How to convert Enumeration to Seq/List in scala? - scala

I'm writing a servlet, and need to get all parameters from the request. I found request.getParameterNames returns a java.util.Enumeration, so I have to write code as:
val names = request.getParameterNames
while(names.hasMoreElements) {
val name = names.nextElement
I wanna know is there any way to convert a Enumeration to a Seq/List, then I can use the map method?

Use JavaConverters
Use a wrapper Iterator
You could build up a wrapper:
val nameIterator = new Iterator[SomeType] { def hasNext = names.hasMoreElements; def next = names.nextElement }
Use JavaConversions wrapper
val nameIterator = new scala.collection.JavaConversions.JEnumerationWrapper(names)
Using JavaConversions implicits
If you import
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
you can do it implicitly (and you’ll also get implicit conversions for other Java collecitons)
Use Iterator.continually
You might be tempted to build an iterator using Iterator.continually like an earlier version of this answer proposed:
val nameIterator = Iterator.continually((names, names.nextElement)).takeWhile(_._1.hasMoreElements).map(_._2)
but it's incorrect as the last element of the enumerator will be discarded.
The reason is that the hasMoreElement call in the takeWhile is executed after calling nextElement in the continually, thus discarding the last value.

Current best practice (since 2.8.1) is to use scala.collection.JavaConverters
Scaladoc here
This class differs from JavaConversions slightly, in that the conversions are not fully automatic, giving you more control (this is a good thing):
import collection.JavaConverters._
val names = ...
val nameIterator = names.asScala
Using this mechanism, you'll get appropriate and type-safe conversions for most collection types via the asScala/asJava methods.

I don't disagree with any of the other answers but I had to add a type cast to get this to compile in Scala 2.9.2 and Java 7.
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
val names=request.getParameterNames.asInstanceOf[java.util.Enumeration[String]].toSet

A comment on Debilski's answer that the Iterator.continually approach is wrong because it misses the last entry. Here's my test:
val list = new java.util.ArrayList[String]
val en = java.util.Collections.enumeration(list)
val names = Iterator.continually((en, en.nextElement)).takeWhile(_._1.hasMoreElements).map(_._2)
.foreach { name => println("name=" + name) }
Output is
The second item (name=world) is missing!
I got this to work by using JavaConversions.enumerationAsScalaIterator as mentioned by others.
Note I don't have enough rep to comment on Debilski's post directly.


Conversion of breakOut - use iterator or view?

Scala 2.13 migration guide contains a note regarding how to port collection.breakOut:
collection.breakOut no longer exists, use .view and .to(Collection) instead.
and few paragraphs below in a overview table there is:
Old Code
New Code
Automatic Migration Rule
collection.breakOutno longer exists
val xs: List[Int]=
val xs
The scala-collection-migration rewrite rule uses .iterator. What is the difference between the two? Is there a reason to prefer one to the other?
When used like that there is no real difference.
A View can be reused while an Iterator must be discarded after it's been used once.
val list = List(1,2,3,4,5)
val view = list.view
val viewPlus1 = + 1).toList
view.foreach(println) // works as expected
val it = list.iterator
val itPlus1 = + 1).toList
it.foreach(println) // undefined behavior
In its simplest form a View[A] is a wrapper around a function () => Iterator[A], so all its methods can create a fresh Iterator[A] and delegate to the appropriate method on that iterator.

Possible to find parameter type methods return type in Scala where parameter is a primitive type?

