Error with Invoke method in a domainservice class - entity-framework

i'm new with silverlight/ria and i have a problem wath i don't understand.
I have the following code in my domain services class
public class EAEMailDomainService : DomainService
#region ModeleEnvoiEa CRUD
public IQueryable<ModeleEnvoiEa> SelectAllModeleEnvoiEa()
ModeleEnvoiEaSrv modeleService = new ModeleEnvoiEaSrv();
return modeleService.GetList<ModeleEnvoiEa>();
public void UpdateModeleEnvoiEa(ModeleEnvoiEa modele)
ModeleEnvoiEaSrv modeleService = new ModeleEnvoiEaSrv();
public void InsertModeleEnvoiEa(ModeleEnvoiEa modele)
ModeleEnvoiEaSrv modeleService = new ModeleEnvoiEaSrv();
public void DeleteModeleEnvoiEa(ModeleEnvoiEa modele)
ModeleEnvoiEaSrv modeleService = new ModeleEnvoiEaSrv();
public void Test(int valeur)
//Do something
And this code in my Silverlight application
Context.Test(2, action =>
// Do something
}, null);
The function SelectAll, Update, Delete , Insert work's fine but the 'Test' function generated the following error:
an attempt was made to load a program
with an incorrect format
any ideas ?

I have found that if i write the function invocation like this it's works
Context.Test(2,new System.Action<InvokeOperation<Int>>(ModeleEnvoiEa_Completed),null);
void ModeleEnvoiEa_Completed(InvokeOperation invoke)
// Do something
but if i use a lambda expression like this, i have an error, why ?
Context.Test(2, action =>
// This code generate an error
// an attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format
}, null);


Custom assertThatThrownBy

after reading this article I was sure to write my own Assertions but I failed. :-(
We have an interface which looks like this:
public class ApplicationException extends RuntimeException {
public String enhancedStatus() {
return getClass().getSimpleName();
I wrote my own EnhancedStatusAssert like described in the artile.
public class EnhancedStatusAssert extends AbstractAssert<EnhancedStatusAssert, ApplicationException> {
public EnhancedStatusAssert(ApplicationException actual) {
super(actual, EnhancedStatusAssert.class);
public static EnhancedStatusAssert assertThat(ApplicationException actual) {
return new EnhancedStatusAssert(actual);
public EnhancedStatusAssert hasEnhancedCause(String enhancedStatus) {
// check condition
if (!actual.enhancedStatus().equals(enhancedStatus)) {
failWithMessage("Expected enhanced status to be <%s> but was <%s>", enhancedStatus, actual.enhancedStatus());
return this;
Which works fine but then I have trouble to override assertThatThrownBy
assertThatThrownBy(() -> { throw new ApplicationException()})
What is the way to get it to run?
Try using asInstanceOf you can write your own InstanceOfAssertFactory for your ApplicationException.
If you only have one field to check you can extract it with ... extracting and chain assertions on the extracted value.

Why am I getting error: "Cannot access disposed object" in .net core 2 with EF and AutoFac?

