, google, facebook, etc.
What I was looking for is something called a Single Sign On solution. According to this list there is nothing currently that meets my criteria.
Instead I have chosen to just run a local webserver and implement a regular auth flow.

Authorizing REST Requests

I'm working on a REST service that has a few requirements:
It has to be secure.
Users should not be able to forge requests.
My current proposed solution is to have a custom Authorization header that look like this (this is the same way that the amazon web services work):
Authorization: MYAPI username:signature
My question is how to form the signature. When the user logs into the service they are given a secret key which they should be able to use to sign requests. This will stop other users submitting requests on their behalf, but will not stop them forging requests.
The application that will be using this service is an iPhone application, so I was thinking we could have a public key embedded in the application which we can do an additional signature with, but does this mean we'll have to have two signatures, one for the user key and one for the app key?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, I'd quite like to get this right the first time.
The answer is simple: It cannot be done. As soon as you ship any solution to the end user, he or she can allways attack the server it is communicating with. The most common version of this problem is cheating with hi-score lists in Flash games. You can make it harder by embedding some sort of encryption in the client and obfuscating the code... But all compiled and obfuscated code can allways be decompiled and unobfuscated. It is just a matter of how much time and money you are willing to spend and likewise for the potential attacker.
So your concern is not how to try to prevent the user from sending faulty data to your system. It is how to prevent the user from damaging your system. You have to design your interfaces so that all damage done by faulty data only affects the user sending it.
What's wrong with HTTP Digest Authentication?
I think the simplest way to do this right would be to use HTTPS client authentication. Apple's site has a thread on this very subject.
Edit: to handle authorization, I would create a separate resource (URI) on the server for each user, and only permit that (authenticated) user to manipulate this resource.
Edit (2014): Apple changed their forum software in the past six years; the thread is now at https://discussions.apple.com/thread/1643618
There is a better discussion of this here:
Best Practices for securing a REST API / web service