MongoDB update query is failing silently - mongodb

I have an app using Mongoid on top of MongoDB and an update is failing silently.
The code looks like this:
# Are we getting a new attribute? Yes we are!
p "attr first name = #{#attributes['first_name']}"
if user.update_attributes!(#attributes)
u = User.find(params[:id]).to_json
No exception is thrown in this code. So I looked at my MongoDB log and constructed this query based on what mongo is trying to do:
db.users.update({ "_id": "4d5561276ce886c496000001" }, { $set: { "first_name": "Erinamodobo" } }, false);
Now this does not cause any exceptions but when I grab the record that was supposed to be updated with this query:
I see that the "first_name" attribute has not been updated.
Any idea why this could be happening? Sounds like something stupid.

You need to find out what
is actually doing. This could be an issue with Mongoid. When you configure Mongoid, you can set up a logger. There you should be able to see what the driver is writing to MongoDB, and that should help answer your question. The next best thing is to post your code to the Mongoid mailing list ( where people who work with Mongoid all the time will probably know what's going on.

Updating Mongoid to the latest rc.7 fixed this issue

Enable "safe mode" on your operations.


How do you search an array of documents in mongo dart?

How do I search an array of documents in mongodb using the dart programming language?
Im using for the driver
The example db collection looks like this
"name": [
{"full":"Tyler Thompson",
Using the following query will help achieve your goal for the one name
String search = "Tyler";
{"name.full": {'\$regex': '${search}'}
Hope that helps! Couldn't find an example, so I thought I'd give one!:)
You can try to look at
It is plausible that for your sample something like this would work:
or maybe

ElasticSearch - filter terms for autocomplete

I would like for an autocomplete to get the terms starting with some specific characters.However, the terms returned do not begin with the specified text ("wer" in this case), and more than that, no matter what the prefix content is, they are always the same. The query I am using now is:
I am wondering what am I missing or doing wrong. Any help much appreciated. Thanks!
Perhaps you miss a "query" entry after the facet_filter.
If this does not help try regex pattern for facets, but be aware that facets will be removed in future updates of elasticsearch.

Mongo find by regex: return only matching string

My application has the following stack:
Sinatra on Ruby -> MongoMapper -> MongoDB
The application puts several entries in the database. In order to crosslink to other pages, I've added some sort of syntax. e.g.:
Coffee is a black, caffeinated liquid made from beans. {Tea} is made from leaves. Both drinks are sometimes enjoyed with {milk}
In this example {Tea} will link to another DB entry about tea.
I'm trying to query my mongoDB about all 'linked terms'. Usually in ruby I would do something like this: /{([a-zA-Z0-9])+}/ where the () will return a matched string. In mongo however I get the whole record.
How can I get mongo to return me only the matched parts of the record I'm looking for. So for the example above it would return:
["Tea", "milk"]
I'm trying to avoid pulling the entire record into Ruby and processing them there
I don't know if I understand.
$match:{"yourKey":{$regex:'[a-zA-Z0-9]', "$options" : "i"}}
If you don't want to have duplicate in totuse $addToSet
The way I solved this problem is using the string aggregation commands to extract the StartingIndexCP, ending indexCP and substrCP commands to extract the string I wanted. Since you could have multiple of these {} you need to have a projection to identify these CP indices in one shot and have another projection to extract the words you need. Hope this helps.

mongodb - i cannot update with $pushAll and simple assignment at the same time

the following fails:
db.test.update({_id:102},{$pushAll:{our_days:["sat","thurs","frid"]}, country:"XYZ"}, {upsert:true})
error message: "Invalid modifier specified: country"
The correct way seems to be:
db.test.update({_id:102},{$pushAll:{our_days:["sat","thurs","frid"]}, $set:{country:"XYZ"}}, {upsert:true})
So is it the case that I cannot mix modifiers like "$pushAll" with simple assignments like field:value, in the same update document? Instead I have to use the $set modifier for simple assignments?
Is there anything in the docs that describes this behaviour?
This happens because db.test.update({_id : 1}, {country : 1}) will just change the whole document to country = 1 and thus removing everything else.
So most probably mongo being smart tells you: You want to update specific element and at the same time to remove everything (and that element as well) to substitute it with country = 1. Most probably this is not what you want. So I would rather rise an error.
Regarding the documentation - I think that the best way is to reread mongodb update.

Mongodb - query with '$or' gives no results

There is extremely weird thing happening on my database. I have a query:
this thing matches one object. it's nice.
Now, there's second query
db.Tag.find({$or: [{"word":"foo"}]})
and the second one does not give any results.
There's some kind of magic I obviously don't understand :( What is wrong in second query?
in theory, $or requires two or more parameters, so I can fake it with:
db.Tag.find({$or: [{"word":"foo"},{"word":"foo"}]})
but still, no results.
Your second query is perfectly fine, and it should work. Though the docs says, that $or performs logical operation on array of two or more expression, but it would work for single expression also.
Here's a sample that you can see, and try out, to get it to work: -
> db.col.insert({"foo": "Rohit"})
> db.col.insert({"foo": "Aman", "bar": "Rohit"})
> db.col.find({"foo": "Rohit"})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("50ed6bb1a401d9b4576417f7"), "foo" : "Rohit" }
> db.col.find({$or: [{"foo": "Rohit"}]})
{ "_id" : ObjectId("50ed6bb1a401d9b4576417f7"), "foo" : "Rohit" }
So, as you can see, both your query when used for my collection works fine. So, there is certainly something wrong somewhere else. Are you sure you have data in your collection?
Okaay, server admin installed mongodb from debian repo. Debian repo had 1.4.4 version of mongodb, aandd looks like $or is simply not yet supported out there :P