Determine if PowerShell script has been dot-sourced - powershell

From a PowerShell script, how can I determine if the script has been dot-sourced, i.e. it has been called with
. .\myscript.ps1
rather than
NOTE an interesting blog post (also) about this:

To complement mjolinor's helpful answer:
$isDotSourced = $MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.' -or $MyInvocation.Line -eq ''
While $MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.' mostly tells you whether a given script is being dot-sourced, there is one exception:
When you run a script from the - obsolescent[1] - Windows PowerShell ISE with Debug > Run/Continue (F5), it is implicitly sourced, yet $MyInvocation.InvocationName contains the full script filename rather than . However, you can detect this case by checking if $MyInvocation.Line is empty.
(The PIC (PowerShell Integrated Console) that comes with Visual Studio Code's PowerShell extension used to behave this way, but as of at least version v2023.1.0 submits explicit dot-sourcing commands).
Note: Detecting whether a function is being dot-sourced is not subject to the exception above, so testing for $MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.' is sufficient (but the above will work too).
[1] The PowerShell ISE is no longer actively developed and there are reasons not to use it (bottom section), notably not being able to run PowerShell (Core) 7+. The actively developed, cross-platform editor that offers the best PowerShell development experience is Visual Studio Code with its PowerShell extension.

Check $myinvocation.line
It will show the line that was used to call the script.
PS C:\scripts\test> gc test.ps1
PS C:\scripts\test> ./test.ps1
PS C:\scripts\test> . ./test.ps1
. ./test.ps1
You can also check the .invocationname property. If the script was dot-sourced, it will just be a dot. If not, is will be ./scriptname.ps1


How to require argument be supplied when script is executed

So this was my script:
$ans=Read-Host "What process would you like to query?"
Get-WmiObject win32-process -Filter "name='$ans'" | Format-Table HandleCount,VirtualSize,UserModeTime,KernelModeTime,ProcessID,Name
Now I need to create a script which requires the argument be passed when the script is executed. I'm a little confused on how to do this successfully. This is what I'm trying to work with:
echo $1
Get-WmiObject win32_process -Filter "name='$1'" | Format-Table HandleCount,VirtualSize,UserModeTime,ProcessID,Name
To make a parameter mandatory (required) in PowerShell, you must use an advanced script or function; to create a script file, save your code in a .ps1 file[1].
[string] $Name
Get-CimInstance win32_process -Filter "name='$Name'"
The code uses Get-CimInstance instead of Get-WmiObject, because the CIM cmdlets superseded the WMI cmdlets in PowerShell v3 (released in September 2012). Therefore, the WMI cmdlets should be avoided, not least because PowerShell [Core] (version 6 and above), where all future effort will go, doesn't even have them anymore. For more information, see this answer.
The Format-Table call was intentionally omitted, because Format-* cmdlets should only ever be used to format data for display, never for subsequent programmatic processing, i.e. never for outputting data - see this answer.
Outputting just data means that PowerShell controls in what format your data is displayed; for information on how to control this format, see this answer.
[1] This is enough to make a plain-text file executable from PowerShell, without needing to include the .ps1 extension in the invocation. On Unix-like platforms, you can create an executable shell script without a filename extension via a shebang line such as #!/usr/bin/env pwsh and chmod a+x some that can be called from outside PowerShell as well.

Get arguments passed to powershell.exe

Is there a way to determine, in a Profile script, what arguments were passed to the powershell executable?
I'd like to check whether the WorkingDirectory parameter was set, before overriding it with my own cd in my user profile.
I've made a few helpless attempts to get variable values from within the profile script, with no luck. None of them seem to give me any information about whether pwsh.exe was invoked with a -wd parameter or not:
echo $PSBoundParameters
echo $ArgumentList
echo (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 0).Value;
To inspect PowerShell's own invocation command line, you can use:
[Environment]::CommandLine (single string)
or [Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs() (array of arguments, including the executable as the first argument).
These techniques also work on Unix-like platforms.
Caveat: As of PowerShell Core 7 (.NET Core 3.1), it is pwsh.dll, not pwsh[.exe] that is reported as the executable.
To check in your $PROFILE file if a working directory was specified on startup could look like this, though do note that the solution is not foolproof:
$workingDirSpecified =
($PSVersionTable.PSEdition -ne 'Desktop' -and
[Environment]::GetCommandLineArgs() -match '^-(WorkingDirectory|wd|wo|wor|work|worki|workin|working|workingd|workingdi|workingdir|workingdire|workingdirec|workingdirect|workingdirecto|workingdirector)') -or
[Environment]::CommandLine -match
In PowerShell Core, a working directory may have been specified with the -WorkingDirectory / -wd parameter (which isn't supported in Windows PowerShell); e.g.,
pwsh -WorkingDirectory /
Note: Given that it is sufficient to specify only a prefix of a parameter's name, as long as that prefix uniquely identifies the parameter, it is necessary to also test for wo, wor, work, ...
In both PowerShell Core and Windows PowerShell, the working directory may have been set with a cmdlet call (possibly via a built-in alias) as part of a -c / -Command argument (e.g.,
pwsh -NoExit -c "Set-Location /")
Note: In this scenario, unlike with -WorkingDirectory, the working directory has not yet been changed at the time the $PROFILE file is loaded.
It is possible, but unlikely for the above to yield false positives; to use a contrived example:
pwsh -NoExit -c "'Set-Location inside a string literal'"
How about (powershell.exe or pwsh.exe?):
get-ciminstance win32_process | where name -match 'powershell.exe|pwsh.exe' |
select name,commandline

