Setting Textbox Value with Button (iPhone SDK) - iphone

What code would I use if I wanted to use a button to add a point (.) into a any selected textbox which already has a value in it. I can easily do this;
textField.text = #".";
But this only works with one text box and clears the value.

textField doesn't mean any text field it is only connected to one.
If you have many variables referencing the text fields you have. just loop (using a for loop) through them and check for the one whose editing property is set to YES.
If you want to add a fullstop to the end of the text field's text use:
textField.text = [NSString stringByAppendingString:#"."];


to collect the data in the text and the number in the text field

hi I want to add the number typed in the text widget to the number typed in textfield and show it in the same text. when it is first started, you want the text to have a value of 0, and then display its total value. How can I do this.
Create a variable maybe firstNum = 0;. Then create a text widget and assign this value like Text("$firstNum"). Then create a textField with a controller for example secondNum. When you enter a number in the text field and click on go or maybe in text field you can add onChange add the numbers firstNum+int.parse(secondNum.text) and assign it back to firstNum. Like firstNum+= int.parse(secondNum.text); Then setState. And make sure to change secondNum.text = "";

Specifying non-editable string in settings.bundle?

I have noticed that some applications add entries into the settings.bundle that simply represent a fixed/non-editable string.
I only see these in the list, and the only one close is "Text Field" but thats editable.
Is there a way to specify this in the Root.plist ?
Indeed you have to use title instead of textField and more specifically in order to produce the example you mention use the following tips:
In settings bundle under Root.plist add a new type title
Set title value to "Version"
In the same item add a new row and set this to 'Default value'
Set Default Value to "1.1.1"
This will produce a non-editable text field with title value on the left and Default value on the right.
Instead of selecting TextField use Title

UITextField SecureTextEntry field changes the keypad from numberpad to generic keypad

I have a textField created in IB. I have set the keypad type to Numeric Pad in IB.
When i make secureTextEntry = YES in -(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField method , my keypad changes from numberpad to generic keypad. I even tried to make the keypad to be numeric programatically but still it doesnot changes.
I have set it like this
-(void)textFieldDidBeginEditing:(UITextField *)textField{
if(textField == self.activationCodeTextField){
self.activationCodeTextField.secureTextEntry = YES;
self.activationCodeTextField.keyboardType = UIKeyboardTypeNumberPad;
I cannot set the textField to be secure in IB because i have an hint text like "4-digits" displayed to the user in the textfield till he starts typing in the text filed. Once he starts typing in the textfield, i want the entries to be a secure text so that it displays only * instead of actual characters he types.
Can you please let me know whats wrong in what I am doing?
I also have two more query
I have a textField where i have some default text (like hint text). I want this hint text to be displayed to the user till the moment he starts typing. I dont want to clear this text when the user clicks on the textfield and then the default text clears away. but, i want this text to be displayed till the moment he actually starts to type something on the keypad, then the default must be cleared and then the actual typed in text to be displayed on the textfield. IS it possible to acheive this ?
Is it possible to set the cursor position of textfield to the first character programatically. This is needed because, i have some default text (hint text) and the cursor is at end of the text. I want the cursor to be at the start of the text. How to make this possible programatically?
Have you tried using -setPlaceholder: on your UITextField? That way you wouldn't need to do put text in the text field, and then later manually convert it to be secure. e.g.
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[textField setSecureTextEntry:YES];
[textField setPlaceholder:#"4-digits"];
That will completely take care of your last two questions. Regarding the first, though, I'm not sure if you can have a numeric keyboard for a secure UITextField or not. It would seem that you can't if setting it programmatically has no effect.

Can I not remove the return key on the keyboard? Or at least change its text to "Set"?

I am creating a sign up page for my iphone app and am having some problems making the way the input views work for the different kinds of fields consistent. The fields are listed as cells in a table view and the editing is supposed to take place directly in the table by having appropriate input views sliding up from the bottom.
Let me focus on only two of the fields here, namely the username field and the birthday field: for the username field it makes sense to have an ASCII capable keyboard sliding up when the user presses the field whereas a date picker seems more useful in the birthday field case.
For both the keyboard and the date picker the cancel button could be located in a tool bar just above the input view. But what about the set button? If I put that in the toolbar as well I need the return key in the keyboard to go away! But that is not possible is it?
If the return key cannot be removed then I might have to live with the set button in the toolbar only in the birthday case and then use the return key as the set button in the username case - but can I then at least change the text on the return key to "Set"?
No it's not possible* to hide the "Return" key.
It is not possible to set the string to "Set" either, but could use the .returnKeyType property to change it to a limited set of strings.
theTextField.returnKeyType = UIReturnKeyDone;
(* Well you could put an opaque UIView directly above it but it's a very bad practice and generally breaks if the user chooses a different input method)

How to get current value of UITextField in cocos2d 0.8.2?

Hi all I am using cocos2d 0.8.2 for my new game. I have added a UITextField in my game and on click of a button (this button is actually a sprite i m using ccTouchesEnded! ) i save text field's value in database, but whenever i access the value i am getting nil. if i initialize the textfield value by some string, it always give me only that value.
[txtField setText:#"Enter Your Name"];
when i access the value of txtField on a click of button it always give me "Enter Your Name". Although the value is changing when i type in textField, but its not returning me the new value.
is this a issue with cocos2d 0.8.2 or i am missing something?
You don't save the entered text. You just set #"Enter your Name" as default text, that is displayed in the cell. You should have a look at the UITextFieldDelegate methods. You have to overwrite the method didEndEditing, that is called after your editing or typing in text has ended, and implement there a line that saves the current value. Here you can use something like this:
NSString *containerForTextFieldValue = textField.text;