iPhone Setting A Background Image - iphone

I want to use an image as a background for my application. I want the buttons to be over the image. How is this accomplished? Everytime I use image view it covers up the buttons.

The image view should cover your buttons unless you are placing it higher in the list of subviews. Make sure your image view subview is added first and the buttons (and all other views) will be displayed on top of it.
Are you doing this in Interface Builder or manually in code?

You could try using UIView's sendSubviewToBack method:
UIImageView view = / init view */;
// some additional code here
// add buttons, etc...


how to make a custom viewController with transparent black background?

I'm trying to make a viewController appears like the small one in the middle of the picture :
I tried with the UiAlertView, but it semms not offering this feature.
I found some apps adding buttons and labels, photo in similar viewControllers.
Any idea ?
It's not a view controller - it looks like a view that is added as a subview.
The middle View in the image is not a viewcontroller. It is just a custom UIView made up using images and buttons. You can set the transparency of a UIView using property alpha.
yourview.alpha = 0.5;

add background image in iphone using IB

I want to add a background image for some labels in my custom view. How do I add the same? If I use UIImageView, it comes as foreground image.
Double click the specific imageview in IB, then select Layout from the top menu, and click send to back. Or do the same with the label but select bring to front :)
It's easy to control visibility in IB, just view the .xib file in list mode. Items listed farther down in the list appear on top of elements above them in the list. So to place a background image under a label, drag the UIImageView into the view, and drag it to be above the labels in the view list. Like this:
You should add that labels as subviews for that image view.

Setting up the (right) views in order to show an image, the details of it beneath it and enable zooming for the image

What I am trying to do is to present an image at the top of the view and beneath it to show the details of it.
By now I am using a UITableView and a UIImageView. The UIImageView is at the top of the View and the UITableView beneath the UIImageView. In the UIImageView I load an image and I want to let the user to pan/zoom it. In the UITableView I show in sections the details of the image. Everything works ok, but when I enable zooming in the UIImageView the image covers parts of the tableView. Moreover, I cannot scroll anymore.
What is the correct combiantion of views for achieving the above requirements?
Instead of the UIImageView I'd use a UIScrollView with the UIImageView embedded in it, this will allow you to setup pan/zoom within whatever view size you want.

how to create a IB action for a image view

i have a image ,i want to launch url when i press that logo or image ,how to implement ib action for that image view ...
can any one give suggestion i selected image view in ib to place my logo is it right?
UIImageView is not a subclass of UIControl so it doesn't support the target-action mechanism. You have 2 options:
Use a UIButton instead (and set your image as the button's background image).
Set userInteractionEnabled = YES; on your image view and implement the touch handling in -touchesMoved:` etc. yourself.

Custom size app screen on iPad

I am trying to create a mid-size screen for my app on iPad.
In didFinishLaunchingWithOptions(), I do this:
CGRect winRect = CGRectMake(100,100,500,500);
navController.view.frame = winRect;
the screen comes up fine and I can click around and do stuff until the orientation changes. It takes the screen to original full size - how can I make it stick to my winRect frame? I tried setting the parentViewController.view.frame/view.frame to winRect in willRotateToInterfaceOrientation() but no good.
Any ideas?
Generally, you shouldn't mess with the frame of a view controller's view. View controllers tend to resize their views on many occasions, for example when toolbars and navigation bars are hidden or made visible or when the interface orientation changes.
For custom-sized views, create a separate view, set its frame to your custom size and add it as a subview to your view controller's view.