Suppose I have:
class X
val listPrimitive: List[Int] = null
val listX: List[X] = null
and I print out the return types of each method in Scala as follows:
classOf[ComplexType].getMethods().foreach { m => println(s"${m.getName}: ${m.getGenericReturnType()}") }
listPrimitive: scala.collection.immutable.List<Object>
listX: scala.collection.immutable.List<X>
So... I can determine that the listX's element type is X, but is there any way to determine via reflection that listPrimitive's element type is actually java.lang.Integer? ...
val list:List[Int] = List[Int](123);
val listErased:List[_] = list;
println(s"${listErased(0).getClass()}") // java.lang.Integer
NB. This seems not to be an issue due to JVM type erasure since I can find the types parameter of List. It looks like the scala compiler throws away this type information IFF the parameter type is java.lang.[numbers] .
I suspect this type information is available, due to the following experiment. Suppose I define:
class TestX{
def f(x:X):Unit = {
val floats:List[Float] = x.listPrimitive() // type mismatch error
and X.class is imported via a jar. The full type information must be available in X.class in order that this case correctly fails to compile.
Imagine you're writing a scala extension to a Java serialization library. You need to implement a:
def getSerializer(clz:Class[_]):Serializer
function that needs to do different things depending on whether:
clz==List[Int] (or equivalently: List[java.lang.Integer])
clz==List[Float] (or equivalently: List[java.lang.Float])
My problem is that I will only ever see:
because clz is provided to this function as clz.getMethods()(i).getGenericReturnType().
Starting with clz:Class[_] how can I recover the element type information that was lost?
Its not clear to me that TypeToken will help me because its usages:
requires that I provide T (ie. at compile time).
So, one path to a solution... Given some clz:Class[_], can I determine the TypeTokens of its method's return types? Clearly this is possible as this information must be contained (somewhere) in a .class file for a scala compiler to correctly generate type mismatch errors (see above).
At the java bytecode level Ints have to be represented as something else (apparently Object) because a List can only contain objects, not primitives. So that's what java-level reflection can tell you. But the scala type information is, as you infer, present (at the bytecode level it's in an annotation, IIRC), so you should be able to inspect it with scala reflection:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val list:List[Int] = List[Int](123)
def printTypeOf[A: TypeTag](a: A) = println(typeOf[A])
Response to update2: you should use scala reflection to obtain a mirror, not the Class[_] object. You can go via the class name if need be:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
val rm = runtimeMirror(getClass.getClassLoader)
val someClass: Class[_] = ...
val scalaMirrorOfClass = rm.staticClass(someClass.getName)
// or possibly rm.reflectClass(someClass) ?
val someObject: Any = ...
val scalaMirrorOfObject = rm.reflectClass(someObject)
I guess if you really only have the class, you could create a classloader that only loads that class? I can't imagine a use case where you wouldn't have the class, or even a value, though.

Auto conversion between scala and java collections when using scala.collection.JavaConversions._ in scala 2.8

I have java API which return this type:
ArrayList[ArrayList[String]] = Foo.someJavaMethod()
In scala program, I need to send above type as a parameter to a scala function 'bar' whose type is
def bar(param: List[List[String]]) : List[String] = {
so I call bar like:
val list = bar(Foo.someJavaMethod())
but this does not work as I get compile error.
I thought have this import
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
will do implicit automatic conversion between Java and Scala collections.
I also tried using like:
but that does not work either.
What is the solution to this problem?
First, ArrayList does not convert to List, it converts to a Scala Buffer. Second, implicit conversion will not recurse into the elements of your collections.
You'll have to manually map the inner lists. Either with implicit conversions:
import collection.JavaConversions._
val f = Foo.someJavaMethod()
Or, more explicitly, if you prefer:
import collection.JavaConverters._
val f = Foo.someJavaMethod()

