How to control where the function is run in MATLAB? - matlab

I would like to be able to run a function from the directory where it is defined.
Let's say this is my folder structure:
and I have all directories in my MATLAB path, so I am able to call the functions that are in these directories.
Let's say my function "func" resides in 'matlab/functions1'. My function contains command
csvwrite('data.csv', data(:));
Now, if I call "func" from ./matlab, 'data.csv' gets created in ./matlab. If I call it from ./matlab/functions2, it will get created in that directory. But I would like for the function to write 'data.csv' always in the directory, where the function is defined (./matlab/functions1), no matter what my current directory is. How can I achieve that?

mfilename called from 'inside' a function returns the function path and name.
fullPath = mfilename('fullpath');
pathString = fileparts(fullPath);
dataPath = [ pathString filesep 'data.csv'];
csvwrite(dataPath, data(:));

In addition to what #zellus suggested, you can use functions to get information on a specific function, regardless of any m file being executed at the same moment. You set the function of interest by giving functions the function handle:
funInfo = functions(#func);
fullPath = funInfo.file;


Accept a specific type of file Matlab

I have a GUI using a Browe Button to search a file :
function Browse(app, event)
FileName,FilePath ]= uigetfile();
ExPath = fullfile(FilePath, FileName);
app.FileTextArea.Value = ExPath;
And i save the file Path in a Text Area.
I have another button that start a matlab script with the file path as parameter and so i would like to accept only a certain type of file (.ctm which is my own type of file) if possible like this :
if file is .ctm
do something
print('a .ctm file is needed')
Thanks for helping
There are two things you can do:
Display only the files with a certain extension with uigetfile()
[fileName, dataDir] = uigetfile('*.ctm', 'Select a *.ctm file', yourDefaultPth);
Verify that selected file has a .ctm extension
[data.dir,data.fileName,data.ext] = fileparts(fullfile(dataDir, fileName)); % dataDir and fileName from pt. 1
if strcmp(data.ext, '.ctm')
% do something
print('a .ctm file is needed')
Keep in mind that neither of the two will verify that the content of the file is the one you're expecting and if someone will manually modify extension of the file, your program will most likely crash. It's good for a start but if you want to do a more reliable check, you should verify that the content of the file is correct, not its extension.

Get a New Directory Name from Mkdir

I'm running a code in Maltab the creates directories through mkdir. Problem is, I'm creating their name by some logic on run-time, so I don't know what the dir name would be. I know I can first create the name as
string dirName = nameLogic();
but I would like to know the dirName from the created directory itself. Naivly, that would be
[outputdirName] = mkdir(fuzzylogicdirName);
I should add that I'm not religiously attached to mkdir, and another yet more suitable method might be in place.
I might get you wrong. In any case what mkdir does is just creating a folder, hence the folder name must be known (possibly determined at run-time) before the call.
A structure like
folderName = folderNameLogic([run_time_variables]);
% # folderName = 'something_run_time_variables(1)_and_run_time_variables(2)'
status = mkdir(folderName)
if status == 1
disp(['success in creating folder ' folderName]);
disp(['ERROR in creating folder ' folderName]);
is thus necessary.
Clearly nothing prevents you from wrapping the call a function of yours returning the folder name. E.g.
function [folderName] = mkdir_retname(folderName)
status = mkdir(folderName);
if status == 0
folderName = '0';

Images upload form laravel

My image upload doesn't work:
if (Input::hasFile('image')) {
$bikecreate->image = Input::file('image');
$destinationPath = public_path().'/upload/';
$filename = str_random(6) . '_' . $bikecreate->users_id ;
Input::file('image')->move($destinationPath, $filename);
{{ Form::file('image', array('files' => true)) }}
After accepting form everything looks ok, but after the end of upload, filepath in database show .tmp/file at my server.
Without seeing the rest of your code it's hard to see exactly what's going on but my guess is that your line $bikecreate->image = Input::file('image') is where you're setting the file's path for the database. You've actually set the UploadedFile instance as the image property on $bikecreate there, which, presumably, when serialised to something to put into the database gets __toString() called on it.
__toString() called on a File instance (which itself inherits __toString from SPLFileInfo returns the path to that file. So you'd think you're get the uploaded filename, but actually because an uploaded file is actually a temporary file in PHP, you get the temporary name.
Try changing that line to the following:
$bikecreate->image = Input::file('image')->getClientOriginalName();
This retrieves the actual original name of the uploaded file, not the temporary path given to it by PHP.
It goes without saying that this is only pertinent to UploadedFiles, normal files should just be able to be __toStringed to get the path to the file, although you'll notice that it would be the full path and not the basename. To get that, use getBaseName().

MATLAB superclass can not be found on the MATLAB's search path

I have 2 paths :
classdef verifyModel
classdef controllerStatus < verifyModel
but when I run controllerStatus.m, I got an error as the class I used isn't in the path
how could I add verifyModel to the path ?
Before usage of controllerStatus use:
Also, you might want to put in in a # folder. These folders are added to the path whenever they are visible, so as they are a subfolder of your current path(pwd).
Or add 'C:\controller\functions\' to your static matlab path, what I do not recommend.
See also this answer.

Which file contains function of core/session in magento?

I need to customize other's code,
so I found they used
in Order.php file for custom order email
so I can't find this function getMyCustomBlockInfo();
Can anyone tell me where this function reside?
those are magic functions get() and set() and you are asking a session variable there that is set as
somewhere in your code. If you use terminal you can easily find by making a following grep:
grep '>setMyCustomBlockInfo(' . -rsni
and it will list the files where your variable is set to session.
example :
Mage::getModel('catalog/product'); //or
the code must be in '../app/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Product.php' file
the code must be in '../app/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session.php' file
because the class Mage_Core_Model_Session's parent::parent is Varien_Object, then you can do all magic functions and you can ->getData() to see the Data inside.
on your problem when go call ->getData() you can see data : [my_custom_block_info]
you can set it with call
// will return 'what'