AspxCallback error - callback

I have a Master-Detail GridView on my page and on DetailRow i have another grid, a aspxButton and a AspxCallback.
Here is the aspx codes:
<dxe:ASPxButton ID="btn_StartWizard" runat="server"
Text="Planlama Sihirbazını Çalıştır" CssFilePath="~/App_Themes/BlackGlass/{0}/styles.css" CssPostfix="BlackGlass" AutoPostBack="false">
<ClientSideEvents Click="function(s,e){
c_OpenPopup.PerformCallback(detail_Grid.cpdetail_Grid);}" />
<dxcb:ASPxCallback ID="call_OpenPopup" runat="server"
ClientInstanceName="c_OpenPopup" Enabled="true"
<ClientSideEvents CallbackComplete="function(s, e) {
if(e.result == "true")
var indx = window.location.href.indexOf('MainCard.aspx');
var url = window.location.href.substring(0,indx);
var urlName = url + '?CoID=' + coID + '&amp;BranchID=' + branchID + '&amp;LineNo=' + LineNo + '&amp;ConfMID=' + ID + '&amp;uNum=' + UniqueNumber;
var urlName = url;
var valueCondition = window.showModalDialog(urlName,window,'dialogHeight:400px; dialogWidth: 820px; edge: Raised; center: Yes; help: Yes; resizable: No; status: Yes;');
alert('Bu siparişte herhangi bir planlama işi yok');
}" />
but when i clicked the button, Callback doesn't work. So i checked in "Firebug" and got this error: "c_OpenPopup is not defined". How can this be possible, that control has its ClientInstanceName set.
Thanks for your helps.

Try to set the button's AutoPostBack property to false. Also, what is the goal to have the ASPxCallback within the Detail row template container? If you expand several master rows, there will be several java script instances of the ASPxCallback on the page and all of them will have the same ClientInstanceName. It means, that only the last one will work.


sapui5 how to read PDF file content in controller

Im facing an issue in PDF File Uploading..
In the above Screenshot if you see, When im trying to upload a PDF file, Im not able to read the content in that pdf file.
My requirement is like, I need to get the content as String from that file and that content i need to send to back-end server..
Im getting below error if im trying to read the content
HTTP Status 405 - Bad Method
Below is my Code ..
Im using xmlns:u="sap.ui.unified" library
<u:FileUploader id="fileUploader" name="myFileUpload" tooltip="Upload Service Sheet"
uploadComplete="handleUploadComplete" change="handleValueChange" typeMissmatch="handleTypeMissmatch" style="Emphasized" fileType="pdf"
placeholder="Choose a file for Upload..." maximumFileSize="2000" mimeType="pdf" buttonText="Upload">
handleUploadComplete: function(oEvent) {
var fileName = oEvent.getSource().getProperty("value");
var sResponse = oEvent.getParameter("response");
if (sResponse) {
var sMsg = "";
var m = /^\[(\d\d\d)\]:(.*)$/.exec(sResponse);
if (m[0] == "200") {
sMsg = "Return Code: " + m[0] + "(Upload Success)";
} else {
sMsg = "Return Code: " + m[0] + "(Upload Error)";
Can some one please help me how can i read the data in the PDF??
Thank you in advance
Take a look at this example. Hope this helps.
<u:FileUploader change="onChange" fileType="pdf" mimeType="pdf" buttonText="Upload" />
convertBinaryToHex: function(buffer) {
return Uint8Array(buffer), function(x) {
return ("00" + x.toString(16)).slice(-2);
onChange: function(oEvent){
var that = this;
var reader = new FileReader();
var file = oEvent.getParameter("files")[0];
reader.onload = function(e) {
var raw =;
var hexString = that.convertBinaryToHex(raw).toUpperCase();
reader.onerror = function() {"Error occured when uploading file");

Leaflet Pan Event (moveend) is not working

I am trying to update two fields from database if map pan based on it longlat position. I am using the following code
map.on("moveend", function () {
var cntLat = map.getCenter().lat;
var cntLong = map.getCenter().lng;
var zoomScale = map.getZoom();
type: "GET",
url: 'panevent.php?&zoom=' + zoomScale + '&getLat=' + cntLat + '&getLong=' + cntLong,
success: function (result) {
var JSONobject = JSON.parse(result);
var title = JSONobject[0]["title"];
var subtitle = JSONobject[0]["subtitle"];
Here is my HTML Block
<div class="currentLoc">
<p id="title"></p>
<p id="subtitle"></p>
What I am doing wrong?
L.Map does fire dragend. You have to use moveend
dragend is for draggable L.Marker

