Migration to NetBeans - eclipse

I'm switching over from Eclipse to NetBeans for the first time, and have two quick questions I can't seem to find the answers for.
Is the "attachable" debugger from the Debug menu item the Java Debugger (jdb)? Or is it a NetBeans variant?
In Eclipse there is an INI file where I can specify arguments and do things let dictate how much RAM Eclipse will consume when launched. Is there a similar file for NetBeans, or menu/dialog within NetBeans?

Re 1: I'm pretty sure it's the java debugger from currently selected Java Platform.
Re 2: Look for netbeans.conf file in NB installation directory.


Avoid file overwrites in NetBeans

I love Netbeans, but there's a "bug" or "way of doing things" that I don't like, and I want to know if there's something I could do to make it right:
I edit a example.css in Netbeans & save.
I edit example.css outside Netbeans & save.
I edit example.css in Netbeans again.
Problem: Changes in #2 were overwritten.
Do you know how to config Netbeans to check for updates on files before save?
Do you know a similar IDE for PHP that works with remote project similar to Netbeans?
In NetBeans: I think you should perform Source -> Scan for external before saving.
I believe this feature(Auto Refresh) is supported by by Eclipse new versions. If you want to switch your IDE, please download from here-->Eclipse for PHP Developers.
You may find steps to configure Eclipse with remote file system, please refer Getting Started with the Remote System Explorer.

issue with the code completion in Scala IDE for Eclipse

I'm using "Eclipse for Java Developers 7.2" and Scala IDE 2.1.0. The issue is "code completion"...
I have "Use Scala-compatible JDT" and "Enable JDT content assist" enabled under my Eclipse.
Are there any other options I shuold turn on?
re-enable all the following unchecked java content assist mechanism in the scala-ide preferences:
Preference window:
preferences to check in the 'default' content assist panel:
Java Proposals
also enable the Java Proposals in the content assist cycling panel thats in the lower part of the window
Finally I got luck to solve this.
The reason behind why this happens is because eclipse stores a .metadata file in , which acts as a cache to load auto-complete suggestions.
If you try Project->clean, and then try the auto-completion the required java class members can be found in auto complete suggestions.
go to your eclipse.ini, in case of mac located at:
and add "-clean" in the ini file just before "-project".
This has a down impact of that now your eclipse might take a minute or two longer to start for the first time. But for me , it was acceptable.

Does Eclipse store any information out of its directory?

I have used Eclipse Indigo (C/C++) for sometime along with PyDev Plugin (for Python). As I messed up with the IDE (tried to tweak some core files, for fun!), I thought to install a fresh one and this time I downloaded Eclipse Indigo (for Java).
Eclipse (C/C++) was placed in C:/
Eclipse (Java) was even placed in C:/
Now when I opened Eclipse (Java), I observed two things:
The Eclipse's title bar still showing <C/C++ Eclipse>
There was a python's project file still opened up which I worked on Eclipse C/C++ IDE. Also, there was an PyDev's error popped up (mentioning it wasn't installed).
I have verified "Installed Plugins" list and didn't find any plugin related to C/C++ or python.
Now, I have got one question:
As I searched over google and found that Eclipse doesn't store anything beyond its directory, How does this above things are showing up??
There might be some Temp/ Cache files stored. However, I searched my drive with "Eclipse" and "PyDev" as keywords and found nothing.
I even searched for registry keys but couldn't find anything.
What exactly is happening and how do remove Eclipse completely?
TL;DR: using the new Eclipse (Java), select "File > Switch Workspace... > Other...", and create a new directory (e.g. java-wks) for all projects you will do using the new Eclipse.
The long explanantion is that Eclipse stores data in two locations:
The eclipse installation directory itself: contains the plug-ins you install (including the ones already installed in the package you downloaded) and some runtime configuration parameters (see eclipse/config.ini) related to how Eclipse itself should run (e.g. where to find the JRE to execute Eclipse itself, how much memory to allocate etc.)
The workspace(s), where your data (projects and source code) and all personal configuration parameters are stored. This is where Eclipse remembers where your source code is, which file(s) where opened when you last exited, which perspective was active (in your case C/C++ Eclipse), your preferences, launch configurations, breakpoints, etc.
For each Eclipse installation on your system (eclipse folder), you can have as many workspaces as you want (it helps to isolate work). There are various ways to select the workspace location: using the -data <path-to-workspace> option on the command-line, using the popup Eclipse normally shows when starting up (but you may have disabled it), or using "File > Switch Workspace...".
You can also use the same workspace from different Eclipse installations (though not at the same time), but things will not work well if you have different plug-ins installed in each: if one installation stores in the workspace "this is a Python project, and the current perspective is C/++", and the other installation does not have the Python and/or C++ plug-ins installed, it will not known what to do with these info. This is why you see the errors you reported.
For your case, my guess is that under Windows the default workspace location is somewhere in your home directory, and the new (Java) Eclipse is using that, but failing to make sense of the Python and C++ related preferences and projects the previous Eclipse stored there. You need to use a fresh workspace not "polluted" with Python and C++ stuff if you want the Java Eclipse to work without errors (or install the Python and C++ plug-ins in the new Eclipse). You may want to enable the Prompt for workspace on startup preference (in "General > Startup and Shutdown > Workspaces") if it is not to control this easily each time Eclipse starts.

