How does XCode know which project to debug into when multiple projects are open simultaneously? - iphone

TL;DR Version:
This question has arisen due to the fact that I have multiple frameworks (which I have built) and a client project that uses said frameworks. Now, when I open up the client project and try to debug into the framework, it doesn't work.
However, if I have the project associated with the framework open, then debugging appears to work (though there are some weird issues with breakpoints I don't see being triggered).
I have looked at Apple's docs, and perhaps the answer is buried there somewhere, but I couldn't find it on a skim of the Xcode Debugging Guide.
Long Version:
The reason this question is important to me is that a coworker and I had a disagreement about how headers are imported in the frameworks we build.
I have a tendency to use framework headers (with client apps) in the fashion:
#import "FrameworkA/HeaderA.h"
#import "FrameworkB/HeaderB.h"
He, on the other hand, favors importing the framework headers (with client apps) like this:
#import "HeaderA.h"
#import "HeaderB.h"
and specifying the header search paths in the build target of the client application.
Complicating matters further is the fact that some of these frameworks have interdependencies. For example, FrameworkB has headers from FrameworkA referenced in his format:
#import "HeaderA.h"
His argument for doing this is that debugging only works if we import headers this way. It seems dubious to me that there would be a relation between header importing style and debugging, but I am not really certain how XCode chooses the file to link to during debugging, hence the question.
Thanks in advance for any assistance with this query.

you add project references to the target, and make sure Xcode knows where to find the debug symbols.
#import <FrameworkA/HeaderA.h>
that's the way to go (for internal and external declarations). the reason? the other approach is more likely to cause issues as libraries evolve. the additional qualification disambiguates any case (unless of course there are two FrameworkA/s in your search path), it's best to qualify the file explicitly now, rather than when your clients tell you they cannot use your library with other libraries, or that they can only use them in some conditions. then you have to go fix the issues and reship (this stuff has a way of happening at inconvenient times =p). it's one simple measure to ensure you've developed a robust interface.
perhaps the most important part that people overlook is the location of the products: use a customized central build location for your targets -- many people use the default location, which is by the xcodeproject. otherwise, Xcode may not be able to locate debug information.
finally, debugging complex projects in Xcode can be quite... let's call it 'problematic'. So don't expect the debugging experience to be perfect, even if you've configured everything correctly. all the more reason to integrate assertions and unit tests into your development cycle early on with Xcode. truth is, the debugger may be useless no matter how hard you try - this is not a new issue. hopefully LLDB will improve our debugging experiences.
good luck


