iPhone Custom Text Field - iphone

I want to create a simple calculator application. I know a text field will display the calculations but is there any other way to display the results to the screen. Or increase the text field. I want a larger option.

use UILabel instead of a UITextField.
If you need the textfield to show the keyboard you can move your textfield off screen and call [textfield becomesFirstRsponder]; from code.
But I would recommend a custom keyboard anyway.

For simple calculator application you can use UITextField or UIlabel for displaying your result. (Both are use for displaying output)
If you need to display static text with no editing features and no selection features, you should use a UILabel.
If you need selection or editing, use UITextView.


Add More Button in UiButton

I have a long string to show on UIButton. I want to show the first 2 lines and if the text is longer than that - add a More button that will pop up an alertview to show the full text. See the image
What is the best way to do that?
Add your more button and wire it up the standard way, but set it to hidden. Then determine the length of the string and see if it is bigger than your textview. If so, set the more button to visible. When the button is pressed resize the textview and add more lines.
I'm not around a Mac at the moment so don't take this answer as gospel.
I would think that if you added a UILabel as a subview of a UIButton and setup the label to only show two lines before truncating, you could then detect if the displayed text was different than the actual text you used when you created the label by using NSString's isEqualToString: method. If the strings are different you know the label is truncated and you should show the 'more' button. I found this code on StackOverflow that returns an NSString within an arbitrary NSRect.

How to change the UISearchBar from round to rectangular? [duplicate]

I'd like to change the appearance of the default UISearchBar. As an example, how would you recreate the search box in the Google iPhone app as seen below? How would you overlay an image to produce this effect?
(source: isedb.com)
Upon some investigating of possibilites to customize the search bar, I'm inclined to say this is a custom component that has nothing to do with UISearchBar, but instead recreates its functionality.
You don't need to subclass anything.
Create a new UIView that has the buttons and text field and then when then entire view is going to load do this:
[self.searchDisplayController.searchBar addSubview:customSearchBarView];
Make sure to set the new text field as the first responder so it has access to the keyboard.

how to get the cursor in UITextView without keyboard?

I am developing a program in which I have UITextView in that I need a cursor without the key board.In this cursor is show only with the keyboard if I hide the keyboard cursor will also get hide.How can I get the cursor without the key board ?
The cursor is displayed as long as you UITextView is being edited.
Thus, you can change its inputView view to some other view if you need to, and it will be displayed instead of the keyboard.
See http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#DOCUMENTATION/UIKit/Reference/UIResponder_Class/Reference/Reference.html
With this method you can add your custom inputView, a UIPickerView for example, or as you say you want you can add a minimalist hidden UIView.
If you want to restrict UITextField content, you still need to implement UITextFieldDelegate, as the user can still paste content to your text field!

Custom Number Pad UIKeyboard

How would I go about creating a custom number pad like what is used in 'Tipulator' and other apps.
I know how you can customize UIKeyboard, but their number pad doesn't look at all like the default number pad. Is it even a UIKeyboard or a separate UIView?
I've been working with keyboards for quite a time. I would say that the easiness of this depends on what your target text input view is. If is a UITextView then we are fine, if is UITextField you might have some problems because you don't have access to current cursor text position like un UITextView.
(You might check UITextView and UITextViewDelegate methods)
If you just want to set a string and don't mind current cursor text position, then you don't need a keyboard. (I think this is the case of Tipulator)
BTW: I just saw Tipulator in youtube and there is no necessity of a keyboard for doing that.
Judging by the looks: It's a custom UIView subclass. Basically, it's just a panel with 11 buttons on it, so it should be rather easy to do.

UITextField does not show the assigned string

In my project (my first one) I try to assign a text to a textfield created in the Interface Builder.
[date setText:#"2010"];
I also tried using
date.text = #"2010"
I have created the Outlet and don't get any error... the text just doesn't show up.
Just in case it matters...
I prevent the keyboard from showing up and display a calendar instead (works).
Any idea what could be wrong?
Could it be a problem that I'm using delegate methods on the textFields to prevent displaying the keyboard?
If you don't want to edit text using a keyboard, then what is the use of UITextField?
Instead of using UITextField you can use a UILabel (as a global variable) to show the text and use a custom UIButton without a title and use its action for showing the calendar view. You can change the text of the label whenever you want in that class like viewWillAppear or viewDidAppear.