What is shortest possible way to download script from HTTP and run it with parameters using Powershell?

I have a PowerShell script file stored in an internal artifact server. The script URL is http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1.
What is a concise way to download that script and execute with a custom parameter?
I want to send such a command to users, who will copy-paste it over and over, so it must be a single-line and should be short.
What I currently have works, but it is long and unwieldy:
$c=((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1'));Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create($c)) -ArgumentList 'RunJob'
I am wondering if there is shorter way to do this.
Note: From a code golf perspective, the solutions below could be shortened further, by eliminating insignificant whitespace; e.g., &{$args[0]}hi instead of & { $args[0] } hi. However, in the interest of readability such whitespace was kept.
A short formulation of a command that downloads a script via HTTP and executes it locally, optionally with arguments is probably this, taking advantage of:
alias irm for Invoke-RestMethod, in lieu of (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString()
omitting quoting where it isn't necessary
relying on positional parameter binding
& ([scriptblock]::Create((irm http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1))) RunJob
RunJob is the OP's custom argument to pass to the script.
An even shorter, but perhaps more obscure approach is to use iex, the built-in alias for Invoke-Expression, courtesy of this GitHub comment.
iex "& { $(irm http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1) } RunJob"
As an aside: in general use, Invoke-Expression should be avoided.
The command uses an expandable string ("...", string interpolation) to create a string with the remote script's content enclosed in a script block { ... }, which is then invoked in a child scope (&). Note how the arguments to pass to the script must be inside "...".
However, there is a general caveat (which doesn't seem to be a problem for you): if the script terminates with exit, the calling PowerShell instance is exited too.
There are two workarounds:
Run the script in a child process:
powershell { iex "& { $(irm http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1) } RunJob" }
The above only works from within PowerShell; from outside of PowerShell, you must use powershell -c "..." instead of powershell { ... }, but note that properly escaping embedded double quotes, if needed (for a URL with PS metacharacters and/or custom arguments with, say, spaces), can get tricky.
If the script is designed to modify the caller's environment, the modifications will be lost due to running in a child process.
Save the script to a temporary file first:
Note: The command is spread across multiple lines for readability, but it also works as a one-liner:
& {
$f = Join-Path ([IO.Path]::GetTempPath()) ([IO.Path]::GetRandomFileName() + '.ps1');
irm http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1 > $f;
& $f RunJob;
ri $f
The obvious down-side is that the command is much longer.
Note that the command is written with robustness and cross-platform compatibility in mind, so that it also works in PowerShell Core, on all supported platforms.
Depending on what platforms you need to support / what assumptions you're willing to make (e.g., that the current dir. is writeable), the command can be shortened.
Potential future enhancements
GitHub issue #5909, written as of PowerShell Core 6.2.0-preview.4 and revised as of PowerShell Core 7.0, proposes enhancing the Invoke-Command (icm) cmdlet to greatly simplify download-script-and-execute scenarios, so that you could invoke the script in question as follows:
# WISHFUL THINKING as of PowerShell Core 7.0
# iwr is the built-in alias for Invoke-WebRequest
# icm is the built-in alias for Invoke-Command.
iwr http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1 | icm -Args RunJob
GitHub issue #8835 goes even further, suggesting an RFC be created to introduce a new PowerShell provider that allows URLs to be used in places where only files were previously accepted, enabling calls such as:
# WISHFUL THINKING as of PowerShell Core 7.0
& http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1 RunJob
However, while these options are very convenient, there are security implications to consider.
Here is a shorter solution (158 chars.)
$C=(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString("http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1");icm -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create($c)) -ArgumentList "RunJob"
Here is 121
$C=(curl http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1).content;icm -ScriptBlock ([Scriptblock]::Create($c)) -ArgumentList "RunJob"
Here is 108
$C=(curl http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1).content;icm ([Scriptblock]::Create($c)) -ArgumentList "RunJob"
Here is 98
$C=(iwr http://company-server/bootstrap.ps1).content;icm -sc([Scriptblock]::Create($c)) -ar RunJob
Thanks to Ansgar Wiechers

