why click event is not happening on table row? - android-widget

Programmatically I am creating tablelayout and also adding rows to it. But when I clicked on table row its not getting clicked.
In every row I am adding textview and Imageview.I have set onclickListener to tablelayout.
TextView txt = (TextView) row.getChildAt(0);
String stTitle = txt.getText().toString();
int index = strTitle.indexOf(stTitle);
Log.d("AllFeat", " index "+index);
Log.d("AllFeat", " title "+stTitle);
int id = nId.get(index);
Intent i = new Intent(CatalogPage.this,AllFeats.class);
i.putExtra("id", id);
The above code I am writing in tablelayout.setOnclickListener.

First you can set rowId using setId(nt).After calling setcontentview(view) .findViewById and setOnclickListener();


Change value of widget inside GWT flex table when other widget's value changes?

Ok, so I have a pretty specific and to me quite complicated issue, as I'm a GWT newbie.
I have a GWT flex table, which I use to dynamically add rows, whose cells contain GWT widgets. The row number changes, but the number of columns in static, always 6. Each row contains a cell with a remove button and five cells each with their own textbox.
What I need to do is somehow code a kind of relationship between the textbox in cell 6 of one row and the textbox in cell 5 in the next row (and vice versa).
To illustrate: when something changes in the textbox at [1,6] the content of textbox at [2,5] needs to be overwritten with the same value. If the textbox at [2,5] changes the textbox at [1,6] needs to change as well. I cannot use a button to commit the changes, it needs to happen via onValueChange or Blur or something similar, which doesn't require the user to perform a specific action.
My problem stems mostly from trying to figure out how to address specific cells in the flex table and their content. For the remove button the solution was easy enough with a click event handler, but for this issue I just can't seem to be able to come up with a solution.
Sadly I also cannot provide any of the code which I have up until now, since it's a business secret. I can only give a broad description of the problem like the one above.
Actually, it's probably more a problem of not having much code in terms of this specific problem.
What I have is a flex table, which has initially only the header row. Upon clicking a button below this table the addNewField() method is called, which just contains the creation, setting of default values and adding of the text fields into a new row.
addNewField() {
int rows = flextable.getRowCount();
Button removeBtn = new Button("x");
//then the button's event handler
TextBox name = new TextBox();
flextable.setWidget(rows, 0, "name");
//repeat 4 more times with incrementing columns for the other widgets
This way I add entire rows of editable TextBoxes. What I need is a way to influence the values of the 6th column TextBox of a chosen row and the 5th column TextBox of chosen row + 1.
EDIT2: I've tried the dirty option just to see how it would go and somehow the compare inside the if breaks the app. The compiler detects a nullpointerexception and I can't even debug it with breakpoints because it fails to compile and won't start. I can't figure out why though. I threw the code directly into the event for testing purposes, so pardon the ugliness.
TextBox bis = new TextBox();
bis.setText(rows + ":10:00");
subs.setWidget(rows, 5, bis);
bis.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>()
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event)
allRows: for (int i = 0; i < subs.getRowCount(); i++)
for (int j = 0; j < subs.getCellCount(i); j++)
if ( subs.getWidget(i, j) == bis )
TextBox widgetAtColumnSix = ((TextBox) subs.getWidget(i, 5));
String text = widgetAtColumnSix.getText();
TextBox widgetAtColumnFiveRowPlusOne = ((TextBox) subs.getWidget(i + 1, 4));
break allRows;
EDIT: Since you edited your question and you dont want to use EventBus you could iterate over your FlexTable and set your TextBox value depending on your current rowIndex and cellIndex... Its not nice but it should work:
public class CellWidget extends Composite {
private TextBox nameBox;
public CellWidget() {
FlowPanel flowPanel = new FlowPanel();
Button deleteButton = new Button("x");
nameBox = new TextBox();
nameBox.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() {
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<String> event) {
notifiyTextBox(CellWidget.this, event.getValue());
public void setText(String text) {
public void notifiyTextBox(CellWidget source, String string) {
rows: for (int i = 0; i < flextable.getRowCount(); i++) {
columns: for (int j = 0; j < flextable.getCellCount(i); j++) {
if (flextable.getWidget(i, j) == source) {
CellWidget widgetAtColumnSix = ((CellWidget) flextable.getWidget(i, 5));
CellWidget widgetAtColumnFiveRowPlusOne = ((CellWidget) flextable.getWidget(i + 1, 4));
break rows;
I still would recommend using an eventbus. To make it even more convenient there is the GWT Event Binder lib, which makes using events a breeze.
So when you change a value in your textbox[2,5] it also fires your CustomEvent. All Widgets, that need to change their textbox value just need to catch...