Get Scala variable name at runtime

Is it possible to get the name of a scala variable at runtime?
E.g. is it possible to write a function getIntVarName(variable: Int): String behaving as follows?
val myInt = 3
assert("myInt" === getIntVarName(myInt))
For what you need to do, It seems to me that runtime is not required, since you already have your myInt variable defined at compile time. If this is the case, you just need a bit of AST manipulation via a macro.
package com.natalinobusa.macros
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
object Macros {
// write macros here
def getName(x: Any): String = macro impl
def impl(c: Context)(x: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._
val p = x match {
case Select(_, TermName(s)) => s
case _ => ""
Be aware that macro's must be compiled as a separate subproject, and cannot be part of the same project where the macro substitution has to be applied. Check this template on how to define such a macro sub-project:
scala> import Macros._
import Macros._
scala> val myInt = 3
myInt: Int = 3
scala> "myInt" == getName(myInt)
res6: Boolean = true
You can use scala-nameof to get a variable name, function name, class member name, or type name. It happens at compile-time so there's no reflection involved and no runtime dependency needed.
val myInt = 3
assert("myInt" === nameOf(myInt))
will compile to:
val myInt = 3
assert("myInt" === "myInt")
Basically, it can't be done.
The JVM offers nothing by way of a Method handle (remember, Scala properties are encoded as methods in bytecode to support the uniform access principle). The closest you can get is to use reflection to find a list of methods defined on a particular class - which I appreciate doesn't help with your particular need.
It is possible to implement this as a Scala feature, but it would require a compiler plugin to grab the relevant symbol name from the AST and push it into code as a string literal, so not something I could demonstrate in a short code snippet :)
The other naming problem that often comes up in reflection is method parameters. That one at least I can help with. I have a work-in-progress reflection library here that's based on the compiler-generated scala signature as used by scalap. It's nowhere near being ready for serious use, but it is under active development.
Scala doesn't yet have much more than Java in terms of metadata like this. Keep an eye on the Scala Reflection project, but I doubt that will offer access to local variables anytime soon. In the meantime, consider a bytecode inspector library like ASM. Another big caveat: local variable names are lost during compilation, so you'd need to compile in "debug" mode to preserve them.
I don't think it's possible to get the name of a variable, but you can try it with objects:
object Test1 {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
object MyVar {
def value = 1
This prints: class Test1$MyVar$2$. So you can get 'MyVar' out of it.
This can be achieved with Scala 3 Macros (does it at compile time).
Create a Macro object (this must be in a separate file):
import scala.quoted.{Expr, Quotes}
object NameFromVariable :
def inspectCode(x: Expr[Any])(using Quotes): Expr[String] =
val name ="""\.""").last
Then you need an inline method in your class.
inline def getIntVarName(inline x: Any): Any = ${ NameFromVariable.inspectCode('x) }
And use this method, like:
val myInt = 3
assert("myInt" === getIntVarName(myInt))
See the official documentation:

scala implicit or explicit conversion from iterator to iterable

Does Scala provide a built-in class, utility, syntax, or other mechanism for converting (by wrapping) an Iterator with an Iterable?
For example, I have an Iterator[Foo] and I need an Iterable[Foo], so currently I am:
val foo1: Iterator[Foo] = ....
val foo2: Iterable[Foo] = new Iterable[Foo] {
def elements = foo1
This seems ugly and unnecessary. What's a better way?
Iterator has a toIterable method in Scala 2.8.0, but not in 2.7.7 or earlier. It's not implicit, but you could define your own implicit conversion if you need one.
You should be very careful about ever implicitly converting an Iterator into an Iterable (I normally use Iterator.toList - explicitly). The reason for this is that, by passing the result into a method (or function) which expects an Iterable, you lose control of it to the extent that your program might be broken. Here's one example:
def printTwice(itr : Iterable[String]) : Unit = {
If an Iterator were somehow implicitly convertible into an Iterable, what will the following would print?
It will (of course) only print Hello once. Very recently, the trait TraversableOnce has been added to the collections library, which unifies Iterator and Iterable. To my mind, this is arguably a mistake.
My personal preference is to use Iterator explicitly wherever possible and then use List, Set or IndexedSeq directly. I have found that I can rarely write a method which is genuinely agnostic of the type it is passed. One example:
def foo(trades: Iterable[Trade]) {"Processing %d trades", trades.toList.length) //hmmm, converted to a List
val shorts = trades.filter(_.side.isSellShort)"Found %d sell-short", shorts.toList.length) //hmmm, converted to a List again