Cost of isEqualToString: vs. Numerical comparisons - iphone

I'm working on a project with designing a core data system for searching and cataloguing images and documents. One of the objects in my data model is a 'key word' object. Every time I add a new key word I first want to first run though all of the existing keywords to make sure it doesn't already exist in the current context.
I've read in posts here and in a lot of my reading that doing string comparisons is a far more expensive processing than some other comparison operations. Since I could easily end up having to check many thousands of words before a new addition I'm wondering if it would be worth using some method that would represent the key word strings numerically for the purpose of this process. Possibly breaking down each character in the string into a number formed from the UTF code for each character and then storing that in an ID property for each key word.
I was wondering if anyone else thought any benefit might come from this approach or if anyone else had any better ideas.

What you might useful is a suitable hash function to convert your text strings into (probably) unique numbers. (You might still have to check for collision effects.)
Comparing intrinsic numbers in C code is a much faster for several reasons. It avoids the Objective C runtime dispatch overhead. It requires accessing less total memory. And the executable code for each comparison is usually just an instruction or 3, rather than a loop with incrementers and several decision points.


POSTGRESQL JSONB column for storing follower-following relationship [duplicate]

Imagine a web form with a set of check boxes (any or all of them can be selected). I chose to save them in a comma separated list of values stored in one column of the database table.
Now, I know that the correct solution would be to create a second table and properly normalize the database. It was quicker to implement the easy solution, and I wanted to have a proof-of-concept of that application quickly and without having to spend too much time on it.
I thought the saved time and simpler code was worth it in my situation, is this a defensible design choice, or should I have normalized it from the start?
Some more context, this is a small internal application that essentially replaces an Excel file that was stored on a shared folder. I'm also asking because I'm thinking about cleaning up the program and make it more maintainable. There are some things in there I'm not entirely happy with, one of them is the topic of this question.
In addition to violating First Normal Form because of the repeating group of values stored in a single column, comma-separated lists have a lot of other more practical problems:
Can’t ensure that each value is the right data type: no way to prevent 1,2,3,banana,5
Can’t use foreign key constraints to link values to a lookup table; no way to enforce referential integrity.
Can’t enforce uniqueness: no way to prevent 1,2,3,3,3,5
Can’t delete a value from the list without fetching the whole list.
Can't store a list longer than what fits in the string column.
Hard to search for all entities with a given value in the list; you have to use an inefficient table-scan. May have to resort to regular expressions, for example in MySQL:
idlist REGEXP '[[:<:]]2[[:>:]]' or in MySQL 8.0: idlist REGEXP '\\b2\\b'
Hard to count elements in the list, or do other aggregate queries.
Hard to join the values to the lookup table they reference.
Hard to fetch the list in sorted order.
Hard to choose a separator that is guaranteed not to appear in the values
To solve these problems, you have to write tons of application code, reinventing functionality that the RDBMS already provides much more efficiently.
Comma-separated lists are wrong enough that I made this the first chapter in my book: SQL Antipatterns, Volume 1: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming.
There are times when you need to employ denormalization, but as #OMG Ponies mentions, these are exception cases. Any non-relational “optimization” benefits one type of query at the expense of other uses of the data, so be sure you know which of your queries need to be treated so specially that they deserve denormalization.
"One reason was laziness".
This rings alarm bells. The only reason you should do something like this is that you know how to do it "the right way" but you have come to the conclusion that there is a tangible reason not to do it that way.
Having said this: if the data you are choosing to store this way is data that you will never need to query by, then there may be a case for storing it in the way you have chosen.
