Need help with inconsistent loading iframe - facebook

I'm trying to include a Facebook share iframe on a site that's served using Flask and Apache. The iframe loads inconsistently however and I am at a loss for possible explanations. Here is what I have observed:
The iframe loads correctly in Firefox and Safari but not Chrome 10.0 dev, on Mac
In Chrome, the iframe never loads correctly when I load the entire page
If I strip half of the elements from the page, the iframe loads correctly maybe three times out of ten - doesn't matter which half I remove.
If I strip all of the elements from the page, the iframe loads correctly every time.
The inconsistent behavior makes me think there's some sort of race going on, but I don't understand what the problem would be, or why it would only appear in Chrome. Anyway, I appreciate your help. You can view the site here. Thanks, Kevin

I think they key is in this statement:
If I strip half of the elements from
the page, the iframe loads correctly
maybe three times out of ten - doesn't
matter which half I remove.
I'd dump the output to a text file and would run tidy(1) or xmllint(1) over the response to see if you have a mis-matched HTML tag. Chances are Chrome is not handling the error correctly, but Firefox and Safari are able to recover.


URL causing javascript to disable

I have a website built in Magento. Normally javascript runs fine, but someone pinned a product to pinterest and the URL they pinned appended a series of characters that for some reason causes the javascript to stop running on that page. Here's the normal URL:
Here's the one that was pinned:
I've tried redirecting using htaccess but have had no luck with that. It's important for us to fix this as the person who pinned the product has 2.7 million followers so we're seeing a ton of site traffic from this.
Any ideas?
This seems slightly unorthodox, but you could reassign the location.hash. At the top of the page, you can try this - it seemed to work in my tests. Of course, you can also find any non alpha characters at the beginning and strip them. I am just showing a base example.
window.location.hash = window.location.hash.replace('.','');

Strange waterfall lag

I am really curious, why is there a blank space in my waterfall? It looks like everything is cached, but there is still some mystical 100ms lag between html and css.
The browser needs to parse you html file. It could take some time.
You can try to check the problem in Timeline panel.
It provides the information about almost all the actions inside the browser.

Web page rendering incorrectly on mobile Safari and mobile Chrome

I wanted to see if anyone else had ever had an issue with Mobile Safari or Chrome causing web pages to suddenly spit out a ton of garbage.
The issue occurs when I visit the site & refresh multiple times. Suddenly, none of the content renders correctly, but instead looks more like the type of glyphs you'd see in Microsoft Word.
Has anyone ever seen this before and, if so, how did you resolve the problem?
I have seen it on iPhone and Android. On iPhone I suspect its due to the interruption during the page load (getting kCFURLErrorCancelled on the didFailLoadWithError method). Though I am still looking to confirm this issue and still looking for a solution ...
You should check the character set of the HTML page. Bases on your language or the special characters used in the page, you should use the apt charset. You can learn more about charsets here
It is really difficult to tell anything from what you have posted. You should check the meta tags of your page. I would suggest you validate the html source and css of the page here .

Facebook struggles to scrape one domain

I have already checked out this question, and it sounds like he's describing the same exact problem as me except for a few things:
I'm not running on https
80% of the time I try to debug, I get this message " Error parsing input URL, no data was scraped."
The scraper works perfectly on a different domain, but same server, same theme with almost identical content. Every time I try a domain it scrapes it perfectly including the image
During the 20% that it actually scrapes my page, I am having the same issue in the above link. It is reading my thumbnail, yet showing a blank image. The link brings me to a working image but it doesn't want to show anything.
The weird part is it worked completely fine about 10 months ago when I updated this blog on a daily basis. The only difference is I've switched servers recently. While that would explain a possibility, the other domain switched as well and doesn't have this problem.
I am at a loss why my links either show no image at all in facebook or give me the:
Domain Link
(no image, no description)
Very frustrating situation. Does anyone have any suggestions?
I have 6 domains...
When I moved servers recently, I found the new server wasn't prepared to compress the pages, so my blog posts looked crazy. This forced me to turn compression 'off' on WP Super Cache on my main blog. I also did it to my 2nd highest traffic blog figuring I'd get to the other 4 later.
Well, now those first two blogs appear to work fine in the facebook debugger, but the remaining 4 have troubles. The tricky part is, I completely removed WP Super Cache from one site and still had trouble fetching the data.
So while it seems logically it should have been a WP Super Cache issue, continuing to have errors despite removing it leads me to believe now? I'm still so baffled.
Ok, I loaded Chrome and IE, and both were able to pull the data with ease. The google snippet tool also worked great. I am going to try posting a link to my facebook fan page via chrome and see if it works correctly.
I did clear my FF cache and it didn't change, but I am still confused why one domain works ok while the other does not. Either way, if adding in Chrome works, I'll stick with that for now.
Any other suggestions?
Cache should not make any problem. If a browser can see your page, so can facebook debugger.
See if some 500 error is there. Try from different browser, clearing the browser cache etc. Try google rich snippet and see if a custom search engine is scrapping it fine.
PS: It will be nicer if you post url.

DropDownList postback never finishes on iPad

I've seen several posts about DropDownLists getting cleared, or events not getting fired, but they don't seem to match this situation.
I've got (well I've reduced the problem to) a very simple website, a master page with a content page. The content page has a single DropDownList with AutoPostback set to True. The code behind updates a Label with the list's selected value. Not using UpdatePanel or AJAX (though I tried using them and I get exactly the same results). It's an intranet site using Windows authentication.
It works fine on IE and Chrome, but every time I try it on my iPad it just sits and spins. The postback appears to be happening, but either nothing's coming back (or being accepted) from the server, or the client just doesn't know how to finish things up, or I don't know what.
Sorry if this seems vague but I've spent two hours on Google and haven't come up with anything other than the fact that a simple page like this should work fine on an iPad, so I'm a little punchy.
Anybody got any pointers or ideas?
EDIT: Running this page through the remote web access portal my company uses, it works fine. So this may be an authentication problem between the iPad and IIS.
Not sure I have an answer but do you have the issue if you remove the DropDownList? If you need to build the list based on data maybe you could use a asp:repeater and build a html select list.