Is it possible to configure how far MPlayer will skips when I press the arrow keys?
In the input.conf file, find the lines for "(UP|DOWN|RIGHT|LEFT) seek" and adjust the values for each one.
I have Googled a lot but cannot find one feature in VScode that I would appreciate greatly:
Copy (or move) rest of the current line (i.e. not the entire line) to the end of next line
What I have - note the cursor
What I need - again note the cursor
So ideally, with a single keyboard shortcut, I would copy (or move) the remainder of the current line (= "ABC1" in the example) to the end of the next line. Any ideas how to do that? Is it available within VScode, or is there a relevant extension? Thanks!
Since you're asking if there's an extension for it, the vim extensions should at least be mentioned. I have no intention or desire to start an(other) editor war, though.
What you're asking would be trivial in vim (y$, yank to end of line) and there are at least two very popular vim extensions for vscode that will bring the vim keybindings as well as the power of configurable commands and bindings in vim to vscode.
Yes, it would require some effort to learn the "vim way" of doing things, but the upside is that you'll probably never have to re-learn the bindings if you move between editors/IDEs since they are available in pretty much every editor and they make editing very fast and precise.
Drag and drop by mouse
Why are you not using mouse drag and drop text?
Select the text and drag it by mouse where you need
Otherwise, if you have multiple times then you can solve it in two steps.
Replace all Name by Name(ctrl+enter)SecretCode
Replace all "(ctrl+enter)SecretCode by "
IPython 5 is a big release. One of its features is real multi-line editing with prompt_toolkit. The up arrow key now moves to the previous input line instead of the previous input command (block of lines).
This is awesome, but when my previous command spans many lines, and I need to reach the command before that, I find myself wishing I could go up one command at a time. Is there a way to do that? The shortcut ctrlp has the exact same behaviour as the up arrow key, so it does not provide a solution.
On my own Belgian Mac keyboard, fnshift↑ does the job. But I cannot tell whether this also works for other locales.
The PageUp and PageDown keys do exactly what you want without any chorded hotkeys involved; they work on an entry-oriented basis, rather than the arrow keys' line oriented approach.
Using the 'multiple-cursor' emacs package,
when I mark a word and cut ('C-w') in different multiple cursors, the only word in the 'active' cursor I control is cut.
I want to select different words in multiple positions and yank it to other relative position.
When I first tried this I remember some yes or no option at the screen bottom, but I couldn't really notice this at first and some keystroke made it to "no". I guess this might have been an option for multiple-cut. But I don't know how to revert this choice.
How do you do multiple cut and yank in emacs?
This works by default, so at some point you have indeed asked the library not do do this.
These settings are stored (by default) in ~/.emacs.d/.mc-lists.el
Just edit that file appropriately, and then M-x eval-buffer RET to make those same changes in the running instance.
I've already selected some lines in emacs. What is the easiest way to move those lines (whole line) up or down?
drag-stuff-mode is probably what you need.
Any time I try to move around in the buffer (besides moving up and down lines with C-p and C-n), my cursor is brought back to the command line so I cannot select and copy arbitrary text in the multi-term buffer. I can use my mouse to move to and highlight text, and all goes well from there, but is there a set of key bindings that will allow me to set the mark in other parts of the buffer? I looked in multi-term.el` but was not able to find anything that addressed this.
Try 'term-line-mode' and 'term-char-mode'