iPhone:Photo booth count down feature in iPhone video recording feature? - iphone

I am doing video recording from my iPhone 4 application program. I want to do an enhancement same like photo booth's 3 .. 2 .. 1 count down prior to taking video recording. Is it possible to do that on my iPhone program programmatically? If YES, how and if NO why? Please advise.
Thank you in advance.

All you really need to do is draw the 3,2 and 1 on the screen on top of your AVCapturePreviewLayer.
Here's is Apple's code from documentation:
AVCaptureSession *captureSession = <#Get a capture session#>;
AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer *previewLayer = [AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer layerWithSession:captureSession];
UIView *aView = <#The view in which to present the layer#>;
previewLayer.frame = aView.bounds; // Assume you want the preview layer to fill the view.
[aView.layer addSublayer:previewLayer];
so your part is simple:
[[aView superview] addSubview:countdownView];
Inside countdown view, you can have a custom draw method or just add UILabels. Lots of options on actually doing the countdown. You can use NSTimers to change the labels or even UIView animations with callbacks.


Playing videos on iPad with a specific style

i have some mp4 files which are to be played in my iPad app.. I am able to do that quite well. right now i have a play button on blank black space in my app and the video plays after i tap the play button. The user will only come to know the content of the video after playing it.. But, i want the user to know about the video before playing itself . instead of the default black screen i want to show the video starting screen to make the video more interesting. To put it in simple words, i want my video space to be similar to youtube... IS there any way i which this can be done?? Thanks
Subclass MPMoviePlayerController (or however you're playing your video.. if you already use a custom class just add the code in there) and in viewDidAppear initialise a UIImageView with frame size equal to self.view.bounds using whatever background image you want for the loading screen. Add the UIImageView as a subview of self.view and call sendSubviewToBack: on it. When the player is ready to play, it will start drawing video frames on top of your subview, and you should not see it again.
- (void)viewDidAppear
UIImageView *loadingImage = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:myImage];
[loadingImage setFrame:self.view.bounds];
[self.view addSubview:loadingImage];
[self.view sendSubviewToBack:loadingImage];
[super viewDidAppear];

Show camera stream while AVCaptureSession's running

I was able to capture video frames from the camera using AVCaptureSession according to http://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/qa/qa2010/qa1702.html. However, it seems that AVCaptureScreen captures frames from the camera without showing the camera stream on the screen. I would like to also show camera stream just like in UIImagePicker so that the user knows that the camera is being turned on and sees what the camera is pointed at. Any help or pointer would be appreciated!
AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer is exactly what you're looking for.
The code fragment Apple uses to demonstrate how to use it is:
AVCaptureSession *captureSession = <#Get a capture session#>;
AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer *previewLayer = [AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer layerWithSession:captureSession];
UIView *aView = <#The view in which to present the layer#>;
previewLayer.frame = aView.bounds; // Assume you want the preview layer to fill the view.
[aView.layer addSublayer:previewLayer];

Play a video inside a view using MPMoviePlayerController?

I am trying to play video inside a view so I can move it around, perform layout together with other views, but I can't seem to get it work to using MPMoviePlayerController. I came across this link on how to play video in portrait mode but this is not possible because the video source is coming from the web and should be playable in different platforms not only on iPhone.
I've been successful rotating the video and scaling it but it is still contained in a UIWindow which fills the whole screen. Is there a way to create an intermediate UIWindow but not visible in the current screen, so you can play the video there and probably add subviews and return everything as a UIView where I can place it anywhere? Similar to creating a CGGraphics context draw objects there and output as an image. This would also prevent the current screen from rotating from portrait to landscape.
----- 2010/06/22 06:10+08:00 ---
IN response to Jasarien's answer (below), actually it is possible to rotate and scale a video. After the video has preloaded it creates another instance of UIWindow which then becomes the keywindow at that moment. By creating a callback selector at MPMoviePlayerContentPreloadDidFinishNotification, it is possible to apply transform modification of the current keywindow.
-(void)myMovieFinishedPreloading:(NSNotification*)aNotification {
NSArray *windows = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] windows];
UIWindow *moviePlayerWindow = nil;
if ([windows count] > 1)
moviePlayerWindow = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] keyWindow];
CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(0.5, 0.5);
transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(transform, -90.0f*M_PI/180.0f);
[moviePlayerWindow setTransform:transform];
Now my question is now that its part of UIWindow and since UIWindow is a UIView subclass, is it possible to subview this UIView? Also I can't seem to disable the autorotate behavior upon preloading of the video.
Video on the iPhone is played fullscreen at all times. The iPad with iOS 3.2 has APIs that allow a video to be treated as a normal view.
For the iPhone, without writing your own video view you're not going to be able to get the functionality you want.
Check out AVPlayer and AVPlayerLayer.

