How to extend volume using powershell? - powershell

How to extend volume using powershell (I prefer WMI over powershell remoting) on remote computer ?
OS is win XP sp3.

I ended up with somethin like this:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $compName -Credential $compCred -ScriptBlock {"rescan","select volume 2","extend" | diskpart}
I'm still looking for better solution, if there is one.

There is a set of scripts Microsoft's Storage Team wrote to handle this that can also be hooked into System Insights as automated remediation actions:
You can also see my answer with PowerShell function here, in Remotely extend a partition using WMI:


How do I use Get-EventLog to get the same result of Get-WinEvent in PowerShell?

I am working on Windows Server 2003 and I need to get something like the following by using this command Get-WinEvent -ListLog Application, Security, System
LogMode MaximumSizeInBytes RecordCount LogName
------- ------------------ ----------- -------
Circular 33554432 15188 Application
Circular 201326592 298459 Security
Circular 33554432 10074 System
I need the result of the property MaximumSizeInBytes but Get-WinEvent is not supported on Server 2003
I see that Get-EventLog has a property called MaximumKilobytes but the result I get is different
I would like to know if there is a command can be ran locally to get the same result
First why are you still on WS2K3? --- ;-}
Before you respond, I know, I know, some orgs... right!? ;-}
Yet, unless someone on this site has WS2K3, there is no way for them to validate stuff.
This cmdlet not supported on WS2K3 is not a bug or missing thing. cmdlets are OS version and PowerShell version specific.
All that being said. Just because a command does not exist on your system, does not mean you cannot try use it.
This is why implicit PSRemoting exists.
Remoting the Implicit Way
Using implicit PowerShell remoting to import remote modules
Mostly you see this used for ADDS, Exchange, O365 cmdlets and the like, but you can do it for any module / cmdlet on a remote host to use on your local session. Using implicit remoting the cmdlet really does not run on your system it is proxied. Just be sure to use the -prefix argument so to not end up with duplicate cmdlets being listed.
$RemoteSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName 'RemoteHost' -Credential (Get-Credential -Credential "$env:USERDOMAIN\$env:USERNAME")
Import-PSSession -Session $RemoteSession -Prefix RS
So, no you call the cmdlets using the prefix when you want to use one from that session.
Now, as I said, I have no WS2K3 boxes to mess with as I am all WS2K12R2/16/19. Yet, give it a shot.
As no one has provided a satisfying answer yet I will just post the answer I found online here. The following command saved my life:
Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NTEventLogFile | Select-Object -Property MaxFileSize, LogfileName, Name, NumberOfRecords
I will not choose my own answer as the final answer just yet so if you can think of a better solution please feel free to add it :)
Thank you for viewing my post and tried to help

How to get Log On As account for Windows Service via PowerShell

New to powershell and I'm guessing this exists but I cannot find. I am looking for a powershell command that will show me the account being used to run a Windows Service? I am first as going to check it is running, then make sure it is running using the correct AD account. I have the following so far...
$serviceName = '<my service name>'
If (Get-Service $serviceName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
If ((Get-Service $serviceName).Status -eq 'Running') {
$status = "$serviceName found and is running."
} Else {
$status = "$serviceName found, but it is not running."
#Here is where I should check Log On As name
} Else {
$status = "$serviceName not found."
write-host "Status: $status`n"
Most of my searches lead me to Get-WmiObject, but I did not find what I was looking for. Thanks in advance for any help.
(Get-WmiObject Win32_Service -Filter "Name='$serviceName'").StartName. (Yes, the name of this property is rather counter-intuitive, but the docs don't lie).
You could also use the more recent CIM cmdlets. Which is which is really where MS wants and is directing folsk to use.
Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_Service | Select-Object Name, StartMode, StartName
What is CIM and Why Should I Use It in PowerShell?
Update for WMI
In Windows PowerShell 4.0 and Windows PowerShell 3.0, Microsoft offered an updated method for interacting with WMI: the CIMCmdlets module for Windows PowerShell. With this new Windows PowerShell module release, Microsoft also released an entirely new Application Programming Interface (API) for Windows called Management Infrastructure (MI).
The new MI API more closely aligns to the DMTF standards, as laid out on MSDN in Why Use MI? MI allows software developers and hardware manufacturers to expose information, and it allows IT professionals to interact with hardware, using standards-based mechanisms. As this technology continues to evolve, I believe that we will see more cross-platform integration between Microsoft Windows and competing platforms.
Should I use CIM or WMI with Windows PowerShell?
Get-WmiObject is one of the original PowerShell cmdlets. (As a quick quiz, how many of the 137 original cmdlets can you name?). It was enhanced in PowerShell 2.0 when the other WMI cmdlets were introduced. In PowerShell 1.0, Get-WmiObject was the only cmdlet with the option to access another system.
The big drawback to the WMI cmdlets is that they use DCOM to access remote machines. DCOM isn’t firewall friendly, can be blocked by networking equipment, and gives some arcane errors when things go wrong.
The CIM cmdlets appeared in PowerShell 3.0 as part of the new API for working with CIM classes, which is more standards based. The CIM cmdlets were overshadowed by PowerShell workflows, but they are (to my mind) the most important thing to come out of that release.
The other major CIM-related advance was the introduction of CDXML, which enables a CIM class to be wrapped in some simple XML and published as a PowerShell module. This is how over 60% of the cmdlets in Windows 8 and later are produced.
With Powershell 7, you can retrieve the logon as user like this:
(Get-Service $serviceName).username

How to remotely register static ETW manifests as part of a website deployment?

