Syntax Highlighting Pager [closed] - command-line

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Right now, I use most as my pager. While it has helpful syntax highlighting for man pages, it lacks colored syntax highlighting for anything else (I'm specifically looking for diff/C++).
Meanwhile, pygments is a wonderful program. I can easily make colorized output with it:
# ./pygmentize -f console256 ${file}
hg diff | ./pygmentize -f console256 -l diff
Now, I would like to be able to page the output, so I just use:
# ./pygmentize -f console256 ${file} | most
hg diff | ./pygmentize -f console256 -l diff | most
At this point, most dumps all the colorizing control characters to my screen like so:
^[[38;5;28;01mclass^[[39;00m ^[[38;5;21;01mheap_allocator^[[39;00m
This is, of course, unreadable. I looked though the man page for most, but I couldn't find any "Hey, show those control characters as colors instead of printing them" options. less has the same garbage behavior as most, but more shows the colors perfectly fine, with the obvious limitations of being more.
Is there a pager that supports syntax highlighting or some crazy combination of parameters and programs I can string together to make this work? Ultimately, I would like to get diffs and logs from Mercurial to be highlighted, so maybe there is a shortcut in there...

Might I suggest vimpager?
First off, recent vim distributions (I believe 6.0 and above) come with a pager-esque-mode script. It's quite simple and functional, and operates similarly to less. Try: vim '+help less' +only.
Even better, however, Rafael Kitover has written a much more robust and powerful script called vimpager. It's available on GitHub (or vimscripts). If you are on OS X and using Homebrew, it's as easy as brew install vimpager.
At that point, you can simply set $PAGER=vimpager, or even alias less=vimpager. It works excellently.

less -R shows ANSI color sequences as-is (instead of expanding to caret notation). That'll make syntax highlighting work!
You can also create an environment variable LESS=-R to make this the default behavior. Similarly for other options; see man less.

Look for bat: A cat(1) clone with wings.
bat supports syntax highlighting for a large number of programming and markup languages.
It is not a pager, but it automatically redirects output to less if needed.

You might try using jed. Yes, it's a text editor, not a pager, but it's quite lightweight and the default install contains excellent colorschemes for a wide variety of file types and languages.

Jed has syntax highlighting modes for different languages, simillar to the emacs ones. For example if you piped a C program to it, you can turn on the highlighting by pressing 'ESC', then 'x', then typing 'c-mode' . If it is a php program - change the last part to 'php-mode' and so on ...


How can i beautify my code in Matlab (tabs, deleting unnecessary spaces etc.)? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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i'm looking to find a way to beautify my code in MATLAB. I'm talking about tabs, deleting unnecessary spaces etc., the way Eclipse does it with Ctrl+Shift+F
The smart indentation (ctrl + I) is probably all you need (as #Matteo V and #Cris Luengo already mentioned).
However, there are a few other neat tricks that you might want to have a look at if you are really into code development:
Well, first have a look at the Improve Code Readability site of MATLAB. You could use the Apply smart indenting while typing option in the Preferences > MATLAB > Editor/Debugger > Language > Indenting section (it should be turned on per default but I like the Indent all functions setting). There are a bunch of other settings that you may want to explore
If you dig yourself deeper in the MATLAB IDE, you will notice that you can adjust almost everything to your preferences, but the way is not always documented in the web.... however, the local documentation (call doc) contains the info you may be looking for, see this blog-post
I am not aware of an automatic detection of double spaces or similar but you might end up writing your own little callback-function. Most languages ignore this anyway (perhaps except for Python). Code readability is usually a topic that the programmer(s) should care about... and not the machines ;)
Further tips:
respect the Right-hand text limit, which is the vertical gray line in your editor and shall indicate how many characters a single line of code should have as maximum. If it is a comment, wrap it. If it is an expression, try to outsource some commands to a dedicated variable
use equally long variable names. (There is no style guide as in Python, which says that you should use normal words and underscores etc) E.g. if you have two variables describing a commanded and a measured velocity, you could call them v_cmd and v_act and your code perfectly aligns if you apply the same manipulations to both variables ;)
use section. With %% (the space is important) at the beginning of a line in the editor, you create a section (you'll note the slight yellow background color and the bold writing that follows this command). It is convenient to structure your code. You can even run entire sections Editor-Tab > Run > Run section
Although there are programmers claiming that a good code speaks for itself (and therefore doesn't need any comments), to my experience writing comments has never been a bad idea. It improves the readability of your code
The answer might have been a bit elaborate for such an innocent question ... oO

Using emacs in batch mode to dump a file with syntax highlighting?