(Some users would dispute the statement in my previous paragraph, saying that "you can never know what requirements will be added in the future". These users are either misguided or stating a religious conviction. Sometimes it is advantageous to work to the requirements you have before you.)
There are numerous questions on SO asking:
how to get a count of specific values from the comma separated list
how to get records that have only the same 2/3/etc specific value from that comma separated list
Another problem with the comma separated list is ensuring the values are consistent - storing text means the possibility of typos...
These are all symptoms of denormalized data, and highlight why you should always model for normalized data. Denormalization can be a query optimization, to be applied when the need actually presents itself.
In general anything can be defensible if it meets the requirements of your project. This doesn't mean that people will agree with or want to defend your decision...
In general, storing data in this way is suboptimal (e.g. harder to do efficient queries) and may cause maintenance issues if you modify the items in your form. Perhaps you could have found a middle ground and used an integer representing a set of bit flags instead?
Yes, I would say that it really is that bad. It's a defensible choice, but that doesn't make it correct or good.
It breaks first normal form.
A second criticism is that putting raw input results directly into a database, without any validation or binding at all, leaves you open to SQL injection attacks.
What you're calling laziness and lack of SQL knowledge is the stuff that neophytes are made of. I'd recommend taking the time to do it properly and view it as an opportunity to learn.
Or leave it as it is and learn the painful lesson of a SQL injection attack.
I needed a multi-value column, it could be implemented as an xml field
It could be converted to a comma delimited as necessary
querying an XML list in sql server using Xquery.
By being an xml field, some of the concerns can be addressed.
With CSV: Can't ensure that each value is the right data type: no way to prevent 1,2,3,banana,5
With XML: values in a tag can be forced to be the correct type
With CSV: Can't use foreign key constraints to link values to a lookup table; no way to enforce referential integrity.
With XML: still an issue
With CSV: Can't enforce uniqueness: no way to prevent 1,2,3,3,3,5
With XML: still an issue
With CSV: Can't delete a value from the list without fetching the whole list.
With XML: single items can be removed
With CSV: Hard to search for all entities with a given value in the list; you have to use an inefficient table-scan.
With XML: xml field can be indexed
With CSV: Hard to count elements in the list, or do other aggregate queries.**
With XML: not particularly hard
With CSV: Hard to join the values to the lookup table they reference.**
With XML: not particularly hard
With CSV: Hard to fetch the list in sorted order.
With XML: not particularly hard
With CSV: Storing integers as strings takes about twice as much space as storing binary integers.
With XML: storage is even worse than a csv
With CSV: Plus a lot of comma characters.
With XML: tags are used instead of commas
In short, using XML gets around some of the issues with delimited list AND can be converted to a delimited list as needed
Yes, it is that bad. My view is that if you don't like using relational databases then look for an alternative that suits you better, there are lots of interesting "NOSQL" projects out there with some really advanced features.
Well I've been using a key/value pair tab separated list in a NTEXT column in SQL Server for more than 4 years now and it works. You do lose the flexibility of making queries but on the other hand, if you have a library that persists/derpersists the key value pair then it's not a that bad idea.
I would probably take the middle ground: make each field in the CSV into a separate column in the database, but not worry much about normalization (at least for now). At some point, normalization might become interesting, but with all the data shoved into a single column you're gaining virtually no benefit from using a database at all. You need to separate the data into logical fields/columns/whatever you want to call them before you can manipulate it meaningfully at all.
If you have a fixed number of boolean fields, you could use a INT(1) NOT NULL (or BIT NOT NULL if it exists) or CHAR (0) (nullable) for each. You could also use a SET (I forget the exact syntax).