I'm doing a pilot effort to use the new EventSource (Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource from nuget) and its new support for ETW channels in order to write to the windows event log. The code is in place, and it writes properly to my workstations event log. I'm thrilled.
Now comes the difficult part. The application that's taking advantage of this capability is a web service, and we deploy it with webdeploy as part of a build-deploy-test system. Because usage of ETW channels requires static registration of provider manifests via wevtutil.exe. The EventSource documentation states that this is best done as part of an installer, but this seems a bit out of webdeploy's capabilities.
Our aim is that we would be able to automatically uninstall the manifest resident on the target server immediately before executing the webdeploy package, and then to import the new manifest after the webdeploy sync has completed. We're not set on this, but it seems like the most sensible way.
For that reason, it seems like maybe this is something that powershell remoting might be able to solve, but it's not an area I know much about.
Has anyone done something like this? Is there a better or simpler way?
There are only a few requirements here. A) the remote machine must have PowerShell remoting enable which also means it must have PowerShell 2.0 or higher B) the script running on the local machine must be able to run as administrator and the credentials used must have admin privileges on the remote machine. If you can meet those requirements then this should be cake.
On the remote machine you need to execute two commands to enable remoting:
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
Then on the local machine from an elevated prompt you should be able to execute something like this from a script:
# these two paths assume these files have been copied to the remote computer and to a directory
# in which the service account has privileges to read i.e. not under a userprofile dir.
$etwDllPath = c:\somepath\myassembly.mysourcename.etwManifest.dll
$etwManPath = c:\somepath\
$s = New-PSSession -ComputerName <remoteComputerName>
Invoke-Command -Session $s {param($man) wevtutil.exe um $man} -arg $etwManPath
Invoke-Command -Session $s {param($man,$dll) wevutil.exe im $man /rf:$dll /mf:$dll} -arg $etwManPath, $etwDllPath
Remove-PSSession $s
If you can avoid a remote path with spaces, try to. It will make this easier. :-)

Second hop authentication in vmware vco workflow

I'm writing a flow that suppose to copy files from the Netapp storage to one of my VMs, but i have a problem regarding Second Hop authentication.
I found a way to enable a second hop functionality using powershell -CredSSP, but that option does not exist in vco powershell plugin
Are any other way to do that? Or some way to enable cressp in the plugin..
Thanks =)
One workaround that I've used is to deceive the second hop by not using the second hop. First I copy the files that I want each computer to run to the local computer before remoting and running the command. You can accomplish this by using Windows administrative shares. By default, Windows shares their local drives (\\ComputerName\c$ or \\ComputerName\e$). So my script sorta went like this:
$Computers = Get-Content Computerlist.txt
$File = \\Server1\applications$\file.exe
foreach($Computer in $Computers){
copy $file "\\$Computer\c$"
invoke-command -ComputerName $Computer -ScriptBlock {& 'C:\file.exe'}
del "\\$Computer\c$\file.exe"

How to start a VM through Powershell

I am looking for an automated way to start a virtual machine in Windows Powershell. Does anyone have any input on how I may accomplish this task?
I have looked around and have been unsuccessful so far with finding a way to do so.
I thought that this was a standard cmdlet form powershell, but I am beginning to think that I am wrong on that assumption.
I have looked into using (If i am understanding this correctly) PowerCLIs Start-VM and am having issues saying that I am currently not connected to the server, but I don't believe I have a server to connect to (unless I am thinking about this the wrong way). I am just trying to do this locally right now to check to see if it is a valid VM to use.
--- EDIT ---
I am looking to do this with VMware, but really I could use Windows if that means doing this without spending any money.
I am also using powershell 2.0 and it does not seem that Start-VM is an option for me to use unfortunately...
--- EDIT 2 ---
Can anybody further explain how WMI works? I am relatively new using powershell and I have never had to use WMI before.
Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
Extension of my comment above... this code snippet should do what you need:
$VM = gwmi MSVM_ComputerSystem -filter "ElementName='serverName'" -namespace "root\virtualization" -computername "."
WMI is pretty dated though (PowerShell 1.0), this works for me on Server 2008 R2. You should add what OS you're working with. If you're on Server 2012, it's a lot easier. Just use Start-VM (PowerShell 4.0):
Start-VM –Name VMName
Arguably a lot easier than using WMI.