Record Camera from iPhone and use as overlay in another video - iphone

I know how to record a video from the camera on the iPhone, my question, is it possible to take the recording and overlay it on a saved video and save it out as another file?

No, I don't think so. Not using an standard framework. You could probably do something involving screen capture and combing a load of images to make a video. But it would be complicated.


iOS: core animation to video

I'm making a photo gallery app. I use the photos as slides and shows them one by one with transactions made by core animation.
Now I need to turn this process in to a video so that I can share it on Youtube, but I don't know where to start or which reference should I read.
To make video in iphone you can AVAssetWriter.
Also have a look this post. You can capture your animation as images and make the video.
The AVAsset Apple APIs is used to do this sort of thing is. But be warned, it is not easy to use. If you would like to check out a working example Xcode project, see AVDecodeEncode. This example shows decoding from h.264 and then encoding the result back to h.264. You could write all you own code to do this, but just be aware that it is not for the faint of heart.

iOS Capturing Video

I want to make an app for the iPhone with the ability to record video. One thing I want to do with the video once it's recorded, is to take the audio from it and alter it, such as make it sound feminine or masculine etc. I've never done this before but is it better to use AVFoundation or UIImagePickerController. I've read that the UIImagePickerController is easier to use but will it allow be to extract and edit the audio of the recorded video and put it back in?
Any help or suggestions as to how to approach this are appreciated.
It is easiest to capture with UIImagePickerController if you do not need to alter it live. Once the video is captured and you have altered the audio track somehow, write it again using AVFoundation's AVMutableComposition and an audio mix.

iOS 6 in app camera

Im building an app that allows the user to record a video (in app) by pressing a button on the main screen. I don't want the user to be taken to the photo app because the video will only be able to be viewed on the app (Max of 15 seconds) and I can't quite get it. Anyone have the code to do this? A good example of what i want the camera to do is the camera in the app Cinemagram. Thanks for any help.
If you plan on saving the movie to the user's photo library, then you can use UIImagePickerController. In particular, you should read the guide that accompanies the class.
However, if you only want the video to be temporary, then you will probably want to use AVFoundation. You would then need to configure an AVCaptureSession with an AVCaptureMovieFileOutput to write the video to disk. Then, when you are ready to play the video, create an AVURLAsset with the file url that you just wrote, use that to create an AVPlayer to play the video, and add an AVPlayerLayer to your view, with said player, to display the video.
Either way, I would recommend studying the examples that Apple provides.
AVCam and
AVPlayerDemo should be more than enough to get you started (especially the AVCam example project).

Recording video with option of manipulating the pixels before writing to file

I know that I can access raw video images from the iPhone's camera with AVCaptureVideoDataOutput. I also know that I can record video to a file with AVCaptureMovieFileOutput. But how can I first access the raw video images, manipulate them and then write the manipulated ones into the video file? I've already seen apps in the app store, which do this, so it must be possible.
Ok, I now know, that it's done with AVAssetWriter.

How to step frames in a movie recorded by iPhone

Is there a way to have my iPhone program step frame by frame through a movie recorded by the iPhone? What I want to do is have the user record a quicktime movie, then be able to step through the movie frame by frame.
Alternately, I suppose if there was a way to extract every single frame from the movie to a jpg, then I could easily step through the pictures. Anyone know of a way to do this???
I suppose the third option (which might not get past Apple's store) is to capture the movie the way the old jailbroken apps did, which is somehow capture the pictures directly from the camera view????
Any help appreciated. Thanks in advance!!!!
You cannot step through a movie frame by frame. That functionality does not exist in the public API.
You can include your own media decoder code (open source or not) and use that to parse your movies of course. It is perfectly fine to do that.