How to make twitter login simpler by using PlainOAuth - iphone

I'm using PlainOAuth to post image to twitpic and post message to twitter home page from my iPhone app. Everything is ok, but the way user login to twitter is complex with user.
At first, user must select login flow: Pin, URL callback (URL callback seem not working, tested on simulator iOS 4.1)
Go to twitter login page to enter username and password.
Receiving pin code and return back to previous page to enter pin code.
How can I modify to make them simpler? I mean that can I just need to have a login page that allow user enter username and password (ignore enter pin step)?
I can see a lot of apps that have a very simply login way to twitter. Anyone has solution for this, please help!
Thanks in advance.

You need to register your app for xAuth with When they allow xAuth, you don't need the step with the pin anymore. xAuth as Twitter defines it is a subset of Twitter's oAuth.
See using xAuth at


How to do login with TWRequest in a user friendly manner?

After having a look at Apple TWRequest class (and example), I was surprised it has no possibilities for presenting a user with a login screen. The only way is to check if a user has entered its credentials with [TWTweetComposeViewController canSendTweet] and if no then give a message like
"Hey, you have manually to go to settings->twitter and enter the credentials. Then you should find and open our app manually and continue on"
I'm wondering does anybody use such crap functionality :) For example, Facebook iOS SDK 3 has implemented Single Sign On (SSO) that opens Safari with Facebook login screen and returns to your app after login... I guess I will need to fallback to old styled twitter integration with a lot of 3rd party stuff.
ps. I would give a try to ShareKit but I need to integrate my app with google+ which is not currently supported in ShareKit.

iPhone/ Facebook authentication without using login dialog

Is it possible to authenticate facebook and retrive the access token by entering the user-id and password on custom login screen ?
Application will not authorise through Safari or facebook application sdk for ios.
Application requred to enter the username and password inside the application through custom login.
Hope someone help us.
If you implement all the OAuth stuff yourself, then yes, it is possible. But why do you need to do something like that? Anyways, you can start inspecting the Facebook iOS SDK code if you really have to do it this way. -

Twitter authentication problems

i am doing an application to upload photos and comments to twitter using twit pic.But when the user enter their twitter username and password,they give a pin number and the user have to enter this pin number everytime when he uses this application.Any way to overcome this problem of entering pin number all the time?please help
I assume the PIN is from the OAuth flow. You can either:
A. Detect when the Twitter pin is displayed, do a screen-scrape for the PIN value, then do the necessary processing.
B. Use a custom value for your OAuth callback for example: oauth://callback and have your app handle the callback. That way you don't have to use the out-of-band (PIN) flow.
The Mobile pin number auth flow is mainly intended for devices that don't have full keyboards or have limited web browsers (feature phones).
Add a parameter called oauth_callback when loading the login page and when the user logs in and web view finishes loading you can detect the callback url and extract the oauth_verifier key which can then be exchanged for OAuth Tokens that your application can save.
For more information on login flow check out the twitter dev site:
Also you are targeting iOS 5 you can uses the built in Twitter.framework and TWTweetComposeViewController to send images directly to twitter.
P.S I'm the developer of HootSuite for iPhone / iPad.

Manual Login Functionality for Twitter to make a tweet only in iphone sdk

I have made a tweet Functionality in my Application.
Its working fine.
now I don't want twitter Default Authentication (ie.login) Screen for login.
I want to put my custom login screen which has two text field of username and password.
and one tweet button.
now on tweet button click I want to direct post tweet on twitter like old twitter modules.
I heart that its done using Xouth .
if it is possible then any code or links for that??
I want any solution for that???..
it is happen in BBC ipad App.
For Manual Login , you need Xauth Twitter Access ,
refer these source codes & Links,

Twitter integration in iPhone application

I integrated twitter in my app through oauth engine. When opening the twitter view its displays the twitter login page by default. But that screen not going without login into twitter. When I want to quit that page that can't possibly goback to the previous view. How can I solve this?
I think you working with the example code which u took by googling.As per my knowledge, One example code was designed like until otherwise you give twitter credential, it will show twitter login page.
You just change logic as per your need and do your job.