VS2005: access denied on SSRS data source - deployment

Environment: Visual Studio 2005, SSRS 2005 with Sharepoint 2007 integration
Have a project with two reports and one data source. Has already been deployed to production sharepoint farm.
Needs an enhancement. Change properties to point to test farm and try to deploy:
"Access to the path 'c:\documents and settings\\my documents....\RegLog.rds' is denied"
Path is correct, and properties of files are read-only (because the files are checked in to source control). Now, I understand that SSIS packages won't execute if they are read-only (which is stupid) but I am fairly certain I have deployed SSRS reports and data sources before without having to check them out first. On the other hand, I do know that deployment requires the file to be modified in some way. But the modified version will be in Sharepoint, not in visual studio, and its extension will be .rsds, not .rds (which is the VS name)
I also think it is unusual that the path has been lower-cased. Shouldn't matter in Windows, but it's the first time I have ever seen "documents and settings\\my documents" not all initial caps. So maybe it matters. But this project deployed before without problem.

I was having this problem as well. To fix it, I did a build of the report project (which before converting from 2005 to 2008 I'd never had to do before). Once I did that, it worked just fine.


How do I change an entity framework project to use Microsoft SQL Server

I am trying to debug a program using Entity Framework code first on my personal (work) computer.
We have recently had a domain migration, meaning that the user I log in as now is not the same that I used before. This caused me to loose access to the databases I had on the computer. To get around this, I have uninstalled everything to do with Microsoft SQL Server on the computer, and installed the latest version of Microsoft SQL Server, 2014 - 12.0.4213.0 . I then restored the database I need.
When I first tried to run the program, Visual Studio complained that the project is set up to use SQL Server Express, which was not installed. The recommended solution is to change the project to use SQL Server instead. To do this, I must click on "the database file" and follow the instructions. I have looked through the entire solution. There is a great many files, but I found no good candidate for "the database file."
It seems that my Google fu is not strong enough to find anything about this. So my question is: how do I change the project to use SQL Server?
I also have a second, related question. I tried to solve the problem by installing SQL Server Express. However, when I try to restore the database to this, no base appears in the drop down list. When I try to run the program now, I get another error:
Unable to create the file 'c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\Timelønsblanket.mdf' because it already exists.
I guess that this is also why I cannot restore the database. What I have found in websearches warns that I should not manually delete .mdf files.
Any advice on what to do?
I have solved the problem. All that was needed was a correct connection string. No need to find a "database file".

Migrate from German TFS to VSO

We're running a German TFS 2013.4 on premise and want to move to Visual Studio Online. The OpsHub migration tool stops with a template mismatch.
I ran the TeamProjectManager tool (https://teamprojectmanager.codeplex.com/) and compared our template to the VSO template. The fields are there, but their names are different, one is German and one is English ("Fehler" vs "bug").
Would it be possible to convert our local TFS to English? It's a single-machine installation running in a VM, so we can take a snapshot and just try it. We don't have any customizations, but TFS was upgraded several times, all the way back from TFS 2008. I read somewhere that might leave behind some obsolete fields, which can also cause problems.
I'm not certain, but I believe you would still have to rename your Work Item types even if you changed your server to English.
Do you need the history in VSO? Would it suffice to export TFS Work Items to Excel, map the fields and import to VSO? Obviously version control history would not be carried over either but you would still have the on-premise archive.
The TFS Integration Tools would likely do the job but they are NOT fun to use.
*Sorry, this would have been a comment rather than an answer but SO wouldn't let me add one.

SSRS - Credentials on reports after deploy do not match source rdl file

The project I am working on has been having the issue of stored credentials in the rdl files not being reflected on the server we deploy to and it seems to be inconsistent in its behavior. We are NOT using a shared data source because we have to generate the data source connection dynamically so each report has its own data source embedded (even though they are all identical) and it has the credentials stored. I look in VS at the rdl file and see the credentials are stored, deploy to our test server, look on the test server and the credentials are set to "Not Required". Other strange thing is this doesn't happen to all reports all the time, some reports keep their credentials but not every time. It all seems very random.
Some settings and facts about the project that may be useful:
Using SQL Server 2008 R2
Using Visual Studio 2012 to deploy
ReportProject setting OverwriteDatasets = True
ReportProject setting OverwriteDataSources = True
I have had similar issues, delete the report on the SSRS server first, then deploy the report. SSRS does retain certain attributes of report it is very inconsistent when it does this and this is more of a workaround than an answer, but it works for me.