ToggleGroup in a GXT ColumnConfig

I'm using a ColumnConfig for presenting and editing data. For the gender I wann to have RadioButtons which where defined by an enumeration.
In every row i want to have:
id | (x) male ( ) female | name | date
The only way I have found was adding a "button" with defined rendering code. But there I cannot get the values or actions for pushed radio.
ColumnConfig<SomeValueGto, String> begIdCol = createColumnConfig(begIdProvider, "Id", sizeBegId);
ColumnConfig<SomeValueGto, GenderCode> genderCol = createColumnConfig(GRID_PROPERTIES.sex(), "Sex*", sizeGender);
ColumnConfig<SomeValueGto, String> nameCol = createColumnConfig(GRID_PROPERTIES.name(), "Name*", sizeName);
ColumnConfig<SomeValueGto, Date> birthdateCol = createColumnConfig(GRID_PROPERTIES.birthdate(), "Birthdate*", sizeBirthdate);
DateCell gebCell = new DateCell(DateTimeFormat.getFormat("dd.MM.yyyy"));
//add fields to the row
List<ColumnConfig<SomeValueGto, ?>> columnList = new ArrayList<ColumnConfig<SomeValueGto, ?>>();
ColumnModel<SomeValueGto> cm = new ColumnModel<SomeValueGto>(columnList);
ListStore<SomeValueGto> gridStore = new ListStore<SomeValueGto>(GRID_PROPERTIES.id());
myGrid = new SLGrid<SomeValueGto>(gridStore, cm);
// empty entries. default ids 1/2/3
myGrid.getStore().add(new SomeValueGto(1));
myGrid.getStore().add(new SomeValueGto(2));
myGrid.getStore().add(new SomeValueGto(3));
final GridInlineEditing<SomeValueGto> editing = new GridInlineEditing<SomeValueGto>(myGrid);
editing.addEditor(nameCol, new TextField());
final SLDateField dateField = new SLDateField("date", false, true);
editing.addEditor(geburtsdatumCol, new Converter<Date, Date>() {.....}, dateField);
The helper createColumnConfig:
private <T> ColumnConfig<SomeValueGto, T> createColumnConfig(ValueProvider<SomeValueGto, T> aValueProvider, String aHeader, int aWidth) {
ColumnConfig<SomeValueGto, T> columnCol = new ColumnConfig<SomeValueGto, T>(aValueProvider);
return columnCol;
Does anyone have already solved a problem like this?
GXT Grids uses com.google.gwt.cell.client.Cell to render data in the grid. I don't think the kind of cell you want exist in GXT. So I think you will have to implement your own cell. You can take example of ColorPaletteCell, which allow the user to select a color from the cell itself.
So you will need to implement the render and onBrowserEvent methods to manage your radio buttons and what append when the user click on it.

How can I get the row, column clicked in gwt table?

I have a flextable that gets populated with data from a database.
I want to get the ROW number of the clicked row.
So far I figured out only how to get the value of a particular cell in a particular row. You have to know the position and hard code it which isn't practical.
String test =flexTable.getFlexCellFormatter().getElement(2, 2).getInnerHTML();
How can I create a ClickHandler to get the selected row?
//flexTable is a FlexTable object. Add a ClickHandler to it.
flexTable.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
//gets the index of the cell you clicked on
int cellIndex = flexTable.getCellForEvent(event).getCellIndex();
//gets the index of the row you clicked on
int rowIndex = flexTable.getCellForEvent(event).getRowIndex();
//print statements below will verify
System.out.println("cellIndex "+cellIndex);
System.out.println("rowIndex "+rowIndex);
//gets the value of the selected cell
String test =flexTable.getFlexCellFormatter().getElement(rowIndex,cellIndex ).getInnerHTML();
The FlexTable supports row spans and column spans, allowing you to layout data in a variety of ways. I think you should use CellTable or a DataGrid or for that matter even a CellList if only single column data is being displayed. To these widgets you can add a selectionhandler to which you can achieve your goal. Refer this it has some pre coded examples.

