Uploading Compiled codes on server - uploading

i wanted to know whats the advantage and difference between uploading normal content to the server and uploading compiled codes on the server. does it makes any difference in the sites performance if i upload the content in the compiled form...
Please reply with the suggestion and information as soon as possible..
Thanks and Regards
Abbas Electricwala

you already asked this please do not make duplicate questions and accept some answers or people will be less reluctant to help you


What's the simplest way to login to a website in swift 4

I have found other answers to this question on this site, but they seem to be either outdated or not especially descriptive. I am rather unexperienced in website access using swift so code would be greatly appreciated.
If I already have the username and password, how do I log into a website, for example this one, using swift code.
This other SA question seems to solve the problem well: How to log into web site using uiwebview with swift?
The way I am trying to solve this issue is by creating a new View Controller and adding a Web View on to it with access to the website. There's a post here Get HTML from WKWebview in Swift that could help as you are using Swift, but without any detailing of your code this issue can't be solved completely. My solution is a bit unorthodox and frankly "bad coding", but it should in theory function well and I have seen other responses which do it similarly. Also, I would revise your question and try to make it more formal/informative so everyone could have a better chance at helping you out.
Good Luck!
Edit: Reviewing a different response
The easiest way to do this as mentioned by one of your comments would be to see if the Website you are using has an API. I used a course on Udemy which explained their functionalities if you need one. I would recommend looking at the Cocoa Pod Alamofire and seeing if it could help you (perhaps in conjunction with SwiftyJSON).
Side note:
The reason why I am not using Alamofire for my project (one similar to yours) is because I could not find an accessible API.

Post Data to a URL actionscript

I am having real trouble here. I am very new at Flash and have created a form that i then need to post the data to a URL. I have no clue how to do this and all i find online is information that include PHP.
Any help is appreciated and thank you in advance
which actionscript version are you using?
for actionscript2 you need to use LoadVars (sendAndLoad example here http://help.adobe.com/en_US/AS2LCR/Flash_10.0/help.html?content=00001161.html)
for actionscript3 you need to use URLRequest and URLLoader (example here http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/net/URLLoader.html#includeExamplesSummary)
the actionscript3 reference is very horribly written and unreadable though, so you might want to check this post out http://labs.grupow.com/blog/2008/11/06/sending-variables-in-as3-aka-sendandload-in-as2

Script that refreshes a website on all devices at the same time while developing

Some weeks ago I red about a script at github that will refresh a websites on all devices in the network at the same time while developing on it but I just can't remember the name.
I hope this answer doesn't count to the "this is not a research center forum" category but more I hope that someone might remember it we can share the answer for users that might looking for it too.
Before I get a thousand downvotes, please tell me if this a question at the wrong place (but where else then?)
Meteor has been getting a lot of attention lately, but if all you need is a full page refresh, you could use any pub/sub framework, like Faye, and a few lines of javascript.
Ok, I finally found it again:

Fixing MATLAB Bug -- Not all graphs displaying when publishing

I'm writing some simple code in MATLAB and for some reason it's only displaying the last graph in the HTML and/or pdf file when I publish it. Does anyone know how/why this can happen? stackoverflow isn't letting me post my code so any suggestions about common causes of this bug would be appreciated. Thanks everyone.
Are you using SNAPNOW ? http://www.mathworks.com/help/techdoc/ref/snapnow.html

Zend tutorial on my site? May I?

can someone help me? I would like to share on my site some kind of zend tutorial how to make website from start to finish with Zend framevork. Do I need a license for it and whether the law is violated? whether there is a link to a document where it says? Thank you
If you're writing your own tutorial on how to build a site using Zend, then you don't have to worry about it since it's your own IP. But if you're copy pasting fro someone else's website or source then it might be a problem. This depends on how they've chosen to share the license. This restriction can range the whole spectrum from 'copy paste and sell if you want' to "don't even refer to parts of it"