RDL vs RDLC woes when using custom code and subreports in a local report

I'm having a rather complicated problem with SSRS.
First off, we are using Local reports. We have to because the data we are using comes from rest services.
Secondly, we have build a custom library for our reports called ReportFunctions that we want to use.
We are using sql server data tools to build the .rdl (Not to be confused with RDLC) and then we copy the file into our VS project. We set build action to Content and Copy If Newer.
This works great for all of our base reports. We can even use the custom library.
Now we want to use some of these base reports as sub reports. Let's call this report "AllReports". It consists of a "SummaryReport" and a "DetailReport".
Summary and Detail are two RDL files that also need to be loaded independently.
In the code for building AllReports, I have this:
reportViewer.LocalReport.SubreportProcessing += LocalReport_SubreportProcessing;
reportViewer.LocalReport.LoadSubreportDefinition("SummaryReport", File.OpenText(Server.MapPath("SummaryReport.rdl")));
reportViewer.LocalReport.LoadSubreportDefinition("DetailReport", File.OpenText(Server.MapPath("DetailReport.rdl")));
private void LocalReport_SubreportProcessing(object sender, SubreportProcessingEventArgs e)
//Set e.DataSources here depending on e.ReportPath
When I run SummaryReport or DetailReport, they work fine. When I run AllReports I get an error:
The subreport 'SummarySubreport' could not be found at the specified location C:\path\to\my\project\Reports\SummaryReport.rdlc. Please verify that the subreport has been published and that the name is correct.
For fun, I switched the extension of the two sub reports to .rdlc Then I get a build error when I compile in visual studio:
Error while loading code module: ‘ReportFunctions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d88351e3d4dffe2f’. Details: Could not load file or assembly 'ReportFunctions, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=d88351e3d4dffe2f' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
DetailReport is the one that uses the external library of custom functions.
I cannot place my DLL anywhere on the server except in the bin of the project. I can't stress this enough. I also cannot move to server reports. I have to use local reports.
If I set the build action to None on the RDLC, it works, but when I deploy my RDLC is not published.
Can I get the RDLC to compile? What am I missing to make my report viewer use an RDL instead of an RDLC for my subreports?
After 11 hours of working on this problem, I discovered the build server was assigning revision numbers to all libraries when they were built. So, locally ReportFunctions would be given as the version and everything was cool. Then when it was deployed the build server would do its thing and the reports would break.
To anyone else having this issue, check the version numbers of the compiled DLL's, especially if you are using a build process.
Also, to get around the compile issue of the RDLC, we switched the build action to None and we set up the build server to copy any RDLC files over manually once the build succeeds.

TFS 2010: Copy _PublishedWebsites to test server

I've seen similar questions and answers but found them not really what I want.
I have a large solution with several web projects in it. All the web projects share some common code so they are all part of the same solution (there is a common project that is referenced by all of them).
I've been running on Team Foundation Server 2008 and we are upgrading to TFS 2010 to be ready for our move to visual studio 2010 and .net 4.0.
I've got the build working with a 2010 build by creating a new build because we only had one customization I'm trying to reproduce.
Once the build is done I have the files dumped at
\\SERVER\tfsdump\devel2010 build\devel2010 build_20101008.3\_PublishedWebsites
by using the dump folder option but the build location is
C:\Builds\1\Web Applications\devel2010 build\Binaries\_PublishedWebsites
All I want to do is after the build is finished I want to copy _PublishedWebsites\SiteA to \ServerA\ShareA
and copy _PublishedWebsites\SiteB to \ServerB\ShareB
Because there is only one build agent all I need is to call a batch file to run the copy but for easy of use for my developers I need this batch file to be called after every build. Is this possible or is there a better solution?
To make things harder the site is still a 2008 project and it is requested that it stays that way until we can fully test it under VS 2010.
Use a CopyDirectory build activity, set Source property equal to BuildDetail.DropLocation + "\_PublishedWebsites\SiteA" and set Destination property to your desired location. I have put this activity as the last activity in build process and it works properly.
Taking a cue from Afshar's answer, for people directly editing XAML template file, create a new sequence after copy to the Drop location is successful:
DisplayName="Something" Source="[BuildDetail.DropLocation + "_PublishedWebsites\SiteA " ]" />
The quotes inside should be written as &quot and semicolon.