Using ant in Netbeans problem - netbeans

When I do: ant run from directory /home/me/workspace/OMI3/OperatorDisplays/
There is no problem.
In netbeans when I right click on build.xml in the same directory and select "run target", "run". Everything builds fine, but when running it seems that an evironment variable is not recognized.
Using System.getenv() I see that netbeans is running from /home/me, I want netbeans to run from /home/me/workspace/OMI3/OperatorDisplays

It seems you have to change the working directory for your project.
Go to the Properties screen of your project (File|Project properties (yourproject) menu or Properties in the project's contextual menu in the Projects tab).
Then in the Runcategory, you have a Working directory textfield. Put /home/me/workspace/OMI3/OperatorDisplays in it and it should work then.


Run launch file automatically in Eclipse

I would like to have the possibility to run a .launch file without having to navigate to a project and folder and choose that file and right click and choose run.
It would also be nice if I could run tomcat without having to navigate to the server tab as you can see in screenshot
Is there any way I can do this?
.launch files are managed in Eclipse as Run configurations. Normally, .launch files present in an Eclipse project are automatically added to the list of run configurations for the project. These can be accessed through Run | Run Configurations... or using the run menu shortcut
If the launch files are not automatically detected when a project is first imported, running them once should allow Eclipse to detect them.

Golang on eclipse: "Resource doesn't have a corresponding Go package" on Mac

As stated in the title, I have a problem running the Golang code on Eclipse. I'm currently using Mac, and I installed go by using homebrew.
Currently, the folder where go is installed is as follows.
and after running Terminal and typing open ~/.bash_profile I added the following.
export GOROOT="/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.5.2/"
export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin
Am I still missing something else?
PS If I run the code using Terminal like go run main.go, I have absolutely no problem. The problem must be due to some misconfiguration in Eclipse.
I had the same error. Putting the source file under a sub-folder in src fixed it.
Go to 'Run Configurations' -> Filter with Go Application -> select your project and then click the Environment tab, then click on select button and tick the GOPATH environment. select apply and then Run.
I had the same problem and I did two things to solve it:
I opened Run configurations, filtered using "Go" and created a new configuration (right click on "Go Application" as a result of the filter). In the Environment tab added a new variable: GOPATH = [path to your workspace].
I had .go files right under src folder, and this is wrong. I created a folder under src folder and moved .go files to that folder.
The first step could be replaced by creating a system environment and adding it to the list using the "Select" option instead of creating a new one. I prefered to create a new one so I can run differente projects in the same laptop without having to change the value of the system environment.
Because the executable path is not right.
GoClipse compiles source into $project/bin, so we must set GOPATH = $project
Select project > Alt+Enter > Go Compiler > Use project specific settings > Eclipse GOPATH
In my case of wiki tutorial, GOPATH = :/home/sovann/go/wiki.
Then the IDE is able to locate /home/sovann/go/wiki/bin/main

Eclipse "Waiting for virtual machine to exit"

I'm working on a blackberry project using eclipse and bb-ant tools. I've created a build.xml file to perform the build. Everytime I try to run an Ant build, eclipse pops up the progress dialog and it hangs stating "Waiting for virtual machine to exit."
I downloaded an open source Blackberry project that has an ant build and it is showing the same behavior.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I used the command line to build my xml file and it built fine. However, when I tried from Eclipse it still hangs.
I've tried both the standard eclipse plugin directory and the path I downloaded ant to.
You could check if your ANT_HOME settings are correct (see also this blog post).
"Window > Preference > Ant > Runtime": "Ant Home Entries".
if the jars files are from a plugin directory (beside the default 'org.apache.ant_1.7.1.v20090120-1145' one) and not an independent ant installation, that might explain the problem.
Try clicking the "Ant Home" button on the right side and setting up ant home such as "C:\path\to\apache-ant-1.7.0"
There are similar bugs to this kind of situation (bug 173419, ticket 91).
It is worth checking the JVM used for the project.
It can also occurs when a ant task is poorly implemented.
You had the problem because the java version ant tries to run with is incorrect.
By default, eclipse will try to run the ant build with the java version it uses to compile the java files (Blackberry JRE), which won't work! You need to change the jre version by choosing "Run As... > Ant build". Before clicking run, go to the JRE tab, choose "Separate JRE:" and change "Blackberry JRE " to a standard java JRE. Press the run button and everything should work correctly.
I hit this problem also. Although I never used the same solution, you pointed me in the same direction.
I was using a ant file as a builder in my project, and I disabled the Allocate Console build option. This is when I hit the 'Waiting for virtual machine to exit'.
So I simply enabled the Launch in background option and it worked.

Ant build won't run in Eclipse

I have an Ant build.xml which no longer runs when launched in Eclipse.
I click on the External Tools Configuration, select the Ant Build I've been running, and click Run.
Nothing happens -- no console window and the build doesn't appear to launch (the classes are not compile nor is the WAR file created).
I recently added a plugin (Spring IDE), this is the only thing I can think of that has changed recently as far as my Eclipse configuration.
I can run the Ant build fine from the command line.
Can anyone suggest where I might look to track down my error?
I'm using the Eclipse Helios release, Build id: 20100617-1415 on Windows XP.
As per pstanton's comment this symptom will occur if your ANT_HOME folder is not correctly defined in Eclipse. Eclipse seems to ignore the ANT_HOME system property.
window->preferences->ant->runtime->Classpath Tab
I faced same problem today , reason behind this was ANT_HOME path variable explained in other answers also.
Initially I added ANT_HOME at 2 places given below and it was not working.
window->preferences->ant->runtime->properties Tab
window->preferences->ant->runtime->Classpath Tab
But when I remove Classpath tab ant home entry ( by setting it to default using Restore default option on right bottom of preferences window ) it worked :). So far it is just a surprise for me because I added same ant home path at both the places.
You can check out the example in this Apache Ant tutorial.
But you can also try to run your same build.xml ant files through a Java Launcher, with as the Main class.
That would at least prove your scripts are working in an Eclipse environment.
When you look at the Ant FAQ, you also see:
I installed Ant 1.6.x and now get java.lang.InstantiationException:
The cause of this is that there is an old version of ant somewhere in the class path or configuration.
Maybe your error message is somehow hidden, but it can be worth checking your classpath and see if no other ant library is there.

Build file and Ant Targets from Project Menu in Netbeans (6.7)

I've recently started using netbeans for a few hobby projects. I've come from a JDeveloper background and I'm used to been able to see my ant build file from the project explorer window.
In JDeveloper this has the advantage of allowing you to right click on it, allow easy edits, or run a required target when you want to.
The only way I can seem to do this in netbeans is to open up the build.xml file, right click and select my target and run it.
Hope everyone is still with me.
I guess the build, compile, test, clean options you get in the project menu when you right click on a project are wired automagically to the ant targets. But I tried to create a new target and see if it was displayed in the normal project menu, and its not.
Does anyone know why Netbeans doesn't include the build.xml file in the project structure or whether it can be included in the project explorer display easily.
It sounds like you want to switch to the Files view. You can find the build.xml file in that view easily. If you right click on the file, you get a menu that includes items like 'Run Target' and 'Debug Target'.
If you want to have even more control over the mapping between menu items and ant targets, you should explore the Java Free-Form Project type.
Go to Files tab, find your build.xml, expand all targets, right click on the target you want to add and choose between the options provided.