Powershell running a cmdlet from a called script

I have a script that calls another script (with arguments). The called script contains the Install-WindowsFeature cmdlet. When I run the script, the called script runs, but returns the following error:
Install-WindowsFeature : The term 'Install-WindowsFeature' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path
Of course, I can run the cmdlet just fine from a PowerShell console. I can also run the called script from a PowerShell console and Install-WindowsFeature works fine. So, is it something to do with calling a script from a script that runs a cmdlet? Here is my calling code:
$script = "C:\Path\script.ps1"
$argumentList = #()
$argumentlist += ("-Arg1", "value")
$argumentlist += ("-Arg2", "value")
$argumentlist += ("-Arg3", "value")
Invoke-Expression "$script $argumentList"
In the called script, I called Install-WindowsFeature as below:
if ($someValue) { Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock {Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-AD-Tools} }
I've also tried it as below:
if ($someValue) { Install-WindowsFeature -Name RSAT-AD-Tools }
12/16/16 EDIT: This script is running in a GUI built with Sapien PowerShell Studio. When I change the build type to "Native" it works. I have to reset my lab to check, but I suspect it will also run if I just run it in the x64 context. This article explains why I think this matters.
Running on Windows Server 2012 R2
Unless you've got a compelling reason for it, let's see if we can clean up your calling pattern a bit - and hopefully make your other issues go away by avoiding the contortionism.
Rather than creating your parameter list as a string, take advantage of parameter splatting. It's good to get out of the habit of treating PowerShell like other scripting languages that don't work with objects.
$splat = #{
Arg1 = "value1";
Arg2 = "value2";
Arg3 = "value3"
& c:\path\script.ps1 #splat
Using that on a script.ps1 something like this:
Write-Host "Arg1 = $Arg1, Arg2 = $Arg2, Arg3 = $Arg3
You'll get an expected output of:
Arg1 = value1, Arg2 = value2, Arg3 = value3
Once you've got that, there's probably no reason to use Invoke-Command on the call to Install-WindowsFeature, unless you're leaving out details like invoking remotely to a server. Invoke-Command { Install-WindowsFeature } still works fine for me on Server 2012R2 with PowerShell 5, and there's no reason it shouldn't.
This assumes you're running this script on a Server that support Install-WindowsFeature, as the other comments point out. Client Windows doesn't support Install-WindowsFeature, and the RSAT tools are installed via a stand-alone RSAT .MSU package, which you manage differently.
Install-WindowsFeature is natively provided with Server Manager on Server 2012R2 - there's no need to Import-Module... unless you've done something to your profile or fouled up your modules folders. One of the earlier versions of Windows Server needed it - but that was a couple versions back. Likewise, Add-WindowsFeature was the old name - and it's still available as an alias for Install-WindowsFeature.
I'm assuming you've tried Install-WindowsFeature directly from the command line to ensure it's in working order, and Get-Module Install-WindowsFeature looks reasonable.
PS C:\Windows\system32> get-module ServerManager
ModuleType Version Name ExportedCommands
---------- ------- ---- ----------------
Script ServerManager {Get-WindowsFeature, Install-WindowsFeature, Uninstall-Win...
While we're on the topic, there's very little reason to drop to DISM on Server that supports Install-WindowsFeature, and a number of reasons not to.
Server Manager and several other tools (including Win32_ServerFeature) rely on the feature states parsed and understood by the WMI provider used by Install-WindowsFeature. It's possible to enable the right set of features using DISM, but needs attention and detail. Enabling only "part" of a role and feature may get the functionality you want for specific cases, but the role or feature may not show up as installed in Get-WindowsFeature, may not be uninstallable via Remove-WindowsFeature, and may not offer relevant UI features in Server Manager like monitoring health of the role, viewing relevant events, or offering tools for administering it.
Install-WindowsFeature integrates with additional code from the role & features you're installing, and may run additional health and pre-requisite checks to ensure your correctly configured.
DISM featurenames tend to change more often than the role & feature name of Server Manager, so your script portability will be better.
There are other points, but I won't go into them since DISM was primarily a comment fork.
You are probably right, it seems like the script gets executed with x86 PowerShell. I want to share a snippet with you which I use for scripts that needs to run in a specific environment (e. g. x64 PowerShell).
The script restarts itself in a x64 PowerShell if its started as x86 process. Just put this at the top of your script:
# Reinvoke the script as x64 if its called from a x86 process.
if ($env:Processor_Architecture -eq "x86")
&"$env:windir\sysnative\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -noprofile -file $myinvocation.Mycommand.path -executionpolicy bypass
Also note that the Install-WindowsFeature cmdlet doesn't work on all windows versions so consider to use dism instead:
$featuresToInstall = #('RSAT-AD-Tools')
$dismParameter = #('/online', '/Enable-Feature', ($featuresToInstall | % { '/FeatureName:{0}' -f $_ }), '/NoRestart')
dism #dismParameter
The running environment determines what modules you have access to. When I created this project in PowerShell Studio, it took the default of x86 (a 32 bit environment). This worked but because I was running it on Windows Server 2012 R2 (a 64-bit environment) I did not have access to the powershell modules such as Import-Module and Install-WindowsFeature. Changing this to a x64 project resolved my issue.
In order to avoid this scenario, it is important to make sure you run PowerShell scripts and modules in the architecture that is native to the OS. You can do this by setting the project correctly (if using a tool like PowerShell Studio) or by verifying that you are running in the native mode for that OS with the code Martin Brandl provided.