SWT - TableViewer - Refreshing Selection

I have a button that runs a method. The method gets the selected Rows in the table and adds them to an arraylist. This works well the first time executed. But if the user selected the wrong row, they will be able to re select a different row and add that selection data to the arraylist.
But with my current the code, it does not matter what row the user selects the second time the first selected data is always added to the arraylist. It is like the selection needs to be reset or refreshed before the user selects the new row.
Button Code
Button pdfButton = new Button(composite, SWT.PUSH);
pdfButton.setText("Get Plotter List");
pdfButton.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
Method Code
public void getPlotterSelection() {
selectedPlotters.clear(); <-- Clearing the ArrayList
int[] row = viewer.getTable().getSelectionIndices(); <-- Getting Current Selections
if (row.length > 0) {
for(int i = row.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
PrinterProfile pp = new PrinterProfile(aa.get(i).getPrinterName(), aa.get(i).getProfileName());
As I am writing this, I think maybe the problem is in the getSelectionIndices(). It seems to be getting the number of rows selected, but not the actual row number
The problem was in my logic. I was getting the correct Indices but using i varaible in the for loop to get the value.
for(int i = row.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
PrinterProfile pp = new PrinterProfile(aa.get(i).getPrinterName(), aa.get(i).getProfileName());
changed it to
aa.get(row[i].getPrinterName(), etc...
and it works like I thought it would
Since you are already using a TableViewer, why not get the selection from it?
IStructuredSelection selection = (IStructuredSelection) viewer.getSelection();
YourObject[] array = (YourObject[])selection.toArray();
Then you can iterate over the array and add them to your ArrayList.

Editable SWT table

How to edit SWT table Values without Using Mouse Listeners?
Do the TableEditor snippets in the below link help?
SWT Snippets
The first example in the TableEditor section uses a SelectionListener on the table (unlike the second example which uses a MouseDown event you mentioned you don't want)
You could perhaps make use of the TraverseListener or KeyListener too to help you achieve what you want.
final int EDITABLECOLUMN = 1;
tblProvisionInfo.addSelectionListener(new SelectionAdapter() {
public void widgetSelected(SelectionEvent e) {
// Clean up any previous editor control
final TableEditor editor = new TableEditor(tblProvisionInfo);
// The editor must have the same size as the cell and must
// not be any smaller than 50 pixels.
editor.horizontalAlignment = SWT.LEFT;
editor.grabHorizontal = true;
editor.minimumWidth = 50;
Control oldEditor = editor.getEditor();
if (oldEditor != null)
// Identify the selected row
TableItem item = (TableItem) e.item;
if (item == null)
// The control that will be the editor must be a child of the
// Table
Text newEditor = new Text(tblProvisionInfo, SWT.NONE);
newEditor.addModifyListener(new ModifyListener() {
public void modifyText(ModifyEvent me) {
Text text = (Text) editor.getEditor();
.setText(EDITABLECOLUMN, text.getText());
editor.setEditor(newEditor, item, EDITABLECOLUMN);
Here tblProvision is the name of your table. you can just now edit Your table by clicking on it. I have Declare EDITABLECOLUMN. this is the column that u want to edit.
If you can use JFace as well and not just pain SWT, have a look at the JFace Snippets, especially
Snippet036FocusBorderCellHighlighter - Demonstrates keyboard navigation by highlighting the currently selected cell with a focus border showing once more the flexibility of the new cell navigation support
Snippet034CellEditorPerRowNewAPI - Demonstrates different CellEditor-Types in one COLUMN with 3.3-API of JFace-Viewers
You can get or set the value of a item, for example:
Table table = new Table(parent, SWT.NONE);
TableItem item = new TableItem(table, SWT.NONE);
item.setText("My new Text");
I suggest you to us TableViewer, it is very powerful table which it you can use databinding very easy too.