Using a variable as a method name in Perl - perl

I have a perl script (simplified) like so:
my $dh = Stats::Datahandler->new(); ### homebrew module
my %url_map = (
'/(article|blog)/' => \$dh->articleDataHandler,
'/video/' => \$dh->nullDataHandler,
Essentially, I'm going to loop through %url_map, and if the current URL matches a key, I want to call the function pointed to by the value of that key:
foreach my $key (keys %url_map) {
if ($url =~ m{$key}) {
$url_map{$key}($url, $visits, $idsite);
$mapped = 1;
But I'm getting the message:
Can't use string ("/article/") as a subroutine ref while "strict refs" in use at ./ line 236.
Line 236 happens to be the line $url_map{$key}($url, $visits, $idsite);.
I've done similar things in the past, but I'm usually doing it without parameters to the function, and without using a module.

Since this is being answered here despite being a dup, I may as well post the right answer:
What you need to do is store a code reference as the values in your hash. To get a code reference to a method, you can use the UNIVERSAL::can method of all objects. However, this is not enough as the method needs to be passed an invocant. So it is clearest to skip ->can and just write it this way:
my %url_map = (
'/(article|blog)/' => sub {$dh->articleDataHandler(#_)},
'/video/' => sub {$dh->nullDataHandler(#_)},
This technique will store code references in the hash that when called with arguments, will in turn call the appropriate methods with those arguments.
This answer omits an important consideration, and that is making sure that caller works correctly in the methods. If you need this, please see the question I linked to above:
How to take code reference to constructor?

You're overthinking the problem. Figure out the string between the two forward slashes, then look up the method name (not reference) in a hash. You can use a scalar variable as a method name in Perl; the value becomes the method you actually call:
%url_map = (
'foo' => 'foo_method',
my( $type ) = $url =~ m|\A/(.*?)/|;
my $method = $url_map{$type} or die '...';
$dh->$method( #args );
Try to get rid of any loops where most of the iterations are useless to you. :)
my previous answer, which I don't like even though it's closer to the problem
You can get a reference to a method on a particular object with can (unless you've implemented it yourself to do otherwise):
my $dh = Stats::Datahandler->new(); ### homebrew module
my %url_map = (
'/(article|blog)/' => $dh->can( 'articleDataHandler' ),
'/video/' => $dh->can( 'nullDataHandler' ),
The way you have calls the method and takes a reference to the result. That's not what you want for deferred action.
Now, once you have that, you call it as a normal subroutine dereference, not a method call. It already knows its object:
package Foo;
sub new { bless {}, $_[0] }
sub cat { print "cat is $_[0]!\n"; }
sub dog { print "dog is $_[0]!\n"; }
my $foo = Foo->new;
my %hash = (
'cat' => $foo->can( 'cat' ),
'dog' => $foo->can( 'dog' ),
my #tries = qw( cat dog catbird dogberg dogberry );
foreach my $try ( #tries ) {
print "Trying $try\n";
foreach my $key ( keys %hash ) {
print "\tTrying $key\n";
if ($try =~ m{$key}) {

The best way to handle this is to wrap your method calls in an anonymous subroutine, which you can invoke later. You can also use the qr operator to store proper regexes to avoid the awkwardness of interpolating patterns into things. For example,
my #url_map = (
{ regex => qr{/(article|blog)/},
method => sub { $dh->articleDataHandler }
{ regex => qr{/video/},
method => sub { $dh->nullDataHandler }
Then run through it like this:
foreach my $map( #url_map ) {
if ( $url =~ $map->{regex} ) {
$mapped = 1;
This approach uses an array of hashes rather than a flat hash, so each regex can be associated with an anonymous sub ref that contains the code to execute. The ->() syntax dereferences the sub ref and invokes it. You can also pass parameters to the sub ref and they'll be visible in #_ within the sub's block. You can use this to invoke the method with parameters if you want.


