Paypal SDK Support on iphone Devices - iphone

I need to about paypal SDK support for devices. Does it supports iOS 3.0 and onwards? I have tried the demo app available with sdk but it runs on 4.1 simulator. But when i installed it on device its running on iOS 3.1 also.
So, I want to know whether it support the more lower versions of iOS or not?
Your Support is necessory. Please Suggest me something about it.

Yes, it will run on later iOS versions. You just need to change the Base SDK to Latest, and iOS Deployment Target to whatever you plan to be the lowest version of the iOS you support.


Supporting old iOS versions and devices

I need an iOS app to be compatible with previous iOS versions, at least from 4.0, and also with prior devices (iPhone 4S, 4, 3GS... and likely all iPad devices). I found some posts dealing with the iOS versions backwards compatibility that already have some years (for example, How to build against older iOS versions with the latest Xcode downloads?), and I don´t know if this is deprecated or it still is the way to proceed, at least concerning the app building. Regarding programming issues, I guess I should check the documentation to know if the SDK features/libraries/frameworks I want to use are supported by all the iOS versions I want to be compatible... And having such information, how could I check programmatically the iOS version the device is running, in order to provide a certain feature or not?
On the other hand, regarding iOS versions and devices running them: could I find any Apple document listing which iOS versions supports each existing device? What hardware-dependent issues should I take into account while developing the app?
Thanks so much
Edit: Target architecture(s) is the only hardware consideration I've to take into account? Knowing that, for example, an iPhone 3GS is able to run, and is running, iOS 6.1.3, can I assume that the device will then support all the SDK's features, or I still need to check for the availability of such features depending on the device?
with the newest xcode version that supports iOS 6.0, you cannot develope for devices with iOS < 4.3 (lowest base SDK), and also the version that supports iOS 4.0 doesn't support iOS 6.0. For older devices you have to set the Architectures to armv6 armv7 in you project-settings tab "Build Settings".
for checking the iOS Version running, just check the available posts here at stack, you will find one that fits for you ;)
All in one I would set the base SDK to 5.1 because it's the last that can be used by iPad 1 and iPod touch 3. gen. and long enought available so everyone should have the latest update.
Older devices can have only iOS 4.2.x and are not supported by current xcode (4.6.2 (4H1003)).
iOS Support Matrix v2.4
This version is updated and includes iOS 7.
There is a great infographic that shows what versions of iOS are supported by which devices at

iOS app maximum iOS version support

I have developed my app in Xcode 4.1 and iOS SDK version(Base SDK Version) is iOS 4.3 So, will this app run on iPhone with iOS 5 and/or iOS 6 or not?
I think the app can be run on a higher version of the OS than the Deployment Target. Is this right? I appreciate any help.
Yes, your app will run on anything that is iOS 4.3 or newer. That is, assuming you aren't using any depreciated methods that are removed from a future iOS release. You can check if things have been depreciated/removed through the documentation.
It doesn't matter with which Xcode you build your app, the base SDK signifies the lowest system your app is supporting.
You app can and will run on newer systems.
If you want to make an update to your app, you'll need to pay attention to depreciated methods for the newer systems or you will get rejected and won't be able to update in the App Store.
Yes, it will for sure run in higher versions than Deployment Target.
However, is always recommended to run also in newer versions as they are released, to check that every API used is still running fine (specially if they were deprecated).

Can older iOS devices run apps built with newer versions of the iOS SDK?

If I build an app with the (default) iOS 5.1 SDK in XCode, and distribute it to the appstore, will users with, let's say, an iPhone 3G, be able to download and run the app?
It depends on what features you include in your app: if you use features that are only available in iOS5 such as UIPageController, then no, they will not be able to run it. However, if you don't use any feature of iOS 5, then it will most likely be ok.
Okay, let me answer you a little more correctly than Omar did:
In XCode, you can define both the SDK you're using to compile your app (should always be "latest" SDK, currently 5.1) and the Minimum OS Version that you're app will run with/at.
You should always test your app on all (Major) OS Versions starting from the defined minimum OS version.
You can react in your code to the current iOS Version and use different features depending on the currecnt version with a statement like:
if ([UIDevice systemVersionValue] >= 4.2f) {
// code for OSes at least as new as 4.2
} else {
// code for older OSs
If you want maximum exposure for your app, you should try to support all iOS Versions still supported by Apple. Currently, that's iOS 4.0 and newer, AFAIK. Given the very high update rate of iOS Users, everything older doesn't make much sense.

how to set compatibility of IOS on app

I just submitted my app for distribution, when it showed the following message:
"The binary uploaded for the latest version of this app indicates that iOS 4.3 or later is required. Apps that require iOS 4.3 or later will not be available to Verizon iPhone users. If this app could be compatible with earlier iOS versions, you may want to reject the binary and upload a new one that indicates the earliest compatible iOS."
I would like to make the app verizon compatible, if the process is quick.
If I just change the IOS deployment target on my project to 4.0, should it be ok?
It should, if you haven't used some too recent features obviously.
Update: here's a checklist from the official docs of what's new in iOS 4.x
Game Center
Various enhancements (iAd, Media player, etc...)
It depends what frameworks and other features you are using with your app and whether they are compatible with iOS 4.0. If there are features not compatible, you might be able to disable them for earlier versions, using "weak linking". If possible, test your application on a device using an iOS version earlier than 4.3.

Will iPhone base SDK allow what iphones can run the app?

I have been developing an iPhone app and now I am trying to build the binary.
I have noticed the base SDK is set to iPhone 4.0. Does this mean only iPhone 4.0 users can run the app?
I can change it to the lowest iPhone device 3.2, but how can I change the target so that I can test on the simulator in OS 3.2?
The Base SDK should be set to the latest iOS version you want to support. To also support older phones, set the “Deployment Target” build setting to the lowest iPhone OS version you want to support. Currently, I don’t believe you can set it to anything less than 3.0 and still get approved by Apple.
That's OS version, not hardware. You can adjust the deployment target and the base SDK to set up handling the differences between 3.x and 4.x APIs. A tutorial on how to do it is here: