Scala Actors + Console.withOut possible bug - scala

I found some strange behavior when Console.withOut used within an actor. For code:
case object I
val out = new PipedOutputStream
val pipe = new PipedInputStream(out)
def read: String = ** read from `pipe` stream
class A extends Actor{
var b: Actor = _
b = actor { loop { self react {
case I => println("II")
def act = {
loop { self react {
case I =>
b ! I
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val a = new A
a ! I
Thread sleep 100
println("!!\n" + read + "!!")
got following output:
Any idea why output from A actor's act method is also redirected? Thank you for your answers.
Here is read function:
def read(instream: InputStream, acc: List[Char] = Nil): String =
if(instream.available > 0) read(instream, acc :+ else acc mkString ""
def read: String = read(pipe)

It seems to me, on the contrary, that neither actor has its output redirected, since withOut will have finished executing long before println("II") is called. Since this is all based on DynamicVariable, however, I'm not willing to bet on it. :-) The absence of working code precludes any testing as well.


Scala stream and ExecutionContext issue

I'm new in Scala and i'm facing a few problems in my assignment :
I want to build a stream class that can do 3 main tasks : filter,map,and forEach.
My streams data is an array of elements. Each of the 3 main tasks should run in 2 different threads on my streams array.
In addition, I need to divde the logic of the action and its actual run to two different parts. First declare all tasks in stream and only when I run I want the actual actions to happen.
My code :
class LearningStream[A]() {
val es: ExecutorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2)
val ec = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(es)
var streamValues: ArrayBuffer[A] = ArrayBuffer[A]()
var r: Runnable = () => "";
def setValues(streamv: ArrayBuffer[A]) = {
streamValues = streamv;
def filter(p: A => Boolean): LearningStream[A] = {
var ls_filtered: LearningStream[A] = new LearningStream[A]()
r = () => {
println("running real filter..")
val (l,r) = streamValues.splitAt(streamValues.length/2)
val a:ArrayBuffer[A]=es.submit(()=>l.filter(p)).get()
val b:ArrayBuffer[A]=es.submit(()=>r.filter(p)).get()
return ls_filtered
def map[B](f: A => B): LearningStream[B] = {
var ls_map: LearningStream[B] = new LearningStream[B]()
r = () => {
println("running real map..")
val (l,r) = streamValues.splitAt(streamValues.length/2)
val a:ArrayBuffer[B]=es.submit(()=>
val b:ArrayBuffer[B]=es.submit(()=>
return ls_map
def forEach(c: A => Unit): Unit = {
println("running real forEach")
def insert(a: A): Unit = {
streamValues += a
def start(): Unit = {
def shutdown(): Unit = {
my main :
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
var factorial=0
val s = new LearningStream[String]
for(i <- -5 to 5){
The main prints only the filter`s output and the factorial isnt changed (still 1).
What am I missing here ?
My solution: #Levi Ramsey left a few good hints in the comments if you want to get hints and not the real solution.
First problem: Only one command (filter) run and the other didn't. solution: insert to the runnable of each command a call for the next stream via:
In order to be able to close all sessions, we need to add another LearningStream data member to the class. However we can't add just a regular LearningStream object because it depends on parameter [A]. Therefore, I implemented a trait that has the close function and my data member was of that trait type.

only once in while loop with scala

I'm beginning with Scala. I have a program which have a method with a while loop which run until the program is not ended.
But for my test, I need to execute this method only once (or twice). In java, I would have used a mutable variable that I would have decremented in order to stop my treatment.
Maybe a condition inside my while loop that I override for my test.
def receive = {
val iterator = stream.iterator()
while (iterator.hasNext && my_condition()) {
I know it's a stupid question, but could you please advice me ?
if you just want the first n entries.
Or, if something_to_do returns a result (rather than Unit), and you want to return an iterator of those results, you can use:
(or .take(n).map(...) )
Consider this for comprehension,
for (_ <- iterator if my_condition()) something_to_do
where each iterated value is ignored (note _) and the todo part is invoked while the condition holds.
I think an approach like the following is acceptable:
import{Props, Actor}
object TestableActor {
def props = Props(new TestableActor())
def testProps = Props(new TestableActor(true))
case class Message(stream: Stream)
class TestableActor(doOnce: Boolean = false) extends Actor {
import TestableActor._
val stream: Stream = ???
def receive = {
case Message(stream) =>
val iterator = stream.iterator
if(doOnce) {
} else {
while (iterator.hasNext && my_condition()) {
def my_condition(): Boolean = ???
def something_to_do: Unit = ???
In your production code, use
In your test use

Asynchronous Iterable over remote data

There is some data that I have pulled from a remote API, for which I use a Future-style interface. The data is structured as a linked-list. A relevant example data container is shown below.
case class Data(information: Int) {
def hasNext: Boolean = ??? // Implemented
def next: Future[Data] = ??? // Implemented
Now I'm interested in adding some functionality to the data class, such as map, foreach, reduce, etc. To do so I want to implement some form of IterableLike such that it inherets these methods.
Given below is the trait Data may extend, such that it gets this property.
trait AsyncIterable[+T]
extends IterableLike[Future[T], AsyncIterable[T]]
def hasNext : Boolean
def next : Future[T]
// How to implement?
override def iterator: Iterator[Future[T]] = ???
override protected[this] def newBuilder: mutable.Builder[Future[T], AsyncIterable[T]] = ???
override def seq: TraversableOnce[Future[T]] = ???
It should be a non-blocking implementation, which when acted on, starts requesting the next data from the remote data source.
It is then possible to do cool stuff such as
case class Data(information: Int) extends AsyncIterable[Data]
val data = Data(1) // And more, of course
// Asynchronously print all the information.
data.foreach(data => println(data.information))
It is also acceptable for the interface to be different. But the result should in some way represent asynchronous iteration over the collection. Preferably in a way that is familiar to developers, as it will be part of an (open source) library.
In production I would use one of following:
Akka Streams
Reactive Extensions
For private tests I would implement something similar to following.
(Explanations are below)
I have modified a little bit your Data:
abstract class AsyncIterator[T] extends Iterator[Future[T]] {
def hasNext: Boolean
def next(): Future[T]
For it we can implement this Iterable:
class AsyncIterable[T](sourceIterator: AsyncIterator[T])
extends IterableLike[Future[T], AsyncIterable[T]]
private def stream(): Stream[Future[T]] =
if(sourceIterator.hasNext) { #:: stream()} else {Stream.empty}
val asStream = stream()
override def iterator = asStream.iterator
override def seq = asStream.seq
override protected[this] def newBuilder = throw new UnsupportedOperationException()
And if see it in action using following code:
object Example extends App {
val source = "Hello World!";
val iterator1 = new DelayedIterator[Char](100L, source.toCharArray)
new AsyncIterable(iterator1).foreach(_.foreach(print)) //prints 1 char per 100 ms
val iterator2 = new DelayedIterator[String](100L,
new AsyncIterable(iterator2).reduceLeft((fl: Future[String], fr) =>
for(l <- fl; r <- fr) yield {println(s"$l+$r"); l + r}) //prints 1 line per 100 ms
def pause(duration: Long) = {println("->"); Thread.sleep(duration); println("\n<-")}
class DelayedIterator[T](delay: Long, data: Seq[T]) extends AsyncIterator[T] {
private val dataIterator = data.iterator
private var nextTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + delay
override def hasNext = dataIterator.hasNext
override def next = {
val thisTime = math.max(System.currentTimeMillis(), nextTime)
val thisValue =
nextTime = thisTime + delay
Future {
val now = System.currentTimeMillis()
if(thisTime > now) Thread.sleep(thisTime - now) //Your implementation will be better
AsyncIterable uses Stream because it's calculated lazily and it's simple.
multiple calls to iterator and seq methods return same iterable with all items.
could lead to memory overflow because stream keeps all prevously obtained values.
first value is eagerly gotten during creation of AsyncIterable
DelayedIterator is very simplistic implementation of AsyncIterator, don't blame me for quick and dirty code here.
It's still strange for me to see synchronous hasNext and asynchronous next()
Using Twitter Spool I've implemented a working example.
To implement spool I modified the example in the documentation.
import com.twitter.concurrent.Spool
import com.twitter.util.{Await, Return, Promise}
import scala.concurrent.{ExecutionContext, Future}
trait AsyncIterable[+T <: AsyncIterable[T]] { self : T =>
def hasNext : Boolean
def next : Future[T]
def spool(implicit ec: ExecutionContext) : Spool[T] = {
def fill(currentPage: Future[T], rest: Promise[Spool[T]]) {
currentPage foreach { cPage =>
if(hasNext) {
val nextSpool = new Promise[Spool[T]]
rest() = Return(cPage *:: nextSpool)
fill(next, nextSpool)
} else {
val emptySpool = new Promise[Spool[T]]
emptySpool() = Return(Spool.empty[T])
rest() = Return(cPage *:: emptySpool)
val rest = new Promise[Spool[T]]
if(hasNext) {
fill(next, rest)
} else {
rest() = Return(Spool.empty[T])
self *:: rest
Data is the same as before, and now we can use it.
// Cool stuff
implicit val ec =
val data = Data(1) // And others
// Print all the information asynchronously
val fut = data.spool.foreach(data => println(data.information))
It will trow an exception on the second element, because the implementation of next was not provided.

scala infinite rx observable creation - how to do this properly?

i'm recently started playing with rxjava-scala, and I wanted to create a (possibly) infinite stream observable. looking at the code and open issues on github, i found out that an "out of the box" solution is unimplemented yet (usecase06 in the issue says it's not even implemented for java).
so, i tried to come up with my own implementation. consider the following:
def getIterator: Iterator[String] = {
def fib(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): Stream[BigInt] = a #:: fib(b, a + b)
fib(1, 1){bi =>
s"next fibonacci: ${bi}"
and a helper method:
def startOnThread(body: => Unit): Thread = {
val t = new Thread {
override def run = body
and the example core:
val observable: Observable[String] = Observable(
observer => {
var cancelled = false
val fs = getIterator
val t = startOnThread{
while (!cancelled) {observer.onNext(}
Subscription(new rx.Subscription {
override def unsubscribe() = {
cancelled = true
val observer = Observer(new rx.Observer[String]{
def onNext(args: String) = println(args)
def onError(e: Throwable) = logger.error(e.getMessage)
def onCompleted() = println("DONE!")
val subscription = observable.subscribe(observer)
this seems to work fine, but i'm not happy with this. first of all, i'm creating a new Thread, which could be bad. but even if i use some kind of thread pool, it would still feel wrong. so i'm thinking i should use a scheduler, which sounds like a proper solution, only i can't figure out how to use it in such a scenario. i tried suppling rx.lang.scala.concurrency.Schedulers.threadPoolForIO in the observeOn method, but it seems like i'm doing it wrong. observable's code won't compile with it. any help would be greatly appreciate. thanks!
First of all, there are already adapters to convert Iterable to Observable: "from" function.
Seconds, iterator wont return control, so your Sleep and unsubscribe wont be called. You need to execute subscription operation in a dedicated thread "subscribeOn(NewThreadScheduler())"
def getIterator: Iterator[String] = {
def fib(a: BigInt, b: BigInt): Stream[BigInt] = a #:: fib(b, a + b)
fib(1, 1){bi =>
s"next fibonacci: ${bi}"
val sub = Observable.from(getIterator.toIterable)
println("fib complete")