Header file not found for embedded framework inside library for React Native app

I'm currently working on a contract job where I've been asked to help integrate a 3rd party SDK with an existing React Native app. The SDK only comes in Android and iOS specific flavors, meaning that it has to be added on the platform-specific side of things (in my case, the iOS side with Xcode).
For the app, the client has created a react native module which gets built into a Library in Xcode, represented by a separate nested Xcode project in Libraries/MyLibrary.xcodeproj from the root of the base Xcode workspace project. This library has several method stubs defined in React Native which will need to be implemented in Swift (and likewise in Android), as this is in these methods that the 3rd party platform-specific SDK is utilized.
The issue I'm having has to do with accessing the 3rd party SDK framework in the library's existing bridging header file. I have followed every tutorial under the sun for how to integrate external frameworks with an existing Xcode project. This includes steps about adding the framework to the project, adding it under the Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries sections of the project target, adding it under the Build Phases/Link Binary With Libraries section of both the project target and the library target, and adding the framework path under Project Settings/Framework Search Paths. From here, I add the appropriate import statement to my library's Library-Bridging-Header.h file with #import <MyFramework/MyFramework.h> so I can then access the framework in Swift. (This import statement is copied directly from the bridging header file of the sample project included with the SDK, so I know it is correct and should not be given in a different format such as quotes instead of angle brackets).
Regardless of following all of these steps multiple times over and in various combinations, I still get this error at build time: MyFramework/MyFramework.h file not found.
To clarify, MyFramework is just an alias for the actual 3rd party framework I'm attempting to integrate, and MyLibrary is an alias for the existing library with nothing but method stubs given to me by the client to implement in Swift.
Again, I have read every tutorial and forum under the sun, but none seem to address this very specific issue of integrating a 3rd party framework in a xcodeproj Library within the iOS version of a react native app. I would appreciate any new insights or suggestions anyone might have to offer! And please, please don't just post a link to or copy the steps from existing forum posts about a similar-sounding issue, as I've probably already read it 😉. Understand that I think that there is something subtly unique about my specific circumstances which are causing these same steps from the 10+ articles that come up on the first page of Google and StackOverflow NOT to work.
Figured it out! I'll post my solution here in case anybody out there ever runs into the same issue as me.
TLDR - You must add the 3rd party framework in the root of the xcodeproj Library (NOT the top level project) AND ensure that the files were actually copied into that directory, not just referenced from the directory you copied the framework from (be sure to double-check in Finder, since checking the 'Copy if needed' box doesn't always work for some reason). Then, you must add $(PROJECT_DIR) to your xcodeproj Library's Build Settings/Framework Search Paths, and also drag and drop the framework from the root of your xcodeproj Library into the Library's Build Phases/Link Binary With Libraries panel.
I'll address some of the issues with other tutorials/forums that I found, with hopes that it might help someone else that finds themselves as frustrated as I was in this position.
Most only address adding the framework to the base level project, not the obscure case of a project within a project. Therefore, when you start following the steps, it can be confusing to know whether you should be changing the settings of the top-level project or the sub-project. Again, as I discovered, all changes should ONLY be made to the sub-project.
There are a few tutorials that do seem to address this situation regarding a project within a project, but the steps describe adding the framework to the top-level project under Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries, but I believe the situation described in these tutorials are somehow subtly different than this situation here. Again, only mess with the sub-project.
There's a lot of discussion out there about "umbrella frameworks", but that doesn't really apply to this situation, and again, the terminology similarities can make it seem like it's a similar issue. As I understand it, "umbrella frameworks" are discouraged by Apple, but again, this situation is not the same.
Sorry for the long-winded explanation, but I'm hoping to provide the kind of detail I would have liked to have found when I was searching for solutions for this weirdly obscure problem.

How to selectively import a module in Swift depending on target?