Check if a subroutine is being used as an lvalue or an rvalue in Perl

I'm writing some code where I am using a subroutine as both an lvalue and an rvalue to read and write database values. The problem is, I want it to react differently based on whether it is being used as an lvalue or an rvalue.
I want the subroutine to write to the database when it is used as an lvalue, and read from the database when it is used as an rvalue.
# Write some data
$database->record_name($subscript) = $value;
# Read some data
my $value = $database->record_name($subscript);
The only way I can think of the make this work is to find a way for the subroutine to recognize whether it is being used as an lvalue or an rvalue and react differently for each case.
Is there a way to do this?
Deciding how to behave on whether it was called as an lvalue or not is a bad idea since foo(record_name(...)) would call it as an lvalue.
Instead, you should decide how to behave on whether it is used as an lvalue or not.
You can do that by returning a magical value.
use Variable::Magic qw( cast wizard );
my $wiz = wizard(
data => sub { shift; \#_ },
get => sub { my ($ref, $args) = #_; $$ref = get_record_name(#$args); },
set => sub { my ($ref, $args) = #_; set_record_name(#$args, $$ref); },
sub record_name :lvalue {
cast(my $rv, $wiz, #_);
return $rv;
A little test:
use Data::Dumper;
sub get_record_name { print("get: #_\n"); return "val"; }
sub set_record_name { print("set: #_\n"); }
my $x = record_name("abc", "def"); # Called as rvalue
record_name("abc", "def") = "xyz"; # Called as lvalue. Used as lvalue.
my $y_ref = \record_name("abc", "def"); # Called as lvalue.
my $y = $$y_ref; # Used as rvalue.
$$y_ref = "xyz"; # Used as lvalue.
get: abc def
set: abc def xyz
get: abc def
set: abc def xyz
After seeing this, you've surely learned that you should abandon the idea of using an lvalue sub. It's possible to hide all that complexity (such as by using sentinel), but the complexity remains. The fanciness is not worth all the complexity. Use separate setters and getters or use an accessor whose role is based on the number of parameters passed to it ($s=acc(); vs acc($s)) instead.
For this situation you might like to try my Sentinel module.
It provides a function you can use in the accessor, to turn it into a more get/set style approach. E.g. you could
use Sentinel qw( sentinel );
sub get_record_name { ... }
sub set_record_name { ... }
sub record_name
sentinel get => \&get_record_name,
set => \&set_record_name,
obj => shift;
At this point, the following pairs of lines of code are equivalent
$name = $record->record_name;
$name = $record->get_record_name;
$record->record_name = $new_name;
$record->set_record_name( $new_name );
Of course, if you're not needing to provide the specific get_ and set_ prefixed versions of the methods as well, you could inline them as closures.
See the module docs also for further ideas.
In my opinion, lvalue subroutines in Perl were a dumb idea. Just support ->record_name($subscript, $value) as a setter and ->record_name($subscript) as a getter.
That said, you can use the Want module, like this
use Want;
sub record_name:lvalue {
if ( want('LVALUE') ) {
else {
though that will also treat this as an LVALUE:
foo( $database->record_name($subscript) );
If you want only assignment statements to be treated specially, use want('ASSIGN') instead.