First the error:
Cannot access a disposed object. A common cause of this error is disposing a context that was resolved from dependency injection and
then later trying to use the same context instance elsewhere in your
application. This may occur if you are calling Dispose() on the
context, or wrapping the context in a using statement. If you are
using dependency injection, you should let the dependency injection
container take care of disposing context instances.
Object name: 'MemberContext'.
I have 3 projects, Domain, API and WebSPA app.
Domain has 2 modules, DomainModule and MediatorModule
public class DomainModule : Autofac.Module
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
.InstancePerLifetimeScope(); // via assembly scan
.InstancePerLifetimeScope(); // or individually
public class MediatorModule : Autofac.Module
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
// enables contravariant Resolve() for interfaces with single contravariant ("in") arg
.RegisterSource(new ContravariantRegistrationSource());
// mediator itself
// request handlers
.Register<SingleInstanceFactory>(ctx =>
var c = ctx.Resolve<IComponentContext>();
return t =>
object o;
return c.TryResolve(t, out o) ? o : null;
// notification handlers
.Register<MultiInstanceFactory>(ctx =>
var c = ctx.Resolve<IComponentContext>();
return t => (IEnumerable<object>) c.Resolve(typeof(IEnumerable<>).MakeGenericType(t));
In API project I have also 2 modules, ApplicationModule and again MediatorModule same as the one above.
public class ApplicationModule : Module
protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)
.InstancePerLifetimeScope(); // via assembly scan
builder.RegisterType<MemberContext>().AsSelf().InstancePerLifetimeScope(); // or individually
No, when I debug I can see that member context gets newed up on each request, yet on second request, it throws above error. To make sure I am not going crazy, I modified constructor of dbcontext to create an id for context so i can verify they are different. What am I doing wrong?
public MemberContext(DbContextOptions<MemberContext> options) : base(options)
MemberContextId = Guid.NewGuid();
Console.WriteLine("member context created: " + MemberContextId);
Here is the startup in API
public class Startup
public Startup(IConfiguration configuration)
Configuration = configuration;
public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddCors(options =>
builder => builder.AllowAnyOrigin()
// .AllowCredentials()
.AddControllersAsServices();//Injecting Controllers themselves thru DI
//For further info see:
//var connection = Configuration["ConnectionString"];
//services.AddDbContext<MemberContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connection),ServiceLifetime.Scoped);
.AddDbContext<MemberContext>(options =>
//,sqlServerOptionsAction: sqlOptions =>
// sqlOptions.MigrationsAssembly(typeof(Startup).GetTypeInfo().Assembly.GetName().Name);
// sqlOptions.EnableRetryOnFailure(maxRetryCount: 10, maxRetryDelay: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), errorNumbersToAdd: null);
ServiceLifetime.Scoped //Showing explicitly that the DbContext is shared across the HTTP request scope (graph of objects started in the HTTP request)
var container = new ContainerBuilder();
return new AutofacServiceProvider(container.Build());
// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline.
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
if (env.IsDevelopment())
//NOTE: must be before UseMVC !!!
app.UseSwaggerUI(c =>
c.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "My API V1");
private void AddSwaggerGen(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSwaggerGen(options =>
options.SwaggerDoc("v1", new Swashbuckle.AspNetCore.Swagger.Info
Title = "VIN Members HTTP API",
Version = "v1",
Description = "Members Service HTTP API",
TermsOfService = "Terms Of Service"
What I am trying to do is delete a record. On client side code looks like this
onDelete(item: IMember) {
//TODO: replace this with dialog service component
if (window.confirm('Are sure you want to delete this member?')) {
//put your delete method logic here
this.service.deleteMember(item).subscribe(x => {
this delete request gets mapped to a controller that passes it to mediator
// DELETE api/members/5
public void Delete(Guid id)
var command = new DeleteMember.Command(id);
and finally handler
public class DeleteMember
public class Command : IRequest
public Command(Guid memberId)
Guard.NotNull(memberId, nameof(memberId));
MemberId = memberId;
public Guid MemberId { get; }
public class Handler : AsyncRequestHandler<Command>
private MemberContext _context;
public Handler(MemberContext context)
_context = context;
Console.WriteLine("Delete member context: " + context.MemberContextId);
protected override async Task HandleCore(Command cmd)
var member = await _context.FindAsync<Member>(cmd.MemberId);//.ConfigureAwait(false);
// if (member != null)
//// {
await _context.SaveChangesAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);
// }
catch (Exception e)
As you can see there is no code that disposes that context. Scratching my head.
See this commented out check for member if null. That was throwing error as well, I commented it out just to see what will happen, and now it throws as SaveChangesAsync.
As request completes, context gets disposed. Since command handler uses SaveChangesAsync(), context is disposed before save completes. Culprit is controller method :). It should be async as well.
public async Task Delete(Guid id)
var command = new DeleteMember.Command(id);
await _mediator.Send(command).ConfigureAwait(false);
Your DbContext is scoped, meaning that Dependency Injection will return the same DbContext object every time one is asked for within the same HTTP request (in the case of ASP.NET).
That means that you should not be calling Dispose on your DbContext (otherwise that same object can't be used a second time). That seems to be what is happening to you, intentionally or not.
That does mean you should not be using using with it. Are you using using anywhere in your code against your DbContext?
I don't think you showed the line where the Exception is being thrown.
Try overriding Dispose in your MemberContext class. Something like this:
public override void Dispose() {
But just set a breakpoint there. When it breaks (if it does) check the stack trace and see what called it.
This can also be caused by having async void instead of async Task within WebAPI in my experience.

How can i get the edited proxy from RequestFactoryEditorDriver

I can't figure out how to update my celltable after changes have been made using an editor. If I could get the edited proxy then I can use the dataprovider to update my celltable.
public void saveCampaign() {
// the problem. proxy at this point should have the new values?....
context.persist().using(proxy).fire(new Receiver<Void>() {
public void onSuccess(Void response) {
The proxy in .using(proxy) does not contain the changes made on the editor. However the persist method on the server gets the updated values. If I reload the data from the server I get the correct values to the celltable.
public void editCampaign(CampaignProxy proxy) {
this.proxy = proxy;
if (proxy != null) {
context = AEHOME.requestFactory.campaignRequest();
private void showEditView() {
driver.initialize(eventBus, AEHOME.requestFactory, editView);
driver.edit(proxy, context);
Proxy is set in the list view: configurationPageView.proxy = selectionModel.getSelectedObject();
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
You can change how the request is built by doing the following:
private void showEditView() {
driver.initialize(eventBus, AEHOME.requestFactory, editView);
driver.edit(proxy, context);
// Set up method invocation and callback in advance
context.persist().using(proxy).to(new Receiver<Void>() {
public void onSuccess(Void response) {
public void saveCampaign() {
In GWT 2.4 it will be possible to keep your current code organization and use RequestContext.append():
public void saveCampaign() {
// Returns the context passed to edit()
RequestContext ctx = driver.flush();
// append() is generic and returns the type returned by myProxyContext();