Creating an executable .exe file from a PowerShell Script?

Is it possible to create an executable file.exe file from a PowerShell Script?
No. At least, not yet, and after 5 versions of PowerShell, it seems unlikely ever.
I wish I could just leave it at that, but other people have provided a bunch of "workaround" type answers I feel compelled to address:
You can wrap your .ps1 script in another script type to make it double-clickable, and you can even generate an executable with the script embedded (see the other answers on this thread) ... but those "executables" require the right version of PowerShell to be already present on the system, so you're not gaining anything by doing that, and you loose a lot of the features of PowerShell (like streaming object output, help documentation, and automatic parameter handling with tab completion for users).
Here is a simple .cmd batch file wrapper (you could extend this to allow parameters):
REM <#
copy %0 %0.ps1
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -NoProfile -Command "&{Set-Alias REM Write-Host; .\%0.ps1}"
del %0.ps1
REM #>
### Your PowerShell script goes below here.
### I've put a couple of lines as an example ...
ls | sort length -desc | select -first 5 | ft
ps | sort ws -desc | select -first 10 | ft
I know ...
With Portable PowerShell, it would probably be possible to package up a sort of self-extracting zip that would contain the right version of PowerShell and a script and would work. That's not an executable in any normal sense of the word -- it's a bit like if Valve had decided to just ship a vmware image on a thumbdrive as their solution to letting Linux users play Half Life. However, the product seems abandoned.
With PrimalScript (or PowerShell Studio) or PowerGui or pShellExec, your script can be encrypted, so it's slightly secured against prying eyes ... but this is basically just obfuscation, and essentially no different than the batch file, and in some ways worse.
Out of the box - no. However I have built a PowerShell script that can take a script and create an EXE wrapper around it. I created this script a while ago but decided to blog it here for folks to check out.
Use PowerGUI's Script Editor (it is free and works). Open your script in the PowerGUI Script Editor > Tools > Compile script > Choose whatever options you would like for your .exe (password protect source code, automatically close console after .exe runs, etc.).
Yes, there is a option with PS2EXE to create such *.exe Files.
The whole thing is really simple and well explained nevertheless
here is a snippet of it:
-inputFile C:\Scripts\ExampleEXE\example.ps1
-outputFile C:\Scripts\ExampleEXE\example.exe -sta -noConsole -runtime40 -verbose -x64
The only bad thing is that the project is depreciated. No Updates or new Versions since 2015.
This projected has been picked up and is being maintained by a new person now. You can find the updated code here, last updated 01/04/2018 as of this edit.
Version Information
For adding and editing the version information use something like VERPATCH.
Shout out to a git-repo which is called PythonEXE.
It demonstrates how to create an executable from a Python project and also provides a YouTube Step-By-Step Guide.
I understood your question as "Can my PowerShell script generate an executable?" That is what I was trying to do when I found this post. That is possible using the Add-Type command.
Add-Type -TypeDefinition #"
using System;
class Program {
public static void Main(string[] args) {
Console.WriteLine("Hello World!");
"# -CompilerParameters #{
"GenerateExecutable" = $true
"OutputAssembly" = "test2.exe"
PrimalScript from Sapien will generate an exe from a PowerShell script. The machine one which the executable is run must have PowerShell installed.
The solution I found best to distribute a PowerShell script as exe was to wrap it in a NSIS executable.
I write a .nsi script like this:
Name "Maintenance task"
OutFile "maintenance.exe"
ShowInstDetails show
Section "Main"
;Executes the "script-to-run.ps1" PowerShell script
SetOutPath "$pluginsdir\MyOrg" ;It is better to put stuff in $pluginsdir, $temp is shared
;extract the .ps1 and run it, collecting output into details.
File script-to-run.ps1
nsExec::ExecToLog 'powershell -inputformat none -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -File "$pluginsdir\MyOrg\script-to-run.ps1" '
SetOutPath $exedir
I just have to compile the script to an exe with the NSIS toolchain, and it will run on any OS that has PowerShell, no matter what is the execution policy.
This was inspired by this question How to call PowerShell in NSIS.
There's a project called Portable PowerShell that is still in beta after a couple of years ... might be worth looking at for your needs.