Perl SCP ERROR(Asking to Continue?) - perl

Here's is what I am doing
my $username = "user";
my $password= "pass";
my $host="";
my $scpe = Net::SCP::Expect->new(user => $username,
password => $password,
preserve => 1,
recursive => 1,
When I run this code there is no error I am using unix box, $file is in my directory and have full permissions, also I have changed the directory to temp in unix box but when somebody else runs this code they get
Problem performing scp: Are you sure
you want to continue connecting
(yes/no)? at line 242
I am very confused why is it happening, as this error is not received by me

Short answer:
Raise the timeout_auto value:
my $scpe = Net::SCP::Expect->new(user => $username,
password => $password,
preserve => 1,
recursive => 1,
timeout_auto=>10, #For example - 5 should probably be plenty
Long answer.
problem performing scp
is what Net::SCP::Expect prepends to the literal error message it gets from SCP itself, so in this case
Are you sure you want to continue
connecting (yes/no)?
This usually happens because the host SCP is connecting to is not yet known.
You should set auto_yes to 1 if you want to avoid this error as the CPAN Documentation for NET::SCP::Expect explains, but I see you're already doing that.
If that doesn't help, consider raising the timeout_auto value. It defaults to 1 second, but if it takes longer for SCP to pose the 'are you sure' question (because for example the DNS looking of the host takes longer), it might not be enough.


Replace host key automatically on linux

I have a script that connects to an SFTP server with the following code:
use Net::SFTP::Foreign;
my %cfg = (
user => "$user",
password => "$password",
port => 22,
more => [-o => 'StrictHostKeyChecking no']
my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new("$host",%cfg);
I am using StrictHostKeyChecking to make sure the script automatically accepts the ssh key.
The issue begins when the server replaces the host key with new one. I get the error: WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!
So I have to manually remove the key by running ssh-keygen -R
After that the script works fine again.
I am trying to find a way to autmatically replace the key if it changes.
Technically I can run ssh-keygen -R every time the script runs, but I do not like that solution.
So far I am not able to a good automated way to replace the key.
Add another option that points UserKnownHostsFile to /dev/null should do the trick, not that it's recommend from security perspective ;-)
use Net::SFTP::Foreign;
my %cfg = (
user => "$user",
password => "$password",
port => 22,
more => [-o => 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
-o => 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null']
my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new("$host",%cfg);

How to handle Net::SFTP::Foreign invalid user or password errors?

I am using Net::SFTP::Foreign with IO::Pty.
My Login Command is:
Net::SFTP::Foreign->new(host=> $server_address,
user => $user_id,
password => $password)
or die "Could not Connect To Server $server_address: $!";
When I am passing invalid entry for server/user/password, it's not throwing the error message. It's simply hanging on the command line and not giving any output ever after 30+ minutes.
Please help how to handle the errors, if there is any invalid input parameters.
If I am passing all the valid values, its working fine.
Finally, using the following option, I am able to handle the issue.
$sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new( host=> $server_address, user => $user_id, password => $password, more=>'-vvv', timeout=>30);
This command will handle the wrong host_name, user_id or password. The job will fail after waiting for the no.of seconds given for timeout, if it is not able to establish a connection.

Not able to use 'copy_perm' option in Net::SFTP::Foreign module

I want to copy the file from remote host to the local host with the preservation of file permission, hence i tried to use the 'copy_perm' option as per the documentation of Net::SFTP::Foreign as mentioned below -
my $sftp = Net::SFTP::Foreign->new(
host => $host,
key_path => $ssh_key_path,
copy_perm => 1,
more => [ -o => 'Compression yes' ]
But I am getting the below error -
Invalid option 'copy_perm' or bad combination of options at at line 101.
The line 101 is the Net::SFTP::Foreign object creation as mentioned above.
Did i miss anything or anyone has faced same issue before?
That's because copy_perm isn't an option for the new method. You use it in get and put.

SNMP v3 with NET::SNMP working, but snmpwalk/snmpget not?

I have the following (working) perl script:
use Net::SNMP;
# create session to the host
my ($session, $error) = Net::SNMP->session(
-hostname => $hostname,
-version => 'snmpv3',
-username => 'my_user_name',
-authkey => 'my_authkey',#actually, here stands the real authkey as configured on the switch
-privkey => 'my_privkey',#same as on switch
-authprotocol => 'sha',
-privProtocol => 'des'
if (!defined($session)) {
print $error . "\n";
# retrieve a table from the remote agent
my $result = $session->get_table(
-baseoid => $MAC_OID
if (!defined($result)) {
print $session->error . "\n";
#print out the result of the snmp query
Now I wanted to use snmpwalk or snmpget with the same keys. For that, I created a snmp.conf file in .snmp of my home directory with the following content:
defSecurityName my_user_name
defContext ""
defAuthType SHA
defSecurityLevel authPriv
defAuthPassphrase my_auth_key here
defVersion 3
defPrivPassphrase my_privkey here
defPrivType DES
As I see it, I use the same credentials in the script and for snmpget. Why do I get snmpget: Authentication failure (incorrect password, community or key) ?
That depends on the version of snmpget and snmpset you use. When I tested an older version of net-snmp against my C# based SNMP agent I noticed that for SHA authen mode + DES privacy mode a bug prevented the net-snmp command line tools from generating the correct message bytes (the encryption is wrong so that no agent can decrypt it).
My suggestion is that you try to use Net::SNMP instead, as like you found out, it is not affected by the same bug.
Your problem is that you're using an authentication key for Net::SNMP and a password for the command-line net-snmp tools. Based on your Net::SNMP usage you're actually using 'localized' keys. Which means the right tokens for your snmp.conf file are:
defAuthLocalizedKey 0xHEXSTRING
defPrivLocalizedKey 0xHEXSTRING
See the snmp.conf manual page for further details.

What is the cause for the error message `SSHConnectionAborted` using Net::SSH::Expect?

While connecting to the remote host using the Net::SSH::Expect module, 2 out of 10 times I get the error SSHConnectionAborted.
I an unable to find the reason for this error and its solution. Can anybody please help me in this?
I am using the following Perl code:
my $Ssh = Net::SSH::Expect->new(
host =>,
user => Administrator,
password => Password,
raw_pty => 1,
timeout => 10,
log_stdout => 1
eval {$Ssh_Login = $Ssh->login();};
Do not use Net::SSH::Expect, it is just not reliable!
Net::SSH2, Net::OpenSSH (does not work on Cygwin or Windows) or even Net::SSH::Perl are better options.
Update: If all of those fail, Expect may still be a good option.