I'd like to use emacs in some kind of batch mode to just render a file with syntax highlighting and exit. Specifically, I want to dump the fontified buffer with ANSI escape codes so that it shows up reasonably syntax-highlighted on my terminal. Is there any way to do this?
The ansi-lpr.el library seems to be kind of along the lines of what I want, but the output isn't colorified. I can't figure out how to get over that final hurdle — there are a lot of modules to digest ANSI escape codes into Emacs text properties (e.g. ansi-color.el) but I haven't found anything that does the reverse. If anyone can point me to something that does, I think I can piece together the rest.
Alternatively, I've seen some hacky approaches like this answer (using script and capturing the output) but in my experiments that approach has seemed unlikely to be fruitful — you get tons of undesirable control sequences mixed in with the highlighted text.
The overarching motivation here is to use emacs in a $LESSOPEN pipe to get syntax highlighting when I page files. In case you're going to say it, I've tried and "just page files in Emacs" is not acceptable for me.
I'm glad to announce a new package, e2ansi, that (hopefully) does what you asked for.
The package provides a command-line tool e2ansi-cat that starts Emacs in batch mode, opens files, syntax highlight them (using font-lock), and creates ANSI-colored versions of the syntax highlighted files.
You can integrate this into less by setting the following variables to, for example:
export "LESSOPEN=|emacs --batch -Q -l ~/.emacs -l bin/e2ansi-cat %s"
export "LESS=-R"
export MORE=$LESS
The end result looks like the following:
You can vary the colors and attributes like bold, underline, and
italics by using a suitable Emacs theme.
The e2ansi package is located at
Personal note
I would like to thank you for posting this question, it directly inspired me to write e2ansi.

looking for helm-ls-git tutorial (emacs, helm) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Found no tutorial for it on google.
That means it doesn't exist in our universe?
I'm looking for a way to find files and grep files within emacs.
Hopefully as easy as in sublime with project directory opened.
(Your search is automatically limited to the directory you specified in sublime)
The functionality you are after is something dired has been doing successfully for years. The file you have linked in your post is a minor enhancement for a convenience feature added on top of the built-in functionality, it doesn't really deal with searching for files outside the context of Git version control system.
Here are some examples of how you could do it with dired:
M-xfind-name-dired, answer the prompts to select the directory where you want to search and possibly refine by providing a regular expression to match file names. You then will be presented with the buffer listing all files you have selected so far. You can further refine from here by % m and providing it with a regexp to filter the file names on, or just hit t selecting all files in the buffer.
Then hit A and write the regexp to search for inside the selected files. The effect of this command will be to open the file, where the match is found. After you close the file, or return to the original buffer, you can press M-, to move to the next match.
If this sounds too elaborate, then you could just do M-xfind-dired to invoke find in the directory you choose with the arguments you can normally provide to find
To just grep and have the matches shown in a dedicated buffer you could do M-xfind-grep - this will invoke find with the output from it piped to grep. You will then need to modify the command used to invoke this to your taste.
M-xfind-grep-dired will do something similar, however it will display the files, where the match was found in a dired buffer, rather then the lines, where the match occurred.
Finally, there may be a bunch more ways to do this, depending on your particular task and what, in the end, you are trying to accomplish. Perhaps, some times, invoking a shell command to place the results directly in the buffer would be the best way to do it. Other times you may want to write your own eLisp function to do something more elaborate with the results. Sky is he limit :)
I saw this question recently and updated the README on the repo page to reflect installation and usage:
Hope it helps!
This might not answer your entire question but I use the following bit of elisp as a shortcut for greping all files with a set list of extensions under a specific folder:
(defun pgrep (regexp)
"rgrep files inside a project folder"
(list (grep-read-regexp)))
(rgrep regexp "*rb *erb *js *css *scss" "~/path/to/folder/"))
Then I just run M-x pgrep foo
For anything more complicated I just run rgrep directly - it lets you specify the root folder, search string, and extension.

