edit facelets file eclipse 3.5 - eclipse

I am using Eclipse 3.5
In order to use web - I downlaoded web tools. However, I can't edit facelet file (xhtml)! It opens it as txt file and doesn't complete the tags.
Is there a place that I have to configure it in Eclipse?

Eclipse 3.5's WTP does not support Facelets out of the box. You need to use Eclipse 3.6. Also don't download WTP separately, but download the version of Eclipse that already has it integrated. You need "Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers" from http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/
If you have to use Eclipse 3.5, you can install the "richfaces" editor from JBoss Tools (see http://www.jboss.org/tools). Granted, the name is completely awkward, but it's actually a general JSF/Facelets editor that works better than the one bundled with Eclipse 3.6.
You can install and use this without having anything to do with JBoss AS. The only downside of the Facelets editor from JBoss tools is that it depends on the dreaded XULRunner, which might not be available for your platform (32 bits is usually okay, but 64 bits only works on Linux).

Try Window > Preferences > Editors > File Associations to find the xhtml filetype and associate it with Web Page Editor or HTML Editor


How to add HTML Editor to Eclipse?

I just upgraded to Eclipse Kepler, the non-J2EE version. The HTML Editor is missing. I read elsewhere that I could install the "Web Page Editor", which I did, but the system now generates all kinds of errors when building my project. Apparently it can't find some JSF classes. I have no interest in using JSF.
The Web Page Editor install did include the HTML Editor, but it was so much trouble I had to uninstall. How do I get my old HTML Editor back?
Alternatively, you can just install the "HTML Editor" from the WST package (the same one provided in Java EE Edition) in Eclipse 4.x, just by looking for "HTML Editor" in the marketplace (but, indeed, i haven't been able to found it in the "install new software").
On my side i prefer to work on Eclipse "Java Edition" most of the time (just adding the few additionnal features i really need).
Go to Install New Softwares-> Select your version eclipse repo. eg Mars - http://download.eclipse.org/releases/mars -> Expand Web,XML, JAVA EE option -> Install Eclipse Web Developer Tools
I have used CodeMix for a while and it's a wonderful tool, it can easily install as a plugin and a wide tools will be available like HTML Validation, Emmet, CSS IntelliSense, Snippets, take a look in this site https://www.genuitec.com/sox/tech/html5-with-codemix/
I had a similar issue once, and I tried a HTML editor addon for eclipse, but haven't found one that's any better than the one that comes with the Java EE edition of eclipse.
I suggest you download the Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.
You may want to install Eclipse Web Developer Tools
Bet you after edit HTML you will have to edit CSS and JavaScrip too

Eclipse Juno no JSP in Dynamic Web Project (but everything else is fine)

The short question, is when creating dynamic web project (1.6 jdk) I can see all file types to create but there is no option for jsp. To add to that when I check file associations there is no JSP editor to select from.
A slightly longer version is I simply want to edit JSP files, I have Juno EE version installed and it says web tools platform is installed and everything works just fine.
However while everything works, there was no *.jsp in file associations and on adding it there was no JSP editor in the list. This is an out of the box Juno EE.
So I checked installed plugins and it tells me that web tools is installed, there is an icon and a load of plugins. They are all listed under Java EE in the plugin/installation list. I even tried installing just 'java web develop tools' which lists as 'tools for working with jsp' but when I do that I get ""Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools" will be ignored because it is already installed." however I cannot uninstall it because it's part of Java EE eclipse platform. I have no other plugins installed that might have broken this, however it has taken some time to get all the settings good so I'd rather not install it all again.
So I tried to install the full WTP by hand and it said some things were already installed, but it installed others. However, still no JSP editor. Hence why I tried a dynamic web project to see if I could create JSP and it wasn't listed.
So, eclipse base install has absolutely everything (xml, html editor, java editor, all the tools) but just not JSP.
My JDK is fine as dynamic web project is not created unless you have a valid 1.6 or above.
Anyone help?
It seems your missing Eclipse web developer tools and Eclipse java web developer tools.
Help>Install new software>http://download.eclipse.org/releases/juno, select appropriate items under Web,XML,Java EE
Hope this helps
In Eclipse Juno, select File/New/Other, then type in jsp in the wizard field. Select jsp file or jsp tag and there you go. Hope that helps.
Try to install Eclipse with Java EE developer.It should work.
You can go to Eclipse Market place and search for "Java EE Developer tool". On clicking it you should be able to see if your Web developer tool is selected or not. Please select that option and your issue will be resolved.
Check your path. Make sure it is pointing to at least a 1.6 version of Java. Restart Eclipse. That fixed it for me.
If you have installed every thing proper and still it is not showing JSP option while creating new .jsp file then click to the web icon on top right corner of eclipse. If it doesn't work then you need to install updated version of eclipse.
I also faced the same problem; I looked through the "Web,XML,Java EE..." installables available at under Kepler downloads:
and that brought me the New->'JSP File' context menu item.