Nested modular subroutines where the inner subroutine changes

I have a sub that reads a FASTA text file in chunks.
sub reader {
foreach my $line (<IN>) { # read line by line
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ m/^>/) { # if it's a title
&initiator($title, $seq) unless $firsttitle == 1;
$firsttitle = 0;
($title = $line) =~ s/^>//; # title without > at start
$seq = ''; # new seq
} else {
$seq = $seq . $line; # append seq lines
&initiator($title, $seq); # Do the thing for the last seq.
In the middle of several loops, &initiator is called. I'd like to have this in a module that I can "use" but substitute &initiator with other subs from other modules. These subs will need to have their own inputs as well. Would something like the following work or is there a more elegant solution?
use Reader qw(reader);
use Othersub qw(subroutine);
my #par = ('Mary', 'Lamb');
my %functions = (foo => \&Othersub::subroutine);
&reader($file_to_read, $functions{'foo'}($par[0], $par[1]));
Note: Final file structure is, and the script that uses both modules.
Perl allows you to create references to things, and that includes both subroutines and arrays.
If you've got differing arguments to pass, then I would suggest you want to do so via array reference rather than what you're doing. A bit like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
sub variable_args {
my ( $code_ref, $array_ref ) = #_;
#dereference code ref;
#dereference array ref;
&$code_ref( #$array_ref, "optional", "extra", "arg" );
sub foo_func {
foreach (#_) {
print "Foo $_\n";
sub bar_func {
print "BAR: ", join( ":", #_ ), "\n";
#could inline the functions as anonymous subs. I would avoid doing that
#unless they're pretty short/clear.
my %functions = (
'foo' => \&foo_func,
'bar' => \&bar_func,
my %args_to_pass = (
'foo' => [ "Mary", "Lamb" ],
'bar' => [ "Some", "Fish", "Pie" ],
for my $thing ( "foo", "bar" ) {
variable_args( $functions{$thing}, $args_to_pass{$thing} );
Note - in the example above, you call &initiator. You shouldn't do this. It's deprecated syntax from Perl 4, and is redundant (and may have some undesired consequences in certain scenarios).
But I would suggest doing it this way rather than the way you've got. You could get this to work:
&reader($file_to_read, $functions{'foo'}($par[0], $par[1]));
But what will happen when you try and do that is you'll (potentially) just run your function immediately, and pass it's result into reader.
variable_args ( &{$functions{'foo'}}("Mary", "Lamb"), ["more stuff"] );
Won't work, because you're 'running' it immediately, and then sending the result - which'll make your $code_ref whatever the result of the subroutine was.
However you could make an anonymous sub, and pass that:
variable_args( sub {
&{ $functions{'foo'} }( "Special", "Argument", #_ )
$args_to_pass{'foo'} );
I would suggest you're getting needlessly convoluted by that point though :)
As far as I can guess, you want to pass a function (reference) as parameter.
Something like this should work for you
# Script
use Reader qw(reader);
use Othersub qw(subroutine);
my #par = .... ;
reader( $file_to_read , \&subroutine , #par);
sub reader {
my $file = shift;
my $initiator = shift;
my #par = #_;
$initiator->( $file , #par)
Remark: In the last line of your code, you are not passing the function subroutine to reader, as you might have intendend; instead, you invoke it and pass the result of soubroutine, given the paramers par to reader.

Perl args and defining it

Hello I am trying to understand Perl better. I come from Ruby and trying to wrap my head around Perl for fun. Let's say I have this code block here.
{ record => $record,
listing => [ $foo, $bar, $baz ],
passedargs => { something => $val, another => $val2 },
What exactly is defined as $args? My thought process from reading Perl docs is something like my ($self, $args) = #_; Meaning everything within the doSomething block is considered $args and if I wanted to access it. I would my $args = #_[0];
Just curious if I am thinking about this correctly? if not care to explain?
Since you are invoking doSomething as a method call, the first argument will be the object you are calling the method on (i.e. that which is on the left hand side of the arrow operator: $self).
The second argument will be the hashref you are passing between the ( and the ).
You access a particular member of the hashref just as you would for any other hashref.
sub doSomething {
my ($self, $args) = #_;
my $record = $args->{record};

