How to get whole index in ZEND Lucene? - zend-framework

Hi I am looking for a way to get the whole index if my query is nothing.
My lucene is a picture of my database without some unwanted content, like expired annonces...
So I would like to use only lucene to get annonces, and for that I need a way to get the whole index.
Any ideas?

This is not the answer but something wich works for me:
Using an indexKey like is_indexed, always true.
I am adding "is_indexed:1" to my query and it works...
If you have something else, let me know!

I tend to use a field which is named after the index such as:
Then the term query will return all fields. It's not pretty but it works fine.


TYPO3 queryBuilder: How to work with BINARY in where() clause?

I just have a short question.
There's no description in the following API overview of TYPO3 how to use a "BINARY" in where() clause:
What I want to achieve? this one:
WEHRE BINARY `buyer_code` = "f#F67d";
Actually I can only do the following:
$queryBuilder->expr()->eq('buyer_code', 'f#F67d')
But in this case I don't get a satisfying result for myself because I need case-sensitive here :-)
An another buyer_code exists "f#F67D" (the last char is uppercase) but I do need to look for the other one.
Thanks for helping.
Since TYPO3 is using Doctrine API here, you could try to do
->where('BINARY `buyer_code` = ' . $queryBuilder->createNamedParameter('f#F67d'))
Please keep in mind, that this query now only works for database backends, supporting the BINARY keyword!
Please have a look at Doctrine2 case-sensitive query The thread is a bit older, but seems to cover background and solution for your problem.

meteor - _id of collection items returning with trailing garbage

I'm returning collection results via a basic find() query and something odd is happening to the {{_id}} I'm receiving. Instead of just the unique id, I'm getting a bunch of trailing garbage that looks like other parts of the document. This is only happening for one collection - the exact same query works perfectly with all my other collections. I'm thinking it may have something to do with how I'm adding collection items, but I'm pretty lost. I can provide more info if needed, but I thought perhaps someone had encountered this before and could advise based on what I've described.
Here's what {{_id}} looks like for documents in the problematic collection:
Anyone know what's going on here?
NB: Here's extra information I stupidly omitted the first time:
The trailing stuff is not returned when I do I find().fetch(). It's only when I use the easy-search package ( link ) that this happens. Sorry for the lack of clarity earlier.
The helper:{
articlesIndex: () => ArticlesIndex
...relevant parts of the template:
{{> EasySearch.Input index=articlesIndex}}
{{#EasySearch.Each index=articlesIndex}}
The hrefs in the search results are where the problematic _ids are.
Actually, it looks like I've figured it out. According to the issues on github, _id is used by the package so I have to refer to __originalId instead. Here's a link in case it helps anyone else: link

ElasticSearch - filter terms for autocomplete

I would like for an autocomplete to get the terms starting with some specific characters.However, the terms returned do not begin with the specified text ("wer" in this case), and more than that, no matter what the prefix content is, they are always the same. The query I am using now is:
I am wondering what am I missing or doing wrong. Any help much appreciated. Thanks!
Perhaps you miss a "query" entry after the facet_filter.
If this does not help try regex pattern for facets, but be aware that facets will be removed in future updates of elasticsearch.

CakePHP, MongoDB: How to search field from Collection

I want to implement functionality that will search the record from mongoDB. I am using ichikaway plugin.
I tried the cakephp like clause mentioned here, but did not worked for me :(.
please let me if there is any approach to achieve this.
Thanks in advance
After doing search around I have found solution
$conditions = array('field_name' => new MongoRegex('/'.$value.'/i'));
where i trans to case-insensitive.

Zend db table find just like fetchRow

I´m using find() to retrieve a value from the database, but It returns an array with the objects, I would like that it return to me just the object like fetchRow returns, is there any change or similar thing to do?
Thanks, and best regard´s.
Well, It was so simple, for those that are in doubt, the solution is:
$db = new News();
$row = $db->find($id)->current();
That´s it, thanks.