JBoss Tools - Disabling Visual Editor

I just added JBoss tools and I like a lot of what I get from it. However, I noticed that my .xhtml files are loading a /lot/ slower (on the order of several seconds) than before I installed JBoss tools. I'm willing to accept some slowdown (there's always overhead from using tooling sitting ontop of Eclipse) but this is a pretty long wait. I suspect it has to do with the visual editor that JBoss has added for .xhtml. I am using windows 64 bit and I can't use this editor. I've also tried following the advice at this link
and adding -Dorg.jboss.tools.vpe.loadxulrunner=false to the eclipse.ini but I didn't notice any speedups. I also uninstalled the plugin for the JBoss visual editor and didn't see any results. After uninstalling the plugin the visual/source, source, and preview tabs are still at the bottom of the .xhtml editor, so maybe I uninstalled the wrong one?
I'm using Eclipse for Java EE Juno service release 1 Build id: 20120920-0800. I have the CDI, dynamic web module, Java, javascript, JSF 2.1, JAX-RS 1.1 JBoss Maven Integration 1.0 and JPA 2.0 facets installed on this project.
It is hard to say what you just uninstalled.
If you want just uninstall visual editor you can do such thing:
Just install onece again Eclipse and when you install JBoss Tools just doesn't select visual editor
Try to unistall visual editor. I think (but I never tested it) you should remove from plugins and features directoris wich starts from org.jboss.tools.vpe
I don't know if there can be some problems with dependencies and so on - you should make backup of Eclipse directory before making any changes.
Maybe it will be sufficient just open the files with other editor:
You can just open single file using other editor, just click in Package explorer view on the file with right click and choose Open with... menu - then you can open the file with for example HTML editor:
You can change the default editor for all files by open Window->Preferences menu and find Find associations position. There should be *.xhtml extensions - choose it and change the default editor.

Eclipse web.xml editor

I have Helios Service Release 2 installed with WTP tools. I created a simple dynamic web project. When I open web.xml, which opens with default XML editor, it shows only two tabs:Design(Standard XML tab) & Source.
When I worked with Rational Software Architect in past, it opened web.xml with tabs like 'Servlet', 'References' so on to let you easily edit various parts of web.xml in visual point & click manner.
Is this possible with Eclipse?
btw, I tried 'Open with' menu option but couldn't find appropriate editor for web.xml
You can install JBoss tools through Eclipse marketplace to have a complete web.xml editor. You don't have to install all the plugins. In my case I just installed the "Context and Dependency Injection Tools"
Eclipse currently does not have this functionality. IBM did not donate this part of the tooling from Rational Software Artifact when it seeded Eclipse Web Tools Project.
Note that there is an effort that is just getting started to implement these editors at Eclipse, but you are not going to be able to use the fruit of that work until Juno release in the Summer of 2012.
In the meantime, you will need to use plain XML editor or seek third-party solutions, such as MyEclipse. Note that MyEclipse is not compatible with Eclipse WTP. It is separate tooling stack for web app development.

No Jsp Editor with Eclipse Galileo 3.3

I just installed Eclipse Galileo, but have no JSP editor.
In file associations, on the Preferences page, *.jsp was not even mentioned.
When I added it and went to associate with the built-in Jsp Editor, there was none in the list.
Note: I have WTP 3.1.1 installed.
Any ideas?
What JVM are you using? 1.5 or 6 is necessary for WTP to run properly.
Can you activate a Java EE perspective, which would then give you access to all those features (JSP editor, JSP file association, and so on)
If all that fails, you can always try a parallel clean installation of the Java EE edition of Galileo eclipse 3.5.1, which should have everything running out of the box.
This can easily be resolved by installing Eclipse Java EE version. Else you need to install the following tool to get jsp context menu under New.
Go to Help->Install New Software and install the item "Web Page Editor (Optional)" under Web,XML, and Java EE Development