How do I make a side-scrolling iPhone app?

I am working on a side-scrolling iPhone app, and I have every resource, except the actual side scrolling part! How do I make an app so that it side-scrolls? To be more specific, I want the view of the app to scroll when a UIImageview(player) hits the right/left border of the screen.
I am extremely sorry for all of this confusion! All I am making is a SAMPLE iPhone app only to be used in the simulator. In the app, I have a UIImaageview that moves when you touch arrow UIImageviews. PLEASE NOTE THAT ALL INFORMATION SAID BEFORE THIS SENTENCE WORKS PERFECTLY! Now, my problem is that I want the UIView to scroll only ONE picture(this means it doesn't go forever ;)). I have tried using a UIScrollView, but that didn't work. Finally, I am not planning to use Cocos2D or any other game engine besides a basic UIview. This is only a test app, not a coding extravaganza...
If you're writing a game, you may benefit from a lot of the features given to you by engines such as Cocos2D.
Start with a view-based application template so you can get the gist of how this works. Later you can integrate with your existing code.
Create a seamless background image 320 x 960 pixels, named "seamless.png"
Add this ivar to your view controller .h file
UIImageView *bg;
#property (nonatomic, retain) UIImageView *bg;
In your .m file add these #defines before the #implementation line, the #synthesize after.
#define kUpdateRate (1.0 / 60.0)
#define kMoveY (3.0)
#define kTopY (0.0)
#define kBottomY (480.0)
#synthesize bg;
Add this method.
-(void)scrollView; {
float oldY = self.bg.center.y + kMoveY;
float newY = oldY;
if (oldY > kBottomY) {
newY = kTopY;
self.bg.center = CGPointMake(self.bg.center.x, newY);
Add this to your viewDidLoad method.
self.bg = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"endless.png"]];
[self.view addSubview:self.bg];
self.bg.center = CGPointMake(self.bg.center.x, kTopY);
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:kUpdateRate target:self selector:#selector(scrollView) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
When you run the app, you should have a nice scrolling background.
To sum up what happens: A timer is set up to repeatedly call scrollView:
There, the image is moved downwards until it reaches a predefined point (kBottomY), at which time its position is jumped back up to the top (kTopY) and it starts over again.
You can customize it to only scroll when you want it to or scroll the other way on your own, right?
If the image being side-scrolled is large, I'd suggest scrolled view while taking advantage of CATiledLayer. See the WWDC10 Session 104 video and the "Tiling" sample code.
BTW, there is nothing in the Apple docs that seem to prejudge the use of scroll views for utility or menus.
Are you trying to use a UIScrollView? If so, just set your scrollView's content size to something wider than the screen. For example:
self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(640, 480);
You should use a UIScollView (http://www.iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-tutorials/3393-uiscrollview-tutorial.html). Or am I missing the point?
Just make the main view wider than the screen and change the bounds accordingly to show a different portion of the main view. This assumes your main view does have some kind of a limited width. It's slightly trickier if that view just goes forever. In that case you change the bounds and draw the newly revealed content.
If this doesn't make sense then I think you need to reword your question or do some experimentation to narrow down what you're asking.
Take a look at Cocos2D for the iPhone which also includes a choice of 2 collision engines, chipmunk and box2d
I can also recommend the oreilly book iPhone game development, which if you are new to game development will teach you how to roll a basic game framework

MPMoviePlayer Audio Album art

I am streaming an MP3 file using MPMoviePlayer, and I would like to have an image displayed instead of the default Quicktime logo in the background.
I found out a way to have an image overlay the player, but the problem with that, is you have to tap outside the image to get the player controls to appear. And when they do appear, they are underneath the image.
Does someone know how to do this?
backgroundColor is deprecated, and diving into private View structures is dangerous. This worked fine for me:
UIImageView *coverImageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:coverImage];
coverImageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
coverImageView.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth|UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight;
coverImageView.frame = moviePlayerController.view.bounds;
[moviePlayerController.view addSubview:coverImageView];
Most every app on the iPhone is made of a hierarchy of views. You could go up to the top root node of the movie player and walk down the child views recursively and set the hidden value to YES until you find the right item, then insert your UIImageView below that item. That way, the controls stay on top and still respond to user inputs.
The risk you run is if Apple changes the MPMoviePlayer UI and shuffles the view hierarchy, but you'll probably have lots of advance notice and can patch your app to allow for the new layout.
There is a question as to whether this is kosher for appstore apps, but many current apps (especially camera/picture-taking ones) are doing it to get rid of standard window elements.
Use AVAudioPlayer and implement your own player UI.
it will work check this
MPMoviePlayerController *moviePlayerController=[[MPMoviePlayerController alloc] initWithContentURL:theURL];
moviePlayerController.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"Default.png"]];