Our Xcode project contains a sub-project that builds first party frameworks which we use as our standard libraries. One is built for each platform (iPhone, iPad, watchOS,...) but there is significant overlap between them (extensions for example).
In our Objective-C code in the main project, I simply have a different prefix header for each target based on its platform, and I import the relevant framework header. This means in my entire project I can use all the symbols that are in our "standard library".
I want this to happen in our Swift code as well (for both Swift and Objective-C symbols). From what I'm aware, Swift doesn't have the concept of prefix headers, so I'm needing to import the framework/module manually in each file.
What's more annoying, my imports won't just need to be
import MyFrameworkForiPhone
But because of the platform specific frameworks, with the help of Swift compiler flags, they'll need to become
import MyFrameworkForiPhone
#elseif RD_IPAD
import MyFrameworkForiPad
Does anyone have any suggestions about how to cleanly work around this problem, or am I stuck with this for the time being?
While it may not be advisable to have separate modules for different platforms, sometimes we find ourselves in this situation and have to deal with it. Fortunately, there is one way to shorten that boilerplate...
You could create a third module, perhaps called MyFramework that selectively includes the appropriate framework for the current platform. Such a module would only need one source file that looks just like your example above:
import MyFrameworkForiPhone
#elseif RD_IPAD
import MyFrameworkForiPad
Then, every other source file would simply import MyFramework. This works because a module will re-expose anything public from other modules it imports.
This approach also provides a sensible location for anything that the two platform-specific modules have in common. Shared code can move into this platform-agnostic module, helping you move closer to the ideal scenario.
If you're using Swift Package Manager, see the documentation on modules. It's as simple as making a new directory.
In Xcode, creating a module means creating a framework. See Ray Wenderlich's guide for an example. It references iOS, but the same process applies to other platforms.
I would strongly advise against creating frameworks designed only for iPhone or iPad. If there is any UI code It would likely make it impossible for an app to be resizable on iPad and there isn't any code that will compile for one and not the other.
Besides that, you're not compiling separate binaries for iPad and iPhone if it's the same app. Imports are done at compile time, so you cannot dynamically include different frameworks based on the device on which it's being installed.
If you have completely separate apps that only support iPhone or iPad (which should be avoided), you could add compiler flags to each of them to do different things with the same files.
[edit: oops, I answered the wrong question. This answer is for Frameworks that target multiple platforms]
The support for cross-platform frameworks is still pretty bad. In Xcode, I work as follows:
create a single source tree for my library
create subfolders for platform-specific stuff
if a class is implemented differently for different platforms, it appears in each platform subfolder (where it is supported at all)
Now create a "Target" in XCode of type "... Static Library" for each platform you want to support (I have WatchOS, iOS, and MacOS in mine). Name them differently, obviously. However, change the "Build Settings | Basic | Product Name" on every one of these static libraries to be the same, like "MyLibrary" for example.
for each source file in your library, tick the "Target Membership" in the file properties to select which the platform libraries that should include this file. Obviously, everything in the platform-specific folders should only be included in those platform targets.
for other platform-specific targets, add Library linking and Target Dependency for the platform-specific target, like "MyLibrary_MacOS" or whatever you called your library targets above.
Now you can have "import MyLibrary" in your source files and it will automagically find the one that is actually available on the platform that you are compiling. This way, you can have platform abstractions or platform-specific stuff in your library and it doesn't appear everywhere in the code, just like "Foundation."
I also add headers in there for MacOS to provide dummy implementations of WatchOS APIs that I need for testing, for example. That way, I can unit test code on MacOS.
No, this is not optimal, because a formal "Framework" compile would be better, but it is the only way I have found to do it locally with full debuggability.
If anyone else has actually used something that works better, please let me know. Please don't recommend something you haven't actually used :)

How would a closed-source (i.e. precompiled) Swift library work without headers?

In C, C++ and Objective-C you can compile part of an executable into its own "object file" and use it (and/or a library containing multiple object files) from any other code by including a "header file". Highly-templatized C++ code notwithstanding, a "header" typically contains just the declarations needed to validate the correctness of calling code (and assist the IDE with autocomplete, etc.).
But Swift does not have header files.
Now, apparently it is not currently possible to make a Swift static library, but in the future how would a situation like the above work, wanting to use some existing precompiled code from "new" source code, given that Swift does not have headers?
Would it work something like how [I infer] Java must work, where the compiled form can be introspected enough for the compiler to verify it is being used properly? Does Bitcode in addition to its intermediate representation also provide the necessary "protocol" for retaining such metadata?
If Apple were to port Cocoa to Swift (and keep it closed source), how would it then be "imported" into Swift apps?
Although, really, this question is not anything to do with "closed source" per se but rather trying to understand the boundaries around compilation units in Swift. Based on a similar question for the Go language, mine here could be re-phrased as: can you link to a pre-compiled Swift library without the source?
Well, just consider Apple's Swift libraries. They are closed-source, and you can use them fine and you can see pseudo-"headers" for the stuff in the library in the compiler. The exact mechanism of how this works is not currently publicly documented, but it must exist.
In addition to #user102008, the good new is, Swift will be open sourced by the end of this year, and even ported to Linux by Apple. While we can't guarantee it will always work that way (as Apple has poor records on those kind of issues), people will found suitable solutions within this even if Apple has no interests in doing so.
Even more, afaik, Swift objects were actually Objective-C objects. There'll not be that different to make Swift things work than Objective-C. (More details: After they were compiled, just do a class dump (or load it into a debugger such as IDA) and you can easily create a .h to make it work like normal static library or a framework.