perl how to reference hash itself

This might seem to be an odd thing to do, but how do I reference a hash while 'inside' the hash itself? Here's what I'm trying to do:
I have a hash of hashes with a sub at the end, like:
my $h = { A => [...], B => [...], ..., EXPAND => sub { ... } };
. I'm looking to implement EXPAND to see if the key C is present in this hash, and if so, insert another key value pair D.
So my question is, how do I pass the reference to this hash to the sub, without using the variable name of the hash? I expect to need to do this to a few hashes and I don't want to keep having to change the sub to reference the name of the hash it's currently in.
What you've got there is some nested array references, not hashes. Let's assume you actually meant that you have something like this:
my $h = { A => {...}, B => {...}, ..., EXPAND() };
In that case, you can't reference $h from within its own definition, because $h does not exist until the expression is completely evaluated.
If you're content to make it two lines, then you can do this:
my $h = { A=> {...}, B => {...} };
$h = { %$h, EXPAND( $h ) };
The general solution is to write a function that, given a hash and a function to expand that hash, returns that hash with the expansion function added to it. We can close over the hash in the expansion function so that the hash's name doesn't need to be mentioned in it. That looks like this:
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
sub add_expander {
my ($expanding_hash, $expander_sub) = #_;
my $result = { %$expanding_hash };
$result->{EXPAND} = sub { $expander_sub->($result) };
return $result;
my $h = add_expander(
A => 5,
B => 6,
sub {
my ($hash) = #_;
my ($maxkey) = sort { $b cmp $a } grep { $_ ne 'EXPAND' } keys %$hash;
my $newkey = chr(ord($maxkey) + 1);
$hash->{$newkey} = 'BOO!';
use Data::Dumper;
say Dumper $h;
say Dumper $h;
Notice that we are creating $h but that the add_expander call contains no mention of $h. Instead, the sub passed into the call expects the hash it is meant to expand as its first argument. Running add_expander on the hash on the sub creates a closure that will remember which hash the expander is associated with and incorporates it into the hash.
This solution assumes that what should happen when a hash is expanded can vary by subject hash, so add_expander takes an arbitrary sub. If you don't need that degree of freedom, you can incorporate the expansion sub into add_expander.
The hash being built (potentially) happens after EXPAND() runs. I would probably use something like this:
$h = EXPAND( { A=>... } )
Where EXPAND(...) returns the modified hashref or a clone if the original needs to remain intact.

Why does Perl's strict not let me pass a parameter hash?

I hava a perl subroutine where i would like to pass parameters as a hash
(the aim is to include a css depending on the parameter 'iconsize').
I am using the call:
get_function_bar_begin('iconsize' => '32');
for the subroutine get_function_bar_begin:
use strict;
sub get_function_bar_begin
my $self = shift;
my %template_params = %{ shift || {} };
return $self->render_template('global/bars /tmpl_incl_function_bar_begin.html',%template_params);
Why does this yield the error message:
Error executing run mode 'start': undef error - Can't use string ("iconsize") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at at line 334
Am i doing something wrong here?
Is there an other way to submit my data ('iconsize') as a hash?
(i am still new to Perl)
EDIT: Solution which worked for me. I didn't change the call, but my function:
sub get_function_bar_begin
my $self = shift;
my $paramref = shift;
my %params = (ref($paramref) eq 'HASH') ? %$paramref : ();
my $iconsize = $params{'iconsize'} || '';
return $self->render_template('global/bars/tmpl_incl_function_bar_begin.html',
'iconsize' => $iconsize,
You are using the hash-dereferencing operator ( %{ } ) on the first argument of your parameter list. But that argument is not a hash reference, it's just the string 'iconsize'. You can do what you want by one of two ways:
Pass an anonymous hash reference:
get_function_bar_begin( { 'iconsize' => '32' } );
Or continue to pass a normal list, as you are right now, and change your function accordingly:
sub get_function_bar_begin {
my $self = shift;
my %template_params = #_;
Notice in this version that we simply assign the argument list directly to the hash (after extracting $self). This works because a list of name => value pairs is just syntactic sugar for a normal list.
I prefer the second method, since there's no particularly good reason to construct an anonymous hashref and then dereference it right away.
There's also some good information on how this works in this post: Object-Oriented Perl constructor syntax.
You're violating strict refs by trying to use the string iconsize as a hash reference.
I think you just want:
my( $self, %template_params ) = #_;
The first argument will go into $self and the rest create the hash by taking pairs of items from the rest of #_.
Passing hash with parameters as list
You need to use #_ variable instead of shift. Like this:
my %template_params = #_; ## convert key => value pairs into hash
There is different between hashes and references to hash in perl. Then you pass 'iconsize' => '32' as parameter this means list to perl, which can be interpreited as hash.
Passing hash with parameters as hash reference
But when you try %{ shift || {} } perl expect second parameter to be a hash references. In this case you can fix it in following way:
get_function_bar_begin({ 'iconsize' => '32' }); ## make anonymous hash for params
The problem is this line:
get_function_bar_begin('iconsize' => '32');
This does not pass a hash reference, as you seem to think, but a hash, which appears as a list to the callee. So when you do %{ shift }, you're only shifting the key 'iconsize', not the entire list. The solution is actually to make the second line of your function simpler:
my %template_params = #_;