How to check out file in Git? - github

I just started using and my friend and I are working on a project. How can I pull parts of the project but check out certain files I'm working on so he doesn't work on them. He can still download the files but he won't be able to open or edit them until I upload them back and give permission?

I suppose you mean lock a file when you edit it. Git won't let you do this and it's not something you need to worry about. Instead, you can both work on the same file and then merge your changes later.

If you really want to work that way (i.e: lock files, or at least control when your friend will modify your repo), you can ask your friend to fork your repo.
That way, he/she:
will have his/her own copy of said repo
will work on any file
will rebase first with branches fetched from your repo (added as a remote on his/her fork, as described in GitHub: working with remotes)
will make pull request, allowing to decide what to include and when.

Historically version control systems provide a checkin/checkout feature. When you do a checkout, you reserve the artifact. If another person also has the same file checked out, then you get an error when trying to checkin the artifact. Not sure creating another fork is really the equivale


Persistent URL for GitHub repo subfolder

I would like to provide a URL to a subfolder of a GitHub repo in a paper I am about to submit. I thought the link should look like, but I realised now that when navigating through the repo, I need to write for the link to work. Can I assume a link with this format to be persistent, or is there a better way of ensuring that the URL is useful for a long time?
the /tree/master/ just indicates the master branch is being accessed. The link would be active till someone with edit access to the repo changes the folder structure or deletes it. If it is a repo with shared edit access, I would suggest you to fork it and make it private and then share the link from the fork so that no one would make changes to the path other than you.
It is safer to refer to a specific commit, that is:
Where COMMITID is the SHA hash of your commit, which should look like 56e05fced214c44a37759efa2dfc25a65d8ae98d
That way, you can still push changes to your repo, and the reviewers still will get access to the specific version you want.

Is there a way to automatically ask PR author to remove a folder from branch/fork?

I'm developing a Jupyter Book project with my research team on a GitHub repository (I'm a total noob at this but so are they).
Yesterday I came across a few PRs and realized that they all included a '_build' folder in their forks which gets added to the repo when you test jb build MyBook locally on your clone. I'd like to set up a bot, perhaps with GitHub Actions or ProBot that checks this and either removes the folder from their fork (No harm there) or leaves a comment that the folder should be removed before merging. (The book gets built and deployed by a GitHub-actions workflow)
As far as I can tell, bots of this kind can only check for title, body, and comments but not the contents of the fork itself. Are there tools out there to do this? If not so, please point me in some direction so I can further investigate the matter and perhaps create a workflow of my own.
Thanks in advance!
Beside adding a .gitignore, as commented, to incite any contributor to not add a folder, you might consider writing your own GitHub Action in order to reject automatically a PR if the wrong folder is detected.
You can use a GitHub Action like ArangoGutierrez/GoLinty-Action and adapt it in order to check for a folder in the checked out code.
If the test fails, you can then reject the PR.

Disable zip downloads from github

Is there any way to disable viewers to download my files from github?
I want to show my work, but I am afraid anybody can steal my code.
You can't, Github actually means you want to share something with the community, or you are showcasing your work in the open source community. Unfortunately you cannot restrict the users from downloading your content from your Repository.
Alternatively what you can do Just make your Repository private. But then in this case you are not able to make you work available to view for audience.
More you can read here :-
Disabling zip/tarballs on GitHub at the moment seems to be impossible, but it would be useful for those using git submodules, which are not included in the automatic created archives, where the repository owner could replace them with a continuous integration job with something like git-archive-all.

Unedited files not showing up in repository?

Very new to Github and I downloaded the desktop application in hopes of understanding it better. What I'm trying to do is commit/push files by dragging them into my repository folder, but they don't show in application when moved? I tried editing a txt file and as soon as I save it, it appears. I don't want to have to edit every file I add to my repository as I edit it elsewhere. How do I make the non-edited, dragged-and-dropped files appear?
Also, is there an official GitHub support forum? I can't find anything on their website where you can ask questions/etc and I'm not sure StackOverflow is the best place for this question.
That's the way how git works. It doesn't make sense to add every time the unedited files.
When it notices you added/edited/removed files, git will know that.
I pasted a file (blocks.gif) in my repository and in GitHub Desktop it I see the following (click the 1 uncommitted change) and you should see the new files there. Then you can write a commit message and commit the changes.
Also, is there an official GitHub support forum?
When you need help using GitHub, you can always contact the support team (or write an email to They are awesome people. :)

Unexpected overwriting CVS/SVN repository files in Mac Eclipse

I worked with Windows Eclipse CVS and CVS did not allow me to overwrite the latest revisions – I needed to update first. At the same time one developer working on Mac constantly overwrote my files. We looked at this problem and found that his CVS Eclipse plugin allows overwriting the latest revisions without any warning.
Now I work with Mac myself using SVN Eclipse plugin and I accidentally overwrote the latest revisions from my co developer. How to prevent this overwriting? If this overwriting happens what is the graceful way of reverting to the previous revisions and committing them back to the repository?
Wait? Something is not right here...
CVS and Subversion will never let you overwrite someone else's changes. The whole purpose of version control is to allow multiple people to work on the same files at the same time.
There are two ways version control systems do this:
Checkout and Lock: The oldest systems used a checkout and lock system. That is, you checkout the code for changes, and no one else was allowed to checkout and make changes until you checked in your changes. The problem is that someone could checkout files for a week and forget to check them back in, or go on vacation. Then, everyone else is stuck unable to work.
Checkout, and first person who commits wins: In this system, two people can checkout the same file and do their work. However, the first person who finishes their changes and commits wins. The other person must do an update which will incorporate the first person's changes into their working copy before they can commit their changes. This is what Subversion and CVS do.
So, how in the world are you losing your changes? Or, how are you overwriting the other person's changes?
Sometimes this happens if you are sharing your checked out working copy with other people. This is wrong and should never be done. Instead, each user should have their own separate independent copy of the project (Heck, you can even have multiple version if you want). When your partner checks in their changes, it shouldn't affect your files.
What will happen is that when you try to commit your changes, you will be told that your working copy is out of date. You'll have to update your working copy and that will incorporate your partner's changes into your working copy. You should then verify that everything is okay, and then commit your working copy which will now include both your and your partner changes.
Does this answer your question? Are you sharing all sharing the same directory, or do you have your own working copy? Is there something else going on?