Building pure Swift Cocoa Touch Framework

I'm exploring Swift with Xcode-6 and so far so good although I think the new collections need a little bit of work as I've managed to break the compiler a few times.
Problem is I'm now stuck trying to create the framework package to then use in another project. The project builds without issue and all tests pass successfully. When I go to create Archive (which I assume is what is required) I receive the error:
:0: error: underlying Objective-C module 'Sample' not found
Now I assume this has something to do with the contents of my Sample.h which tells me
// In this header, you should import all the public headers of your framework using statements like #import <Sample/PublicHeader.h>
which is fine except I have only used swift enums, structs and classes for this framework so therefore no .h files exist.
Can anyone shed some light on this one as I can't find any documentation available yet?
EDIT (7/27/2018)
The information in the answer below may no longer be accurate. Your mileage may vary.
I sat down with an engineer and asked this exact question. This was their response:
Xcode 6 does not support building distributable Swift frameworks at this time and that Apple likely won't build this functionality into Xcode until its advantageous for them to do so. Right now, Frameworks are meant to be embedded in your app's project, rather than distributed. If you watch any of the session videos or see the sample projects, this is always the arrangement. Another reason is that Swift is very new and likely to change. Thus your Swift-based framework is not guaranteed to work on the platform you originally built it on.
Slight Update
The engineer mentioned that it's not impossible to make a framework for distribution, just that it's not supported.
I was able to get past the error by going to the target for the framework and on the Build Phases tab under Headers, remove the MyFramework.h file
However I was getting the "Underlying Objective-C module not found" error when I was using a framework to share code between a containing app and an app extension, both of which were pure Swift.
Assuming you are creating a truly pure Swift module, you must disable the Objective-C Compatibility Header and any generated interface headers so the compiler doesn't go off assuming it can find an Objective-C module for the framework.
Do Not remove your public framework header. You'll get a module-map warning at link time if you do.
You might find this useful: Creation of pure swift module
In short: it's possible to make static framework, but there is one issue: it doesn't work in end user' project if "ProjectName-Swift.h" header included.
But, it works fine if you use only swift.
I think it's a bug in XCode 6, or that Apple does not allow archiving the Framework from XCode while in beta.
If you compile to profile XCode generates the framework correctly. (See the Release folder created in DerivedData)

Abusing the word "library"

I see a lot of questions, both here on SO and elsewhere, about "maintaining
common libraries in a VCS". That is, projects foo and bar both depend on
libbaz, and the questioner is wondering how they should import the source
for libbaz into the VCS for each project.
My question is: WTF? If libbaz is a library, then foo doesn't need its
source code at all. There are some libraries that are reasonably designed
to be used in this manner (eg gnulib), but for the most part foo and bar
ought to just link against the library.
I guess my thinking is: if you cut-and-paste source for a library into
your own source tree, then you obviously don't care about future updates
to the library. If you care about updates, then just link against the
library and trust the library maintainers to maintain a stable API.
If you don't trust the API to remain stable, then you can't blindly
update your own copy of the source anyway, so what is gained?
To summarize the question: why would anyone want to maintain a copy of a
library in the source code for a project rather than just linking against
that library and requiring it as a dependency?
If the only answer is "don't want the dependency", then why not just
distribute a copy of the library along with your app, but keep them
totally separate?
The use of vendor branches to control 3rd party dependencies is discussed in some depth in the Subversion book. As I understand it, the basic advantages are guaranteeing a stable API and uniformity of libraries for all developers, and the ability to control custom modifications in house in the same versioning system.
On the project I'm working on right now, we've got the main code (which is in one Subversion project) and a host of assorted libraries from various places that are in their own Subversion modules. The Visual Studio solution maintains separate projects for each of them and links them together at the end. If we were working on Unix or similar OSs, we'd do the same thing.
The only downside I see is that I sometimes forget to update one of the libraries that changes more frequently, and my code doesn't compile until I notice that. If we had the libraries in the same module, then we wouldn't have that problem. (Not that I'd ever do it that way. The gains in flexibility and the ability to use different libraries with different main projects are just too great.)
The API is a red herring here: either it stays the same or it changes, and if it changed we'd have to update the main code either way. So is the question of source vs. binary libraries (either we compile them with the main project, or we don't).