PostgreSQL using UUID vs Text as primary key

Our current PostgreSQL database is using GUID's as primary keys and storing them as a Text field.
My initial reaction to this is that trying to perform any kind of minimal cartesian join would be a nightmare of indexing trying to find all the matching records. However, perhaps my limited understanding of database indexing is wrong here.
I'm thinking that we should be using UUID as these are stored as a binary representation of the GUID where a Text is not and the amount of indexing that you get on a Text column is minimal.
It would be a significant project to change these, and I'm wondering if it would be worth it?
When dealing with UUID numbers store them as data type uuid. Always. There is simply no good reason to even consider text as alternative. Input and output is done via text representation by default anyway. The cast is very cheap.
The data type text requires more space in RAM and on disk, is slower to process and more error prone. #khampson's answer provides most of the rationale. Oddly, he doesn't seem to arrive at the same conclusion.
This has all been asked and answered and discussed before. Related questions on dba.SE with detailed explanation:
Would index lookup be noticeably faster with char vs varchar when all values are 36 chars
What is the optimal data type for an MD5 field?
Maybe you don't need UUIDs (GUIDs) at all. Consider bigint instead. It only occupies 8 bytes and is faster in every respect. It's range is often underestimated:
-9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807
That's 9.2 millions of millions of millions positive numbers. IOW, nine quintillion two hundred twenty-three quadrillion three hundred seventy-two trillion thirty-six something billion.
If you burn 1 million IDs per second (which is an insanely high number) you can keep doing so for 292471 years. And then another 292471 years for negative numbers. "Tens or hundreds of millions" is not even close.
UUID is really just for distributed systems and other special cases.
As #Kevin mentioned, the only way to know for sure with your exact data would be to compare and contrast both methods, but from what you've described, I don't see why this would be different from any other case where a string was either the primary key in a table or part of a unique index.
What can be said up front is that your indexes will probably larger, since they have to store larger string values, and in theory the comparisons for the index will take a bit longer, but I wouldn't advocate premature optimization if to do so would be painful.
In my experience, I have seen very good performance on a unique index using md5sums on a table with billions of rows. I have found it tends to be other factors about a query which tend to result in performance issues. For example, when you end up needing to query over a very large swath of the table, say hundreds of thousands of rows, a sequential scan ends up being the better choice, so that's what the query planner chooses, and it can take much longer.
There are other mitigating strategies for that type of situation, such as chunking the query and then UNIONing the results (e.g. a manual simulation of the sort of thing that would be done in Hive or Impala in the Hadoop sphere).
Re: your concern about indexing of text, while I'm sure there are some cases where a dataset produces a key distribution such that it performs terribly, GUIDs, much like md5sums, sha1's, etc. should index quite well in general and not require sequential scans (unless, as I mentioned above, you query a huge swath of the table).
One of the big factors about how an index would perform is how many unique values there are. For that reason, a boolean index on a table with a large number of rows isn't likely to help, since it basically is going to end up having a huge number of row collisions for any of the values (true, false, and potentially NULL) in the index. A GUID index, on the other hand, is likely to have a huge number of values with no collision (in theory definitionally, since they are GUIDs).
Edit in response to comment from OP:
So are you saying that a UUID guid is the same thing as a Text guid as far as the indexing goes? Our entire table structure is using Text fields with a guid-like string, but I'm not sure Postgre recognizes it as a Guid. Just a string that happens to be unique.
Not literally the same, no. However, I am saying that they should have very similar performance for this particular case, and I don't see why optimizing up front is worth doing, especially given that you say to do so would be a very involved task.
You can always change things later if, in your specific environment, you run into performance problems. However, as I mentioned earlier, I think if you hit that scenario, there are other things that would likely yield better performance than changing the PK data types.
A UUID is a 128-bit data type (so, 16 bytes), whereas text has 1 or 4 bytes of overhead plus the actual length of the string. For a GUID, that would mean a minimum of 33 bytes, but could vary significantly depending on the encoding used.
So, with that in mind, certainly indexes of text-based UUIDs will be larger since the values are larger, and comparing two strings versus two numerical values is in theory less efficient, but is not something that's likely to make a huge difference in this case, at least not usual cases.
I would not optimize up front when to do so would be a significant cost and is likely to never be needed. That bridge can be crossed if that time does come (although I would persue other query optimizations first, as I mentioned above).
Regarding whether Postgres knows the string is a GUID, it definitely does not by default. As far as it's concerned, it's just a unique string. But that should be fine for most cases, e.g. matching rows and such. If you find yourself needing some behavior that specifically requires a GUID (for example, some non-equality based comparisons where a GUID comparison may differ from a purely lexical one), then you can always cast the string to a UUID, and Postgres will treat the value as such during that query.
e.g. for a text column foo, you can do foo::uuid to cast it to a uuid.
There's also a module available for generating uuids, uuid-ossp.

Store enum MongoDB

I am storing enums for things such as ranks (administrator, moderator, user...) and achievements for each user in my Mongo database. As far as I know Mongo does not have an enum data type which means I have to store it using another type.
I have thought of storing it using integers which I would assume uses less space than storing strings for everything that could easily be expressed as an integer. Another upside I see of using integers is that if I wanted to rename an achievement or rank I could easily change it without even having to touch the database. A benefit I see for using strings is that the data requires less processing before it is used and is more human readable which could help in tracking down bugs.
Are there any better ways of storing enums in Mongo? Is there an strong reason to use either integers or strings? (trying to stay away from a which is better question)
TL;DR: Strings are probably the safer choice, and the performance difference should be negligible. Integers make sense for huge collections where the enum must be indexed. YMMV.
I have thought of storing it using integers which I would assume uses less space than storing strings for everything that could easily be expressed as an integer
other upside I see of using integers is that if I wanted to rename an achievement or rank I could easily change it without even having to touch the database.
This is a key benefit of integers in my opinion. However, it also requires you to make sure the associated values of the enum don't change. If you screw that up, you'll almost certainly wreak havoc, which is a huge disadvantage.
A benefit I see for using strings is that the data requires less processing before it is used
If you're actually using an enum data type, it's probably some kind of integer internally, so the integer should require less processing. Either way, that overhead should be negligible.
Is there an strong reason to use either integers or strings?
I'm repeating a lot of what's been said, but maybe that helps other readers. Summing up:
Mixing up the enum value map wreaks havoc. Imagine your Declined states are suddenly interpreted as Accepted, because Declined had the value '2' and now it's Accepted because you reordered the enum and forgot to assign values manually... (shudders)
Strings are more expressive
Integers take less space. Disk space doesn't matter, usually, but index space will eat RAM which is expensive.
Integer updates don't resize the object. Strings, if their lengths vary greatly, might require a reallocation. String padding and padding factor should alleviate this, though.
Integers can be flags (not yet queryable (yet), unfortunately, see SERVER-3518)
Integers can be queried by $gt / $lt so you can efficiently implement complex $or queries, though that is a rather arcane requirement and there's nothing wrong with $or queries...

What's the fastest way to create a C-compatible unbounded string in Ada?

