General advice on tracking an object's changes - iphone

I have an option menu where a user can change the application's settings. I need to track the changes. There is a DONE button, I want to make changes to the data model only when the button is pressed.
My question is, I am not sure the best way to track the changes. I don't want to introduce a giant if blocks in the doneButtonPressed button. Any general advice?

Well, the generic answer is: add callback to your controls in your options screen.
For example if you are using UISlider, then you have to customize it slightly. Probably create a subclass, that would receive touch events and then you redirect them to the delegate. OR you can use this one: RCSwitch
If you are using UIButton's then it's even easier: just add action to it.
After that you can create method like:
-(void) controlDidChange:(UIView*) control {
//mark changed items here


Re-initialising a view after the save button has been touched

I have a TabBar Application with 2 tabs saving/fetching data to and from CoreData. The problem that I am having is that when the form has been filled and the user has touched the save button the view is not re-loaded or re-initialised. All I want is for the view to be ready for the user to repeat the process with the next set of information. I am probably not thinking about this in the correct way so a pointer in the right direction would be very much appreciated...
Do I need to manually set everything including the managedObjectContext etc. to nil? Or is there something that I can do with methods like viewWillDisappear that will elegantly help me to "re-initialise" that specific tab?
I ave read up the Apple docs on view hierarchies, and life cycles but I just seem to have confused myself...
Thanks in advance for any suggestions, referrals to code or even recommendations on relevant reading material.
It sounds like what you want to do is reload any data to their default states when the user taps a button. Unfortunately, you'll have to do this manually, setting each IBOutlet's value to a meaningful default (probably the empty string).
There are two ways I can think of that would help make this more elegant:
Use an IBOutletCollection and fast enumeration to loop over all the IBOutlets and not have a bunch of code to do each one individually.
If you're switching tabs in between these events, you can something neat and use your app delegate as your UITabBarControllerDelegate for the tabBarController:didSelectViewController: to call the clearing-out method for you instead of relying on viewDidAppear.

Moving view up to accommodate keyboard

I have a view with multiple text fields and I want to do the same effect that the Contacts application does when you click on a text field would otherwise be hidden by the keyboard when it comes up. When I dismiss the keyboard I plan on moving the view back down properly.
I suspect that I do this by changing the Frame value, but I need this to be animated so that it isn't jarring to the user.
Advice? Examples?
Wrapping your view in a UIScrollView is indeed the way to go. As well as on the textFieldDidEndEditing delegate, you could instead subscribe to the UIKeyboardDidHideNotification and UIKeyboardDidShowNotification and when you receive a notification that the keyboard did hide/show then scroll your view appropriately. I can post code examples for the keyboard notifications if you need it : )
Figured I'd post the code anyway - someone might find it helpful:
You need to declare listeners for the notifications:
NSObject hideObj = NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(UIKeyboard.DidHideNotification, HandleKeyboardDidHide);
NSObject showObj = NSNotificationCenter.DefaultCenter.AddObserver(UIKeyboard.DidShowNotification, HandleKeyboardDidShow);
then your Action methods would look something like:
void HandleKeyboardDidShow(NSNotification notification)
scrollView.ScrollRectToVisible(textfield.Frame, true);
void HandleKeyboardDidHide(NSNotification notification)
// scroll back to normal
Edit 2
So if you'd like to remove the Observers when the view is destroyed, first you need to ensure you assign NSObjects when adding the observers then use the following code to remove them:
Hope that helps.
I just did this on an application. I used a scrollview to wrap my entire view, and then used scrollToRectVisible on the textFieldDidEndEditing-delegate method. It worked perfectly!
The Apple documentation on about the keyboard management topic is pretty good and contains code (at the bottom) for most situations that that you can copy/paste right into your app.
Best of luck.

Change default touch events for UITextField

Alright, so here is what I am trying to do. I have a UITextField. When I single tap it, I want to call one of my methods. When I double tap (tap it twice with 1 finger) it, I want to edit the text field (as though I had single tapped it on a normal UITextField.)
I am not sure how to go about this. I was thinking of sub-classing UITextField and trying to intercept the touch event as it is sent, but I can't figure out which methods to override to do this. Which methods should I override and how?
Or, if there is a better way to do this, let me know! I'm all ears, and not sure how to proceed.
This would involve several steps:
1.) Add a NSBoolean property that keeps track of whether the user has already tapped the field once recently (you get to decide what recently means here).
2.) Implement the textFieldShouldBeginEditing: method of the delegate assigned to your UITextField. If the user has tapped twice in quick succession (detectable by checking whether or not the boolean property is true), then return YES. If not, call your method, and then return NO.

How to set UISegmentedControl w/o calling method

I have a UISegmentedController to allow a user to choose which order they want slides in my app to show up. Im wondering if anyone knows of a method to set it other than value did change. I have other methods that keep getting triggered in viewDidLoad while its being set to their previously selected index. I don't want the other methods triggered until a user changes it. Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
The simplest way would be adding boolean to your class, e.g. canTrigger. And you can set it to YES, once user changes.

creating a reference for use in identifiying if a button was clicked

How is it possible create a reference for an uibutton to check if it was pressed and do something like make the value for that button true in order to be able to use that value later on. I heard of ivars but i havent seen any documentation on how to use them and im not sure if they would work for my ibaction uibutton...
This is really a fundamental question and a full explanation will take along time.
Basically, you need to understand the concept of MVC (Model-View-Controller). In this case, the "View" will be your UIButton created in Interface Builder. It needs to have a target/action setup to point to some "Controller". This will be a custom class you design that performs some action when the UIButton is released. This controller can also track finger up/down/move/drag and what not. This Controller will store the fact the button was pressed in a "Model" class.
Here is some more reading:
In the simplest cases, this can be done with Core Data and IB without writing any code and simply making connections.