Creation of a project in visual c++express edition - visual-c++-2008-express

In Visual Studio Express 2008 edition there are many types of projects listed under the Visual C++ heading, such as CLR, WIN32, GENERAL.. From these, which one is most appropriate for my purposes?
I'm looking to write a C program.
I want to interface my programs with an lcd simulator. Instead of seeing the output on dos prompt, i want see my output on lcd, so i have used functions lij ginit(), which help for interfacing with lcd. But the question is , which type of project should I select, which will make it convenient for me to interface with lcd????

The project types listed there are just templates that presets settings to a specific need. If you select a template, you will see a description telling you what its used for. Since you don't need Windows or console interface, go with an Empty Project on the General tab.


Intellisense for Python keywords in Robot Framework not working in VS Code

I did my best to overcome this problem but it was in vain. I am developing tests in Robot Framework (RF) in Visual Studio Code and I want it to either show "signatures" of keywords from standard libraries or to be able to go to their definitions. Go to definition and signature displaying when hovering with Ctrl key are behaving this way:
works for my keywords written in RF (hoorah!)
works for my keywords written in Python only if a keyword consists of one word (I think conversion between undescores and spaces is failing)
does not work for keywords from standard libraries even if the keyword is one-word (e.g. "Fail"), regardless whether the keyword comes from built-in libraries or other ones (e.g. SeleniumLibrary)
When failing, Robot Framework Intellisense Server gives me message "Keyword definition 'Blah Blah' not found from the workspace".
I am using plugins Robot Framework Intellisense FORK and/or Robot Framework Language Server. I tried to configure them carefully according their documentation (Details), but the best state I reached is described above.
Can you help me please? I do not need to use a specific plugin, I just need to have the signature or documentation (or implementation) of every keyword in my code to be one click far.
According to their documentation they support
Goto definition
For variables
For user keywords
I was able to partially solve this when I not only open the folder with source code, but create a workspace and add the folder containing standard libraries to it as well (Add Folder to Workspace). I do not know exactly which folder is the best to add, it seems ...\Python\Python37\Lib\site-packages\ to me.

Is there any text editor for Mac that can be configured to have, or already has, autocomplete for Lua?

I know TextWrangler shows the option, but it doesn't actually do anything. So what I want is autocomplete, either with a key combination, or while I type.
Syntax coloring/highlighting is a requirement as well, though I know Xcode and TextWrangler have that.
You might want to use Lua Development Tools for this purpose. It has syntax coloring, plus it is doing smart autocomplete, depending on what your actual context is (required modules, ...)
It is an Eclipse Technology project, and it is Open Source! (EPL license).
Project web page -
Installation via Eclipse Marketplace -
I don't know if you have seen this page, but it seems a good place to start:
If I search for "completion" I get:
Decoda (Win)
LuaEdit (Win)
DForD (Win)
NsEditor (Win)
Visual Studio + LuaLite
Eclipse + LuaEclipse or LunarEclipse (java)
I personally use Vim + SuperTab (which only auto-fills with things that you have previously written).
There's a nice plugin for IntelliJ IDEA for Lua. IntelliJ IDEA is really nice, though kind of biggish.
Aside of that there is also TextAdept which is a lot smaller, and 100% configurable in Lua.
And probably a bunch of others.
If you want full (semantic) autocompletion, you should try lua-inspect (source code), which can be installed in the SciTE editor, and also into ViM using vim-lua-inspect.
It uses Metalua to fully parse the source code into AST and then performs code analysis. Apart from simple keyword-based syntax highlighters, it can:
differentiate between local/global variables, parameters and unused variables
jump to the definition of a variable/function
autocomplete table members
correctly rename variables/functions (not only definitions but also uses)
Even though it is not yet stable, and tends to hang on large scripts, it is very usable for standard Lua programs, mainly for it's intelligent autocompletion and renaming.

Filemaker plugin development in c# IDE for window

Is there any IDE which allow to produce .fmx file extension, Actually i am developing filemaker plugin with .fmx extension so that i can simply put it in "Extension" folder in where tha all plugin is resided used by filemaker pro application software and start using, when i tried to search extension .fmx in visual basic 2008 then it didn't show any result , still i am searching over internet, but i am not able to find. please sugest me some alternative, or some thing related
FileMaker plug-ins are regular Win32 DLLs. The .fmx extension is just a custom extension. I'm not sure you can produce such a DLL with Visual Basic or C# (but I'm not an expert in these); you might have to use Visual C++.
Check out They provide a tool to write filemaker plugin in c#

Eclipse Code Templates with Cobol

My team is just beginning to learn how to use COBOL on Eclipse (as part of the Rational Developer for System Z package) and one of our most desired features are code templates or code snippets.
What we'd like to have is a code completion based on snippets just like we have on Java. For example, when I type try and hit ctrl-space Eclipse shows me a list of completion options, where one of those is create a try/catch block. Well, in COBOL one could leverage this when creating, for example, embedded SQL blocks, like
SELECT field, field, field,
FROM table
WHERE field = value,
field = value
However, for some reason, it seems that Eclipse treats COBOL a little differently (no wonder why) from other languages. As such, when looking for the code templates in the preferences menu for COBOL, its appearance is very different from the Java one.
The question is: how does one uses Eclipse's code templates with COBOL?
[Fair disclosure - I work for the vendor I mention below]
The answer probably depends on what COBOL & plug-in you're using. If you have the Micro Focus Eclipse product (either the one for Net Express or Server Express, or the Server Express Remote Development Option), the code snippets are supported. There's a number built in but you can also build your own.
You can get more details at
I'm afraid I don't know how/if other Eclipse plug-ins have similar capabilities.

OLE Automation basics with Perl

I'm new with this Perl Win32::OLE automation. I have been reading and trying out some examples. I have a few questions (excuse me if i'm using incorrect terminologies - do correct me):
Can OLE be used to automate Visual
Studio 2005? I only found examples
with Word, Excel and IE. How do
you know which app can be used?
How do I get the name of the program ID
to be used. For instance, "Excel" in
How do I get the available functions
for each programs. For instance,
Workbook, only can be used with
Excel, not Word.
Thanks for your time :)
The Win32::OLE documentation provides a rudimentary starting point.
As for your questions:
I do not think VS 2005 provides an OLE automation interface.
See this post on PerlMonks.
An excellent source of information for Microsoft Office applications is the Object Browser. You can access it via Tools -> Macro -> Visual Basic Editor. Once you are in the editor, hit F2 to browse the interfaces, methods, and properties provided by Microsoft Office applications.
Typically, the OLE automation model is up to the software you are trying to automate. You can usually figure it out by looking at the documentation, for example for the Microsoft products it will be in MSDN. For Visual Studio and the Office tools, you can also use the macro recorder to help figure out the syntax, since you can record a script that does vaguely what you want and then modify it.
Also, Visual Studio comes with the tool called "OLE/COM object viewer" (Oleview.exe) which can be used to open and read the type libraries for some target software. The type library is usually contained within a .tlb or .dll file and contains the more or less full description of the OLE Automation types defined for the application. You can look at the .idl thus reverse engineered and try to figure out what kind of things are possible.
To get a brief overview and introduction I would suggest looking at this The Perl Journal #10. Created by Jan Dubois.
Also here are some examples, if you havn't stumbled across it yet Examples
Hope it helps