I'm creating an Ada program for Windows that needs to be able to pass strings to some functions written in C. Until now I have been manipulating the strings in Ada using the Unbounded_String type, and then converting the data to an Interfaces.C.char_array before passing it to the C functions.
This works fine, only performance is a bit of an issue on slower, older computers. The C function is sometimes called repeatedly on a slightly modified version of a string, and requires the Unbounded_String to be converted to a similar char_array every time. The strings aren't modified by the C functions, so the only ever have to be converted to char_array.
I have thought of storing the strings in char_array, and converting from an Ada type each time the string is manipulated. The data is passed to C more often than it is changed, so it would improve performance. The problem with this approach is that often the length of the string will change, sometimes by a lot, and there is no way of knowing the maximum length beforehand.
The ideal solution would be to have something similar to an Unbounded_String only storing the string as a char_array. By this I mean something that is dynamically sized, allocating a new array when the old one isn't big enough and it should allow Ada Characters/Strings to be inserted (and also removed) into the array, converting only those characters to C chars.
Is there any (relatively) easy, fast way of doing this without having to implement it myself? Or is there any other quick way of manipulating C-compatible strings in Ada? Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
You don't mention how many objects you expect to have of your type, but I will assume that we are not talking about so many that you will be anywhere near exhausting your available address space.
Just encapsulate a sufficiently large char_array (say 10 times the largest expected size) in a private record, and create the needed operations to manipulate it.
If you're very unlucky, you may need to tell your compiler/run-time environment that you need an unusually large stack, but save that worry for when you actually experience it.

Optimizing word count

(This is rather hypothetical in nature as of right now, so I don't have too many details to offer.)
I have a flat file of random (English) words, one on each line. I need to write an efficient program to count the number of occurrences of each word. The file is big (perhaps about 1GB), but I have plenty of RAM for everything. They're stored on permanent media, so read speeds are slow, so I need to just read through it once linearly.
My two off-the-top-of-my-head ideas were to use a hash with words => no. of occurrences, or a trie with the no. of occurrences at the end node. I have enough RAM for a hash array, but I'm thinking that a trie would have as fast or faster lookups.
What approach would be best?
I think a trie with the count as the leaves could be faster.
Any decent hash table implementation will require reading the word fully, processing it using a hash function, and finally, a look-up in the table.
A trie can be implemented such that the search occurs as you are reading the word. This way, rather than doing a full look-up of the word, you could often find yourself skipping characters once you've established the unique word prefix.
For example, if you've read the characters: "torto", a trie would know that the only possible word that starts this way is tortoise.
If you can perform this inline searching faster on a word faster than the hashing algorithm can hash, you should be able to be faster.
However, this is total overkill. I rambled on since you said it was purely hypothetical, I figured you'd like a hypothetical-type of answer. Go with the most maintainable solution that performs the task in a reasonable amount of time. Micro-optimizations typically waste more time in man-hours than they save in CPU-hours.
I'd use a Dictionary object where the key is word converted to lower case and the value is the count. If the dictionary doesn't contain the word, add it with a value of 1. If it does contain the word, increment the value.
Given slow reading, it's probably not going to make any noticeable difference. The overall time will be completely dominated by the time to read the data anyway, so that's what you should work at optimizing. For the algorithm (mostly data structure, really) in memory, just use whatever happens to be most convenient in the language you find most comfortable.
A hash table is (if done right, and you said you had lots of RAM) O(1) to count a particular word, while a trie is going to be O(n) where n is the length of the word.
With a sufficiently large hash space, you'll get much better performance from a hash table than from a trie.
I think that a trie is overkill for your use case. A hash of word => # of occurrences is exactly what I would use. Even using a slow interpreted language like Perl, you can munge a 1GB file this way in just a few minutes. (I've done this before.)
I have enough RAM for a hash array, but I'm thinking that a trie would have as fast or faster lookups.
How many times will this code be run? If you're just doing it once, I'd say optimize for your time rather than your CPU's time, and just do whatever's fastest to implement (within reason). If you have a standard library function that implements a key-value interface, just use that.
If you're doing it many times, then grab a subset (or several subsets) of the data file, and benchmark your options. Without knowing more about your data set, it'd be dubious to recommend one over another.
Use Python!
Add these elements to a set data type as you go line by line, before asking whether it is in the hash table. After you know it is in the set, then add a dictionary value of 2, since you already added it to the set once before.
This will take some of the memory and computation away from asking the dictionary every single time, and instead will handle unique valued words better, at the end of the call just dump all the words that are not in the dictionary out of the set with a value of 1. (Intersect the two collections in respect to the set)
To a large extent, it depends on what you want you want to do with the data once you've captured it. See Why Use a Hash Table over a Trie (Prefix Tree)?
a simple python script:
import collections
f = file('words.txt')
counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
for line in f:
counts[line.strip()] +=1
print "\n".join("%s: %d" % (word, count) for (word, count) in counts.iteritems())