Building unit tests for MVC2 AsyncControllers

I'm considering re-rewriting some of my MVC controllers to be async controllers. I have working unit tests for these controllers, but I'm trying to understand how to maintain them in an async controller environment.
For example, currently I have an action like this:
public ContentResult Transaction()
do stuff...
return Content("result");
and my unit test basically looks like:
var result = controller.Transaction();
Assert.AreEqual("result", result.Content);
Ok, that's easy enough.
But when your controller changes to look like this:
public void TransactionAsync()
do stuff...
AsyncManager.Parameters["result"] = "result";
public ContentResult TransactionCompleted(string result)
return Content(result);
How do you suppose your unit tests should be built? You can of course invoke the async initiator method in your test method, but how do you get at the return value?
I haven't seen anything about this on Google...
Thanks for any ideas.
As with any async code, unit testing needs to be aware of thread signalling. .NET includes a type called AutoResetEvent which can block the test thread until an async operation has been completed:
public class MyAsyncController : Controller
public void TransactionAsync()
AsyncManager.Parameters["result"] = "result";
public ContentResult TransactionCompleted(string result)
return Content(result);
public class MyAsyncControllerTests
#region Fields
private AutoResetEvent trigger;
private MyAsyncController controller;
#region Tests
public void TestTransactionAsync()
controller = new MyAsyncController();
trigger = new AutoResetEvent(false);
// When the async manager has finished processing an async operation, trigger our AutoResetEvent to proceed.
controller.AsyncManager.Finished += (sender, ev) => trigger.Set();
// Continue with asserts
Hope that helps :)
I've written short AsyncController extension method that simplifies unit testing a bit.
static class AsyncControllerExtensions
public static void ExecuteAsync(this AsyncController asyncController, Action actionAsync, Action actionCompleted)
var trigger = new AutoResetEvent(false);
asyncController.AsyncManager.Finished += (sender, ev) =>
That way we can simply hide threading 'noise':
public class SampleAsyncController : AsyncController
public void SquareOfAsync(int number)
// here goes asynchronous operation
new Thread(() =>
// do some async long operation like ...
// calculate square number
AsyncManager.Parameters["result"] = number * number;
// decrementing OutstandingOperations to value 0
// will execute Finished EventHandler on AsyncManager
public JsonResult SquareOfCompleted(int result)
return Json(result);
public class SampleAsyncControllerTests
public void When_calling_square_of_it_should_return_square_number_of_input()
var controller = new SampleAsyncController();
var result = new JsonResult();
const int number = 5;
controller.ExecuteAsync(() => controller.SquareOfAsync(number),
() => result = controller.SquareOfCompleted((int)controller.AsyncManager.Parameters["result"]));
Assert.AreEqual((int)(result.Data), number * number);
If you want to know more I've written a blog post about how to Unit test ASP.NET MVC 3 asynchronous controllers using Machine.Specifications
Or if you want to check this code it's on a github

StructureMap InstanceInterceptor not being called

I want to intercept the creation of an instance in SM and I'm trying the following but it's not calling the InstanceInterceptor implementation, does anyone know why?
.InterceptWith(new PublisherServiceInterceptor());
The test code uses the ObjectFactory to create instances, and is shown below:
// Given we have a configure object factory in StructureMap...
ObjectFactory.Configure(x => x.AddRegistry(new StructureMapServiceRegistry()));
// When we request a publisher service...
var publisher = ObjectFactory.GetInstance<IPublishResources>();
I could not reproduce your problem in release 2.5.4. Here is my code.
public interface IPublishResources {}
class PublishResources : IPublishResources {}
public class LoggingInterceptor : InstanceInterceptor
//this interceptor is a silly example of one
public object Process(object target, IContext context)
Console.WriteLine("Interceptor Called");
return context.GetInstance<PublishResources>();
public class MyRegistry : Registry
public MyRegistry()
.InterceptWith(new LoggingInterceptor());
public class Structuremap_interception_configuraiton
public void connecting_implementations()
var container = new Container(cfg =>
A question. Do you really need to use an Interceptor here? If you only need to define a factory you can do somethign like this.
public interface IPublishResourcesFactory
IPublishResources Create();
public class MyRegistry : Registry
public MyRegistry()
For<IPublishResources>().Use(c =>
return c.GetInstance<IPublishResourcesFactory>().Create();
For<IPublishResources>().Use(c =>
//other object building code.
return new PublishResources();