Find and replace text in a 47GB large file [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have to do some find and replace tasks on a rather big file , about 47 GB in size .
Does anybody know how to do this ? I tried using services like TextCrawler , EditpadLite and more but nothing supports this large a file .
I'm assuming this can be done via the commandline .
Do you have an idea how this can be accomplished ?
Sed (stream editor for filtering and transforming text) is your friend.
sed -i 's/old text/new text/g' file
Sed performs text transformations in a single pass.
I use FART - Find And Replace Text by Lionello Lunesu.
It works very well on Windows Seven x64.
You can find and replace the text using this command:
fart -c big_filename.txt "find_this_text" "replace_to_this"
On Unix or Mac:
sed 's/oldstring/newstring/g' oldfile.txt > newfile.txt
fast and easy...
I solved the problem usig, before, split to reduce the large file in smalls with 100 MB each.
If you are using a Unix like system then you can use cat | sed to do this
cat hosted_domains.txt | sed s/com/net/g
Example replaces com with net in a list of domain names and then you can pipe the output to a file.
For me none of the tools suggested here work well. Textcrawler ate all my computer's memory, SED didn't work at all, Editpad complained about memory...
The solution is: create your own script in python, perl or even C++.
Or use the tool PowerGrep, this is the easiest and fastest option.
I have't tried fart, it's only command line and maybe not very friendly.
Some hex editor, such as Ultraedit also work well.
I used
sed 's/[nN]//g' oldfile.fasta > newfile.fasta
to replace all the instances of n's in my 7Gb file.
If I omitted the > newfile.fasta aspect it took ages as it scrolled up the screen showing me every line of the file.
With the > newfile it ran it in a matter of seconds on an ubuntu server

What is the best code template facility for Emacs? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Particularly, what is the best snippets package out there?
easy to define new snippets (plain text, custom input with defaults)
simple navigation between predefined positions in the snippet
multiple insertion of the same custom input
accepts currently selected text as a custom input
cross-platform (Windows, Linux)
dynamically evaluated expressions (embedded code) written in a concise programming language (Perl, Python, Ruby are preferred)
nicely coexists with others packages in Emacs
Example of code template, a simple for loop in C:
for (int i = 0; i < %N%; ++i) {
It is a lot of typing for such common code. I want to invoke a code template or snippet which inserts
that boilerplate code for me. Additionally it stops (on TAB or other keystroke) at %N% (my input replaces it) and final position of the cursor is _.
TextMate's snippets is the most closest match but it is not a cross-platform solution and not for Emacs.
The second closest thing is YASnippet (screencast shows the main capabilities). But it interferes with hippie-expand package in my setup and the embedded language is EmacsLisp which I'm not comfortable with outside .emacs.
EDIT: Posted my answer here to allow voting on YASnippet.
Personally, I've been using Dmacro for years (
Here's a review of it that also mentions some alternatives:
The EmacsWiki has a page of template engines.
Of these, I've used tempo in the (distant) past to add table support to html-helper-mode, but don't know how it has progressed in the last 15 years.
I'd add my vote for tempo snippets ... easy to setup, powerful (you can run arbitrary elisp in your template - so that you can downcase things, lookup filenames & classes, count things, etc), set the indentation, integrate with abbrevs ... I use it a lot ;)
I vote for
It has very clean syntax and has access to code environment through Semantic.
Also it is a part of a large well supported CEDET distribution (which was built into Emacs for 24.x version series).
UPDATE YASnippet is also a powerful template engine. But it uses an ugly file naming schema (your file name === template name) for you can't put several templates into a single file and have issues with national character sets...
You can try a lightweight solution muban.el
It is written completely in Elisp and has a very simple syntax.