Can anybody help me to resolve ng-grid filtering in a multi row Grid

Here is the plunker:
I have created a multi row grid and I would like to filter the grid data for each column header.
If I put an input box outside the grid it is working fine. If I put an input box inside the column header filtering is not working
Please see the code and help me for this.
Use this filterBar plugin. (I cannot take credit for this, I do not remember where I found it.)
var filterBarPlugin = {
init: function(scope, grid) {
filterBarPlugin.scope = scope;
filterBarPlugin.grid = grid;
$scope.$watch(function() {
var searchQuery = "";
angular.forEach(filterBarPlugin.scope.columns, function(col) {
if (col.visible && col.filterText) {
var filterText = (col.filterText.indexOf('*') == 0 ? col.filterText.replace('*', '') : "^" + col.filterText) + ";";
searchQuery += col.displayName + ": " + filterText;
return searchQuery;
}, function(searchQuery) {
filterBarPlugin.scope.$parent.filterText = searchQuery;
scope: undefined,
grid: undefined,
Change your header cell input ng-model to: col.filterText
<input type="text" placeholder="MY NAME" ng-model="col.filterText" ng-change="activateFilter()"/>
Add plugin to gridOptions
plugins: [filterBarPlugin],
Updated Plunker: Plunker
I know this is old, but in case someone else ends up here...
Here is a google group thread discussing this:!topic/angular/lhu5Fbs97G4
and within that discussion you can find the following plnkr which does what you are wanting (and which I think the above answer references):

OpenLayers: Open popup when hovering vector, without closing it when mouse is over popup itself

I have a map with a vector layer showing features from GeoJSON. When I hover the feature, a pop-up shows up at the beginning of the linestring. But it is flickering, it appears and disappears. I guess the feature somehow gets deselected. Maybe popup gets in the middle between mouse and the feature so the condition of feature being hovered is no more fulfilled. How can I solve it? I want the pop up to be displayed when the mouse is over the feature, no matter if the popup is in the way.
I think it can be replicated even with example code: .
It happens even if my mouse is not directly over the white part of the popup.
It seems to me the problem is more severe in chrome than in firefox. Maybe this is not the problem of my code, but bug. If so, sorry for posting here.
I am using foollowing code :
layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("JOSM", {
eventListeners: {
'featureselected': function(evt) {
var feature = evt.feature;
var detailsTextHtml = "";
var lines = feature.attributes.evaluations.split("\n");
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (lines[i] !== "") {
detailsTextHtml += " <br> " + lines[i];
popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud("popup",
"<div style='font-size:.8em'>Coefficient: " + feature.attributes.coefficient + "<br>Color:" + feature.attributes.color + "<br>Details: " + detailsTextHtml + "</div>",
feature.popup = popup;
'featureunselected': function(evt) {
var feature = evt.feature;
feature.popup = null;
styleMap: styleMap,
strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.Fixed()],
projection: geographic,
protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.HTTP({
url: "webresources/getJosmAspectsDetailed?startLon=" + document.getElementById('startLon').value +
"&startLat=" + document.getElementById('startLat').value +
"&endLon=" + document.getElementById('endLon').value +
"&endLat=" + document.getElementById('endLat').value + "&speed=17&comfort=0&quietness=0",
format: new OpenLayers.Format.GeoJSON()

how to change GWT/SmartGWT theme at run time

I want to change the theme of my SmartGWT application at run time from the code
I can see this functionally in SmartGWT showcase , but I can't see any code for this in SmartGWT showcase.
What I am doing right now is
This is my XML class
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<inherits name="com.smartgwt.SmartGwtNoTheme"/>
<inherits name="com.smartclient.theme.graphite.Graphite"/>
<inherits name="com.smartclient.theme.blackops.BlackOps"/>
<inherits name="com.smartclient.theme.enterprise.Enterprise"/>
<inherits name="com.smartclient.theme.enterpriseblue.EnterpriseBlue"/>
This is my HTML class snippet
<title>My Web</title>
function readCookie(name) {
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for ( var i = 0; i < ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ')
c = c.substring(1, c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0)
return c.substring(nameEQ.length, c.length);
return null;
// Determine what skin file to load
var currentSkin = readCookie('skin');
if (currentSkin == null){
currentSkin = "Enterprise";
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<" + "script src=testtheme/sc/skins/"
+ currentSkin + "/load_skin.js><"+"/script>");
This is my Java class
SelectItem selectItem = new SelectItem("skin", "Choose Skin");
DynamicForm df = new DynamicForm();
java.util.LinkedHashMap<String, String> valueMap = new java.util.LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
valueMap.put("Enterprise", "Enterprise");
valueMap.put("EnterpriseBlue", "EnterpriseBlue");
valueMap.put("TreeFrog", "TreeFrog");
valueMap.put("BlackOps", "BlackOps");
valueMap.put("Graphite", "Graphite");
String currentSkin = Cookies.getCookie("skin");
if (currentSkin == null) {
currentSkin = "Enterprise";
selectItem.addChangedHandler(new ChangedHandler() {
public void onChanged(ChangedEvent event) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Cookies.setCookie("skin", event.getValue().toString());
The expected outcome is that when I select any skin form my SelectItem, that skin should be applied, but I am having no Effect .
Please look into this line in my HTML file
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write("<" + "script src=testtheme/sc/skins/"
+ currentSkin + "/load_skin.js><"+"/script>");
Here I'm not sure what will be the exact path ,
I have the smatgwt-skins.jar in my class path
What does the 'alert(currentSkin)' line in your html file display when you change the skin and the application gets reloaded? Does it show the newly selected skin name?
It looks like you are using code from the SmartGWT showcase, or it just happens to appear almost identical to it.
Maybe this could help: Here
Check the Smartclient forum for this situation, there is plenty information on it.