Is it possible to add external command line tools to Netbeans?

Is it possible to use external command line tools in Netbeans?
Thank you.
After searching and searching and searching, this feature is just missing in netbeans although it would absolutely straightforward to implement and has been ask by user for 2 more than years...
There is a Terminal window in NetBeans 7:
Open the menu, Window -> Output -> Terminal
What about using an Ant target? Ant files are quite comfortable to run from Netbeans.
<exec executable="${executable-full-path}" ...
The best option I've found is to use jmarsault's plugin that he calls NetBeans Command Shortcuts. This give you an icon in the command line where you can add command and terminal scripts to run. The display shows in the output window.
Installation files are available here and he has kept it up to date with the newest versions of NetBeans.
NetBeans Command Shortcut plugin
Download the .nbm file for your version of NetBeans
Open Tools / Plugins / Downloaded / Add Plugins...
Select the .nbm file and allow the installation of the plugin.
In since at least version 9.0, there are two decent options:
Just create a script file. (I think you need the C++ plugin for this. Otherwise you have to create it outside NetBeans or as a text file.) In my case I created a JLinkGDBServer.sh that just executes JLinkGDBServer as a prerequisite to start an embedded debug session. This automatically sends the executable's output to a NetBeans terminal.
Add a tool to Tools/Options/Miscellaneous/SendTo. SendTo is a pop-up menu item for certain project entities, for example files but not the project. In my case, I could add a SendTo running the executable and use it by right-clicking on for example the .elf file (although for the GDB server I don't need any file name as an argument).

Eclipse doesn't recognize lua files after installing the lua plugin

I downloaded Eclipse Classic off of the Eclipse website then the Lua Eclipse IDE plugin. I followed the install instructions but Eclipse doesn't seem to recognize or be able to understand lua files. Can someone help?
Sounds like your file types aren't associated. Click on Window/Preferences and select General/Editors/File Associations.
Add more information
Which installation guide did you follow? (Lua Eclipse Installation?)
Which OS (version)?
Which java version? (Which implementation)
Which eclipse version?
I love these kind of questions because they provide an opportunity to do a test I postponed until now...
So I downloaded the plugin package, and followed the instructions: closed Eclipse, put two jar files in the plugin folder, put the open-ldb.exe elsewhere, restarted Eclipse.
I created a generic project, added a generic file linked to an existing Lua file. When I opened the file, it was automatically identified as such, with a moon icon and correct syntax highlighting.
Using Eclipse 3.5.1 on Windows XP, BTW.
Now, I have an issue, the debugger won't start for me, I get a
Unable to connect to PDA VM
Connection refused: connect
error, not sure why (path to exe file is correct, I have another error when it is wrong).
But at least I have the Lua files recognized without problem.
I think you might want to check that in Preferences > General > Editors > File Associations, *.lua is defined and associated to the Lua editor.
Instead of opening a File you have to do the following:
Open a new LUA project.
Then import using 'File System' all files (resources and LUA files) into the project.
Now you can see and edit the LUA files. Don't know why it doesn't work by simply opening a LUA file directly.