How do I rewrite a for loop with a shared dependency using actors

We have some code which needs to run faster. Its already profiled so we would like to make use of multiple threads. Usually I would setup an in memory queue, and have a number of threads taking jobs of the queue and calculating the results. For the shared data I would use a ConcurrentHashMap or similar.
I don't really want to go down that route again. From what I have read using actors will result in cleaner code and if I use akka migrating to more than 1 jvm should be easier. Is that true?
However, I don't know how to think in actors so I am not sure where to start.
To give a better idea of the problem here is some sample code:
case class Trade(price:Double, volume:Int, stock:String) {
def value(priceCalculator:PriceCalculator) =
(priceCalculator.priceFor(stock)-> price)*volume
class PriceCalculator {
def priceFor(stock:String) = {
Thread.sleep(20)//a slow operation which can be cached
object ValueTrades {
def valueAll(trades:List[Trade],
priceCalculator:PriceCalculator):List[(Trade,Double)] = { { trade => (trade,trade.value(priceCalculator)) }
def main(args:Array[String]) {
val trades = List(
Trade(30.5, 10, "Foo"),
Trade(30.5, 20, "Foo")
//usually much longer
val priceCalculator = new PriceCalculator
val values = valueAll(trades, priceCalculator)
I'd appreciate it if someone with experience using actors could suggest how this would map on to actors.
This is a complement to my comment on shared results for expensive calculations. Here it is:
import scala.actors._
import Actor._
import Futures._
case class PriceFor(stock: String) // Ask for result
// The following could be an "object" as well, if it's supposed to be singleton
class PriceCalculator extends Actor {
val map = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String, Future[Double]]()
def act = loop {
react {
case PriceFor(stock) => reply(map getOrElseUpdate (stock, future {
Thread.sleep(2000) // a slow operation
Here's an usage example:
scala> val pc = new PriceCalculator; pc.start
pc: PriceCalculator = PriceCalculator#141fe06
scala> class Test(stock: String) extends Actor {
| def act = {
| println(System.currentTimeMillis().toString+": Asking for stock "+stock)
| val f = (pc !? PriceFor(stock)).asInstanceOf[Future[Double]]
| println(System.currentTimeMillis().toString+": Got the future back")
| val res = f.apply() // this blocks until the result is ready
| println(System.currentTimeMillis().toString+": Value: "+res)
| }
| }
defined class Test
scala> List("abc", "def", "abc").map(new Test(_)).map(_.start)
1269310737461: Asking for stock abc
res37: List[scala.actors.Actor] = List(Test#6d888e, Test#1203c7f, Test#163d118)
1269310737461: Asking for stock abc
1269310737461: Asking for stock def
1269310737464: Got the future back
scala> 1269310737462: Got the future back
1269310737465: Got the future back
1269310739462: Value: 50.0
1269310739462: Value: 50.0
1269310739465: Value: 50.0
scala> new Test("abc").start // Should return instantly
1269310755364: Asking for stock abc
res38: scala.actors.Actor = Test#15b5b68
1269310755365: Got the future back
scala> 1269310755367: Value: 50.0
For simple parallelization, where I throw a bunch of work out to process and then wait for it all to come back, I tend to like to use a Futures pattern.
class ActorExample {
import actors._
import Actor._
class Worker(val id: Int) extends Actor {
def busywork(i0: Int, i1: Int) = {
var sum,i = i0
while (i < i1) {
i += 1
sum += 42*i
def act() { loop { react {
case (i0:Int,i1:Int) => sender ! busywork(i0,i1)
case None => exit()
val workforce = (1 to 4).map(i => new Worker(i)).toList
def parallelFourSums = {
val futures = => w !! ((,1000000000)) );
val computed = => f() match {
case i:Int => i
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("I wanted an int!")
workforce.foreach(_ ! None)
def serialFourSums = {
val solo = workforce.head => solo.busywork(,1000000000))
def timed(f: => List[Int]) = {
val t0 = System.nanoTime
val result = f
val t1 = System.nanoTime
(result, t1-t0)
def go {
val serial = timed( serialFourSums )
val parallel = timed( parallelFourSums )
println("Serial result: " + serial._1)
println("Parallel result:" + parallel._1)
printf("Serial took %.3f seconds\n",serial._2*1e-9)
printf("Parallel took %.3f seconds\n",parallel._2*1e-9)
Basically, the idea is to create a collection of workers--one per workload--and then throw all the data at them with !! which immediately gives back a future. When you try to read the future, the sender blocks until the worker's actually done with the data.
You could rewrite the above so that PriceCalculator extended Actor instead, and valueAll coordinated the return of the data.
Note that you have to be careful passing non-immutable data around.
Anyway, on the machine I'm typing this from, if you run the above you get:
scala> (new ActorExample).go
Serial result: List(-1629056553, -1629056636, -1629056761, -1629056928)
Parallel result:List(-1629056553, -1629056636, -1629056761, -1629056928)
Serial took 1.532 seconds
Parallel took 0.443 seconds
(Obviously I have at least four cores; the parallel timing varies rather a bit depending on which worker gets what processor and what else is going on on the machine.)